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主要栏目有:军事通信,无线通信,通信设备,信息安全,测控技术,数控技术,自动化技术,工控技术,汽车电子,智能交通,新型显示技术,电子技术。嵌入式技术,人工智能与仿真,软件技术,总线与网络,图形图像处理,科学计算及信息处理,航空航天技术,元器件与应用,光电子器件与测试,新型功率器件,电子测量与仪器,集成电路设计,新能源电源,控制与驱动,电能质量。  相似文献   

孟津观兵激战牧野正当文王壮志满怀,施行仁政,振兴经济,伐纣拯民之图未敢稍怠,惜乎天不假年,賚志而殁,武王即位。在文王奠定周朝事业的基础上,武王继父之业,尊太公为"亚父"、"师尚父",外事商与尚父,内事与弟旦及奭[shì]共议,共襄盛举。太公助武王推行善政,经济发展,人民安康,诸侯归附。经过八年胼手胝足,悉心备  相似文献   

苹果成功了,最新的预测是五年内将成为全球第一个市值超过万亿美元的IT公司,整个IT界都试图解读它的每个动作,希望找到苹果成功的秘密。事实上,苹果每一代新产品发布,业界拆的拆,砸的砸,但对苹果成功的解读,无不停留于皮毛。一个人如果傲气四射,那还是年少气盛,成不了大事;而一个曾经傲气云天的人,经历折戟沉沙的挫折之后,变得谦逊卑恭,行事步步为营,那大家就得小心了。苹果历来给业界的印象是其产品创意连连,设计精妙,但我行我素,不听外界声音。艺术品般的设计,封闭的系统,极高的溢  相似文献   

明祟祯朱由检(接上期)努尔哈赤1626年逝世,公推皇太极即汗位,此人允文允武,内修政事,外勤征伐,用兵如神,征服朝鲜,统一蒙古,1635年称帝,国号大清。乘农民大起义明廷疲于应付之际,发起了史上有名的松(山)锦(州)之战,历时两年有余,镇边大将洪承畴惨败,  相似文献   

泰克公司日前宣布,泰克公司Cerify开发者联盟(CDC)再添15位新成员,分别是AVECO,AZCAR Technologies Incorporated,Digital Rapids,Flatirons Solutions Corporation,Irdeto,NINSIGHT,Pharos Communications Ltd.,Ruzz TV,Screen Subtitling Systems,SGT,Tedial S.L.,TMD,Vcodes CPS Ltd.,Vizrt和Xytech Systems Corporation。这些新成员的加入使Cerify开发者联盟的成员总数扩大为25个。  相似文献   

苏少龙 《数字生活》2012,(3):106-107,105
唐代禅师青原惟信说:参禅之初,看山是山看水是水,禅有悟时,看山不是山看水不是水,禅中彻悟,看山仍是山看水仍是水。山山水水,水水山山,有还是无,在我看来,山水自在,人心自得。摄影亦是如此,我的摄影亦是如此。  相似文献   

在二手电器商铺的广告页上,见到有款索尼26寸液晶彩电,款式新颖,功能很多,技术含量较高,更喜人之处是内置了BS.CS卫星接收机,且价位合理,于是托了位有路的朋友帮忙代购,以便得到更多的实惠,买到后经初步试用与玩弄,感觉不错,特介绍给各位有兴趣的朋友分享与参考。  相似文献   

三千烦恼丝疯长,该修理一下了,走进那间街坊发廊,剪剪发,聊聊天,发丝落下,顿觉轻松了许多。而对于从事这项平凡工作的理发师傅,电影艺术家会为他们"修剪"出怎样的精彩呢?《缺席的人》坐等客人上门,洗剪吹,听客人或幽默或无趣的胡吹乱侃,每天重复,难免让人有些想法,《缺席的人》(The Man WhoWasn’t There)中的理发师埃迪便不满足于这种单调的生活,打算创业开干洗店,不料却陷入诈骗、勒索、谋杀、车祸的漩涡,这个沉默寡言的木讷理发师如何应对呢?埃迪温和本分,仿佛没有一点火气,甚至直觉妻子多丽丝与其老板戴夫有染也保持哑忍,只是,像《国产凌凌漆》里星爷一样嘴里经常叼着烟,一副既冷漠又心事重重的  相似文献   

征稿要求文稿应具有真实性、科学性和实用性,突出报道其研究成果和教育教学经验。要求选题先进,论点鲜明,论据充分,数据可靠,结论准确,层次分明,文字简练,准确使用标点符号。不要一稿多投,凡发现一稿多投者将通过  相似文献   

绿色,大自然中最令人赏心悦目的颜色,纷繁的世界因为有了绿色而变得生机盎然,生活也因为有了绿色而充满勃勃生机,在人文化的社会生活中,绿色被赋予更多的含义。就如我们在引言中提到的生命、生机,在2008年的春季,绿色奥运让我们看到了中国的生机,绿色带给我们更多新的生命,就如同数码产品的更新换代,不断的推陈出新,一个个更加鲜活的产品出现在我们面前,带来希望,让我们看到2008年市场繁荣的先兆。  相似文献   

废弃电子电路板中回收铜的工艺研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以废弃电子电路板粉碎颗粒为原料,采用硝酸浸出一电沉积法回收金属铜,研究了硝酸浓度、液固比、浸出温度对铜的浸出率影响;电流密度、电解时间对电流效率的影响。实验结果表明:硝酸浓度为3mol/L,液固比为5:1,浸出时间2小时,浸出温度70℃,铜的浸出率为98.9%;电流密度为2.5A/dm^2,电解时间为12小时,电流效率为95.8%。同时电解液经过电解后能返回浸出,本工艺技术切实可行,对实际生产有指导意义,而且经济效益分析显示,采用该工艺从废弃电子电路板中回收铜具有巨大的利润空间,具有经济和环境双重效益。  相似文献   

废退锡液处理方法进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
目前,废退锡液的处理方法有中和法、化学沉淀法、电解法,或用来制备三水合锡酸钡。而利用扩散渗析-离子膜电沉积组合工艺综合回收废退锡液中的硝酸、金属铜和锡是一种新型的处理方法。  相似文献   

微电解技术在印制电路板生产综合废水处理中的应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
文章从微电解的功能和作用机制出发,介绍了微电解技术的特点、工艺和对处理印制电路板生产和电镀综合废水的适用性与优势,也介绍了改进与强化微电解作用机制的方法,对作为微电解关键技术的各种反应器作了比较性阐述,并较详细地介绍了先进的微电解膨松床的工作原理、特点、技术经济指标和操作参数。对微电解法较敏感的泥量问题,也作了分析与计算,并指出了减少泥量的途径。  相似文献   

Clean energy infrastructures of the future depend on efficient, low-cost, long-lasting systems for the conversion and storage of solar energy. This is currently limited by the durability and economic viability of today's solar energy systems. These limitations arise from a variety of technical challenges; primarily, a need remains for the development of stable solar absorber–catalyst interfaces and improved understanding of their mechanisms. Although thin film oxides formed via atomic layer deposition have been widely employed between the solar absorber–catalyst interfaces to improve the stability of photoelectrochemical devices, few stabilization strategies have focused on improving the intrinsic durability of the semiconductor. Here, a sinuous black silicon photocathode (s-bSi) with intrinsically improved stability owing to the twisted nanostructure is demonstrated. Unlike columnar black silicon with rapidly decaying photocurrent density, s-bSi shows profound stability in strong acid, neutral, and harsh alkaline conditions during a 24-h electrolysis. Furthermore, scanning transmission electron microscopy studies prior to and post electrolysis demonstrate limited silicon oxide growth inside the walls of s-bSi. To the authors’ knowledge, this is the first time structure-induced stability has been reported for enhancing the stability of a photoelectrode/catalyst interface for solar energy conversion.  相似文献   

Thin films of CdSe semiconductors electro deposited from acid aqueous electrolytes onto Ti substrates have been developed using periodically modified currents, such as pulse current. The products obtained were fully characterized and their photoelectric behavior was studied using a photo electro chemical cell. All deposits obtained by pulse electrolysis exhibit some differences in their structure, surface morphology and photoelectric properties, depending on the imposed pulse current parameters such as pulse frequency and duty cycle. It was also found that increased photoelectrochemical efficiencies are observed to so higher pulse frequencies as more negative deposition potentials are applied and vice-versa.  相似文献   

印制电路板废液的综合利用研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
印制电路板蚀刻废液含有大量的铜离子,主要包括酸性蚀刻废液(FeCl3型废液和H2O2型废液)和碱性蚀刻废液,可采用置换法、电解法、化学沉淀法、萃取法、离子交换法、吸附法等使废液中的铜离子呈金属或化合物沉淀析出,各种方法均有自己的优、缺点,其中较为常用的是化学沉淀法。酸性废液和碱性废液混合后进行中和处理是一种较新型的工艺路线,该法具有工艺简单、成本低、污染少、可循环利用等特点,可用来生产硫酸铜、碳酸铜等产品,值得大力推广。  相似文献   

基于遗传神经网络的氧化铝浓度预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王尚银  李斌  林景栋 《现代电子技术》2011,34(12):163-165,172
为了精确地对铝电解过程中氧化铝浓度进行控制,通过分析槽电阻与氧化铝浓度的关系,结合铝电解工艺的特点构建基于BP神经网络的氧化铝浓度预测模型。同时,提出利用遗传算法来优化BP神经网络的结构和网络参数,然后利用优化后的网络进行氧化铝浓度进行预测。仿真结果显示,该模型能很好地对氧化铝浓度进行预测,且误差较小。利用遗传神经网络对氧化铝浓度进行预测快速、有效,对实现铝电解过程氧化铝精确控制有着重要意义。  相似文献   

Cadmium sulfide thin layers for polycrystalline solar cells are produced by chemical bath deposition (CBD). This process generates wastes containing mainly ammonia and cadmium. We have implemented and described in a previous paper a process to recover 90% of ammonia and to confine cadmium as a cake which is a mixture of cadmium sulfide and cadmium cyanamide. The present paper concerns cadmium recycling to the CBD step. The cake is first dissolved in a moderate sulfuric acid solution 0.2–0.5 mol/l mixed with hydrogen peroxide (about 1 mol/l). This last component must be used in large excess (molar ratio H2O2/Cd ≥ 5) and must be completely removed from the solution before recycling or cadmium electrowinning. Hydrogen peroxide decomposition is electrochemically catalyzed by platinized platinum immersed into the solution. The resulting solution contains cadmium sulfate 0.2 mol/l, sodium and ammonium sulfate. One can either recycle it as a chemical bath, or recover the cadmium content by electrowinning; in this case the residual concentration of hydrogen peroxide is electrochemically reduced at the beginning of cadmium electrolysis. The raffinate solution is recycled into the stripping reactor. The pure cadmium metal recovered may be dissolved in a dilute sulfuric acid solution by means of internal electrolysis with two electrodes: a platinized platinum grid as cathode and the cadmium metal as anode. According to the mass of cadmium dissolved it is possible to obtain a concentrated solution of pure cadmium sulfate. The global process recovers at least 99.999% of cadmium and generates only solid sulfur and a liquid effluent containing traces of cadmium (< 10 μg/l). Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

孙春生  张晓晖 《激光技术》2013,37(5):622-626
为了便捷地测量出电解水产生的氢气泡场的尺度分布,提出了一种利用显微照相、微气泡图像处理和统计分析技术的方法。首先通过显微照相系统拍摄同一区域不同时刻电解水产生的氢气泡图像;然后采用图像增强、分割、形态学处理、颗粒测量等手段获取每张图像中微气泡的数量和尺度;最后利用测量区域内微气泡数量变化的平稳随机特性,用测量区域内微气泡在时间轴上的统计尺度分布特性代替空间特性,获得氢气泡在整个气泡生成空间的尺度分布。结果表明,3种电解电流密度条件下,电解水产生氢气泡的尺度分布基本符合高斯分布,平方相关系数大于0.95;且电解电流越大,气泡尺度分布越分散;但电解电流的大小对氢气泡的平均尺度的影响不明显。该方法可有效地测量电解水产生氢气泡的尺度分布。  相似文献   

Developing high-performance and cost-effective bifunctional electrocatalysts for large-scale water electrolysis is desirable but remains a significant challenge. Most existing nano- and micro-structured electrocatalysts require complex synthetic procedures, making scale-up highly challenging. Here, a heterogeneous Ni2P-Fe2P microsheet is synthesized by directly soaking Ni foam in hydrochloric acid and an iron nitrate solution, followed by phosphidation. Benefiting from high intrinsic activity, abundant active sites, and a superior transfer coefficient, this self-supported Ni2P-Fe2P electrocatalyst shows superb catalytic activity toward overall water splitting, requiring low voltages of 1.682 and 1.865 V to attain current densities of 100 and 500 mA cm−2 in 1 m KOH, respectively. Such catalytic performance is superior to the benchmark IrO2 || Pt/C pair and also places this electrocatalyst among the best bifunctional catalysts reported thus far. Furthermore, its enhanced corrosion resistance and hydrophilic surface make it suitable for seawater splitting. It is able to achieve current densities of 100 and 500 mA cm−2 in 1 m KOH seawater at voltages of 1.811 and 2.004 V, respectively, which, together with its robust durability, demonstrates its great potential for realistic seawater electrolysis. This work presents a general and economic approach toward the fabrication of heterogeneous metallic phosphide catalysts for water/seawater electrocatalysis.  相似文献   

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