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正近年来,随着经济的发展和人民群众对高质量医疗服务需求的增加,各地加大了对医疗基础设施的投入,其中包括现代化医院的建造,或对原有医院进行改造升级。病理科是现代医院建设和管理的重要组成部分,因其实验室的建设要求相对具有一定的特殊性,在实际的设计建设中需要考虑的问题较多,笔者不久前刚经历了浙江省绍兴市立医院新院区病理科的设计、建设和搬迁的全过程,积累了一些粗浅的经验和教训,本文就医院病理科建设中碰到的有关病理科实验室设计建设与环保和安全管理的  相似文献   

加强解剖学实验室建设与管理提高解剖学实验教学质量   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
<正>解剖学实验室(以下简称实验室)是进行解剖学教学的重要场所,在解剖教学计划中,实验学时约占三分之二,即大部分教学任务要在实验室完成。解剖学与其它学科不同,其直观性、实验性较强,教学效果和质量主要体现在实验教学上。可以说实验室的建设与管理工作是解剖教学工  相似文献   

局部解剖学是介于基础医学与临床医学之间的一门桥梁课程,与其它各学科有着密切的联系,是医学中的重要基础科目[1]。为适应医学教育改革和发展的需要,我院解剖学教研室结合当前临床医学专科专业,根据局部解剖学教学学时少、  相似文献   

高校教师在进行科学和教学研究的过程中,如何将学生作为主体参与者,充分培养其主人翁精神,对于调动学生的积极性和学习兴趣有重要的意义.目前部分对科研感兴趣的本科生积极参与教师的科研课题[1-5].但是学生作为主体参与教学研究还稍显不足,这与教师在教学研究中没有充分培养学生主动性以及参与性有密切关系.笔者在最近4年人体解剖学教学研究过程中,适当培养学生的求知欲,同时促进学生主动参与笔者所策划的各项教学研究工作,获得了一些值得交流的经验,希望在此与各位人体解剖学界同仁共同探讨.  相似文献   

人体解剖学实验室的环境建设和管理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
人体解剖学是一门重要的基础医学课程,一个设备齐全、环境良好的实验室是医学生学好人体解剖学的基本保证。目前,医学院校解剖实验室大多存在实验用房陈旧、甲醛溶液刺激性气味重、实验标本模型保存困难、尸体解剖台设计不合理等问题。如何改善解剖实验室环境和进行规范化管理,以提高解剖学教学质量是一个亟待解决的问题[1,2]。下面谈谈我们的做法,供大家参考。1改进实验室环境建设1.1建设宽敞明亮、通风良好的实验室我校以前的解剖学实验室建在复式走廊的大楼内,存在通风不良、甲醛溶液气味不易散发、光线不足、潮湿、处理尸体不方便等问题…  相似文献   

<正>人体解剖学实验室建设是解剖学工作者不懈的追求,特别是进入21世纪以来,随着国力的增强,全国解剖学实验室建设进入了高峰期,对实验室建设经验的报道呈爆发式增长。在满足基本功能建设后,各实验室建设侧重点各有不同,有的侧重于环境建设~([1-3]),有的侧重于文化建设~([4]),还有探讨  相似文献   

针对多专业、多层次、多轮回的医学教学新形式,我们对实验室的建设和管理采取了一些相应的措施和方法,并取得了满意的效果。 一、实验室的建设 1.提高实验技术人员的素质:实验室建设的好坏,一定程度上反映了实验技术人员素质的高低,也直接影响到教学效果。因此,提高技术人员的素质就显得尤为重要。我们的做法是①进行理论培训:新进的技术人员随本科生系统学习人体解剖学,并参加考试;②提  相似文献   

多功能人体解剖学实验室的建设与思考   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
人体解剖学是关于人体形态结构的科学,是各专业医学教育的主干课程。解剖教学其直观性,实验性较强,教学效果和质量主要体现在实验教学上,因此,实验室的重要性是不言而喻的。随着教学改革地深入,各个医学院校学生大规模扩招,各专业层次不断增多,要保证教学质量的提高,除了教师的  相似文献   

人体解剖学实验室建设的经验与探索   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
人体解剖学实验室是我校进行解剖学实验教学的重要场所。人体解剖学作为一门形态学课程,大量教学工作要在实验室完成。可以说实验室工作对于解剖教学起着重要的作用,因此搞好人体解剖学实验室工作,对于提高人体解剖学教学质量和培养实用、专业的医学合格人才也具有举足轻重的意义。  相似文献   

Using digital technology, we have assembled a virtual laboratory manual (VLM) that is a Web-based copy of our traditional laboratory manual. The VLM is used to enhance traditional laboratory instruction in histology. For each reference in the VLM to either a histological slide or an electron micrograph (EM), hyperlinks are included that download digital images derived from the students' glass slide sets or scanned EMs. The VLM serves as an atlas of digital images for concurrent study of similar sections by light microscopy during laboratory sessions. In addition, students can review the images from the VLM at remote locations. We have encouraged continued use of light microscopes in laboratories by basing the majority of practical examination identifications on analysis of marked histological slides that require students to use their own microscopes. The VLM provides the convenience of a Web-based resource with high-quality images, yet allows retention of the many excellent traditional aspects of our course. An example of a VLM laboratory on epithelium is available online (http://users.von.uc.edu/michaeje/VLM-Epithelium/exLab4.pdf).  相似文献   

Student responses to the gross anatomy laboratory in a medical curriculum   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Working with cadavers, whether through active dissection or by examination of prosected specimens, constitutes a potential stressor in medical education although there is no consensus on its effect. Some reports have suggested that it creates such a strongly negative experience that it warrants special curricular attention. To assess the issue for ourselves, we administered surveys to the freshman medical students taking the Anatomical Sciences course in the problem-based Alternative Curriculum (A.C.) at Rush Medical College for four consecutive years. We found that although a vast majority of students expressed a positive attitude toward the experience, both before and after taking the course, there remains a small percentage of students for whom human dissection may initially be a traumatic experience. We offer explanations for our findings, comments on disparate results from other studies and suggestions for appropriate responses by anatomy faculty, who must address these student needs.  相似文献   

An Australian medical student recognized parts of her father's body during classes in an anatomy laboratory and suffered considerable trauma as a consequence. While the risk of a further case may be small, the potential for trauma could be minimized by adopting appropriate policy and procedures. Institutions that receive donations of bodies may benefit from considering suggestions for minimizing that risk and for responding appropriately should it ever occur. The article draws on the investigation into this case to offer some suggestions for minimizing the chance of recognition of bodies or body parts by students and academic or professional staff and for managing those circumstances should they ever occur. The suggestions extend to minimizing the risk of recognition of deceased persons or their body parts through photographic records, video material, and case studies presented in a number of different formats.  相似文献   

正人体解剖学主要是从形态学角度研究正常人体形态结构及功能的科学,具有很强的直观性和实践性,尸体标本是学生学习解剖学的基础,要取得好的教学效果,就必须提供足够数量和品种齐全的尸体标本供学生观看和实践操作,这一过程是通过实验室教学来完成的,实验室教学在解剖学中占有重要的地位。  相似文献   

Laboratory safety is a concern to scientific personnel conducting research or safety testing, laboratory directors responsible for institutional liability for employees, and to individuals working or residing near the laboratory. A strategy for safe laboratory operations requires an understanding of industrial hygiene, engineering, and the regulations associated with the use of hazardous chemicals. This review describes many of the basic principles involved in laboratory safety. It provides general information on the use of personal protective equipment, selection of laboratory safety equipment, laboratory design, disposal of hazardous waste, and the regulations and guidelines affecting laboratory operations.  相似文献   

Some specific features should be taken into consideration when organizing the laboratory of pathology in the cardiosurgical centre: 1) the heart should be opened according to the modified van Pragh method; 2) heart fixation in the Brodie's liquid allowing to retain its almost natural colour, consistency, volume and shape; 3) coronary arteries filling with lead carbonate and gelatin; 4) combination of methods of both pathology and surgical anatomy; 5) investigation of the brain in the vacuum in all clinical cases of the brain coma for the diagnosis of brain artery air embolism; 6) anatomical examination of the heart conductive system; 7) formation of the automatized pathology archives; 8) transmission electron microscopy of the intraoperative heart biopsies; 9) a new method of a quantitative assessment of the lung hypertension by the investigation of lung biopsies in patients with congenital heart malformation to make a conclusion on the feasibility of operation; 10) macroscopical heart analysis at the first stage of morphological investigation.  相似文献   

文章以三甲医院评审医学装备管理为新标准,论述保障检验仪器质量安全的具体措施,并建立各项管理制度,完善各项安全监测指标。最后提出,应加强医学检验仪器的质量安全监测管理,才能充分发挥检验仪器在医学诊疗中的重要作用。  相似文献   

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