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目的分析浙江省摩托车驾驶员道路交通伤害情况,为今后开展相关干预提供依据。方法利用浙江省医院伤害监测数据进行分析。结果 2004—2008年共监测15岁以上摩托车驾驶员道路交通伤害病例7053例,男女性别比为3.58∶1;25~44岁年龄组占59.59%。伤害严重程度以中度为主,占43.46%。安全头盔配置率和使用率分别为40.61%和33.43%,伤害病例中,自报饮酒率为4.08%。伤害性质以软组织伤为主(71.93%),伤害部位以头部为主(41.25%)。结论摩托车驾驶员道路交通伤害的发生有其特性与规律,应针对安全头盔使用和酒后驾驶开展干预。  相似文献   

目的分析2006-2007年山东省蓬莱市道路交通伤害流行特征,为当地制定预防和控制道路交通伤害提供依据。方法以2006-2007年蓬莱市居民死亡登记系统的交通事故导致死亡资料和2008年蓬莱市居民道路交通伤害抽样调查资料为基础,计算率、构成等指标。结果2006-2007道路交通事故导致309人死亡,死亡率为34.72/10万,男性是女性的4.47倍,主要集中在15~59岁,骑乘摩托车人员死亡最多;非致死性交通伤害约为5 017人次,发生率为0.56%,男性为女性的2.17倍,主要发生在15~59岁,驾乘两轮摩托车发生伤害人次数最多,主要分布在3月、8月和10月及上午的8点和10点;2006-2007年蓬莱市道路交通事故导致约5 325.82人次受伤或死亡,发生率为0.60%;男性伤害发生率高于女性;15~59岁年龄段的劳动力人口伤害发生率最高;伤害受伤人数是伤害死亡人数的16.24倍;骑乘摩托车人员伤害发生最多,且受伤者大多为驾驶者。结论蓬莱市道路交通事故中驾乘摩托车发生伤害较多,应有针对性的制定相关措施,针对摩托车的交通安全应是一个重点。  相似文献   

探索道路交通伤害的危险因素,减少和控制危险因素是预防道路交通伤害的关键。在构成道路交通伤害的整个过程中,驾驶员是导致道路交通伤害的主导因素,主要包括驾驶员的酒精行为、疲劳驾驶、个性特征、使用手机、驾驶能力、安全带的使用、摩托车骑者的特征、生理特征、年龄、性别等危险因素。针对这些危险因素采取必要的措施,可减少道路交通伤害的发生。  相似文献   

道路交通伤害严重威胁人类生命安全和健康,是造成居民死亡、伤残和失能的一个重要原因[1]。摩托车驾驶员因车辆稳定性,能见度等问题,容易发生道路交通伤害,造成严重创伤甚至死亡[2]。安全头盔作为一种保护装置,能够有效降低摩托车驾乘人员在交通事故中因头部受伤导致严重伤害或致死性伤害的危险性[3]。为深入了解交通伤患者中摩托车驾乘人员安全头盔使用与受伤之间的关系,现将浙江省医院伤害监测系统中2007—2010年摩托车驾乘人员道路交通伤害监测数据分析如下。  相似文献   

目的了解2004—2006年云南道路交通伤害流行特征,为制定道路交通伤害预防控制策略提供依据。方法分析来自云南省公安厅交通警察总队发布的2004—2006年的《云南省道路交通事故统计年报》,初步掌握云南省道路交通伤害的流行状况、事故原因及其变化趋势。结果2004—2006年云南省共发生道路交通伤害24711起。道路交通事故数、伤亡人数、人口死亡率、万车死亡率、里程死亡率均呈下降趋势,每起事故平均死亡人数呈上升趋势。肇事人员及伤亡人员男性多于女性,以21~45岁青壮年人群为主。乘客、行人和摩托车驾驶者也是道路交通伤害的主要受害者。结论云南省道路交通伤害呈下降趋势,但事故严重程度呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

目的 探讨柳州城市道路交通伤害的流行病学规律,为预防和控制伤害的发生及其危害提供依据.方法 应用广西公安厅交警总队提供的数据和2004~2009年柳州市统计年鉴描述柳州市道路交通伤害的发生率、死亡率、伤人率和直接经济损失及其变化趋势,并描述道路交通伤害的车辆类型、地区和道路分布情况等相关特征.结果 2004~2009年柳州城市道路交通伤害在总体上发生率、死亡率和伤人率呈下降趋势,但2009年4项数据有回升趋势,直接经济损失为69.9万元,是2008年的1.90倍,受伤人数为252人,是2008年的2.50倍,2项数据升高较快;2004~2009年间柳州市道路交通伤害的主要成因是与道路交通伤害相关的人员因素,所占比例为61.80%~91.03%,其中机动车驾驶员的违章行为是主要原因,包括纵向间距不够和酒后驾驶等;发生交通伤害的主要车种为汽车和摩托车,两者所占比例每年都超过90%以上;交通伤害主要发生在城市主干道上,占76%左右.结论 柳州市道路交通伤害发生率得到了有效控制,适当控制汽车保有量的快速增长对于减少道路交通伤害作用明显;柳州城市道路交通伤害的预防和控制应以控制汽车驾驶员和摩托车驾驶员的违章行为为重点,同时增加警力,加强城市主干道的监督检查.  相似文献   

目的 了解珠海市道路交通伤害死亡病例的流行病学特征,为道路交通事故干预和防控提供科学依据。方法 通过死因监测系统,收集2006—2017年珠海市道路交通伤害死亡数据,分析珠海市道路交通伤害死亡的流行特征及其对期望寿命的影响。结果 2006—2017年珠海市道路交通伤害标化死亡率为6.50/10万,共死亡888例,占伤害死亡的30.23%,其中男性699例,标化死亡率9.95/10万,女性189例,标化死亡率为2.88/10万;年死亡率逐年上升,并在2010年达到最高,随后下降;死亡病例年龄构成以20~59岁为主(占66.78%),随年龄增长各年龄组平均死亡率增加(P结论 珠海市道路交通伤害死亡水平先升后降,应重点对乡镇地区、男性人群、摩托车乘员及行人加强交通安全教育,交通部门应加强特别是在乡镇地区的执法力度。在春运、节假日等交通流量增加的时间段加强道路交通安全干预和防范。  相似文献   

目的 了解大连市道路交通伤害住院病例的分布特点,为制定干预措施提供依据.方法 对2011年1月1日至12月31日在大连市县级以上医院住院的道路交通伤害病例资料进行分析.结果 报告道路交通伤害住院病例11145例,其中男性占68.6%,女性占31.4%; 15~44岁5 251例(占47.12%),45~64岁4 234例(占38.00%);工人占48.9%,商业服务人员占11.1%,办事人员和有关人员占3.7%.住院病例道路交通的道路使用者类型前5位依次是行人(占38.1%)、骑摩托车人员(占15.1%)、机动车乘客(占5.7%)、骑脚踏车人员(占5.1%)、机动车司机(占2.6%).伤害病例住院费用为20 306元;伤害住院病例平均住院天数:16.8d;出院时致残者占3.7%,死亡者占3.1%.结论 伤害住院病例主要以行人和骑摩托车人员为主,男性、青壮年为道路交通伤害住院病例的重点人群.  相似文献   

目的描述2006-2008年我国道路交通伤害流行状况。方法分析2006-2008年度公安部交通管理局发布的《道路交通事故统计年报》,总结与描述2006-2008年中国道路交通伤害的状况、事故原因及其变化趋势。结果从2006-2008年,中国道路交通事故数、伤亡人数、人口死亡率、万车死亡率、里程死亡率均呈下降趋势,每起事故平均死亡人数呈上升趋势。2008年我国道路交通伤害死亡率为5.56/10万人口,伤害死亡率以西藏、青海、新疆、天津、浙江等地较高。伤亡人员以男性、21~45岁青壮年为主,60岁以上的伤亡呈上升趋势;乘客、摩托车驾驶者、行人是主要的受害者。道路交通事故以19~20时为最高,平均每起事故死亡人数在3~5时最高。道路交通伤害原因主要是机动车肇事,主要肇事机动车类型为客车、摩托车和货车。电动自行车是非机动车肇事的主要交通工具,且其造成的事故起数和伤亡人数呈上升趋势。驾驶人员的违法行为是机动车肇事的主要原因,其中超速驾驶、未按规定让行、无证驾驶、逆行和酒后驾驶是引起交通肇事的前五位原因。结论 2006-2008年,中国道路交通伤害呈下降趋势,事故严重程度呈上升趋势。  相似文献   

上海市静安区学生道路交通安全知识·态度·行为   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
道路交通伤害是当前一个重要的公共卫生问题。随着社会经济的发展,机动车数量的不断增加,交通流量也日益增加。但是,道路设施建设的不完善以及人的交通安全意识淡薄等因素,致使道路交通伤害增加。为了解上海市静安区青少年道路交通安全知识、态度、行为现状,以便为进一步开展道路交通伤害的防制工作提供依据,笔者进行了此次调查,报道如下。  相似文献   

In 2010, the 4,502 motorcyclists (operators and passengers) killed in motorcycle crashes made up 14% of all road traffic deaths, yet motorcycles accounted for <1% of all vehicle miles traveled. Helmet use consistently has been shown to reduce motorcycle crash-related injuries and deaths, and the most effective strategy to increase helmet use is enactment of universal helmet laws. Universal helmet laws require all motorcyclists to wear helmets whenever they ride. To examine the association between states' motorcycle helmet laws and helmet use or nonuse among fatally injured motorcyclists, CDC analyzed 2008-2010 National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) data from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System (FARS), a census of fatal traffic crashes in the United States. Additionally, economic cost data from NHTSA were obtained to compare the costs saved as a result of helmet use, by type of state motorcycle helmet law. The findings indicated that, on average, 12% of fatally injured motorcyclists were not wearing helmets in states with universal helmet laws, compared with 64% in partial helmet law states (laws that only required specific groups, usually young riders, to wear helmets) and 79% in states without a helmet law. Additionally, in 2010, economic costs saved from helmet use by society in states with a universal helmet law were, on average, $725 per registered motorcycle, nearly four times greater than in states without such a law ($198).  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: This study sought to determine the impact of Maryland's all-rider motorcycle helmet law (enacted on October 1, 1992) on preventing deaths and traumatic brain injuries among motorcyclists. METHODS: Statewide motorcyclist fatalities occurring during seasonally comparable 33-month periods immediately preceding and following enactment of the law were compared. RESULTS: The motorcyclist fatality rate dropped from 10.3 per 10 000 registered motorcycles prelaw to 4.5 postlaw despite almost identical numbers of registered motorcycles. Motorcyclists wearing helmets had a lower risk of traumatic brain injury than those not wearing helmets (odds ratio = 0.31, 95% confidence interval = 0.14, 0.68). CONCLUSIONS: Maryland's controversial motorcycle helmet law appears to be an effective public health policy and may be responsible for saving many lives.  相似文献   



To assess differences between the risk of injury for motorcycle riders before and after the passing of a law allowing licenced car drivers to drive light motorcycles without having to take a special motorcycle driving test.


We carried out a quasi-experimental study involving comparison groups, and a time-series analysis from 1 January 2002 to 30 April 2008. The study group was composed of people injured while driving or riding a light motorcycle (engine capacity 51–125 cubic centimetres), while the comparison groups consisted of riders of heavy motorcycles (engine capacity > 125 cc), mopeds (engine capacity ≤ 50 cc) or cars who were injured in a collision within the city limits. The “intervention” was a law passed in October 2004 allowing car drivers to drive light motorcycles without taking a special driving test. To detect and quantify changes over time we used Poisson regression, with adjustments for trend and seasonality in road injuries and the existence of a driver’s licence penalty point system.


The risk of injury among light motorcycle riders was greater after the law than before (relative risk, RR = 1.46; 95% confidence interval, CI: 1.34–1.60). Although less markedly, after the law the risk of injury also increased among heavy motorcycle drivers (RR = 1.15; 95% CI: 1.02–1.29) but remained unchanged among riders of mopeds (RR = 0.92; 95% CI: 0.83–1.01) and cars (RR = 1.06; 95% CI: 0.97–1.16).


Allowing car drivers to drive motorcycles without passing a special test increases the number of road injuries from motorcycle accidents.  相似文献   

Objectives. We assessed whether policies designed to safeguard young motorcyclists would be effective given shifts in ownership toward high-powered motorcycles.Methods. We investigated population-wide motor vehicle driver and motorcyclist casualties (excluding passengers) recorded in Britain between 2002 and 2009. To adjust for exposure and measure individual risk, we used the estimated number of trips of motorcyclists and drivers, which had been collected as part of a national travel survey.Results. Motorcyclists were 76 times more likely to be killed than were drivers for every trip. Older motorcyclist age—strongly linked to experience, skill set, and riding behavior—did not abate the risks of high-powered motorcycles. Older motorcyclists made more trips on high-powered motorcycles.Conclusions: Tighter engine size restrictions would help reduce the use of high-powered motorcycles. Policymakers should introduce health warnings on the risks of high-powered motorcycles and the benefits of safety equipment.The 1969 film Easy Rider depicts the adventure of 2 motorcyclists traveling across the southern and southwestern United States. The film captured the ideals of the biker culture that would reach its heyday in the 1970s and 1980s. But this period also witnessed a surge in motorcyclist fatalities and serious injuries in the United States, which came at enormous financial cost.1 Motorcycle crashes draw heavily on public funds through the demands that motorcyclist injuries place on medical care and treatment and emergency response services as well as through loss of productivity.2,3 It is estimated that the financial burden of collisions in a single year totals around $12 billion in the United States,3 much of which is borne by society through taxes and insurance premiums.After a lull in motorcyclist deaths and motorcycle registrations in the 1990s, annual fatality counts in the past decade have again begun to rise.1,4 Motorcyclist fatalities had increased for the 11th consecutive year in 2008, rising above the recorded fatality counts that peaked in the late 1970s.1 Between the years 2000 and 2005, the United States saw a 59% increase in motorcyclist fatalities, a 24% increase in nonfatal injuries, and a resulting 39% increase in financial cost.3 Motorcycling has increased in recent years, and fatal and nonfatal injury counts have risen at a greater rate than have motorcycle registrations, indicating that recent trends cannot be explained by motorcycle use alone.1State helmet laws in the United States have been relaxed in recent years, and many public health researchers contend that this is linked to recent trends in motorcyclist deaths. Fewer deaths are recorded in states that enforce helmet laws than in those that do not,5 and statewide fatality counts are shown to rise when helmet laws are relaxed.6 Yet similar trends in fatality counts have also become apparent in European countries, such as Britain, where helmet laws are enforced for all motorcyclists and have not changed in recent years.7 Thus, the rise in motorcycle fatalities is an international concern for public health. Recent newspaper editorials have called for policy intervention,8 and reports from the American Medical Association have called for initiatives to improve motorcycle safety.9,10Both in the United States and in Europe, motorcycle ownership has shifted toward higher powered motorcycles. The average engine size of motorcycles involved in fatal collisions has increased with the fatality counts, and the Insurance Institute for Highway Safety recently reported that fatality rates associated with some powerful motorcycles are many times those of less powerful bikes.11 Young motorcyclists are shown to have the highest fatality rates of any age group, perhaps owing to their inexperience, skill level, and risky riding behavior.12 We investigated whether policies aimed at safeguarding young inexperienced motorcyclists would be effective in light of recent shifts in ownership toward more powerful motorcycles.  相似文献   

This study characterizes traffic accidents involving motorcycles according to local conditions, data concerning the type of accident, date and time, and identifies among these variables those associated with the death of victims. This retrospective study uses data from traffic collision reports from 2004 and death records from the institute of forensic medicine. A total of 99.4% of the events occurred in urban areas, where illumination (87.4%), weather conditions (80.6%); and traffic signs (70.6%) were satisfactory. Collisions between motorcycles and cars or pickup trucks prevailed (55.5%), followed by motorcycle falls (18.0%). In relation to the type of collision, the highest percentage was observed in broadside collision category (35.2%). There were differences between the groups of fatalities and survivors in relation to the area and illumination in the collision's site, in addition to the types of collision and impact. The conclusion is that local conditions and types of collision and impact stand out among the multiple variables defining the severity of accidents involving motorcycles.  相似文献   

目的了解交通伤害的流行病学特征,为采取有效的干预措施提供依据。方法对医院外科病房5年内的病历资料进行回顾性研究,抽取所有道路交通伤患者的病历记录建立数据库进行分析。结果共收集了1 679例交通伤患者的信息,男女比例为2.19:1,21~51岁年龄段占69.92%,摩托车手所占的比例最高,达到32.76%;一年中1月、5月、10月和12月为交通伤害高发期,一天中8:00~9:00、12:00~14:00以及18:00~21:00为伤害高发时段;交通事故中伤害好发部位主要为下肢和头部,分别占伤害总数的32.6%和31.27%。结论应根据交通伤害的流行病学特征制定交通安全规范、加强重点人群交通安全宣传教育以及指导机动车辆安全防护设计,从而减少交通伤害的发生。  相似文献   

The number of accidents involving motorcycles has increased in Brazil. The objective of this study was to identify the type of victims of these accidents who were treated at an emergency department in Piauí State, Brazil. The sample included 430 such victims in this quantitative study. Most were male, 15-24 years of age, and from the State of Piauí itself. 301 of the victims were drivers of the motorcycles, 81 were passengers, and 48 were struck or run over by the motorcycles. 76.05% of the accidents occurred from Thursday to Sunday. 80.75% had temporary sequelae, and 53.33% of the accidents occurred at night. In 69.3% of the cases, victims suffered lacerations; 51.4% fractures; 27.44% hematomas; and 20.7% head trauma. Among the accident victims, motorcycle drivers, and those suspected of alcohol consumption, 52.07% were not wearing a helmet at the time of the accident. Most of the victims were discharged from hospital, while 14 died. In conclusion, injuries from motorcycle accidents deserve attention, especially to plan preventive measures to help control their occurrence in the State.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To describe the motorcycle fleet and rider characteristics on Victorian farms. DESIGN: Cross-sectional postal survey. SETTING: Victorian agricultural industries. PARTICIPANTS: A total of 1382 randomly selected farmers in 2001. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Farm motorcycle characteristics, use and maintenance schedule; motorcycle rider characteristics, respondent demographics and property characteristics. RESULTS: A total of 70% of farms had motorcycles, with an average of 1.7 per property. A total of 49% were four-wheel, and 44% were two-wheel. The average engine size and age were 255 cc and 8.8 years, respectively. The milk cattle sector owned the largest share of the motorcycle fleet and cereal/grain farms the smallest share. Four-wheel motorcycles were often used across the entire spectrum of agricultural tasks. Two-wheel motorcycle use was concentrated more on mustering and transport. A total of 61% of farms performed motorcycle maintenance every 1-6 months. Fifteen per cent of riders were under 15 years of age, and the majority (71%) rode four-wheel motorcycles. A total of 29% of all riders had received some form of motorcycle training. CONCLUSIONS: This study provides useful information on state-level patterns of farm motorcycle use, as well as the key safety behaviours of rider training and motorcycle maintenance. This information might serve as baseline data for future monitoring and surveillance, and might assist with planning of prevention programs.  相似文献   

The association of helmet use with death in a motorcycle crash can be estimated using matched-pair cohort methods. By estimating effects among naturally matched pairs on the same motorcycle, one can account for potential confounding by motorcycle characteristics, crash characteristics, and other factors that may influence the outcome. The authors used Fatality Analysis Reporting System data, from 1980 through 1998, for motorcycles that crashed with two riders and either the driver or the passenger, or both, died. For their main analysis, the authors estimated the relative risk of death using conditional Poisson regression. The relative risk of death, accounting for the matching on motorcycle and adjusted for age, sex, and seat position, for a helmeted rider compared with an unhelmeted rider was 0.61 (95% confidence interval: 0.54, 0.70). The authors suggest that conditional Poisson regression is useful for the analysis of traffic crash data, where occupants are naturally matched in a vehicle and where crash-related confounders may be difficult or impossible to measure.  相似文献   

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