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一次短期集合预报试验   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
数值模式中物理过程描述不准确是造成数值预报误差的主要来源之一,采用数值模式中不同物理过程的集合预报方案是减小模式预报误差的有效方法。本文结合一个典型的夏季东北冷涡型降水天气过程,选用不同的积云对流参数化方案、显式降水方案、辐射方案以及模式采用不同的地表分辨率构成10集合预报成员,进行了48h的预报。结果显示集合预报在总体预报效果上比各个集合成员的预报效果好,简单的集合平均就可以提高模式形势场和降水要素场的预报准确率。在集合平均提高预报准确率的同时,采用天气系统移动路径图、面条图以及降水概率预报等方法,可以增强小概率事件的预报能力。  相似文献   

检验评估是数值天气预报的一个重要组成部分,评估结果是模式改进及其产品解释应用的重要依据。利用全省1500多个包括区域自动站在内的站点观测资料,采用要素的空间分布、时间演变和统计检验3种方法评价了WRF模式对浙江省2011年夏季(6—8月)降水和温度的整体预报性能;在此基础上,进一步对比分析了不同湿过程参数化方案对梅雨典型过程的预报效果,探讨了不同微物理参数化方案和积云参数化方案对模式预报降水的影响。结果表明,WRF模式能基本预报出降水和气温的细致空间分布形态及整体演变趋势,对于主要降水落区、高温区具有较好的指示性;就浙江省区域平均而言,在实况出现较大降水期间模式预报误差较小,而在实况出现小到中雨期间误差较大,主要表现为降水量的高估和气温的低估;模式湿过程中积云参数化方案对降水影响明显,它可以导致整体雨带偏移,采用Betts-Miller-Janjic积云对流参数化方案的预报降水更接近实况。这些信息对改进模式的精细化预报能力和高分辨率数值产品的解释应用具有一定的参考作用。  相似文献   

对SAS积云参数化方案中的云底质量通量进行限制并将其应用到华南区域高分辨率模式降水预报中,分别对强对流个例和弱对流个例进行模拟和比较,分析了限制云底质量通量之后的积云参数化方案对模式降水预报的影响,并探讨了不同大小的云底质量通量限制对预报结果的敏感性。试验结果表明,对积云参数化方案进行闭合时采用不稳定能量释放假设要比原来的准平衡闭合假设更适用于中小尺度模式。对积云参数化方案的云底质量通量进行限制以后可以有效地消除对流参数化在高分辨率模式中引起的虚假降水,同时又能够合理地引入一些次网格尺度的弱对流的影响,从而改进模式的降水预报效果。敏感性试验结果表明,随着云底质量通量限制程度的变弱,对流参数化方案对模式降水预报的影响会逐渐增强;在一定大小范围内的云底质量通量限制下,强对流个例的总降水量预报结果对于不同大小的限制不如弱对流个例敏感。对两种不同的云底质量通量限制方式进行比较发现,在云底质量通量较大时完全关闭对流参数化方案可以更有效避免对流参数化引起的虚假降水。   相似文献   

青藏高原东侧"2003.8.28"暴雨的集合预报试验   总被引:12,自引:10,他引:2  
利用MM5模式和国家气象中心的T213模式的预报资料,通过研究非绝热物理过程参数化方案对高原东侧"2003.8.28"暴雨数值预报的影响特征,进行了多物理模式集合预报试验,为开展青藏高原东侧集合预报扰动技术研究进行了试验.试验结果表明,模式物理参数化方案对中尺度降水预报结果有明显影响,包括局地降水强度、空间分布型态、时间演变特征等.随着模式分辨率的提高,积云对流参数化方案将增加小雨量级降水区域,产生一些虚假降水,就现阶段模式水平而言,高分辨率集合预报应重点发展考虑强降水预报不确定性的集合预报模式系统.多物理模式集合预报的初步试验结果表明,高分辨率集合预报可以改进单一确定性预报结果不稳定的缺点,为强降水灾害性天气预报提供有价值的预报信息.  相似文献   

数值天气预报和气候预测可预报性研究的若干动力学方法   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
简要回顾了数值天气预报和气候预测可预报性研究的若干动力学方法,包括用于研究第一类可预报性问题的线性奇异向量(LSV)和条件非线性最优初始扰动(CNOP-I)方法,以及Lyapunov指数和非线性局部Lyapunov指数方法。前两种方法用于研究预报或预测的预报误差问题,可以用于估计天气预报和气候预测的最大预报误差,而且根据导致最大预报误差的初始误差结构的信息,这两种方法可以用于确定预报或预测的初值敏感区。应该指出的是,LSV是基于线性化模式,对于描述非线性大气和海洋的运动具有局限性。因而,对于非线性模式,应该选择使用CNOP-I估计最大预报误差。Lyapunov指数和非线性局部Lyapunov指数可以用于研究第一类可预报性问题中的预报时限问题,前者是基于线性模式,不能解释非线性对预报时限的影响,而非线性局部Lyapunov指数方法则考虑了非线性的影响,能够较好地估计实际天气和气候的预报时限。第二类可预报性问题的研究方法相对较少,本文仅介绍了由我国科学家提出的关于模式参数扰动的条件非线性最优参数扰动(CNOP-P)方法,该方法可以用于寻找到对预报有最大影响的参数扰动,并可以进一步确定哪些参数最应该利用观测资料进行校准。另一方面,通过对比CNOP-I和CNOP-P对预报误差的影响,可以判断导致预报不确定性的主要误差因子,进而指导人们着力改进模式或者初始场。  相似文献   

短期集合预报技术在梅雨降水预报中的试验研究   总被引:38,自引:6,他引:32       下载免费PDF全文
数值预报的误差来源于初始场和模式的误差,集合预报技术是减小这些误差的有效方法。该文以MM5模式作为试验模式框架,模式的积云参数化方案分别取Anthes-Kuo、Grell、Kain-Fritsch和Betts-Miller方案,边界层参数化方案分别取MRF和Eta方案,通过组合4种积云参数化方案和两种边界层参数化方案产生8个集合成员,对1999年华东地区梅雨期间3个降水个例进行48 h集合预报试验。结果显示不同集合成员的预报结果各不相同,积云参数化方案对降水的影响比边界层参数化方案对降水的影响大;不同集合成员预报降水的偏差也各不相同,大多存在湿偏差,量级小的降水的湿偏差程度比量级大的降水的湿偏差程度小;对于不同个例,各成员中预报效果相对较好的成员是不同的,集合平均后可以得到一个比较稳定的预报结果;从集合预报结果中还能得到客观化和定量化的降水概率预报,它能对可能发生的天气现象发出信号。  相似文献   

基于贝叶斯模式平均方法(Bayesian Model Averaging),发展了一个NINO3.4指数的多模式客观权重集合预报方法(简称OBJ)。该方法基于训练期内单个模式的预报结果,用线性回归订正单个预报的偏差,依据模式的预报效果估计单个模式的权重。利用2002年2月—2015年10月美国哥伦比亚大学国际气候与社会研究所(IRI)提供的7个单一模式对NINO3.4指数的预报结果进行OBJ试验,并采用均方根误差对多模式集合平均预报(简称ENS)和OBJ的预报结果进行检验和评估。结果表明,ENS的预报效果优于7个单一模式的预报效果,而OBJ预报效果优于ENS预报效果,其NINO3.4指数的均方根误差比ENS方法降低了4%。将单一模式预报结果按时间划分为训练期和预报期,利用独立样本估计OBJ的参数并进行预报试验,这些试验也表明,OBJ能进一步提高预报精度。   相似文献   

运用BGM扰动方案,基于ARPS和WRF模式并采用不同的物理过程参数化方案建立了一个多模式、多初值、多物理过程的中尺度超级集合预报系统,并针对2010年6月19—20日的一次华南强降水过程进行分析。结果表明:该超级集合预报系统能很好模拟这次对初值及物理过程都非常敏感的强降水过程。相对于单一确定性预报而言,该超级集合预报能显著提高预报时效,能比控制预报提前24~36小时捕捉到强降水信息。并且该集合预报优于单一模式或者单一物理过程参数化的集合预报。对本次过程而言,集合平均对物理过程参数化方面带来的不确定性的改进比对模式不确定性方面的改进大得多。对于暴雨预报而言,低层的形势场对初值及物理过程的扰动比高层要敏感得多,这也是造成这次过程各个成员预报好坏的重要原因之一。   相似文献   

基于集合Kalman滤波数据同化的热带气旋路径集合预报研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
构建了一个基于集合Kalman滤波数据同化的热带气旋集合预报系统,通过积云参数化方案和边界层参数化方案的9个不同组合,采用MM5模式进行了不同时间的短时预报。对预报结果使用“镜像法”得到18个初始成员,为同化提供初始背景集合。将人造台风作为观测场,同化后的结果作为集合预报的初值,通过不同参数组合的MM5模式进行集合预报。对2003~2004年16个台风个例的分析表明,初始成员产生方法能够对热带气旋的要素场、中心强度和位置进行合理扰动。同化结果使台风强度得到加强,结构更接近实际。基于同化的集合路径预报结果要优于未同化的集合预报。使用“镜像法”增加集合成员提高了预报准确度,路径预报误差在48小时和72小时分别低于200 km和250 km。  相似文献   

在SAS(Relaxed Arakawa-schubert Scheme)对流参数化方案中引入对流云和层状云的相互耦合机制,并通过一个台风个例对改进前后两种方案的预报效果进行了比较。试验结果表明:对于台风这种对流云和层状云相互作用非常强烈的天气系统,在对流参数化方案中引入对流云和层状云的耦合机制可以有效地提高模式对台风路径的预报水平,但是对于台风强度的预报效果不明显。考虑对流参数化和微物理过程耦合后模式的参数化降水变弱而格点降水增强,与NCEP再分析资料的对比发现,改进方案对于台风外围的大尺度温度场和湿度场的预报会有所改进,但仍然存在偏干偏冷的现象。对雨和雪的不同处理方式、不同云底条件以及是否考虑雨雪的卷入抬升三个方面进行了敏感性试验,发现72 h内模式预报结果对这些因素的差异不是很敏感。从多个个例的统计结果来看,新方案对台风路径预报的改进效果是比较稳定的。  相似文献   

文中使用四维变分同化技术将海温观测资料同化到Zebiak-Cane模式中,通过优化模式的初始场提高了模式的预报技巧.通过用理想场进行检验,说明所建立的同化伴随模式是正确的 .用文中建立的四维变分同化模式以1997年1月为初始场所做的预报结果与实况相比,结果较好.这对今后ENSO预报打下了良好的基础.  相似文献   

A four-dimensional variational (4D-Var) data assimilation method is implemented in an improved intermediate coupled model (ICM) of the tropical Pacific. A twin experiment is designed to evaluate the impact of the 4D-Var data assimilation algorithm on ENSO analysis and prediction based on the ICM. The model error is assumed to arise only from the parameter uncertainty. The “observation” of the SST anomaly, which is sampled from a “truth” model simulation that takes default parameter values and has Gaussian noise added, is directly assimilated into the assimilation model with its parameters set erroneously. Results show that 4D-Var effectively reduces the error of ENSO analysis and therefore improves the prediction skill of ENSO events compared with the non-assimilation case. These results provide a promising way for the ICM to achieve better real-time ENSO prediction.  相似文献   

设计了一个以MM5模式为基础的遗传算法同化系统,并对一次暴雨过程进行了实际降水的模拟,通过对比遗传同化和伴随同化的降水预报效果,对遗传算法同化系统的同化性能进行验证。试验结果表明,遗传算法与四维变分相结合的同化系统能有效地改善模式的初始场,使MM5模式要素预报和降水预报的准确率得到提高。  相似文献   

Large biases exist in real-time ENSO prediction, which can be attributed to uncertainties in initial conditions and model parameters. Previously, a 4 D variational(4 D-Var) data assimilation system was developed for an intermediate coupled model(ICM) and used to improve ENSO modeling through optimized initial conditions. In this paper, this system is further applied to optimize model parameters. In the ICM used, one important process for ENSO is related to the anomalous temperature of subsurface water entrained into the mixed layer(T_e), which is empirically and explicitly related to sea level(SL) variation.The strength of the thermocline effect on SST(referred to simply as "the thermocline effect") is represented by an introduced parameter, αT_e. A numerical procedure is developed to optimize this model parameter through the 4 D-Var assimilation of SST data in a twin experiment context with an idealized setting. Experiments having their initial condition optimized only,and having their initial condition plus this additional model parameter optimized, are compared. It is shown that ENSO evolution can be more effectively recovered by including the additional optimization of this parameter in ENSO modeling.The demonstrated feasibility of optimizing model parameters and initial conditions together through the 4 D-Var method provides a modeling platform for ENSO studies. Further applications of the 4 D-Var data assimilation system implemented in the ICM are also discussed.  相似文献   

The Atmospheric Infrared Sounder(AIRS) provides twice-daily global observations of brightness temperature, which can be used to retrieve the total column ozone with high spatial and temporal resolution.In order to apply the AIRS ozone data to numerical prediction of tropical cyclones, a four-dimensional variational(4DVAR) assimilation scheme on selected model levels is adopted and implemented in the mesoscale non-hydrostatic model MM5. Based on the correlation between total column ozone and potential vorticity(PV), the observation operator of each level is established and five levels with highest correlation coefficients are selected for the 4DVAR assimilation of the AIRS total column ozone observations. The results from the numerical experiments using the proposed assimilation scheme for Hurricane Earl show that the ozone data assimilation affects the PV distributions with more mesoscale information at high levels first and then influences those at middle and low levels through the so-called asymmetric penetration of PV anomalies.With the AIRS ozone data being assimilated, the warm core of Hurricane Earl is intensified, resulting in the improvement of other fields near the hurricane center. The track prediction is improved mainly due to adjustment of the steering flows in the assimilation experiment.  相似文献   

Recent advances in Global Positioning System (GPS) remote sensing technology allow for a direct estimation of the precipitable water vapor (PWV) from delayed signals transmitted by GPS satellites, which can be assimilated into numerical models with four-dimensional variational (4DVAR) data assimilation. A mesoscale model and its 4DVAR system are used to access the impacts of assimilating GPS-PWV and hourly rainfall observations on the short-range prediction of a heavy rainfall event on 20 June 2002. The heavy precipitation was induced by a sequence of meso-β-scale convective systems (MCS) along the mei-yu front in China. The experiments with GPS-PWV assimilation cluster and also eliminated the erroneous rainfall successfully simulated the evolution of the observed MCS systems found in the experiment without 4DVAR assimilation. Experiments with hourly rainfall assimilation performed similarly both on the prediction of MCS initiation and the elimination of erroneous systems, however the MCS dissipated much sooner than it did in observations. It is found that the assimilation-induced moisture perturbation and mesoscale low-level jet are helpful for the MCS generation and development. It is also discovered that spurious gravity waves may post serious limitations for the current 4DVAR algorithm, which would degrade the assimilation efficiency, especially for rainfall data. Sensitivity experiments with different observations, assimilation windows and observation weightings suggest that assimilating GPS-PWV can be quite effective, even with the assimilation window as short as 1 h. On the other hand, assimilating rainfall observations requires extreme cautions on the selection of observation weightings and the control of spurious gravity waves.  相似文献   

The numerical forecasts of mei-yu front rainstorms in China has been an important issue. The intensity and pattern of the frontal rainfall are greatly influenced by the initial fields of the numerical model. The 4-dimensional variational data assimilation technology (4DVAR) can effectively assimilate all kinds of observed data, including rainfall data at the observed stations, so that the initial fields and the precipitation forecast can both be greatly improved. The non-hydrostatic meso-scale model (MM5) and its adjoint model are used to study the development of the mei-yu front rainstorm from 1200 UTC 25 June to 0600 UTC 26 June 1999. By numerical simulation experiments and assimilation experiments, the T106 data and the observed 6-hour rainfall data are assimilated. The influences of many factors, such as the choice of the assimilated variables and the weighting coefficient, on the precipitation forecast results are studied. The numerical results show that 4DVAR is valuable and important to mei-yu front rainfall prediction.  相似文献   

针对青藏高原地区气象观测站点稀少和模式同化分析质量较低的问题,将GRAPES区域集合变分(En-3DVAR)混合同化系统应用于青藏高原地区,进行了单点理想试验和真实观测资料同化分析预报试验,分析评估青藏高原混合同化分析增量及预报误差的水平垂直结构特征及其合理性,并与中国东部平原地区进行比对。单点理想试验表明,En-3DVAR混合同化系统中背景误差协方差具备流依赖属性。真实资料混合同化试验结果表明,基于集合预报估计的分析增量具有流依赖的特征,特别是在高原地区和槽脊系统附近;青藏高原地区分析场的绝对误差总体低于3DVAR系统,其平均绝对误差在中层和高层低于平原地区,说明在青藏高原地区的改进效果略优于平原地区。需要关注的是,青藏高原地区En-3DVAR混合同化分析增量总体大于3DVAR,特别是近地面层u风分量分析增量明显偏大,这可能与青藏高原复杂地形有关。  相似文献   

Recent advances in Global Positioning System (GPS) remote sensing technology allow for a direct estimation of the precipitable water vapor (PWV) from delayed signals transmitted by GPS satellites, which can be assimilated into numerical models with four-dimensional variational (4DVAR) data assimilation. A mesoscale model and its 4DVAR system are used to access the impacts of assimilating GPS-PWV and hourly rainfall observations on the short-range prediction of a heavy rainfall event on 20 June 2002. The heavy precipitation was induced by a sequence of meso-β-scale convective systems (MCS) along the mei-yu front in China.The experiments with GPS-PWV assimilation successfully simulated the evolution of the observed MCS cluster and also eliminated the erroneous rainfall systems found in the experiment without 4DVAR assimilation. Experiments with hourly rainfall assimilation performed similarly both on the prediction of MCS initiation and the elimination of erroneous systems, however the MCS dissipated much sooner than it did in observations. It is found that the assimilation-induced moisture perturbation and mesoscale low-level jet are helpful for the MCS generation and development. It is also discovered that spurious gravity waves may post serious limitations for the current 4DVAR algorithm, which would degrade the assimilation efficiency, especially for rainfall data. Sensitivity experiments with different observations, assimilation windows and observation weightings suggest that assimilating GPS-PWV can be quite effective, even with the assimilation window as short as 1 h. On the other hand, assimilating rainfall observations requires extreme cautions on the selection of observation weightings and the control of spurious gravity waves.  相似文献   

The three-/four-dimensional variational data assimilation systems (3/4DVAR) of the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model were explored in the forecasting of two Antarctic synoptic cyclones, which had large influence on the Ross Sea/Ross Ice Shelf region in October 2007. A suite of variational data assimilation experiments, including regular 3DVAR, high-resolution 3DVAR, and 4DVAR experiments, were designed to evaluate their performances in weather analysis and forecasting in Antarctica. In general, both 4DVAR and high-resolution 3DVAR experiments showed better forecasting skill than regular 3DVAR experiments. High-resolution 3DVAR experiments were the most efficient in reducing the analysis errors of surface winds and temperature, and had the best performance during the first 24 h of forecasting. However, during the following forecast period, 4DVAR experiments showed either better or about comparable performance to high-resolution 3DVAR experiments. These results indicate that increasing the spatial resolution during 3DVAR is an economical approach to improving the weather analysis and forecasting over Antarctica. At the same time, the 4DVAR approach had a longer impact on forecasting than the high-resolution 3DVAR approach. Understandably, both of the variational assimilation approaches are promising techniques toward improving the regional analysis and forecasting over Antarctica.  相似文献   

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