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Use of traffic simulation has increased in recent decades; and this high-fidelity modelling, along with moving vehicle animation, has allowed transportation decisions to be made with better confidence. During this time, traffic engineers have been encouraged to embrace the process of calibration, in which steps are taken to reconcile simulated and field-observed performance. According to international surveys, experts, and conventional wisdom, existing (non-automated) methods of calibration have been difficult or inadequate. There has been extensive research on improved calibration methods, but many of these efforts have not produced the flexibility and practicality required by real-world engineers. With this in mind, a patent-pending (US 61/859,819) architecture for software-assisted calibration was developed to maximize practicality, flexibility, and ease-of-use. This architecture is called SASCO (i.e. Sensitivity Analysis, Self-Calibration, and Optimization). The original optimization method within SASCO was based on “directed brute force” (DBF) searching; performing exhaustive evaluation of alternatives in a discrete, user-defined search space. Simultaneous Perturbation Stochastic Approximation (SPSA) has also gained favor as an efficient method for optimizing computationally expensive, “black-box” traffic simulations, and was also implemented within SASCO. This paper uses synthetic and real-world case studies to assess the qualities of DBF and SPSA, so they can be applied in the right situations. SPSA was found to be the fastest method, which is important when calibrating numerous inputs, but DBF was more reliable. Additionally DBF was better than SPSA for sensitivity analysis, and for calibrating complex inputs. Regardless of which optimization method is selected, the SASCO architecture appears to offer a new and practice-ready level of calibration efficiency.  相似文献   

The predictions of a well-calibrated traffic simulation model are much more valid if made for various conditions. Variation in traffic can arise due to many factors such as time of day, work zones and weather. Calibration of traffic simulation models for traffic conditions requires larger datasets to capture the stochasticity in traffic conditions. In this study we use datasets spanning large time periods to incorporate variability in traffic flow, speed for various time periods. However, large data poses a challenge in terms of computational effort. With the increase in number of stochastic factors, the numerical methods suffer from the curse of dimensionality. In this study, we propose a novel methodology to address the computational complexity due to the need for the calibration of simulation models under highly stochastic traffic conditions. This methodology is based on sparse grid stochastic collocation, which, treats each stochastic factor as a different dimension and uses a limited number of points where simulation and calibration are performed. A computationally efficient interpolant is constructed to generate the full distribution of the simulated flow output. We use real-world examples to calibrate for different times of day and conditions and show that this methodology is much more efficient that the traditional Monte Carlo-type sampling. We validate the model using a hold out dataset and also show the drawback of using limited data for the calibration of a macroscopic simulation model. We also discuss the drawbacks of the predictive ability of a single calibrated model for all the conditions.  相似文献   

Node models for macroscopic simulation have attracted relatively little attention in the literature. Nevertheless, in dynamic network loading (DNL) models for congested road networks, node models are as important as the extensively studied link models. This paper provides an overview of macroscopic node models found in the literature, explaining both their contributions and shortcomings. A formulation defining a generic class of first order macroscopic node models is presented, satisfying a list of requirements necessary to produce node models with realistic, consistent results. Defining a specific node model instance of this class requires the specification of a supply constraint interaction rule and (optionally) node supply constraints. Following this theoretical discussion, specific macroscopic node model instances for unsignalized and signalized intersections are proposed. These models apply an oriented capacity proportional distribution of the available supply over the incoming links of a node. A computationally efficient algorithm to solve the node models exactly is included.  相似文献   

Congestion pricing is one of the widely contemplated methods to manage traffic congestion. The purpose of congestion pricing is to manage traffic demand generation and supply allocation by charging fees (i.e., tolling) for the use of certain roads in order to distribute traffic demand more evenly over time and space. This study presents a framework for large-scale variable congestion pricing policy determination and evaluation. The proposed framework integrates departure time choice and route choice models within a regional dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) simulation environment. The framework addresses the impact of tolling on: (1) road traffic congestion (supply side), and (2) travelers’ choice dimensions including departure time and route choices (demand side). The framework is applied to a simulation-based case study of tolling a major freeway in Toronto while capturing the regional effects across the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). The models are developed and calibrated using regional household travel survey data that reflect the heterogeneity of travelers’ attributes. The DTA model is calibrated using actual traffic counts from the Ontario Ministry of Transportation and the City of Toronto. The case study examined two tolling scenarios: flat and variable tolling. The results indicate that: (1) more benefits are attained from variable pricing, that mirrors temporal congestion patterns, due to departure time rescheduling as opposed to predominantly re-routing only in the case of flat tolling, (2) widespread spatial and temporal re-distributions of traffic demand are observed across the regional network in response to tolling a significant, yet relatively short, expressway serving Downtown Toronto, and (3) flat tolling causes major and counterproductive rerouting patterns during peak hours, which was observed to block access to the tolled facility itself.  相似文献   

Modelling lane changing and merging in microscopic traffic simulation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This paper introduces Simulation of Intelligent TRAnsport Systems (SITRAS), a massive multi-agent simulation system in which driver-vehicle objects are modelled as autonomous agents. The simulation outputs can be used for the evaluation of Intelligent Transport Systems applications such as congestion and incident management, public transport priority and dynamic route guidance. The model concepts and specifications, and the first applications of the model in the area of incident modelling in urban arterial networks were described in previous publications. This paper presents the details of the lane changing and merging algorithms developed for the SITRAS model. These models incorporate procedures for ‘forced’ and ‘co-operative’ lane changing which are essential for lane changing under congested (and incident-affected) traffic conditions. The paper describes the algorithms and presents simulation examples to demonstrate the effects of the implemented models. The results indicate that only the forced and cooperative lane changing models can produce realistic flow-speed relationships during congested conditions.  相似文献   

This paper proposes a combined usage of microscopic traffic simulation and Extreme Value Theory (EVT) for safety evaluation. Ten urban intersections in Fengxian District in Shanghai were selected in the study and three calibration strategies were applied to develop simulation models for each intersection: a base strategy with fundamental data input, a semi-calibration strategy adjusting driver behavior parameters based on Measures of Effectiveness (MOE), and a full-calibration strategy altering driver behavior parameters by both MOE and Measures of Safety (MOS). SSAM was used to extract simulated conflict data from vehicle trajectory files from VISSIM and video-based data collection was introduced to assist trained observers to collect field conflict data. EVT-based methods were then employed to model both simulated/field conflict data and derive the Estimated Annual Crash Frequency (EACF), used as Surrogate Safety Measures (SSM). PET was used for EVT measurement for three conflict types: crossing, rear-end, and lane change. EACFs based on three simulation calibration strategies were compared with field-based EACF, conventional SSM based on Traffic Conflict Techniques (TCT), and actual crash frequency, in terms of direct correlation, rank correlation, and prediction accuracy. The results showed that, MOS should be considered during simulation model calibration and EACF based on the full-calibration strategy appeared to be a better choice for simulation-based safety evaluation, compared to other candidate safety measures. In general, the combined usage of microscopic traffic simulation and EVT is a promising tool for safety evaluation.  相似文献   

Simulating driving behavior in high accuracy allows short-term prediction of traffic parameters, such as speeds and travel times, which are basic components of Advanced Traveler Information Systems (ATIS). Models with static parameters are often unable to respond to varying traffic conditions and simulate effectively the corresponding driving behavior. It has therefore been widely accepted that the model parameters vary in multiple dimensions, including across individual drivers, but also spatially across the network and temporally. While typically on-line, predictive models are macroscopic or mesoscopic, due to computational and data considerations, nowadays microscopic models are becoming increasingly practical for dynamic applications. In this research, we develop a methodology for online calibration of microscopic traffic simulation models for dynamic multi-step prediction of traffic measures, and apply it to car-following models, one of the key models in microscopic traffic simulation models. The methodology is illustrated using real trajectory data available from an experiment conducted in Naples, using a well-established car-following model. The performance of the application with the dynamic model parameters consistently outperforms the corresponding static calibrated model in all cases, and leads to less than 10% error in speed prediction even for ten steps into the future, in all considered data-sets.  相似文献   

This paper presents a real-time traffic network state estimation and prediction system with built-in decision support capabilities for traffic network management. The system provides traffic network managers with the capabilities to estimate the current network conditions, predict congestion dynamics, and generate efficient traffic management schemes for recurrent and non-recurrent congestion situations. The system adopts a closed-loop rolling horizon framework in which network state estimation and prediction modules are integrated with a traffic network manager module to generate efficient proactive traffic management schemes. The traffic network manger adopts a meta-heuristic search mechanism to construct the schemes by integrating a wide variety of control strategies. The system is applied in the context of Integrated Corridor Management (ICM), which is envisioned to provide a system approach for managing congested urban corridors. A simulation-based case study is presented for the US-75 corridor in Dallas, Texas. The results show the ability of the system to improve the overall network performance during hypothetical incident scenarios.  相似文献   

This paper presents a computationally efficient and theoretically rigorous dynamic traffic assignment (DTA) model and its solution algorithm for a number of emerging emissions and fuel consumption related applications that require both effective microscopic and macroscopic traffic stream representations. The proposed model embeds a consistent cross-resolution traffic state representation based on Newell’s simplified kinematic wave and linear car following models. Tightly coupled with a computationally efficient emission estimation package MOVES Lite, a mesoscopic simulation-based dynamic network loading framework DTALite is adapted to evaluate traffic dynamics and vehicle emission/fuel consumption impact of different traffic management strategies.  相似文献   

Increasing concerns on environment and natural resources, coupled with increasing demand for transport, put lots of pressure for improved efficiency and performance on transport systems worldwide. New technology nowadays enables fast innovation in transport, but it is the policy for deployment and operation with a systems perspective that often determines success. Smart traffic management has played important roles for continuous development of traffic systems especially in urban areas. There is, however, still lack of effort in current traffic management and planning practice prioritizing policy goals in environment and energy. This paper presents an application of a model-based framework to quantify environmental impacts and fuel efficiency of road traffic, and to evaluate optimal signal plans with respect not only to traffic mobility performance but also other important measures for sustainability. Microscopic traffic simulator is integrated with micro-scale emission model for estimation of emissions and fuel consumption at high resolution. A stochastic optimization engine is implemented to facilitate optimal signal planning for different policy goals, including delay, stop-and-goes, fuel economy etc. In order to enhance the validity of the modeling framework, both traffic and emission models are fine-tuned using data collected in a Chinese city. In addition, two microscopic traffic models are applied, and lead to consistent results for signal optimization. Two control schemes, fixed time and vehicle actuated, are optimized while multiple performance indexes are analyzed and compared for corresponding objectives. Solutions, representing compromise between different policies, are also obtained in the case study by optimizing an integrated performance index.  相似文献   

This paper studies the assignment of long-distance passenger traffic on a highway corridor network. First, we propose a traditional model for the long-distance traffic assignment considering interactions with local commuter traffic. It addresses the effect of local networks on highway corridors. An iterative algorithm is developed to solve for the exact solution. Then, to address the potential computational issues that arise therein, a decomposition method is proposed by introducing a new concept of corridor elasticity. An assignment procedure for long-distance passenger traffic is developed accordingly. Numerical tests show that the proposed decomposition method makes significant improvements in computational performance at a small loss of optimality. This decomposition method well approximates the exact assignment from the traditional formulation, especially when the highway corridors are near-saturation. The proposed decomposition method appears practical for application.  相似文献   

Reservation-based intersection control is a revolutionary idea for using connected autonomous vehicle technologies to improve intersection controls. Vehicles individually request permission to follow precise paths through the intersection at specific times from an intersection manager agent. Previous studies have shown that reservations can reduce delays beyond optimized signals in many demand scenarios. The purpose of this paper is to demonstrate that signals can outperform reservations through theoretical and realistic examples. We present two examples that exploit the reservation protocol to prioritize vehicles on local roads over vehicles on arterials, increasing the total vehicle delay. A third theoretical example demonstrates that reservations can encourage selfish route choice leading to arbitrarily large queues. Next, we present two realistic networks taken from metropolitan planning organization data in which reservations perform worse than signals. We conclude with significantly positive results from comparing reservations and signals on the downtown Austin grid network using dynamic traffic assignment. Overall, these results indicate that network-based analyses are needed to detect adverse route choices before traffic signals can be replaced with reservation controls. In asymmetric intersections (e.g. local road-arterial intersections), reservation controls can cause several potential issues. However, in networks with more symmetric intersections such as a downtown grid, reservations have great potential to improve traffic.  相似文献   


Many urban university campuses are considered major trip attractors. Considering the multimodal and complex nature of university campus transportation planning and operation, this paper proposes a dynamic traffic simulation and assignment analysis approach and demonstrates how such a methodology can be successfully applied. Central to the research is the estimation of trip origindestinations and the calibration of a parking lot choice model. Dynamic simulation is utilized to simulate multiple modes of transportation within the transportation network while further assigning these modes with respect to various mode-specific roadway accessibilities. A multiple vehicle-class simulation analysis for planning purposes becomes a critical capability to predict how faculty and staff who once parked within the campus core choose other nearby alternate parking lots. The results highlight the effectiveness of the proposed approach in providing integrated and reliable solutions for challenging questions that face urban university campus planners and local transportation jurisdictions.  相似文献   

Variable speed limit systems where variable message signs are used to show speed limits adjusted to the prevailing road or traffic conditions are installed on motorways in many countries. The objectives of variable speed limit system installations are often to decrease the number of accidents and to increase traffic efficiency. Currently, there is an interest in exploring the potential of cooperative intelligent transport systems including communication between vehicles and/or vehicles and the infrastructure. In this paper, we study the potential benefits of introducing infrastructure to vehicle communication, autonomous vehicle control and individualized speed limits in variable speed limit systems. We do this by proposing a cooperative variable speed limit system as an extension of an existing variable speed limit system. In the proposed system, communication between the infrastructure and the vehicles is used to transmit variable speed limits to upstream vehicles before the variable message signs become visible to the drivers. The system is evaluated by the means of microscopic traffic simulation. Traffic efficiency and environmental effects are considered in the analysis. The results of the study show benefits of the infrastructure to vehicle communication, autonomous vehicle control and individualized speed limits for variable speed limit systems in the form of lower acceleration rates and thereby harmonized traffic flow and reduced exhaust emissions.  相似文献   

Classically, one mean vehicle representative of each category is used by both static and dynamic traffic noise prediction models. The spectrum associated with this mean vehicle is determined from a linear statistical regression analysis based on measurement campaigns on a track or in situ. However, the variability of individual vehicle emissions can influence predictions and hinder comparison between static and dynamic models. In order to estimate the induced bias, statistical analysis of the distributions of sound power levels emitted by the individual passage of vehicles during 82 measurement campaigns was carried out. The results show that 92% of the residual regression distributions are Gaussian and that standard deviations can reach 3.6 dBA. The value of the proposed correction term for this case study could reach 1.4 dBA for light vehicles and 1.2 dBA for heavy vehicles. This analysis also shows that the variability in sound power levels and thus the corresponding corrections are higher at the lowest speeds that correspond to urban driving conditions.  相似文献   

A Model Predictive Control (MPC) strategy for motorway traffic management, which takes into account both conventional control measures and control actions executed by vehicles equipped with Vehicle Automation and Communication Systems (VACS), is presented and evaluated using microscopic traffic simulation. A stretch of the motorway A20, which connects Rotterdam to Gouda in the Netherlands, is taken as a realistic test bed. In order to ensure the reliability of the application results, extensive speed and flow measurements, collected from the field, are used to calibrate the site’s microscopic traffic simulation model. The efficiency of the MPC framework, applied to this real sizable and complex network under realistic traffic conditions, is examined for different traffic conditions and different penetration rates of equipped vehicles. The adequacy of the control application when only VACS equipped vehicles are used as actuators, is also considered, and the related findings underline the significance of conventional control measures during a transition period or in case of increased future demand.  相似文献   

This paper focuses on modeling agents’ en-route diversion behavior under information provision. The behavior model is estimated based on naïve Bayes rules and re-calibrated using a Bayesian approach. Stated-preference driving simulator data is employed for model estimation. Bluetooth-based field data is employed for re-calibration. Then the behavior model is integrated with a simulation-based dynamic traffic assignment model. A traffic incident scenario along with variable message signs (VMS) is designed and analyzed under the context of a real-world large-scale transportation network to demonstrate the integrated model and the impact of drivers’ dynamic en-route diversion behavior on network performance. Macroscopic Fundamental Diagram (MFD) is employed as a measurement to represent traffic dynamics. This research has quantitatively evaluated the impact of information provision and en-route diversion in a VMS case study. It proposes and demonstrates an original, complete, behaviorally sound, and cost-effective modeling framework for potential analyses and evaluations related to Advanced Traffic Information System (ATIS) and real-time operational applications.  相似文献   

Existing methods for calibrating link fundamental diagrams (FDs) often focus on a limited number of links and use grouping strategies that are largely dependent on roadway physical attributes alone. In this study, we propose a big data-driven two-stage clustering framework to calibrate link FDs for freeway networks. The first stage captures, under normal traffic state, the variations of link FDs over multiple days based on which links are clustered in the second stage. Two methods, i.e. the standard k-means algorithm combined with hierarchical clustering and a modified hierarchical clustering based on the Fréchet distance, are applied in the first stage to obtain the FD parameter matrix for each link. The calibrated matrices are input into the second stage where the modified hierarchical clustering is re-employed as a static approach resulting in multiple clusters of links. To further consider the variations of link FDs, the static approach is extended by modifying the similarity measure through the principle component analysis (PCA). The resulting multivariate time-series clustering models the distributions of the FD parameters as a dynamic approach. The proposed framework is applied on the Melbourne freeway network using one-year worth of loop detector data. Results have shown that (a) similar roadway physical attributes do not necessarily result in similar link FDs, (b) the connectivity-based approach performs better in clustering link FDs as compared with the centroid-based approach, and (c) the proposed framework helps achieving a better understanding of the spatial distribution of links with similar FDs and the associated variations and distributions of the FD parameters.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the reliability of information on prevailing trip times on the links of a network as a basis for route choice decisions by individual drivers. It considers a type of information strategy in which no attempt is made by some central controller or coordinating entity to predict what the travel times on each link would be by the time it is reached by a driver that is presently at a given location. A specially modified model combining traffic simulation and path assignment capabilities is used to analyze the reliability of the real-time information supplied to the drivers. This is accomplished by comparing the supplied travel times (at the link and path levels) to the actual trip times experienced in the network after the information has been given. In addition, the quality of the decisions made by drivers on the basis of this information (under alternative path switching rules) is evaluated ex-post by comparing the actually experienced travel time (given the decision made) to the time that the driver would have experienced without the real-time information. Results of a series of simulation experiments under recurrent congestion conditions are discussed, illustrating the interactions between information reliability and user response.  相似文献   

Thanks to its high dimensionality and a usually non-convex constraint set, system optimal dynamic traffic assignment remains one of the most challenging problems in transportation research. This paper identifies two fundamental properties of the problem and uses them to design an efficient solution procedure. We first show that the non-convexity of the problem can be circumvented by first solving a relaxed problem and then applying a traffic holding elimination procedure to obtain the solution(s) of the original problem. To efficiently solve the relaxed problem, we explore the relationship between the relaxed problems based on different traffic flow models (PQ, SQ, CTM) and a minimal cost flow (MCF) problem for a special space-expansion network. It is shown that all the four problem formulations produce the same minimal system cost and share one common solution which does not involve inside queues in the network. Efficient solution algorithms such as the network simplex method can be applied to solve the MCF problem and identify such an optimal traffic pattern. Numerical examples are also presented to demonstrate the efficiency of the proposed solution procedure.  相似文献   

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