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目的 探讨氯气损害呼吸道的机制。方法 应用鼻灌洗(Nasal lavage,NAL)方法,研究17名造纸工人接触氯气前后鼻灌洗液中几种炎症标志物的浓度变化。结果 吸入氯气4周后,鼻灌洗液中尿素、尿酸、白细胞介素.8浓度明显升高,白蛋白浓度无显著性改变,白细胞介素.6未检出。结论 氯气接触可引起鼻粘膜通透性改变以及鼻粘膜上皮细胞的炎症反应。鼻灌洗操作方法简便、安全,是研究呼吸道病理生理变化的一种有效方法。  相似文献   

目的观察高氟染毒新西兰白兔某些氧化、抗氧化和血管功能指标的变化。方法 20只雄性新西兰白兔随机分为对照组,饮去离子水,饲基础饲料;高脂组,饮去离子水,饲基础饲料加0.5%胆固醇、7%蛋黄粉高脂饲料;高氟组,饮含氟质量浓度100mg/L高氟水,饲基础饲料;高氟高脂组,饮含氟质量浓度100mg/L高氟水,饲基础饲料加0.5%胆固醇、7%蛋黄粉高脂饲料,实验期6个月。于实验前、实验3个月、6个月取血氟离子电极法测血氟含量。实验6个月取血、心和肝制备组织匀浆,生化法检测超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GSH-Px)活性和丙二醛(MDA)水平;放免法检测血浆6-酮-前列腺F1α(6-keto-PGFlα)、血栓素B2(TXB2)和内皮素-1(ET-1);生化法检测血清一氧化氮合酶(NOS)、诱导型NOS(iNOS)、内皮型NOS(eNOS)活性;原位杂交法检测白细胞iNOS-mRNA和eNOS-mRNA表达。结果新西兰白兔饮用高氟水3个月、6个月时血清氟升高;6个月时血液、肝和心肌SOD、GSH-Px活性降低(P<0.01,P<0.05)、心肌MDA含量升高(P<0.05);血浆6-keto-PGFlα含量下降(P<0.01),TXB2和ET-1含量升高(P<0.01,P<0.05);血清总NOS活性下降(P<0.05),肝总NOS活力、心肌和肝iNOS活性升高(P<0.05);血白细胞iNOS-mRNA表达增强,eNOS-mRNA表达减弱(P<0.05)。析因方差分析,血清、肝和心肌SOD活性及血清MDA含量,血浆ET-1含量以及血清iNOS活性、肝总NOS活性等指标高氟与高脂具有交互增强作用(P<0.01,P<0.05)。结论高氟抑制抗氧化酶,血管内皮功能受损,机体NO代谢紊乱,此过程高氟与高脂具有一定的协同作用。  相似文献   

目的探讨Ⅱ-型拟除虫菊酯对雄性昆明种小鼠生殖系统损伤的影响。方法将50只体重18~22g的雄性昆明种小鼠随机分为5组(每组10只),即溴氰菊酯(DM)3.6、1.8mg/kg组,氯氰菊酯(CP)8.0、4.0mg/kg组,色拉油对照组;连续1个月经口灌胃染毒后处死,制备睾丸组织匀浆,采用分光光度法检测睾丸组织中谷胱甘肽还原酶(GSH-Px)、丙二醛(MDA)、总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)、羟自由基(HO.)水平的变化。结果DM3.6mg/kg组、CP8.0mg/kg组CSH-Px活力均低于对照组(P<0.05);CP4.0、8.0mg/kg组、DM3.6mg/kg组MDA含量均高于对照组(P<0.01),DM1.8mg/kg组MDA含量高于对照组(P<0.05);DM3.6mg/kg组、CP8.0mg/kg组T-AOC均低于对照组(P<0.05)、HO.水平高于对照组(P<0.01)。结论Ⅱ-型拟除虫菊酯类农药可引起小鼠睾丸内某些氧化和抗氧化指标的改变。  相似文献   

尘肺支气管肺泡灌洗液的变化及意义   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
尘肺支气管肺泡灌洗液的变化及意义李激陈莉当环境中各种有害物质如粉尘粒子、有毒气体等通过呼吸道进入肺部时,必然要引起肺内局部的一系列生理、病理反应如细胞群、生化成分及免疫功能的改变。这种变化既有量的差异,也有质的差别。利用支气管肺泡灌洗技术分析各种肺病...  相似文献   

臭氧对大鼠肺灌洗液某些生化指标及肺形态的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
观察O3对大鼠肺灌洗液中的某些生化指标及肺形态的影响,发现乳酸脱氢酶(LDH)和碱性磷酸酶(AKP)对O3的作用较敏感,在0.40mg/m3时与对照组比较有显著性差异,酸性磷酸酶(ACP)敏感性较差,在1.20mg/m3有显著性差异,中心肺泡区是O3作用的靶组织,0.20mg/m3可见有上皮细胞的轻度水肿,0.40~0.80mg/m3时病变进上一步加重,纤毛细胞脱落和Ⅰ、Ⅱ型细胞的变性坏死.在1.20mg/m3时局部可见有肺气肿的改变。  相似文献   

尘肺患者全肺灌洗液某些白细胞介素指标检测的意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨煤矿工人尘肺患者灌洗液中白细胞介素-12p70(IL-12p70)、IL-12p40、IL-18和IL-10水平及意义。方法用酶联免疫吸附双抗体夹心法检测59例尘肺患者(其中煤工尘肺40例、矽肺19例)灌洗液中IL-12p70、IL-12p40、IL-18和IL-10水平。结果煤工尘肺患者灌洗液IL-18水平随期别增加而明显下降;矽肺患者灌洗液IL-18水平随期别增加而上升,差异均具有显著性(P<0.01和P<0.05)。与Ⅱ、Ⅲ期煤工尘肺相比,Ⅱ、Ⅲ期矽肺患者灌洗液IL-18水平明显升高,差异有显著性(P<0.01),IL-12p70、IL-12p40和IL-10水平在各组中均无明显改变(P>0.05)。与单纯煤工尘肺比较,煤工尘肺并发肺气肿患者灌洗液IL-10水平下降,差异有显著性(P<0.05);矽肺及其并发肺气肿患者灌洗液各项检测指标无显著改变。IL-12p70、IL-12p40和IL-10三者间呈正相关,与IL-18不相关。结论尘肺患者存在异常免疫应答。检测尘肺患者全肺灌洗液IL-18和IL-10水平可能对鉴别尘肺期别及判断疾病严重程度有一定价值。  相似文献   

室内装修对鼻灌洗液中部分炎症性生物标志物的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的探讨挥发性有机化合物的吸入对鼻灌洗液中生物标志物的影响,并评价鼻灌洗方法的可行性。方法选取志愿者32人,其中室内装修油漆工为暴露组,水电工为对照组,测其肺功能;并采取鼻灌洗,测定鼻灌洗液中白细胞介素、嗜酸性粒细胞阳离子蛋白(ECP)等含量。结果油漆工1秒钟用力呼气容积(FEV1)平均为308L,比水电工明显下降。油漆工鼻灌洗液中所测炎症性生物标志物含量高于对照水电工,其中ECP含量差异具有显著性(油漆工组均值为357μgL,水电工组均值为279μgL,两组比较P<005),且ECP与肺通气功能指标FEV1之间呈显著负相关(相关系数r=-0381,P<005)。结论吸入有机挥发物可对呼吸道产生一定的炎症效应,增加鼻炎哮喘等过敏反应的可能性。鼻灌洗方法简单易行。  相似文献   

检测44名苯接触人员和86名对照人员的血清TAC、SOD活性及MDA含量。结果显示,苯能诱导人体产生脂质过氧化反应。  相似文献   

目的探讨二甲基甲酰胺(DMF)作业工人血清丙二醛(MDA)水平、谷胱甘肽过氧化酶(GSH-Px)及超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)活力的变化。方法选取DMF作业工人105人作为接触组,健康献血员30名作为对照组。接触组按接触DMF空气浓度不同分为高浓度组和低浓度组;按接触DMF工作时间不同分为长工龄组和短工龄组。检测各组血清SOD、GSH-Px的活力和MDA水平。结果GSH-Px活力在低浓度组增高、显著高于高浓度组(P<0.05)。SOD活力、MDA水平随DMF浓度的上升呈上升趋势,SOD活力不同浓度组间差异均有显著性(P<0.05),MDA水平低浓度组与高浓度组比较差异有显著性(P<0.05),低浓度组与对照组比较差异无显著性。结论高浓度DMF接触对机体有致脂质过氧化作用,可引起血清GSH-Px的活力下降,MDA水平升高。  相似文献   

[目的]研究稀土氧化钕粉尘对大鼠肺灌洗液(BALF)中细胞总数和蛋白含量的动态变化。[方法]选用SPF级健康成年雄性SD大鼠195只,体重(200±16)g,采用气管非暴露插管灌注法染尘。不同染毒时间组分别采用100 mg/kg稀土氧化钕粉尘悬液0.8 mL和0.9%生理盐水0.8 mL一次性染尘,分别于第3、7、14、21、28天各处死15只实验组大鼠和10只对照组大鼠;不同剂量组按25、50、100、150 mg/kg剂量0.8 mL一次性染尘,在染毒第28天处死各实验组大鼠15只,对照组处死10只(由于实验组染毒时间均为28 d,所以设同一对照组为不同染毒剂量组中实验组对照)。取大鼠支气管肺泡灌洗液,用白细胞计数板在显微镜下对细胞总数进行计数。ELISA法分别测定不同染毒时间组和不同染毒剂量组大鼠BALF中上清液和巨噬细胞蛋白的含量。[结果]不同染毒时间组和不同染毒剂量组中实验组大鼠较对照组大鼠BALF中细胞总数均升高(P〈0.05);且在各染毒时间组中细胞总数出现先增加后减少,在第14天达到最低值后又呈增加的变化趋势,但均高于对照组(P〈0.05)。在不同染毒剂量组中细胞总数随着染毒剂量增加而逐渐增多,细胞总数均高于对照组(P〈0.05)。不同染毒时间组中实验组大鼠较对照组大鼠BALF上清和巨噬细胞中的蛋白含量均明显增高(P〈0.01)。不同染毒剂量组中实验组大鼠较对照组大鼠BALF上清液和巨噬细胞中的蛋白含量均明显增高(P〈0.01)。不同染毒时间组大鼠BALF上清液和巨噬细胞蛋白含量出现先增加后减少,在第14天达到最低值后又呈增加的变化趋势,但均高于对照组(P〈0.05)。不同染毒剂量组中大鼠BALF上清液和巨噬细胞蛋白含量随着剂量增加而逐渐增多,蛋白含量均高于对照组(P〈0.05)。[结论]稀土氧化钕粉尘进入大鼠肺组织后,BALF中细胞总数以及上清液和巨噬细胞中蛋白含量  相似文献   

Changes in nasal lavage fluid due to formaldehyde inhalation   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Summary The aim of the study was to characterize the nature of the formaldehyde-induced nasal response consisting in symptoms of rhinitis and changes in nasal lavage fluid. Eleven healthy subjects and nine patients with specific skin sensitization were provoked in a toxicological chamber with formaldehyde at a dose of 0.5 mg/m3 over 2 h. Nasal lavage was performed prior to and immediately after provocation and 4 and 18 h later. Provocation with formaldehyde caused transient symptoms of rhinitis and prolonged changes in nasal washings. There were increases in the number and proportion of eosinophils and elevated albumin and total protein levels in nasal lavage fluid 4 and 18 h after provocation. No difference in the nasal response to formaldehyde was found between patients with skin sensitization and healthy subjects. These data confirm the irritative effects of formaldehyde and are also suggestive of nonspecific proinflammatory properties when formaldehyde is inhaled at a low (0.5 mg/m3) dose.  相似文献   

Exposure to wood dust can cause allergic and nonallergic rhinitis. Inflammatory markers [cells, albumin, tryptase, and eosinophil cationic protein (ECP)] were examined in nasal lavage fluid (NAL) sampled from 24 Industrial Arts (IA) teachers exposed to wood dust and other irritants and from 24 control subjects. The IA teachers had more nasal complaints but they did not differ significantly from the controls regarding ECP concentration (median 4.1 and 4.7 μg/L, respectively), albumin concentration (median 30.7 and 20.7 g/L), and percentage of neutrophils (median 56 and 34) in NAL. Tryptase was not detected. No marked inflammation was thus found, but the albumin concentration was higher in subjects reporting nasal stuffiness. In the IA teachers, a relationship between the percentage of neutrophils and the number of classes during the working week was found (Spearman's rank correlation coefficient 0.53, p<0.01) indicating a possibility of wood-dust-related inflammatory effects on the nasal mucosa.  相似文献   

Accumulation of protein in lung lavage fluid was used as an indicator of pulmonary damage following exposure of guinea pigs to O3. Exposure of animals to 510, 1000, or 1960 μg/m3 (0.26, 0.51, or 1.0 ppm) of O3 for 72 hr resulted in significantly elevated levels of lavage fluid protein when compared to that of air controls. This effect was not observed in animals exposed to 196 μg O3/m3 (0.10 ppm). When exposure time was reduced to 3 hr, the O3-induced protein accumulation in lavage fluids was undetectable unless the time of lavage was delayed 10–15 hr following the exposure. Under these conditions, elevated protein content was seen in lung lavage fluids obtained from animals exposed to O3 ranging from 510 to 1470 μg O3/m3 (0.26-0.75 ppm) and a dose relationship between the amount of protein accumulation in the lung and the concentration of O3 to which the animals were exposed was observed. Vitamin C deficiency did not enhance this O3-induced lesion in guinea pigs. The dose relationship has also been confirmed by polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of the lavage fluids. Lung lavage fluid protein content in animals exposed to 353 μg O3/m3 (0.18 ppm) for 8 hr/day for 5 or 10 consecutive days was not different from that of air controls.  相似文献   

鼻腔是呼吸道最先接触外来空气污染物的部位,在组织学上,鼻黏膜与气管及支气管黏膜很相似。因此,鼻腔黏膜细胞组织的炎症过程可反映或影响下呼吸道的炎性反应。鼻腔灌洗液(nasallavagefluid,NLF)中所观察到的暴露、效应等生物标志物与支气管肺泡灌洗(bronchoalveolarlavage,BAL)基本一致。  相似文献   

Wood dust is an irritant and is carcinogenic to the nasal mucosa. It inhibits its own clearance from the nose. It therefore makes sense to lavage retained wood dust from the nose following exposure. To our knowledge this is the second study conducted to determine whether the procedure of nasal lavage reduces nasal symptoms in woodworkers. Forty-six woodworkers from 150 approached volunteered to trial nasal lavage using gravity fed, home-made unbuffered isotonic saline for 2 months in a crossover trial and then be followed-up a year later. The group reported significantly decreased nasal symptoms and over half continued to use nasal lavage voluntarily after 1 year. Results support the findings of the previous study that nasal lavage improves nasal symptoms and supplements those findings with data indicating patterns of voluntary usage following the study's conclusion. It is concluded that nasal lavage is an acceptable, effective and inexpensive option with minimal side effects for woodworkers who experience nasal symptoms and who wish to try the procedure.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to develop a biomonitoring method for the assessment of exposure to man-made vitreous fibers (MMVF), to examine the level of exposure to MMVF in the prefabricated house industry, and to study nasal inflammatory reactions and respiratory symptoms associated with MMVF among workers. Nasal lavage was performed on workers from two factories, and concentrations of MMVF were measured by electron microscopy. Cytokines (IL-6, IL-8, TNF-alpha, and IFN-gamma) were also assayed and inflammatory cells (lymphocytes, eosinophils, neutrophils, and macrophages) were counted microscopically. Concentrations of airborne fibers (longer than 5 microm) were measured for comparison. Moreover, the exposure to MMVF and the related symptoms were studied with a structured questionnaire. In nasal lavage samples, the mean concentration of MMVF (length >1.5 microm) was 3260 f/ mL in Factory 1, 1680 f/mL in Factory 2, and below 500 f/mL in the control group. About 52% of the retained fibers were longer than 100 microm. The group-specific mean concentrations of MMVF in nasal lavage samples correlated with production rates and airborne fiber levels in both plants. The airborne concentrations of MMVF both in the breathing zone and fixed-point samples were low (below 0.1 f/cm(3)). No significant differences in the biological response (inflammatory cells, cytokines) were found between the groups exposed and the control group. The workers complained of some irritation of the skin, eyes, and upper respiratory tract, which could be reduced by appropriate protective equipment. It is concluded that nasal lavage can be used as a biomonitoring method in the assessment of MMVF exposure.  相似文献   

The pulmonary inflammatory response to NO2 exposure was measured by evaluating a series of biochemical and cellular parameters in rat bronchoalveolar lavage fluid. Animals were exposed to 9 mg/m3 (5 ppm) or 18 mg/m3 (10 ppm) of the gas for 24 h or 7 days. After bronchoalveolar lavage collection, a differential count of polymorphonuclear leukocytes, macrophages, and lymphocytes was done. A significant increase in polymorphonuclear leukocytes was found after 24 h of exposure, and after 7 days the number of macrophages increased significantly. After 7 days of exposure to 9 mg/m3 of NO2 (a dose that under our conditions did not induce migration of cells in the bronchoalveolar spaces) the ex vivo phorbol myristate acetate-induced superoxide anion production by resident cells was inhibited. After 24 h and 7 days of exposure to 18 mg/m3 of NO2, phorbol myristate acetate-induced superoxide anion production was lower than in the control group. The migration of polymorphonuclear leukocytes in the bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was not associated with any real increase in elastase. However, there was a dose- and time-dependent increase in 1-proteinase inhibitor in response to both 9 and 18 mg/m3 of NO2. Total glutathione was significantly increased in blood by 24 h treatment with 9 or 18 mg/m3 of NO2, whereas blood oxidized glutathione was not affected. In lung tissue we observed only a significant increase of oxidized glutathione after 24 h of exposure to 9 and 18 mg/m3 of NO2. These data suggest that many biochemical and cellular parameters are altered after acute or subacute exposure to relatively high doses of NO2, especially in the first 24 h. The increase of 1-proteinase inhibitor and blood glutathione can be considered a prompt protective response to the toxic injury.  相似文献   

Environmental chamber exposure and bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) were used to study the dose-response relationship between short-term exposure to sulfur dioxide (SO2) and inflammatory reactions in the human lung as reflected in BAL fluid. Healthy subjects were exposed to 10, 13, 20, or 30 mg/m3 for 20 min. BAL was performed several weeks preexposure and 24 h postexposure. Mast cells, lymphocytes, lysozyme positive macrophages, and the total number of macrophages were significantly increased after SO2 exposure. A dose-dependent increase in the cell response in BAL fluid was observed after exposure to 10-20 mg/m3, but no further increase was detected after 30 mg/m3. Inflammatory cell response was found in BAL fluid at SO2 levels that occur in industrial indoor environments worldwide, and cell response to SO2 was also seen below the short-term exposure limit of Sweden and many other countries (13 mg/m3).  相似文献   

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