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本文探讨了学校内聚力形成的主要因素 ,认为校长是其中的关键因素 ,校长正确的交往动机、健全的交往心理以及交往艺术都会对内聚力的形成产生影响 ,而在校长与学校群体或个体成员交往过程中 ,偏见和人情因素是干扰的两个主要因素  相似文献   

高职校园文化建设视觉识别的形成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
视觉识别的形成是高职校园文化建设的关键,是校园文化建设的物化形式。它是向内、向外传递文化信息的重要渠道。校园文化的视觉识别是校园各种客观实体存在的总和。包括校容、校貌、建筑物、自然物等各种设施.是校园文化的基本载体。精心打造"人文校园"、"数字校园"、"绿色校园"使校园规划、景观、环境呈现一种和谐美,是校园文化建设的基础和外在标志。高职院校在校园文化建设中,坚持视觉识别设计的原则,找出适合自身的视觉识别设计的方法,把握好视觉识别设计的关键问题,才能真正构建起既有鲜明特色、又有深厚文化底蕴和充满活力的高职校园文化的视觉识别系统。  相似文献   

In reading Cooper,Emerson,Thoreau,Mark Twain and James Baldwin,we find that there is some-thing in common in the works of these writers.All these authors are trying to find their personal identity.They are trying to find out who they are,what position they hold in society,what value and meaning of their lives are. They either speak them out in their essays directly or indirectly in the light of literary im-ages in their fiction.  相似文献   

Analysing the triad ‘understanding–personal identity–education’ in three different contexts (scientism, historicism, hermeneutics) make it possible to investigate the kind of thinking that is emphasised most in each context. The implications of thinking to educational practice are stressed at each level of interpretation. The chief shortfalls in the first two contexts are reviewed, together with their restrictive consequences for how education comes to be understood and practiced. The hermeneutic context recognises the primacy of interpretation and ‘pre‐understanding’ in all human understanding. Because of this it acknowledges the interplay that is invariably active between understanding and personal identity, and between both of these and what it means to educate. This third—hermeneutical—context is therefore offered not as any kind of final word on educational matters, but as a more appropriate and inclusive context in which education as a practice might be thought about and bettered.  相似文献   

This paper describes how two women, a university professor and a public school teacher, discovered how they had used the power of stories to develop the trust and understandings which were precursors to their engagement in collaborative teacher research. Stories became an intervention that promoted dialogue and helped to establish a collaborative identity. Collaboration between universities and public schools allows educators to engage jointly in research and rethinking of practice. The paper discusses the difficulties they experienced trying to break down barriers while bringing both voices to their writing and research. It also raises numerous questions about university/public school partnerships and the time, energy, and commitment needed to recognize the potential of this type of inquiry to the ‘world’ of teacher research.  相似文献   

论学校形象设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学校形象设计是整合学校办学资源,提高学校知名度与美誉度,实现学校可持续发展的战略选择。本就学校形象设计的三个层次、两个构成部分以及展开学校形象设计的四个步骤进行了论述。  相似文献   

帕菲特的“人格认同”理论在心灵哲学领域占有重要的地位。但帕菲特所运用的假设事例(大卫.威金斯所处理的一个病例)并不能很好地支持其观点。威金斯病例产生了一个“怪异的假设”,即分离的自我的可能性。帕菲特在此所遇到的问题是,当两部分结合在一起时,先前的每个人将如何被保存下来?如果将杰克和吉尔结合为一个人,他们每个人在新的杰克/吉尔同一体中将怎样存在?将两个人结合为一个新的人体是不可能的事情,没有理由相信结合在一起的任何一个人会存在一刹那。人格认同问题是一个十分严肃的问题,不应该进行随意的、简单化的处理。  相似文献   

教师具有的专业技能是教师专业身份的重要维度,但主要是有关教育活动的效用维度,且主要以技术性和工具性为特征.使"教育"成为可能的层面还必然涉及"价值维度",因而教育价值和教育理想在教师的专业认同中占有不可或缺的角色.教师"使命"背后的教育理想无不与个人价值密切相关.个人价值是个人认同的一个构成维度,所以,教师的专业认同与其个人认同在价值层面应是一致的.如此,教师对教育理想的反思和对其专业认同的理解与她/他对个人认同的理解分不开.哲学家利科对个人认同概念和叙事认同概念的分析,为教师反思其教育理想和理解其专业认同提供了一种可能的学习模式.  相似文献   

尝试以评价理论的态度系统为理论框架,通过定量和定性分析的方法,调查分析了自述语篇中态度资源的使用情况和分布特征。旨在说明作者如何通过态度资源体现人际互动取向和构建学术身份,以期为中国学生学习撰写自述文书以及英语写作教学提供有益借鉴。  相似文献   

Through interviews and observations, I explore how a group of white working-class boys who have family traditions in auto repair construct notions of masculinity in a public-vocational-school autoshop class in Buffalo, New York. Many of the students in this group say that they plan to open their own garages on graduation. Although there are many facets to the production of a sense of manhood, I focus on the ways in which young white males in a restructuring economy narrate a sense of self grounded in the area of work on a multiethnic shopfloor—a sphere which they ultimately coconstruct around notions of the racially deviant other. At present, there is not a lot of literature on identity formation processes among youth who are trained in school to become trades-people, particularly in relation to jobs that are typically coded male.  相似文献   

Enrollment in school choice programs is growing, so is overall support for school choice. Many have analyzed what demographic characteristics impact attitudes towards school choice. This article adds to the literature by exploring the interaction between personal decisions regarding school choice and broader support for school choice programs. Focus groups were conducted in St. Louis and Kansas City with 35 parents of school-age children. Participant responses indicate that school choice programs illicit mixed emotions from parents. Most participants personally support school choice and exercise choice themselves by sending their children to magnet, charter, or private schools. At the same time, they have reservations about broader school choice programs. As Schelling (1978) suggests, these individuals act in their own self-interest despite the impact it might have on the aggregate. More to the point, they are willing to express choice themselves, but deny it to others.  相似文献   

Robin Barrow 《Interchange》1993,24(3):225-232
The author argues that the critical question in determining whether denominational schools should receive public funding is: Does the school provide an education in accordance with publicly accepted criteria for that concept and in accordance with the dominant values in society? A public system of schooling has itsraison d'être in the need to provide a common understanding. This is not incompatible with acceptance of private schools, nor, despiteprima facie oddity, is there anything incoherent about the idea of providing state funding for private schools. So far as denominational schools go, therefore, the conclusion is that they are deserving of state support provided that they do not promote values and beliefs antithetical to the larger community, and, specifically, that they do not engage in the anti-educational practice of indoctrination.  相似文献   

“百名学者评论中国教育”专栏属常设性的 ,2 0 0 2年 1月开始并且常年接受稿件。诚请各位同仁在百忙中赐教赐稿 !来稿时注明作者姓名、性别、年龄、学位、职称、单位、职务、邮政编码、通讯地址、E -mail地址等。稿件寄下列电子信箱 :zjjh_ly @16 3.net  相似文献   

新加坡在外来文化的冲击、民族认同和国家认同的冲突以及中小学生国家意识较为淡薄的背景下,尤为注重国家认同教育。新加坡国家认同教育路径主要包含三个方面:设立相关机构和发布相关政策,将国家认同教育渗透到中小学课程中,开展丰富多彩的实践活动。借鉴新加坡中小学生国家认同教育的实践经验,我国要进一步发挥政府在国家认同教育中的主导作用;加强国家认同教育在课程中的融入;注重学校与政府、社区的合作,丰富和优化国家认同教育实践活动。  相似文献   

EPIS是对个性形象进行设计的识别系统,广播电视大学在构筑外化形象的同时,必须更加重视以远景工程,洗脑工程,充电工程,网络工程,引爆工程,情智工程为主要内涵的内在素质的提高。  相似文献   

论学校组织变革中的教师认同   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
学校组织变革的最终目标在于学校组织文化的重建,但由于文化形成的长期与稳固的特性,使得学校组织的深度变革异常困难,其具体表现为教师出于对自身价值观念的维护而怀疑、否定,甚至抵制变革。研究发现,激发教师对学校发展愿景和变革目标的认同,将有助于在学校里建立起改革取向的强势文化,动员教师投身改革的信心和动机,进而促进学校组织变革的顺利进行。  相似文献   

认同关联着认同主体的发展与利益,学校开展认同教育应遵守3个原则,即利益关涉性原则、发展关涉性原则和真实关涉性原则。  相似文献   

在全球化时代,多元文化日渐形成,跨文化交流日益频繁,文明对话日益重要.个体如何在现代多元文化境遇下强化对本民族文化的认同感和归属感,这不仅关涉到个体自身的社会化与安身立命,而且也关涉到民族文化的传承与创新.因此,从文化认同视角研究当代个体生成所面临的挑战与机遇,具有重要的理论意义和实践价值.  相似文献   

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