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The Qiashikansayi granodiorite is foliated resulting in a granodioritic gneiss. Its geochemical features, such as alumina saturation index(A/CNK) of 0.81-0.99, Na2O/K2O values>1, TiO2 contents <1.0%, LREE enrichment with high fractionation factors, weakly negative or no Eu anomalies, and significant Ba and Ti negative anomalies, suggest that it is similar to a typical island arc pluton. The trace elements of the Qiashikansayi granodiorite are plotted in the island arc field in the tectonic setting discrimination diagrams as well. Cathodoluminescence images demonstrated that the zircons have clear rhythmic crystallized zoning, without any remnant core and new crystallized rim, suggesting the zircons be magmatic ones. Their U and Th contents vary in the range of 574-870 μg/g, and 279-556μg/g respectively, with the Th/U ratio in the range of 0.52-0.68. SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating yielded the 481.5±5.3 Ma age for the intrusion of the granodiorite, which is coeval with the island arc volcanic rocks in the no  相似文献   

The Jinniu Basin in southeast Hubei,located at the westernmost part of middle-lower val-ley of the Yangtze River,is one of the important vol-canic basins in East China. Volcanic rocks in the Jin-niu Basin are distributed mainly in the Majiashan Formation,the Lingxiang Formation and the Dasi Formation,consisting of rhyolite,basalt and basaltic andesite,(trachy)-basalt and basaltic trachy-andesite and (trachy)-andesite and (trachy)-dacite and rhyolite respectively,in which the Dasi volcanism is volumet-rically dominant and widespread. The Dasi volcanic rocks were selected for SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating to confirm the timing of volcanism. The results indi-cate that there exist a large amount of magmatic zir-cons characterized by high U and Th contents in the volcanic rocks. The concordia ages for 13 points are 128 ± 1Ma (MSWD = 3.0). On account of the shape of zircons and Th/U ratios,this age is considered to represent the crystallization time of the Dasi volcan-ism. The volcanic rocks in the Dasi,Majiashan and Lingxiang Formations share similar trace elementand REE partition patterns as well as Sr-Nd isotopic compositions. In combination with the regional geol-ogy,it is proposed that the southeast Hubei volcanic rocks were formed mainly during the Early Creta-ceous,just like other volcanic basins in middle-lower Yangtze valley. A lithospheric extension is also sug-gested for tectonic regime in this region in the Cre-taceous Period.  相似文献   

A great deal of studies have recently devoted to the Central Asian orogenic belt (CAOB). Some of the studies have proposed that CAOB is a tectonic frame ofcomplex mosaic fragments, link of multiple suture zone and mountain-basin coupling, and has undergon…  相似文献   

Two types of granitoids, highly deformed eugen grenitoids end undeformed fine-grained grenitoids, ere widely distributed in Gangou area, Central Tianshen Mountains, Northwest China. The augen grenitoids are high-K calc-alkaline characterized by high K20, Rb, Y and Th, and low Sr and Sr/Y. They also have high contents of large ion lithophile elements (LILE), such as Be, Rb, K and Th, and relatively low contents of high field strength elements (HFSE), such as Zr, Y and Nb. The fine-grained granitoids are calc-alkaline cherecterlzed by high Sr, low Y and HREE, similar to adakitic rocks, and with Na20/K20〈2 (1.76-1.91), high/sr (0.70689--0.70981), and negative εNd(t) (-2.4-5.3). High-precision SHRIMP U-Pb zircon dating results indicate that the Gangou augen greniUods were formed at 428 ± 10 Me, and the fine-grained granitoids were emplaced at 361 -368 Me. These geochemical and U-Pb zircon data have significant implications for the timing of closure of the Mishigou-Gangou Ocean and the evolution of the Central Tianshan orogenic belt.  相似文献   

This note reports the SHRIMP U-Pb data of zircons from the Caledonian Xiongdian eclogite, western Dabie Mountains. Zircons from the rock occur mainly in garnet and other metamorphic minerals with sharp boundaries and exhibit textures growing under metamorphic conditions. Analyses of 7 grains give 206Pb/238U ages ranging from 335 to 424 Ma, showing a certain degree of radiogenic lead loss. This suggests a minimum age of (424±5) Ma for the metamorphic zircons, as well as the high-pressure metamorphic event. The outer peripheral zone of a zircon gives 206Pb/238U age of about 300 Ma. Combined with Sm-Nd, 40Ar-39Ar, U-Pb and 207Pb/206Pb ages, the peak metamorphism of the Xiongdian eclogite is documented between 424—480 Ma.  相似文献   

In addition to the wide spread peraluminous granites, some alkaline or alkali-rich intrusive rocks were recently observed in the Wuyi Mountains. The Yangfang aegiriteaugite syenites in the Wuyi Mountains are strongly enriched in light rare earth elements (LREE), K, Ba, Ga, Zr and Y. What is more, differentiations of REE are obvious. In addition, the Yangfang aegiriteaugite syenites have also some characteristics similar to A-type granite. Zircons are selected from the Yangfang aegiriteaugite syenites for Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP-Ⅱ) U-Pb geochronology study. 15 analyses give concordant 206Pb/238U ages in a narrow range of 233—249 Ma, which correspond to a single age population with a weighted mean 206Pb/238U age of 242 4 Ma, which records the crystallization time of the aegiriteaugite syenites. It is suggested that: (1) there were early Triassic peralkaline intrusive rocks in South China; (2) the early Indosinian extension event was probably active in local area, South China. This discovery provides a new insight for farther understanding of 揑ndosinian orogeny in South China.  相似文献   

 西天山成矿带位于伊犁地块东缘,该成矿带发育大量海相火山岩型铁矿床。近年来,随着新疆新一轮铁矿找矿勘查与评价的开展,西天山成矿带勘查工作取得重大进展,相继发现了查岗诺尔、智博、备战、敦德、松湖等大型富铁矿床,该成矿带已成为新疆乃至全国重要的大型富铁矿成矿带之一。但该成矿带铁矿床研究目前仍处于初步阶段,铁矿床成因机制的研究程度较低,成矿动力学背景的讨论仍存争议,大规模铁矿床富集机制亟待解决,该类型铁矿床的勘查找矿标志急需总结。在综述国内外铁矿床分类及研究进展的基础上,分析了西天山成矿带重要铁矿床的地质特征和研究现状,并据此提出了存在的主要问题和研究展望,旨在推动西天山铁矿床的成因研究和找矿勘查。  相似文献   

Zircom U-Pb age and Hf isotope analyses were made on gneissic granite and garnet-mica two-feldspar gneiss from the Helanshan Group in the Bayan Ul-Helan Mountains area, the western block of the North China Craton (NCC). Zircons from the gneissic granite commonly show core-mantle-rim structures, with magmatic core, metamorphic mantle and rim having ages of 2323±20 Ma, 1923±28 Ma and 1856±12 Ma, respectively. The core, mantle and rim show similar Hf isotope compositions, with single-stage depleted mantle model ages (TDM1) of 2455 to 2655 Ma (19 analyses). Most of the detrital zircons from the garnet-mica two-feldspar paragneiss have a concentrated U-Pb age distribution, with a weighted mean 207Pb/206Pb age of 1978±17 Ma. A few detrital zircons are older (2871 to 2469 Ma). The age for metamorphic overgrown rim was not determined because of strong Pb loss due to their high U content. The zircons show large variation in Hf isotope composition, with TDM1 ages of 1999 to 3047 Ma. In com- bination with previous studies, the main conclusions are as follows: (1) protolith of the khondalite se- ries in the Helanshan Group formed during Palaeoproterozoic rather than the Archaean as previously considered; (2) The results lend support to the contention that there is a huge Palaeoproterozoic Khondalite (metasedimentary) Belt between the Yinshan Mountains Block and the Ordos Block in the Western Block of NCC; (3) The widely-distributed bodies of early Palaeoproterozoic orthogneisses in the Khondalite Belt might be one of the important sources for detritus material in the khondalite series; (4) Collision between the Yinshan Block, the Ordos Block and the Eastern Block occurred in the same tectonothermal event of late Palaeoproterozoic, resulting in the final assembly of the NCC.  相似文献   

Granitoidswidelyoccurincontinentalcrustandareusuallygeneratedinresponsetocontinentalgrowthandassociatedcrust-mantleinteraction.Granitoidscanbepro-ducedthroughdifferentways,ofwhichmagmamixinghasdrawnspecialattentionbecauseofitsprofoundbear-ingsoncrust-mantleinteractionandcontinentalgeody-namics[1].Themostdistinctfeatureforgranitoidsformedbymagmamixingisprobablytheoccurrenceofmaficmicrogranularenclaves(MMEs).Sofar,originforMMEsisstillhotlydebated,andavailablehypothesesconsidertheMMEsas(1)ref…  相似文献   

Analysis using the Sensitive High Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) shows that the Yongsheng pluton, located to the south of Huadian County, Jilin Province, in the North China Craton, has a zircon U-Pb isotopic emplacement age of (31.6±1.3) Ma. It is therefore the youngest exposed pluton so far recognized in eastern China. Although geochemical data indicate intensive crystal fractionation, the Sr-Nd isotopic features suggest that the magmatic source region of the lithospheric mantle was weakly depleted. This implies that the previous enriched lithospheric mantle had been replaced by juvenile asthenospheric mantle before or during the Palaeogene. This recognition has great significance for future work on the Mesozoic-Cenozoic geological evolution and deep geological processes in eastern China.  相似文献   

The 40Ar/39Ar ages indicate that the eclogite facies rocks of the Hasiate slice in the western Tianshan Mountains were formed at the early stage of Devonian (401 Ma) and had been uplifted to the greenschist facies tectonic level in the middle stage of Devonian (381 Ma). The formation and uplift of the blueschists of the Akesayi slice are constrained to the late stage of Devonian (370─364 Ma). The different tectonic slices in the high-pressure metamorphic belt have experienced the different uplift history.  相似文献   

The Tethyan Himalaya is located between the In-dus-Yarlung Zangbo suture zone to the north and HigherHimalayan crystallines to the south, paleogeographicallybelonging to the northern margin of “Greater India”. TheSangxiu Formation is used to define a series of specialstrata with rich volcanic interbeds, and is only distributedto the southeast of Yangzuoyong Co within 200 km×50 km along the eastern part of central Tethyan Hima-laya[1]. Based on overlapped relationships of strata andfos…  相似文献   

南天山伊契克巴什组生物群含有腕足、珊瑚、头足和苔藓虫动物化石,通过鉴定,其中有腕足动物Eospirifer tingia,Eospirifer sp.,Tuvaella gigantean,Nalivkinia grunewaldtiaeformis;珊瑚动物Palaeo favosites sp.,头足动物Sichuanoceras sp,和遗迹化石线形迹的Gordia属,根据化石生物群和沉积特征.作者认为该组地层时代大致应归属中志留世。从生物群生态特征来看,反映了稳定低能的正常浅海环境,说明南天山中志留世沉积海域与中国南、北海域是广泛相通的。  相似文献   

Zircons from two high-pressure granulite samples from the Yushugou ophiolitic terrane, southern Tian shan have been investigated by cathodoluminescence, LA ICPMS and ion microprobe (SHRIMP) for their internal textures, trace elemental compositions and in situ dating. The weighted mean ages of these two samples are 392±7 and 390±11 Ma, respectively, representing the granulite-facies meta morphic age of the ophiolitic terrane, and indicating that the southern Tianshan ocean initiated its northward subduction since the early Devonian.  相似文献   

Methods recently advanced for discrimination on the genesis of metamorphic zircon, such as analysis of mineral inclusions and trace elements, provide us powerful means to distinguish zircon overgrowth during high-pressure metamorphism. Zircons in ultrahigh-pressure eclogite from Qinglongshan in the Sulu terrane were studied by the SHRIMP U-Pb method in combining with trace element and mineral inclusion analyses. No inherited core was identified in the analyzed zircons by means of cathodoluminescence images. The occurrence of high-pressure metamorphic mineral inclusions in zircon, such as garnet, omphacite, rutile, and the flat HREE pattern in zircon indicate that the zircon formed at high-pressure metamorphic conditions. Therefore, a weighted average U-Pb age of 227.4±3.5 Ma obtained from such a kind of zircon is interpreted to represent the timing of peak nietamorphism for the Qinglongshan eclogite.  相似文献   

The Xilin Gol Complex was referred to the meta-morphic rocks exposed near Daqing Pasturage, east of Xilinhot, for the first time by the Hebei Geological Survey in 1958[1]. Similar metamorphic rocks have been increas-ingly identified in the Xilin Gol-Xiwuqi-Balinyouqi re-gion since then. They all are collectively grouped into the Xilin Gol Complex and considered as a part of the Bao- yintu Group (Pt1by)[1]. However, the timing of its deposi-tion and subsequent deformation and metamorphi…  相似文献   

The structure, magmatism and sedimentation within the South China Block (SCB) related to the Indosinian Orogeny had attracted considerable attention since De-prat[1] and Fromagat[2] proposed the “Indosinian move-ment” based on two unconformities between Pre-Norian and Pre-Rhaetian during Triassic in Vietnam. However, Indosinian tectonic evolution of the SCB has been long debated[3―6]. Some researchers believed that the compli-cated structure-magmatism-sedimentation within the SCB w…  相似文献   

The fluctuation of alpine timberline, which can serve as a good indicator for Holocene climate, is the syn-thetically effective results of many environmental fac-tors during geological and historical periods and mod-ern times. In recent years, researches …  相似文献   

The tonalite-trondhjemite-granodiorite (TTG) rocks in Sushui Complex of Zhongtiao Block can be divided into two series according to their zircon U-Pb ages and geochemical characteristics: one is subduction-related (SR) and the other collision-related (CR). The SR TTG rocks, together with other Late Archean island arc magmatism, were developed as a result of oceanic subduction between the Eastern and Western blocks in Late Archean; while the CR TTG rocks formed in a thickened crustal environment, which was responding to the collision between the Eastern and Western blocks in Paleoproterozoic. All these features support a model that the Zhongtiao Block is a part of the Trans-North China Orogen in the middle of North China Craton.  相似文献   

Yang  DeBin  Xu  WenLiang  Gao  Shan  Xu  YiGang  Pei  FuPing 《科学通报(英文版)》2012,57(6):651-659
Four dunite xenoliths from the Tietonggou intrusion of western Shandong,China,were subjected to SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating to constrain timing of the North China Craton(NCC) destruction,a topic of much controversy.Cathodoluminescence images revealed that 15 of the 18 zircon grains from the xenoliths display striped absorption.The rest showed oscillatory growth zoniation.All the zircons had variable contents of Th(49-3569 ppm;average,885 ppm) and U(184-5398 ppm;average,1277 ppm),and variable Th/U ratios(0.15-2.04).These zircon characteristics indicate a magmatic origin.The zircon age data can be divided into five groups:131-145,151-164,261-280,434-452,and 500-516 Ma.Group I(131-145 Ma) is consistent with timing of formation of the Tietonggou high-Mg diorites.Group II(151-164 Ma) is similar in age to Middle-Late Jurassic magmatism in the eastern NCC,which included both mantle-derived and intensive crust-derived magmatism.Group III(261-280 Ma) is similar in age to the Emeishan large igneous province,and Group IV(434-452 Ma) is similar in age to Paleozoic high-silica magmatism in the eastern NCC.Group V(500-516 Ma) may correspond to the global Pan-African event.Results indicate repeated modification of lithospheric mantle in the eastern NCC,and suggest that the most intensive modification occurred in the late Mesozoic(131-164 Ma).  相似文献   

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