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石灰土中秸秆还田降解率及其对土壤肥力的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石灰土具有高的有机碳的积累,但营养成分的供给速率偏低,导致土壤贫瘠。本文通过室内模拟实验,研究相同来源玉米秸秆在岩溶土与非岩溶土中的降解情况,对秸秆降解率、土壤理化性质、土壤肥力等进行动态检测,结果表明:(1)总体上岩溶土秸秆降解速率比非岩溶土快。秸秆降解速度最快主要集中在最初60天,之后呈缓慢上升趋势,到98天基本达到平衡。非岩溶土降解峰值出现时间为第42天,岩溶土为第28天,峰值出现时间前者比后者滞后14天。总降解时间持续160天,岩溶土降解率为77%,非岩溶土为75%。(2)秸秆降解期间,土壤pH值前期有下降的趋势,后期慢慢回升,这与秸秆降解过程中不同时期降解产物变化规律相吻合。秸秆还田可以提高土壤肥力,其中速效氮和速效钾含量增加非常明显。(3)与岩溶土相比,全量检测结果显示各肥力指标在非岩溶土含量低,但升幅百分比高;有效态检测结果显示非岩溶土速效磷和速效钾含量高。说明秸秆还田一些营养元素有效态在非岩溶土中更易于释放,而岩溶土由于其土壤质地的特殊性,许多养分被土壤粘土矿物牢固结合,营养元素供给速率慢,但因此也易于养分全量的累积。  相似文献   

农作物秸秆还田作为农田土壤和养分管理的推荐做法之一,对于土壤有机碳(SOC)固定和CO_2减排具有重要意义。本研究利用环境政策综合气候模型(EPIC)模拟了4种作物秸秆还田情形下2001年至2010年中国农田表层土壤有机碳变化及其空间格局。模拟结果显示,秸秆完全移除(CR0%)下的土壤有机碳损失为28.89 Tg yr–1,当前30%的秸秆还田(CR30%)能够减缓22.38 Tg C yr–1的碳损失。若秸秆还田率从30%提高至50%(CR50%)乃至75%(CR75%),中国农田表层土壤将变为净碳汇。中国农田表层土壤固碳潜力在CR50%和CR75%情形下分别可达25.53 Tg C yr–1和52.85 Tg C yr–1,且在不同农业区存在空间异质性。单位面积土壤固碳潜力在西北和华北地区最高,而华东最低。华北地区具有最高的区域固碳潜力。在这十年间,CR50%和CR75%情形下增加的土壤表层有机碳相当于减少了1.4%和2.9%的中国CO_2排放总量。总之,我们建议鼓励我国农民将原本直接焚烧或用作家用燃料的秸秆返还田间以改善土壤性质和减缓大气CO_2增加,尤其是华北地区更应推行这一举措。  相似文献   

中国东北黑土地研究进展与展望   总被引:34,自引:3,他引:34  
韩晓增  李娜 《地理科学》2018,38(7):1032-1041
东北黑土区是世界四大片黑土区之一,它以高有机质和高肥力而著称,不仅是东北农业发展的基础,也是中国的粮仓,在保障国家粮食安全中具有举足轻重的地位。针对东北黑土自身的特色和面临的问题,首先描述了东北黑土地形成的条件及自然黑土的属性特征;其次阐述了黑土被开垦后农田化过程中土壤属性和肥力的演化情况,土壤有机质大幅度下降,土壤肥力降低,已严重影响到东北黑土地农业的可持续发展;在此基础上分析了黑土区耕作土壤不同保护途经及其对土壤肥力的影响机制;最后展望了未来黑土地理论研究的侧重点:应加大新技术、新方法和跨学科交叉理论的研究,培育更适合东北黑土地气候条件的高产优质作物品种,并结合目前黑土地保护的技术调控模式,优化作物种植模式,提升作物品质和产量,提高黑土区农业的综合生产力和竞争力、保证黑土区农业的永续利用。  相似文献   

秸秆覆盖下的夏玉米蒸散、水分利用效率和作物系数的变化   总被引:29,自引:0,他引:29  
农业用水占华北水资源的70%以上,提高农业用水的效率对华北水资源安全具有重要意义。在节水农业研究中,利用农艺节水提高农田水分利用效率是节水农业的重要组成部分,其中减少农田无效棵间蒸发耗水和优化供水制度是主要的农艺节水措施。夏玉米是华北太行山山前平原的主要作物之一,一般在冬小麦收获前的5~7天套种在其中,以延长夏玉米的生育期。随着联合收割机的广泛应用,冬小麦收获后的秸秆直接覆盖夏玉米,对夏玉米的农田蒸散特别是苗期的蒸散产生影响;夏玉米生长在6~9月的雨季,一般年份降水能够满足夏玉米的需水要求,但夏季降水的分布变异较大,再加上近6年来的夏季干旱,使灌水对夏玉米的高产至关重要。为了提高夏玉米的农田水分利用效率,本研究的目的是建立秸秆覆盖下的夏玉米优化供水制度和研究秸秆覆盖对减少棵间无效耗水的影响及秸秆覆盖下的夏玉米作物系数的变化,为制定秸秆覆盖下的夏玉米优化供水制度提供依据。2年的实验结果显示,秸秆覆盖下的夏玉米产量在8000kg/ha,总蒸散量在390mm,水分利用效率在2.2kg/m3。干旱年份,夏玉米在灌四水的条件下产量最高,再增加灌水量,产量减少。水分利用效率随着灌水量的增加有所递减。  相似文献   

东北黑土区容许土壤流失量研究(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Soil loss tolerance(T) is the maximum rate of annual soil erosion that is tolerated and still allows a high level of crop productivity to be sustained economically and indefinitely.In the black soil region of Northeast China,an empirically determined,default T value of 200(t/km2?a) is used for designing land restoration strategies for different types of soils.The ob-jective of this study was to provide a methodology to calculate a quantitative T for different black soil species.A field investigation was conducted to determine the typical soil profiles of 21 black soil species in the study area and a quantitative methodology based on a modified soil productivity index model was established to calculate the T values.These values,which varied from 68 t/km2?a to 358 t/km2?a,yielded an average T value of 141 t/km2?a for the 21 soil species.This is 29.5% lower than the current national standard T value.Two significant factors that influenced the T value were soil thickness and vulnerability to erosion.An ac-ceptable reduction rate of soil productivity over a planned time period of 1% is recommended as necessary for maintaining long-term sustainable soil productivity.Compared with the cur-rently used of regional unified standard T value,the proposed method,which determines T using specific soil profile indices,has more practical implications for effective,sustainable management of soil and water conservation.  相似文献   

东北黑土区土壤剖面地温和水分变化规律   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
东北黑土区土壤侵蚀的结果使土壤在坡面上发生再分配,土壤腐殖质层厚度的空间变异增大。腐殖质层厚度的变化又引起地温和土壤水分等土壤物理性质的变化,地温和水分是影响和反映冻融侵蚀作用的重要因子,也是影响地表和土壤剖面物质运移的重要因素。本文通过实测不同厚度腐殖质层剖面的地温和土壤水分,分析了地温和水分随时间和土壤剖面深度的变化规律。结果显示腐殖质层厚度对土壤温度和含水量有显著影响,腐殖质层较厚的剖面解冻速度比薄层黑土区要慢,不同深度土层温度到达0℃的日期也不相同,腐殖质层较厚的剖面冻结时间要滞后1周左右。同时,腐殖质层较厚的黑土区土壤含水量明显大于薄层黑土区,土壤水分运移的深度范围也大。  相似文献   

东北典型黑土区气候、地貌演化与黑土发育关系   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
通过野外实地调查,利用地层学方法结合孢粉分析结果,研究了黑土区地层地貌的发育历史、地层序列以及古气候变化,重建黑土、黑钙土的发育历史及发育所需的地貌、气候条件。结果表明,黑土从温暖湿润的晚更新世早期便开始在嫩江的二、三级阶地上发育,而黑钙土则从全新世初开始在嫩江的一级阶地上发育,这时气候处于暖干期,且一级阶地地势较低,水位相对较高,容易接受上方高地淋洗下来的钙,从而在土壤中形成比较典型的淀积层。可见,地貌条件及气候因素对黑土、黑钙土的形成发育起到至关重要的作用。研究结果为黑土区的水土保持及土壤改良研究提供理论基础,同时为正确评估黑土层的侵蚀速率及制订合理的改良措施提供科学的参考。  相似文献   

东北黑土漫岗区长坡面坡耕地侵蚀产沙沿程变化   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Characteristics of soil erosion change along a long slope in the gentle hilly areas in black soil region in Northeast China are discussed. A simplified slope model based on seg-ments was used to analyze the runoff data and soil erosion data observed between 2003 and 2004 over 10 field plots with different slope length in Heshan Farm,Heilongjiang Province. We found that soil erosion rate over long slopes in the black soil region changed alternatively along the slope and creates alternative zones of intensive erosion and week erosion.The exact place of each zone is different for different rainfall conditions. In a year with less and mild precipitation,rill cannot happen within the top 50 m,while in a year with large and inten-sive precipitation,rill can be formed starting even at 15 m from the top of the slope.  相似文献   

Characteristics of soil erosion change along a long slope in the gentle hilly areas in black soil region in Northeast China are discussed. A simplified slope model based on seg-ments was used to analyze the runoff data and soil erosion data observed between 2003 and 2004 over 10 field plots with different slope length in Heshan Farm, Heilongjiang Province. We found that soil erosion rate over long slopes in the black soil region changed alternatively along the slope and creates alternative zones of intensive erosion and week erosion.The exact place of each zone is different for different rainfall conditions. In a year with less and mild precipitation, rill cannot happen within the top 50 m, while in a year with large and inten-sive precipitation, rill can be formed starting even at 15 m from the top of the slope.  相似文献   

为科学地认识中国东北黑土区流域土壤侵蚀特征,探讨TETIS模型在该区的适用性,本文以乌裕尔河流域为例,利用1971-1987年日径流与泥沙实测数据对TETIS模型进行了校正与验证,进而分析了流域土壤侵蚀强度特征及其与坡度、土地利用方式的关系。研究结果表明:TETIS模型在乌裕尔河流域适用性好,日径流与日输沙量的纳什效率系数在0.52~0.70之间,决定系数在0.60~0.71之间,体积误差均不超过15%。流域平均侵蚀模数为397.2 t/(km2·a),流域以微度和轻度侵蚀为主,约90%的产沙来自于坡面。平均土壤侵蚀模数随坡度的增大而增大,流域侵蚀量主要来自于0°~5°坡面。不同土地利用方式具不同的土壤侵蚀模数,耕地土壤侵蚀模数最大,达556.3 t/(km2·a)。坡度较大的耕地和植被覆盖度较低的区域是水土流失治理的重点。研究表明,TETIS模型在黑土区模拟土壤侵蚀产沙应用前景好,可为研究区制定水土保持措施提供科学依据。  相似文献   

东北黑土区是中国重要的粮食生产基地,也是中国气候变化最敏感的地区之一。然而,气候变化背景下东北黑土区气候及物候变化对农业生产力的综合影响并不清晰,未来农业生产风险评估的定量化程度不够,风险等级制定缺乏依据。本文借助遥感产品、气候资料和模拟数据等资料,综合运用多元线性回归、相关分析及干旱危险性指数等方法,探究东北黑土区作物物候动态及其气候响应特征,辨识气候与物候变化对农业生产的复合效应及未来可能风险。结果表明:① 2000—2017年东北黑土区29.76%的区域作物生长季开始期呈显著延后趋势,16.71%的区域作物生长季结束期呈提前态势,生长季开始期受气温的影响范围广,且滞后时间长;生长季结束期与前期气候变化关系更加密切,且带状差异性响应格局尤其明显。② 气候变化和物候期改变对作物生产的解释能力较生长季同期气候变化的解释能力增加了70.23%,解释面积扩大了85.04%。③ RCP8.5情景下东北黑土区粮食总产量呈现上升趋势,粮食生产风险表现出“南增北减”的演变特征,风险区面积不断扩大,全球温升2.0 ℃时,松嫩黑土亚区南部粮食减产量可能达到10%。研究有助于深入认识气候—物候—作物生产的关联机理及未来粮食生产风险,对制定气候变化应对策略,保障国家粮食安全具有重要意义。  相似文献   

以位于东北典型黑土区的克东地区作为研究区,以1965年的Corona、2005年的SPOT5和2015年高分一号影像作为数据源,通过目视解译获取研究区对应年份的侵蚀沟分布状况;以1954年地形图和1975年的Landsat/MSS、2005年和2015年的Landsat/TM影像为数据源分别获取1965年、2005年和2015年土地利用数据;以侵蚀沟裂度为指标从土地利用变化角度分析研究区近50年来沟蚀变化状况。结果表明:黑土区沟壑侵蚀状况日益严重,耕地中侵蚀沟面积最大、侵蚀沟裂度增长速度最快;耕地、草地和建设用地上沟蚀状况的加剧伴随着林地和未利用地的开垦;耕地和草地相互转换裂度变化最大,退耕还林还草短期内侵蚀沟裂度仍然很高,但随着近10年来“退耕还林”的推行和用地状况的改善,沟蚀虽仍在发展但速度趋于缓慢。  相似文献   

The black soil region of northeast China is a vital food base and is one of the most sensitive regions to climate change in China. However, the characteristics of the crop phenological response and the integrated impact of climate and phenological changes on agricultural productivity in the region under the background of climate change are not clear. The future agricultural risk assessment has been insufficiently quantified and the existing risk level formulation lacks a sound basis. Based on remote sensing products, climate data, and model simulations, this study integrated a logistic function fitting curvature derivation, multiple linear regression, and scenario simulation to investigate crop phenology dynamics and their climate response characteristics in the black soil region. Additionally, the compound effects of climate and phenology changes on agricultural production and possible future risks were identified. The key results were as follows: (1) From 2000 to 2017, 29.76% of the black soil region of northeast China experienced a significant delay in the start of the growing season (SOS) and 16.71% of the total area displayed a trend for the end of the growing season (EOS) to arrive earlier. The time lagged effects of the SOS in terms of the crop response to climatic factors were site and climatic parameter dependent. The influence of temperature was widespread and its effect had a longer lag time in general; (2) Both climatic and phenological changes have had a significant effect on the inter-annual variability of crop production, and the predictive ability of both increased by 70.23%, while the predictive area expanded by 85.04%, as compared to that of climate change in the same period of the growing season; (3) Under the RCP8.5 scenario, there was a risk that the future crop yield would decrease in the north and increase in the south, and the risk area was constantly expanding. With a 2.0℃ rise in global temperature, the crop yield of the southern Songnen black soil sub-region would reduce by almost 10%. This finding will improve our understanding of the mechanisms underlying climate change and vegetation productivity dynamics, and is also helpful in the promotion of the risk management of agrometeorological disasters.  相似文献   

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