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陶维屏 《地质论评》1996,42(4):341-345
基于非金属矿床学的历史,从当前社会背景分析,展望世纪之交.非金属矿床学将获得较快速的发展。在成矿规律研究、矿石工艺学和矿物材料用途开发研究、矿产勘查技术与经济评价研究,以及在上述方面引入有关学科的新成果和新方法、新技术的研究,都有广大的开拓空间,有待深入工作。  相似文献   

20世纪矿床地质学蓬勃发展。为矿产资源的勘查和开发作出了历史贡献,已经成为地质科学的一个重要分支学科。文章简要回顾了近百年来碱床学研究取得的若干成就,在21世纪中,矿床学将能推陈出新,为人类社会可持续发展服务。有三方面的研究领域:深入研究矿床的形成和分布规律,为矿产勘查提供新的和理论基础;拓宽研究领域,发掘地南体的有用性,加强对新型矿产资源的研究,在矿产资源的更新换代中发挥作用;向环境领域延伸,开  相似文献   

关于矿床学研究前景的探讨   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
翟裕生 《矿床地质》1999,18(2):146-152
20世纪矿床地质学蓬勃发展,为矿产资源的勘查和开发作出了历史贡献。已经成为地质科学的一个重要分支学科。文章简要回顾了近百年来矿床学研究取得的若干成熟。在21世纪中,矿床学将能推陈出新。为人类社会可持续发展服务。有三方面的研究领域:深入研究矿床的形成和分布规律,为矿产勘查提供新的成矿理论基础;拓宽研究领域,发掘地质体的有用性,加强对新型矿产资源的研究,在矿产资源的更新换代中发挥作用。  相似文献   

成矿过程和矿床学的特点决定了矿床研究的主要思惟方法是比较思惟,比较思惟是地质思惟的重要组成部分,在矿床研究中起十分重要的作用,文中还讨论了比较矿床学的概念,研究内容及研究方法。  相似文献   

矿床学的发展突破在很大程度上取决于其研究思路的发展变化上。矿床学从传统的对单一矿种、单一矿床和单一成矿模式的研究发展到对成矿系列、成矿系统的全面探讨和整体认识,妥善处理了局部与整体、片面与全面、个体与群体、定性与定量、时间与空间等种种复杂关系,这种研究思路上的变化体现了系统的、辨证的哲学思维方法。  相似文献   

在人类所利用的矿产资源和地壳能源中,沉积岩石圈中的数量占有举足轻重的地位。迫切需要研究生物成矿作用,发展沉积矿床学的理论,指导找矿勘探,把沉积矿床学引向一个新的发展阶段。  相似文献   

杨晓志  李元  张莉  王煜  刘锦  张凯 《地球科学》2022,47(8):2679-2690
实验地球化学主要通过高温高压实验模拟,对元素和同位素在地球内部条件下的行为、性质和效应进行研究,从而对成岩成矿、岩浆演化、流体交代、壳?幔?核分异等地质现象和过程进行制约. 实验地球化学的最初诞生,主要是针对传统地球化学、岩石学和矿床学研究中遇到的难以解决问题进行正演辅助. 实验地球化学的发展,与高温高压实验设备和现代分析技术的成熟和完善密切相关. 近半个世纪以来,实验地球化学的不断成长壮大,极大促进了传统地球化学乃至整个地球科学相关领域的发展. 在未来的10到20年内,实验地球化学有望在以下3个方面进一步加强和取得重要科研成果:(1)深部地球和早期地球;(2)挥发分和地球宜居性;(3)行星形成演化实验模拟.   相似文献   

长江中下游地区是中国成矿理论的重要发源地之一,迄今已经完成大量研究,取得了一系列重要进展,前人已进行了多次总结。文章在此工作基础上,概括总结了最新的研究进展,并提出尚待解决的一些科学问题:该带成矿过程的深化研究和新测试、新技术的应用,有望破解层状铜金矿成因难题;越来越多单独或者伴生钨矿被发现,成矿显示多样性和多期次的特点。建立了该带矽卡岩型铜金矿+金稀散金属矿床组合新模型,有望推动在斑岩-矽卡岩型铜金矿外围发现贵金属和稀散金属矿床;研究发现该带含膏盐层在矽卡岩铁矿和玢岩铁矿的成矿过程中贡献明显;利用红外和矿物原位测试技术示踪该带深部矿化中心;通过三维找矿预测和成矿过程数值模拟,为隐伏矿找矿突破增添了新路径。最后,文章提出有待进一步研究的5个方面的科学问题,以期推动深化研究和找矿新突破。  相似文献   

亲铜元素在岩浆演化和硫化物熔离过程中的行为是解释岩浆硫化物矿床形成过程的一个窗口,通过实验研究来探讨亲铜元素的地球化学行为,并用于岩浆硫化物矿床的定量化研究是此类矿床今后的一个发展方向。本文总结了硫和亲铜元素在岩浆演化过程中的行为规律,并阐明了在岩浆硫化物矿床中的应用,在如下五个方面分别做了讨论:① 通过实验对玄武质岩浆中S溶解度的研究,总结出引起硫化物饱和的4个控制因素: 岩浆混合、温度迅速降低、壳源混染、快速的结晶分异作用;② 通过Ni在橄榄石和硅酸盐熔浆中的分配,定量模拟了岩浆演化过程中,橄榄石中的Ni含量随着橄榄石成分(Fo)变化的规律;③ 总结了Ni—Cu—PGE—Au在液态硫化物和硅酸盐岩浆中的分配系数,总结了控制分配系数的因素,并探讨了“R因素”对亲铜元素富集的控制机理;④ 橄榄石被硫化物包围时,与硫化物发生交换反应,通过交换反应系数(KD)可以定量估算硫化物熔浆中Ni的含量;⑤ 通过实验得出的亲铜元素在单硫化物固溶体(MSS)和液态硫化物之间的分配,总结了岩浆铜镍硫化物矿床中的分带现象。最后探讨了岩浆硫化物矿床存在的问题和发展方向。  相似文献   

Greenland is the largest island on Earth, with 80% of its area covered by a thick ice sheet. The coastal areas are underlain by variable rocks ranging from Eoarchean to the most recent ages. Greenland has a mineral exploration tradition since its colonization in the 18th century, and mining of cryolite started in 1854. Since the 1960s, the country is explored systematically for various commodities, which however resulted only in limited mining activity in only a few successful mines. Most exploration has been based on prospecting followed by exploration around the exposed mineralization.The geology from North-West Greenland along the coast to the south and along the eastern coast north to Kangerlussuaq Fjord is dominated by deeply eroded Archean and Paleoproterozoic rocks. The metallogeny is largely controlled by mid crustal processes and the preservation potential of mineralization in the deeper crust. Significant mineralization is found in orthomagmatic Ni-PGE-Au sulfide and Cr- or Fe-Ti-V oxide systems and hypozonal orogenic gold systems in major shear zones. Interestingly, the ultramafic units of the orthomagmatic systems locally host gemstone-quality corundum mineralization. Graphite mineralization occurs in amphibolite-granulite facies metasedimentary units and in shear zones in Paleoproterozoic orogens. Mesozonal orogenic gold and iron ore in banded iron formation are restricted to localized lower metamorphic grade areas along the west coast. Larger units of preserved Paleoproterozoic metasedimentary and metavolcanic rocks are restricted to South, central East and central West Greenland, where base metal mineralization formed the significant Zn-Pb Black Angel deposit.Widespread sedimentation and localized mafic magmatism started in the late Paleoproterozoic in various continental to shallow marine basins and lasted with interruptions until the start of the Caledonian Orogeny. These late Paleoproterozoic to early Paleozoic sedimentary rocks are variably deformed and metamorphosed by subsequent orogeny and mainly preserved in northern and eastern Greenland. They host stratiform sedimentary base metal mineralization of only limited known extent, except the sedimentary exhalative Zn-Pb Citronen deposit in central North Greenland. The Caledonian and subsequently the Ellesmerian orogens affected the eastern and northern Laurentian margin, respectively. Mineral systems of only limited known extent related to this orogeny are Mississippi Valley Type Zn-Pb in the Ellesmerian foreland, mesozonal orogenic gold in Caledonian shear zones and magmatic-hydrothermal W-Sb ± Au ± Cu systems in and adjacent to Caledonian granites. Renewed and almost continuous sedimentation occurred from the Devonian until Paleogene in eastern Greenlandic basins. The sedimentary units host stratiform sedimentary base metal mineralization of only small known magnitude. The Paleogene in eastern and central West Greenland is characterized by widespread mafic-ultramafic magmatism, forming flood basalt and a series of intrusions in East Greenland. Nickel-sulfide mineralization is locally hosted by the mafic-ultramafic rocks in central West Greenland, whereas eastern Greenlandic mafic and felsic intrusions host significant orthomagmatic PGE-Au mineralization in Skaergaard, and magmatic hydrothermal Mo-Au-Ag mineralization in Malmbjerg and Flammefjeld.Western and southern Greenland was a relative stable shield from Paleoproterozoic times and is intruded by localized Meso- and Neoproterozoic alkaline and carbonatite suites, which form part of a larger Mesoproterozoic rift only in South Greenland. These intrusions host locally significant REE-Nb-Ta-U-Zn-Be in Kvanefjeld, Kringlerne and Motzfeldt deposits of South Greenland and the southern West Greenlandic Sarfartoq deposit. Diamond mineralization is spatially associated with the alkaline and carbonatite intrusions in southern West Greenland.The long and complex geological evolution recorded in Greenland appears to be in contrast with only few examples of successful mineral exploration and mining. Numerous mineral deposits are developed in neighboring Arctic countries, making the remote Arctic setting an unlikely single argument for the situation. Geological knowledge is still relatively basic for many parts of Greenland and modern geophysical and geochemical data is often only available at a regional scale, which makes knowledge- and mineral system-driven exploration difficult and costly. The review of the Greenlandic metallogeny in this paper, however, clearly shows the enormous potential for finding ores in a wide variety of settings.  相似文献   

前寒武纪地质学研究进展与前景   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
前寒武纪地质学是地质科学重要分支学科之一,以地球早期演化历史为主要研究对象。近几年我国前寒武纪地层学、前寒武纪构造演化、前寒武纪古生物学和前寒武纪成矿作用等方面的研究取得重要进展。在高精度微区测年技术的支持下,相继建立了鞍山、泰山和五台山等早前寒武纪经典地区的年代格架,推动了华北克拉通早前寒武纪构造格架的研究;中国晚前寒武纪Rodinia超大陆的研究引起了国内外地学界的广泛参与和关注。震旦系陡山沱组古生物研究取得重要突破,明确的年龄和丰富的早期动物化石记录使华南的震旦系成为研究埃迪卡拉时期古环境和生物演化的理想地区。从下马岭组、铁岭组和高于庄组中新获得的锆石U-Pb年龄为华北中元古代地层格架的重新建立提供了重要的年代学制约。尽管我国前寒武纪地质研究取得了重要进展,但目前依然面临着严峻的挑战,人才流失和创新能力不足成为制约学科发展的瓶颈。但是,对我国社会经济发展有重要影响的大宗矿产多与前寒武纪相关,经济快速发展对资源的强烈需求为前寒武纪地质学学科发展提供了新的机遇。  相似文献   

The presented overview of hypergene metallogeny of the Urals is largely based on original data of the author. All bauxite, Co–Ni oxide–silicate, and high-grade ferromanganese our deposits, gold, platinum, and diamond placers, as well as brown coal, kaoline, refractory, and other economic-grade mineral deposits, currently mined in the Urals are hosted in hypergene zones and related hypergene blankets of different ages. Prospects for diverse mineral deposits are estimated with a special emphasis on thermal hypergene deposits (Ni, Au, and others) that are atypical for the Urals but favorable for mining under conditions of the market economy owing to the presence of high-grade ore bodies.  相似文献   

Following the paper entitled A Preliminary Proposal on Crustobody Geotectonics presented by the first author to the 30th IGC in 1996, this paper further extends and elucidates the concept of crustobody in order to make a unifying study of the evolution and motion of crustal structures and to understand the law governing the formation and development of the earth' crust. In this paper the characteristics of crustobody evolution-motion are given. The authors lay emphasis on the relationship between crustobody evolution-motion and tectonic metallogeny. In the end, a multiple dynamic system of the crustobody evolution-motion is discussed from internal and external dynamic forces, and the mantle creep in internal dynamic factors is paid special attention to.  相似文献   

Summary Two major types of ore deposits occur with Proterozoic rapakivi granite plutons: (1) greisen-, vein-, und skarn-type Sn(-W-Be-Zn-Cu-Pb) deposits associated with specialized late-stage granites, and (2) Fe oxide-Cu (-U-Au-Ag) deposits.The Sn-polymetallic deposits are usually hydrothermal greisen- and vein-type occurrences (Rondönia and Amazonas in Brazil, southeastern Missouri, southern Finland, the Ukraine, India); skarn-type deposits occur in the Pitkdranta ore field, Russian Karelia. The deposits are closely associated with topaz-bearing microcline-albite granites which occur as autometamorphosed late intrusive phases of the 1.0 to 1.7 Ga granite plutons and show the characteristics of Phanerozoic tin granites: high Sn, Li, Rb, Ga, Nb, and F, low Ba, Sr, Ti, and Zr, and a strong negative Eu anomaly. The anomalous geochemical character is interpreted to be in part magmatic, in part metasomatic in origin.The huge Olympic Dam deposit in South Australia is a hydrothermally mineralized hematite breccia complex in a 1.59 Ga rapakivi granite pluton. The deposit contains over 2000 million tons of ore with 1.6% Cu, 0.06% U3O8, 3.5 ppm Ag, and 0.6 ppm Au. The apatite-bearing Fe and Fe-Cu deposits of southeastern Missouri are associated with volcanics of the St. Francois Mountains ring complexes. The principal ore minerals are magnetite and hematite, locally also Cu sulphides. With more than 30 Fe deposits, the St. Francois Mountains constitute a major Fe provice.
Metallogenese der Rapakivi-Granite
Zusammenfassung Mit proterozoischen Rapakivi-Granitplutonen treten zwei Haupttypen von Erzlagerstätten auf: (1) greisen-, gang- und skarnartige Sn(-W-Be-Zn-Cu-Pb)-Lagerstätten, die mit speziellen Graniten eines Spätstadiums verbunden sind und (2) Fe-Oxid-Cu (-U-Au-Ag)-Lagerstätten.Die Sn-Polymetall-Lagerstätten sind normalerweise hydrothermale greisen- und gangartige Vorkommen (Rondônia und Amazonas in Brasilien, SE Missouri, S Finnland, Ukraine, Indien), skarnartige Lagerstätten treten im Erzrevier von Pitkäranta in Russisch-Karelien auf. Die Lagerstätten sind eng mit Topas-führenden Mikroklin-Albit-Graniten verbunden, die als autometamorphisierte spätintrusive Phasen der 1,0 bis 1,7 Ga alten Granitplutone auftreten und die charakteristischen Merkmale von phanerozoischen Zinn-Graniten zeigen: hohes Sn, Li, Rb, Ga, Nb und F, niedriges Ba, Sr, Ti und Zr und eine stark negative Eu-Anomalie. Die Ursache des anomalen geochemischen Charakters wird zum Teil als magmatisch, zum Teil als metasomatisch interpretiert.Die riesige Lagerstätte von Olympic Dam in Südaustralien ist ein Komplex aus hydrothermal mineralisierter Hämatit-Brekzie in einem 1,59 Ga alten Rapakivi-Granitpluton. Das Vorkommen enthält über 2000 Millionen Tonnen Erz mit 1,6% Cu, 0,06% U3O8, 3,5 ppm Ag und 0,6 ppm Au. Die Apatit-führenden Fe- und Fe-Cu-Lagerstätten von SE Missouri sind mit Vulkaniten der Ringkomplexe in den St. Francois Mountains assoziiert. Die wichtigsten Erzminerale sind Magnetit und Hämatit, lokal auch Cu-Sulfide. Mit mehr als 30 Fe-Lagerstätten stellen die St. Francois Mountains eine bedeutende Fe-Provinz dar.

With 3 Figures  相似文献   

洋脊分活动型和稳定型两种,柱状地质剖面由未固结沉积物和上、下洋壳三部分构成,横向断裂带发育。岩石蚀变、变质普遍,可与大陆拉斑玄武岩对比。洋脊正在进行两种成矿过程。近20年在洋脊发现的矿床(化)可分为11个类型,其中有的具有工业意义。洋脊研究的深入,将进一步揭示洋壳的奥秘,还将提高对陆壳以及整个地球历史演化进程中的沉积、岩浆、变质、成矿、成岩和构造等作用以及这些作用之间相互促进和制约关系的认识。  相似文献   

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