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地中海生态系统中土地退化,土壤侵蚀和沙漠化遥感监测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Hill  J 《遥感信息》1998,(4):34-37
简要介绍了国外应用遥感图像进行土地退化制图和监测的一种新方法。遥感图像上像元亮度值代表土地表面多种物质(土壤、植被、阴影、母岩)混合光谱辐射特征,通过多光谱图像辐射校正和典型区野外光谱测试,利用线性光谱混合模拟可以将AVIRIS和TM图像混合光谱中差异明显的几个组分进行分离,进而在各组分丰度分析的基础上,比较准确地进行植被盖度、土壤条件与土壤侵蚀的判别与制图。  相似文献   

水土流失区土地利用动态的遥感监测:以晋西三川...   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
乔玉良 《环境遥感》1992,7(3):172-181,T001

金衢盆地土地退化遥感研究:以兰溪市上华试验区为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
卢金发  黄秀华 《环境遥感》1996,11(3):177-185

土地退化遥感监测可以服务于政策制定、修复优化、效果评价以及安全预警,亟需建立和完善土地退化理论知识和遥感方法技术体系相结合的框架体系。在借鉴国内外干旱区土地退化(荒漠化)相关理论的基础上,以生态系统服务为连接,以植被-生境互动为核心,构建了生物-物理-社会经济系统耦合的干旱区土地退化监测理论框架。其次,围绕提出的理论框架,基于光谱混合分解端元空间的一致性、稳定性、包容性优势,以宽波段遥感为例建立干旱区遥感监测评价技术方法体系,主要包括当地环境知识挖掘、旱地生态系统景观要素提取、地表(生物物理)参数遥感反演与定标、旱地生态系统结构分析与制图、旱地生态系统功能量化与评价和旱地生态系统与社会经济综合模型七个部分。所建立的理论框架和技术体系可以为干旱区不同区域和尺度间土地退化遥感监测评价和对比分析提供参考。  相似文献   

在水土流失严重的区域,卫星影像是解决水土流失的问题的方法之一,通过解译卫星影像中的信息,了解水土流失的程度.利用遥感技术进行水土流失的调查,方便、快捷、可操作性强都是它的特点,非常适合区域调查与编图.文章以湖南某县为研究对象,利用分辨率更高的影像,并归纳总结识别技巧,提高识别的精度和速度.在完成解译后,对信息数据进行统...  相似文献   

多源遥感信息融合技术是一种遥感信息综合处理与分析的新方法。本文首先介绍多源遥感信息数据融合技术,然后分析和总结多源遥感信息融合技术在土地沙化监测中的应用情况。分析表明,多源遥感信息融合技术在土地沙化分析中可以提供更加准确的检测结果,具有广阔的应用前景。  相似文献   

简季  覃忠健 《遥感信息》2006,(2):50-52,62,F0002
草地植被是我国最重要的植被类型之一,是重要的可更新资源和畜牧业的原料基地,又是地球表面天然的绿色屏障,对于人类的生存和发展起着重要的作用。青海湖及湖周丰茂的草地植被不仅对湖区生态环境有着举足轻重的控制及调节作用,而且对保护东部生态环境具有重要作用。所以及时有效的对植被变化进行准确的检测,将不仅直接关系到该区畜牧业的发展,而且关系到青海湖生态环境的状况,以及生态需水量的检测。本文对ASTER遥感图像进行解译,提取植被指数进行比较分析,希冀对青海湖地区的可持续发展提供一些帮助。  相似文献   

Remote sensing monitoring of land degradation can serve policy formulation, restoration optimization, effect evaluation and security early warning, and it is urgent to establish and improve the basic theoretical framework and technical system. Based on the theory of land degradation (desertification) in arid areas in China and abroad, this paper establishes the theoretical framework of remote sensing monitoring of land degradation in arid areas coupled with bio-physical-socio-economic systems, taking ecosystem services as the link and vegetation-habitat interaction as the core. Secondly, based on the proposed theoretical framework and the consistency, stability, inclusiveness and applicability of remote sensing monitoring, a technical method system for remote sensing monitoring and evaluation in arid areas is established with wide-band remote sensing as an example, which mainly includes five parts: local environmental knowledge mining, multi-season spectral mixture decomposition, dryland ecosystem structure analysis and mapping, quantification and evaluation of dryland ecosystem function and dynamic monitoring of dryland ecosystem degradation process. The theoretical framework and technical system can provide reference for remote sensing monitoring, evaluation and comparative analysis of land degradation in different regions and scales in arid areas.  相似文献   

基于遥感的湖泊水域动态变化监测研究进展   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
湖泊动态变化作为人类面临的三大湖泊环境问题之一,成为湖泊研究的重点。遥感技术作为科学、快速、大面积的调查监测手段,在湖泊动态变化研究中应用广泛。从湖泊动态变化研究的基本原理和数据源、湖泊信息提取方法和遥感动态监测方法等几方面介绍了国内外遥感技术在湖泊动态变化研究的主要进展情况,并深入分析了各种数据源和分析方法的优缺点,同时讨论了当前湖泊遥感动态变化研究中存在的一些问题和发展的趋势。  相似文献   

基于SPOT5影像的山东南四湖地被覆盖分类研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以南四湖2006年6月中旬的两景SPOT5多光谱卫星影像为数据源,借助ERDAS Imagine和ArcView软件,运用非监督分类与人工目视解译的方法对影像进行分类处理。运用实地调查记录检验分类结果,符合率达到83.3%。依据分类结果绘制了南四湖地被覆盖图,并且计算了各种地被类型的面积。南四湖大堤内总面积为1206.9 km2,其中开阔水域占总面积的45.54%,湿地植被面积占21.06%,围网养殖区面积占15.6%,无水区的村庄、农田和林地占17.8%。南四湖地被覆盖格局主要受人为因素影响,为保护南四湖生态环境,必须禁止湖内土地围垦,控制围网养殖区,逐步恢复湿地植被。  相似文献   

土壤水分遥感反演方法概述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
就目前国内外土壤水分遥感反演方法、进展和应用现状进行了简要地回顾,比较和评价了反射率法、植被指数法、热惯量法、温度-植被指数法、微波法等方法的优缺点及适用范围,并对土壤水分遥感反演方法及发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

The Land Use/Cover Change(LUCC) and soil wind erosion intensity of the Beijing\|Tianjin sandstorm source control project region were monitored by remote sensing.The spatial and temporal patterns of LUCC and soil wind erosion in the project region were analyzed.The results showed that there was significant difference in LUCC and soil erosion intensity before and after the project was implemented.In the recent 30 years,the LUCC process mainly manifested the change from cultivated land reclamation to ecological conversion of farmland to forest and grass,with the ecological restoration and desertification effectively inhibited.The overall arable land showed an increase and then decreased.The area of arable land increased from 2000 to 2015,the area of cultivated land converted to forest and grassland was 446.10 km2 and 1 129.32 km2,with the most obvious in the west;the area of land for construction expanded obviously;the trend of unutilized land decreased significantly The type of conversion is dominated by grassland conversion to grassland with an area of 493.12 km2.The erosion-mitigating modulus of soil erosion in the project region with wind-blown sand control decreased overall,especially after the implementation of ecological engineering (p<0.001).The eastern and southern areas are covered with high-coverage grassland and soil wind erosion in the area with the main type is small;Soil wind erosion in the Hunshandake sandy land is larger,but the overall trend is decreasing.Different land use/cover types have a greater impact on soil wind erosion intensity.The order of soil wind erosion modulus is Sandy land> Sparse grass> Moderate grass>dryland> Shrub>Paddy>Dense grass> Other woods> Sparse woods> Forest;The conversion of low coverage to high coverage grassland types effectively inhibited soil erosion (-66.12%),and the increase of vegetation coverage effectively reduced soil erosion.The soil wind erosion increased (58.26%) in the surrounding area of sandy area,the soil wind erosion increasedduring the conversion process of low coverage grassland type,and the grassland was converted into sand,and the wind erosion in the dry land increased.  相似文献   

在若尔盖湿地以1989、2000、2005和2010年的Landsat TM/ETM数据为信息源提取土地覆盖以及植被覆盖度信息,结合ASTER DEM数据,在地理信息系统技术空间分析功能的支持下,依据水利行业《土壤侵蚀分类分级标准》(SL190-2007),通过叠加分析对研究区近20 a水土流失变化状况进行评估并分析了其与沼泽萎缩的关系。研究结果表明:若尔盖湿地土壤水力侵蚀面积广,但是程度轻;2000年以前水土流失程度加重,泥沙淤积是沼泽快速萎缩的原因之一;之后在相关生态环境建设和恢复措施作用下水土流失程度有所减轻,沼泽萎缩也呈减缓趋势。  相似文献   

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