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选用Ti-6Al-4V钛合金作为基体在环保型电解液中制备阳极氧化膜,然后分别浸没在沸水、氟锆酸铵溶液、乙酸钙溶液中对阳极氧化膜进行封闭处理。采用扫描电镜、能谱仪和X射线衍射仪表征和分析未封闭及封闭处理后阳极氧化膜的微观形貌、化学成分与物相结构,并配制酸性氯化钠溶液作为腐蚀介质,研究未封闭及封闭处理后阳极氧化膜的耐腐蚀性能。结果表明:与未封闭阳极氧化膜相比,在沸水、氟锆酸铵溶液、乙酸钙溶液中封闭处理后阳极氧化膜中微孔数量减少,化学成分发生变化,耐腐蚀性能进一步提高,但封闭处理未影响阳极氧化膜的物相结构。在乙酸钙溶液中封闭过程中发生化学反应,生成水合二氧化钛、氢氧化钛、氢氧化钙和钛酸钙等多种产物,达到协同封闭效果,赋予封闭处理后阳极氧化膜良好的表面致密性,其耐腐蚀性能好于在沸水、氟锆酸铵溶液中封闭处理后阳极氧化膜,对钛合金的防护作用更强。  相似文献   

研究了Ti-6Al-4V在室温空气环境下的疲劳性能,获得疲劳寿命为107下的Goodman曲线.结果表明,用简化的Goodman直线代替Goodman曲线对于Ti-6Al-4V钛合金偏于保守.对断口形貌的观察表明应力比R在0附近时裂纹萌生于内部,而当应力比接近-1和1时裂纹萌生于表面.另外,研究了估算Ti-6Al-4V在不同应力比的疲劳强度估算公式,得出Ti-6Al-4V厚板和挤压件缺口试样估算公式的系数,分别为1.422和1.042.  相似文献   

针对腐蚀性环境油气田开发实际,利用高温高压釜,研究Ti-6Al-4V在盐酸溴化锌加重溶液中的失重腐蚀速率,并利用体式显微镜及扫描电镜对试样进行腐蚀形貌观察和腐蚀膜成份分析,试验结果表明:在本文试验条件下,Ti-6Al-4V的腐蚀速率为0.1089mm/a;Ti-6Al-4V蚀坑较浅且呈开放式,未被腐蚀产物所覆盖;腐蚀膜中含有一定量Cl元素,表明Cl-是参与腐蚀反应的主要元素。  相似文献   

采用电化学法、扫描电镜法研究了钛合金Ti-6Al-4V在变形链球菌作用下的腐蚀性。将变形链球菌菌液接种至液体培养基中进行培养两天,然后把钛合金金属与培养基菌液一起共同培养,同时设置无菌组为对照组,同时进行电化学测试。腐蚀30天后,用扫描电镜观察。电化学实验结果显示,含有变形链球菌的自腐蚀腐蚀电位比无菌组低,腐蚀电流密度比无菌组大,扫描电镜结果显示,变形链球菌组的合金表面粗糙度更大。实验结果表明,变形链球菌能增加钛合金Ti-6Al-4V的腐蚀倾向和腐蚀速率。  相似文献   

阳极电压对钛合金微弧氧化膜性能的影响   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
摘要:在不同阳极电压下对Ti-6Al-4V合金进行了微弧氧化处理。考察了阳极电压对氧化膜生长速率、表面形貌、相组成及硬度的影响,并对其摩擦学性能进行了表征。研究结果表明,随着阳极电压的升高,氧化膜表面微孔数量减少,表面微孔孔径、粗糙度、氧化膜生长速率均增大,表面硬度先增大后减小。微弧氧化膜主要由Al3TiO5相和金红石TiO2相组成,随着阳极电压的升高,两者相对比例逐渐增大。阳极电压对微弧氧化膜与钢球的摩擦系数影响不大,但对磨损率影响较大,磨损率随阳极电压的升高先减小后增大,氧化膜均具有较好的耐磨性。  相似文献   

前言我厂在研制、生产某型号发动机紧固件的过程中,设计要求Ti-6Al-4V合金材料的表面处理为黄色阳极氧化,而且要求氧化膜的厚度为2~5μm。据有关资料介绍,钛合金着色阳极氧化通常是采用恒电流方式进行,即:根据零件的表面积给定电流密度,随着电压的上升,在不同的电压时段得到不同的颜色,所制得的氧化膜厚度通常在0.3μm以下,因而该工艺也称为着色阳极氧化。很显然,采用传统的阳极氧化工艺是难以达到设计规定的膜层厚度  相似文献   

钛合金脉冲阳极氧化   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
1 前言钛合金脉冲阳极氧化膜具有致密、硬度高、绝缘性好、无粉化等特点 ,可提高钛合金零件的耐磨性能 ,防止与铝合金、镁合金零件和镀镉、镀锌件及其它电性较负的金属产生接触腐蚀 ,其氧化膜能提高零件表面硬度 ,提高与表面涂层的结合力 ,可用于有机涂层或干膜润滑剂的粘接底层。脉冲阳极化对钛合金件的力学性能无不良影响 ,不降低零件的强度、塑性和疲劳极限。阳极氧化膜的色泽是由光的干涉形成的 ,通过调整工艺参数改变膜层厚度 ,可获得各种颜色膜层。2 工艺流程装挂除油流动热水洗流动冷水洗酸腐蚀流动冷水洗阳极氧化流动冷水洗封闭干…  相似文献   

Ti-6Al-4V合金表面激光熔覆NiCrBSi+5%BN涂层组织和性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Ti-6Al-4V合金具有比强度高、耐蚀性能好等优点,在航天、航空、石油和化工等新科技工业部门广泛使用。在表面激光熔覆金属-陶瓷复合涂层是改善钛合金性能的重要方式,利用XRD、SEM和EDS等分析手段对NiCrBSi+5%(质量分数)BN熔覆层的微观组织进行分析。利用HV-1000型显微维氏硬度计测试激光熔覆试样的硬度。  相似文献   

本项研究确定了防止钛合金与其它活泼金属接触时发生电偶腐蚀,防止粘结,提高其表面硬度,减少摩擦磨损的脉冲微弧阳极氧化工艺。微弧阳极氧化在L(含硫化合物)、T(含磷化合物)及若干添加剂的混合电解液中进行。由脉冲电源供电。高压、高热的微弧使零件表面发生等离子体放电现象,形成2μm-15μm致密的、高绝缘的氧化膜层。具有抗腐蚀、防粘结的功能;同时,钛合金的表面硬度得到大幅度提高。  相似文献   

镁合金脉冲阳极氧化工艺   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
采用正交实验对镁合金在碱性环保型溶液的脉冲阳极氧化工艺进行了研究,分析了周期、占空比、电流密度、溶液温度、氧化时间等工艺参数对氧化膜层性能的影响,得出了最佳工艺为周期10 m s、占空比0.05、电流密度100 mA/cm2、温度40℃。采用扫描电镜、能谱、X射线衍射、电化学等多种测试方法对氧化膜层的性能、组分、形貌、结构以及耐腐蚀性能进行了研究。结果表明,该工艺能在镁合金表面形成灰白色的氧化膜层,膜层光滑致密,与基体结合牢固。氧化膜微观为均匀多孔结构,孔径也小于直流成膜,氧化膜主要由MgO和MgA l2O4组成,膜层耐腐蚀和结合力优于传统的直流工艺制备的膜层。  相似文献   

The structural and bonding properties of Ti-6Al-4V adherends, prepared by chromic acid anodization (CAA), were studied as a function of exposure in high-temperature environments such as vacuum, air, boiling and pressurized water, and steam. Subsequent to the environmental exposure, bonds were produced and the adhesive tensile strengths measured. Long-term exposure to high temperature, dry environments did not cause structural changes to the adherend oxide but did result in poor bond strength. The failure mode in these cases was within the oxide, which was apparently weakened by the exposure. The water-and steam-exposed oxides underwent a transition from amorphous to crystalline TiO2 (with an accompanying change in oxide morphology); however, bond strength was maintained for moderate exposures at T ≤ 250°C. For exposure at T = 300°C, the bond strength was degraded severely. The latter result can be explained by a lack of porosity in the transformed oxide. SEM and XPS measurements were made on debonded surfaces to determine the loci of failure.  相似文献   

Factors Affecting the Durability of Ti-6Al-4V/Epoxy Bonds   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Factors influencing the durability of Ti-6Al-4V/epoxy interphases were studied by determining chemical and physical properties of Ti-6Al-4V adherend surfaces and by characterizing the strength and durability of Ti-6Al-4V/epoxy bonds.

Ti-6Al-4V adherend surfaces were oxidized either by chemical etch or anodization. Four principal pretreatments were studied: chromic acid anodization (CAA), sodium hydroxide anodization (SHA), phosphate fluoride acid etch (P/F) and TURCO basic etch (TURCO). The oxides were characterized by SEM, STEM, profilometry, contact angles and XPS.

All adhesive bonding was carried out using a structural epoxy, FM-300U. Both lap shear and wedge test samples were tested in hot, wet environments. The results lead to the conclusion that the interfacial area between the adhesive and adherend is the primary factor affecting bond durability.  相似文献   

由于切削过程中产生高温、刀具粘结与氧化严重,钛合金切削尤其是干切削,一直是刀具行业的重大挑战之一,而在刀具表面添加涂层是提高钛合金切削刀具寿命的有效途径。利用脉冲磁控溅射技术制备了TiB2涂层刀具,以相同基体的无涂层刀具为对照,干铣削Ti-6Al-4V钛合金,切削速度从30~100 m/min变化,研究TiB2涂层刀具的切削性能与失效机理。所制备的TiB2涂层具有(100)择优取向的六方晶体结构,组织致密。涂层硬度可高达4000 HV。切削实验发现,在30 m/min的低速时,TiB2涂层刀具的切削寿命超过无涂层刀具57%之多,当切削速度加倍到60 m/min时,刀具寿命未见下降。当切削速度增加到100 m/min时,TiB2涂层刀具与无涂层刀具切削寿命相当。TiB2涂层刀具表面氧化所产生的B2O3液化膜,起自润滑作用,可充分减少钛合金的粘结,降低摩擦力。因此,在TiB2或B2O3消失之前,TiB2涂层刀具均有良好表现。在100 m/min时,切削高温造成B2O3强烈挥发,且TiB2被氧化为多孔疏松的TiO2,刀具寿命急剧下降到无涂层刀具的水平。  相似文献   

A.M. Fekry 《Electrochimica acta》2009,54(12):3480-2606
The electrochemical behavior of pure Ti and Ti-6Al-4V alloy was investigated in oxalic acid solution using various electrochemical techniques, i.e. open circuit potential (OCP), potentiodynamic polarization, electrochemical impedance measurements (EIS) and surface examination via scanning electron microscope (SEM) technique. The influence of concentration and temperature on the electrochemical behavior of TI and its alloy were also studied. The results of polarization measurements showed that corrosion current density (icorr) increases with increasing either temperature or oxalic acid concentration for both samples. Moreover, the value of icorr for Ti was found to be lower than that for Ti-6Al-4 V alloy, where the corrosion resistance for titanium was always higher. The effect of additives as SO42− and Cl ions was studied; results indicated that the oxide film resistance (Rox) value decreases with increasing the concentration of SO42− ion. However, for Cl ion, the value of Rox decreases with increasing Cl ion concentration up to 1 mM before it starts to increase at higher concentrations. EIS and polarization results are in good agreement with each other. The obtained results were confirmed by surface examination.  相似文献   

A commercial Ti-6Al-4V alloy was treated with a pulsed-wave Nd:YAG laser under various process conditions to obtain surface oxide layer for corrosion resistance. The corrosion behaviors of bare and laser-treated Ti-6Al-4V alloy exposed to three different simulated biofluids (SBFs), namely, (1) NaCl solution, (2) Hank's solution, and (3) Cigada solution, were studied by using the electrochemical techniques like open circuit potential (OCP), Tafel analysis, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy (EIS). The Tafel analysis showed that the laser-treated Ti-6Al-4V specimens were more corrosion resistant than the bare specimens in any of the above SBFs. The various electrical equivalent circuit models were applied to fit the EIS results to further understand corrosion mechanisms due to different surface layers formed on the alloy surface before and after the laser treatment. Optical and AFM imaging techniques were used to evaluate the topographic and morphologic features of the alloy exposed to such SBFs. The corrosion behavior of the laser-treated surfaces was explained by the melting and solid-state oxidation processes, the morphology of the surface oxide, and the underlying alloy microstructure. It is realized during the present investigation that better corrosion resistance and surface stability can be achieved by oxide growth in solid-state, under a pulsed laser condition.  相似文献   

Ceramics and metal joinings have been widely employed in aerospace, dental implants, and the electronic packaging industry for fabricating multifunctional components. In this study, the 35Bi2O3-50B2O3-15ZnO (mol.%) glass has been employed for joining the ZrO2 ceramic and Ti-6Al-4V alloy. The effect of brazing temperature on the microstructure evolution, mechanical properties, and bonding mechanism of brazed joints has been analyzed. The microstructure of the ZrO2/glass/Ti-6Al-4V joints and the content of Bi4B2O9, Bi2O3 and Bi24B2O39 precipitated crystals in glass were found to be dependent on the brazing temperature. The reaction product of Bi4Ti3O12 was identified in the glass/Ti-6Al-4V interface because of the chemical reaction between the oxidized layer of Ti-6Al-4V alloy and glass. A maximum shear strength as high as 48.8 ± 5.2 MPa was obtained. Our work, thus, demonstrates that the 35Bi2O3-50B2O3-15ZnO glass is an effective bonding material for joining ZrO2 ceramic and Ti-6Al-4V alloy under low temperature in an ambient atmosphere.  相似文献   

The current work focused on the development of hydroxyapatite (HAP) coating on laser textured metallic implants using electrophoretic deposition. HAP was synthesized by sol-gel technique and its phase purity and surface morphology were confirmed by FT-IR, XRD and SEM analysis. 316 L SS and Ti-6Al-4V metal implants were polished and the surface was modified using Nd-YAG laser operating at a pulse interval of 10 ns at various overlapping rate of 0%, 25% and 50%. The laser treated surface was characterized for its surface roughness using surface profilometry and surface morphology. The surface roughness of the metallic implants was increased by increase in the overlapping rate. The prepared HAP powder was electrophoretically deposited on bare and laser textured Ti-6Al-4V and 316 L stainless steel followed by vacuum sintering at 300 °C for 2 h. Scratch analysis results showed an improvement in adhesion strength for the HAP coatings on laser treated specimens than untreated metal. Corrosion efficiency of the coated samples was studied in SBF solution using EIS and potentiodynamic polarization studies. The result from the corrosion experiments proved increased corrosion resistance property of laser textured coated samples when compared to bare alloy due to higher adhesion of HAP coating on the metal surface.  相似文献   

The durability of chromic acid-anodized Ti-6Al-4V alloy, adhesively-bonded with FM-5 supported polyimide adhesive has been studied. The performance tests compared titanium samples that had been thermally treated and bonded, and samples that were bonded and thermally treated. Following the thermal treatment, the durability was examined (1) by immersing wedge-type specimens in boiling water and measuring the crack growth and (2) by measuring the lap shear strength for single lap specimens. In the wedge tests, failure occurs within the adhesive for specimens treated at temperatures below 371°C for less than one hour. For treatments at higher temperatures and for longer periods of time, failure occurs within the anodic oxide. From the lap shear tests, the principal finding is that the lap strength decreases with increasing treatment time at constant temperature and with increasing temperature at a fixed time. For the lap specimens, failure occurs to a greater extent within the oxide as the treatment time and temperature increase. Surface analysis results indicate the formation of an aluminum fluoride species. It is reasoned that the formation of fluorine-containing materials weakens the oxide and promotes failure within the anodic oxide.  相似文献   

Structural, heat-resistant thermoplastic adhesives were evaluated in single lap bonds. The amorphous thermoplastics tested were polyphenylquinoxaline, glass filled Ultem polyetherimide, unfilled Ultem polyetherimide, and Victerex polyethersulfone. The adherend was chromic acid anodized Ti-6Al-4V, tested unprimed and primed with Lica 44 titanate. Initial bond strengths were similar for all adhesives. In general, Lica 44 titanate primer did not affect bond strength. Bond strength was not influenced by 170°C ageing, but 232°C ageing did decrease bond strength when polyphenylquinoxaline was the adhesive. Failure occurred primarily in the adhesive fillet and propagated into the unprimed or primed anodic oxide/polymer interphase.  相似文献   

The durability of chromic acid-anodized Ti-6Al-4V alloy, adhesively-bonded with FM-5 supported polyimide adhesive has been studied. The performance tests compared titanium samples that had been thermally treated and bonded, and samples that were bonded and thermally treated. Following the thermal treatment, the durability was examined (1) by immersing wedge-type specimens in boiling water and measuring the crack growth and (2) by measuring the lap shear strength for single lap specimens. In the wedge tests, failure occurs within the adhesive for specimens treated at temperatures below 371°C for less than one hour. For treatments at higher temperatures and for longer periods of time, failure occurs within the anodic oxide. From the lap shear tests, the principal finding is that the lap strength decreases with increasing treatment time at constant temperature and with increasing temperature at a fixed time. For the lap specimens, failure occurs to a greater extent within the oxide as the treatment time and temperature increase. Surface analysis results indicate the formation of an aluminum fluoride species. It is reasoned that the formation of fluorine-containing materials weakens the oxide and promotes failure within the anodic oxide.  相似文献   

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