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加强个体道德自律不仅是规范网络交往的必需,也是个体自我完善和发展的必需.本文以个体道德自律为立足点,试图就加强个体道德自律的途径这一问题作尝试性的探索.  相似文献   

党的十八届三中全会把生态文明建设列入国家发展的重大规划,强调人的全面发展在推动社会进步中的重要作用.贯彻执行中共中央关于生态文明建设的重要指示和精神,有必要对人的全面发展进行深入理解和科学把握.生态文明内含了对人自身的素质的要求,人的全面发展是生态文明的题中之义和重要维度.全社会必须重视人的全面发展在生态文明建设中的重要地位,正确解读和把握生态文明之人的全面发展这一不可或缺的要素和核心之维,在一切工作中始终关注人的全面发展,有力推动生态文明建设.参7.  相似文献   

一个城市在发展中做到人口经济与环境的整体优化,传统的思路是控制人口经济发展。80年代以来持续发展理论的提出,以产业技术结构的演进,二、三产业的融合来促使人口经济环境由低级向高级发展,取得人口经济与环境的整体优化,这就要求提供实用的研究方法。本文提出人口经济与环境整体优化模型的思路,给出了具体模型的建立方法,讨论各项参数的获取,从而可为城市人口经济与环境整体优化研究奠定基础。  相似文献   

随着计算机网络技术的迅猛发展以及经济一体化和统一国际市场的逐渐形成,包括供应商在内供需链管理已经成为企业生产经营管理的重要组成部分.MRPⅡ系统已经无法满足企业对资源管理的要求.于是,充分利用和管理整体资源的企业资源计划:ERP随之产生.文章主要介绍了ERP的基本概念、基本原理和核心思想并分析了ERP实施的必要性以及应用现状.在此基础上,着重研究和探索我国企业实施ERP失败原因并针对客观实际,提出解决方案.  相似文献   

运用尿激酶溶栓治疗急性心肌梗塞,运用现代护理程序,对病人实施整体护理.在严密监测精心护理下,病人病情恢复快,均好转出院。  相似文献   

在田养地制度是耕作制度的重要组成部分.40多年来.我国南方农田生产力能免得到不断提高,是与农田养地制度的不断发展和完善分不开的.本文比较系统和全面地分析、总结了建国以来,我国南方农田土壤耕作制度、农田培肥制度的演变和发展.时指导南方耕作制度的进一步改革、促进南方农业的可持续发展具有重要意义.  相似文献   

科学发展观的内涵与特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李艳霞  郑习健 《生态环境》2005,14(3):447-448
概述了科学发展观的内涵;认为它是以人为本,以全面、协调和可持续为根本特征;它强调经济发展、社会发展和人的全面发展、人口、资源、环境等各方面的和谐与统一。这种新的理念应该转化成为政府的具体行动。  相似文献   

随着改革开放的深入和市场经济的发展,公民社会正在我国逐渐兴起.与此相应,传统的泛政治化的德育也须进行相应的转变,从单纯的政治教育向多样化的公民教育发展,从单向灌输向多渠道的疏导发展,从封闭教育向开放教育发展,从过高的理想目标向注重现实道德的践履发展,从强调绝对服从向培养公民的独立自主人格和平等自由观念发展.  相似文献   

科学发展观是与时俱进,具有现代意义的.2000年开始的中国六大林业重点工程标志着全国生态环境保护和建设全面启动,是创建国家林业生态安全体系的航母.2000年以来,国家投资林业生态建设超过l000亿元,取得显著的生态效益.在全国生态环境中,其中有的项目或有的地方生态环境整体逐步转好,有希望全面转好.  相似文献   

20 0 4年 3月 2 0日衡阳市第六届社会科学成果评奖落下帷幕 ,我院哲学教师王继辉副教授撰写的《论建立个体发生哲学理论》荣获三等奖。该成果提出了在继续深化改革、发展社会主义市场和全面建设小康社会条件下必须坚持”以人为本” ,高度重视个体意识、个体行为、个体文明、个体发展等观点。该成果批驳了西方哲学家认为马克思主义重”物”轻”人”的错误论调 ,填补了理论界研究的空白丰富和发展了马克思主义科学理论 ,对于今天中国社会主义现代化建设实践和实现人类可持续发展有极其重要的指导意义。我院社会科学科研成果获奖$湖南环境生物…  相似文献   

In semi-colonial species, some individuals choose to breed in isolation while others aggregate in breeding colonies. The origin and the maintenance of this pattern have been questioned, and inherited phenotype dependency of group breeding benefits has been invoked as one of the possible mechanisms for the evolution of semi-coloniality. Using field observations and behavioural tests in the semi-colonial barn swallow (Hirundo rustica), we tested the hypothesis that breeding group size is related to personality. We measured neophobia (the fear and avoidance of new things) and social tolerance of adults and showed that these two independent traits of personality are strongly related to breeding group size. The biggest colonies hosted birds with higher neophobia, and larger groups also hosted females with higher social tolerance. This parallel between group size and group composition in terms of individual personality offers a better understanding of the observed diversity in breeding group size in this species. Further studies are, however, needed to better understand the origin of the link between individual personality and group breeding strategies.  相似文献   

Most studies of animal personality attribute personality to genetic traits. But a recent study by Magnhagen and Staffan (Behav Ecol Sociobiol 57:295–303, 2005) on young perch in small groups showed that boldness, a central personality trait, is also shaped by social interactions and by previous experience. The authors measured boldness by recording the duration that an individual spent near a predator and the speed with which it fed there. They found that duration near the predator increased over time and was higher the higher the average boldness of other group members. In addition, the feeding rate of shy individuals was reduced if other members of the same group were bold. The authors supposed that these behavioral dynamics were caused by genetic differences, social interactions, and habituation to the predator. However, they did not quantify exactly how this could happen. In the present study, we therefore use an agent-based model to investigate whether these three factors may explain the empirical findings. We choose an agent-based model because this type of model is especially suited to study the relation between behavior at an individual level and behavioral dynamics at a group level. In our model, individuals were either hiding in vegetation or feeding near a predator, whereby their behavior was affected by habituation and by two social mechanisms: social facilitation to approach the predator and competition over food. We show that even if we start the model with identical individuals, these three mechanisms were sufficient to reproduce the behavioral dynamics of the empirical study, including the consistent differences among individuals. Moreover, if we start the model with individuals that already differ in boldness, the behavioral dynamics produced remained the same. Our results indicate the importance of previous experience and social interactions when studying animal personality empirically.  相似文献   

Recently, integration of personality traits into a ‘pace-of-life syndrome’ (POLS) context has been advocated. To be able to understand how an individual’s behavioural, physiological and life history traits may coevolve, we need to jointly quantify these traits in order to study their covariance. Few studies have established links between personality and immunity properties of an individual. We here examined covariation of a measure of skeletal size (tarsus length), three behavioural traits (activity, handling aggression and breath rate) and two immunological traits (IgG level and haematocrit), in 592 wild caught blue tits. Many individuals (201) were tested more than once, allowing quantification of individual consistency of all traits and partition of the covariances between the traits, using a multivariate mixed model, into between individual and residual covariances. We find individual consistency of all behavioural traits, indicating that these capture aspects of blue tit adult personality and also the physiological measures are repeatable. Contrary to the POLS expectation, we find no overall significant individual level correlation structure between these traits and a factor analytical approach confirmed that between individual correlations across traits were not due to a common (POLS) factor or driven by size (tarsus length). Based on a published power study, we conclude that there is no common syndrome of individual level covariance between personality and physiological traits in wild blue tits or that the effect sizes, such a syndrome generates, are too low (r?<?0.3) to detect. Future field-based work should be designed to explore low effect sizes and strive to measure specific traits whose involvement is implicated to have large effect sizes as based on, e.g. laboratory findings.  相似文献   

In recent years, animal social interactions have received much attention in terms of personality research (e.g. aggressive or cooperative interactions). However, other components of social behaviour such as those describing the intensity, frequency, directedness and individual repeatability of interactions in animal groups have largely been neglected. Network analysis offers a valuable opportunity to characterize individual consistency of traits in labile social groups and therein provide novel insights to personality research in ways previously not possible using traditional techniques. Should individual network positions be consistently different between individuals under changing conditions, they might reflect expressions of an individual's personality. Here, we discuss a conceptual framework for using network analyses to infer the presence of individual differences and present a statistical test based on randomization techniques for testing the consistency of network positions in individuals. The statistical tools presented are useful because if particular individuals consistently occupy key positions in social networks, then this is also likely to have consequences for their fitness as well as for that of others in the population. These consequences may be particularly significant since individual network position has been shown to be important for the transmission of diseases, socially learnt information and genetic material between individuals and populations.  相似文献   

Consistent individual variation in behaviour has been termed ‘animal personality’ and has been identified across a range of behavioural contexts including aggression, boldness in response to a threatening stimulus and exploration. When behaviours are correlated across multiple functional behavioural categories or ‘contexts’, ‘behavioural syndromes’ are said to be present. It is possible, however, that behavioural syndromes may also show consistencies. Here we investigated the presence of behavioural syndromes linking startle responses, exploration and aggression in hermit crabs and assessed their stability across two situations (low versus high predation risk). Correlation analyses detected behavioural syndromes between startle responses, a measure of ‘boldness’, and the latency to investigate a novel object, as well as the latency to attack an opponent in an aggressive context. The startle response–investigation and startle response–aggression syndromes were stable between situations, whilst there was a lack of relationship between investigation and aggression in each situation. Here we propose that these consistent individual differences in the expression of behavioural syndromes reveal the presence of animal personality, manifesting in not just one, but a suite of interacting traits.  相似文献   

There is substantial variation in individual preferences for public goods, yet much of that variation remains poorly understood. However, simple measures of personality can help to explain economic values and choices in a systematic way. In this paper, we examine the effects of personality on individual economic choices over public environmental goods. Based on three datasets from three separate stated preference studies, we use a hybrid choice econometric framework to examine the effects of personality on preferences for the status quo, changes in environmental quality, and costs of investing in environmental improvements. We find effects that are consistent across all datasets. Personality, a stable feature of an individual's character that is simple to measure, enriches explanations of why the demand for environmental goods varies across people, provides an indication of how different people are likely to react to the introduction of environmental policies, and explains substantial differences in Willingness to Pay.  相似文献   

Although animal personality research may have applied uses, this suggestion has yet to be evaluated by assessing empirical studies examining animal personality and conservation. To address this knowledge gap, we performed a systematic review of the peer-reviewed literature relating to conservation science and animal personality. Criteria for inclusion in our review included access to full text, primary research articles, and relevant animal conservation or personality focus (i.e., not human personality studies). Ninety-two articles met these criteria. We summarized the conservation contexts, testing procedures (including species and sample size), analytical approach, claimed personality traits (activity, aggression, boldness, exploration, and sociability), and each report's key findings and conservation-focused suggestions. Although providing evidence for repeatability in behavior is crucial for personality studies, repeatability quantification was implemented in only half of the reports. Nonetheless, each of the 5 personality traits were investigated to some extent in a range of conservations contexts. The most robust studies in the field showed variance in how personality relates to other ecologically important variables across species and contexts. Moreover, many studies were first attempts at using personality for conservation purposes in a given study system. Overall, it appears personality is not yet a fully realized tool for conservation. To apply personality research to conservation problems, we suggest researchers think about where individual differences in behavior may affect conservation outcomes in their system, assess where there are opportunities for repeated measures, and follow the most current methodological guides on quantifying personality.  相似文献   

The emergence of an animal’s personality is the result of interactions between genetics, environment and experience. It is known that individuals are able to modulate their behaviour according to the context or the social environment. Many studies have shown for example, that familiarity among conspecifics diminishes aggressiveness, although little is known about the underlying processes. Nevertheless, personality traits have long been determined while ignoring the social context, especially in lower vertebrates such as fish. In the present experiment, we hypothesize that group connections (network density) may be positively correlated to consistency of aggressiveness by avoiding over-aggressive acts in further encounters. To test this hypothesis, we used eels (Anguilla anguilla) as a model species and monitored both aggressiveness and sociability in 64 individuals over their first 7 months of growth from the glass eel stage. As expected, social fish were less aggressive than their non-social counterparts at all times, highlighting the existence of a behavioural syndrome in eels. Additionally, rank-order consistency of aggressiveness was higher in groups of fish with high social connectivity, compared to those in less-connected fish groups. While aggressiveness must be consistent to be considered a personality trait, our results suggest that both aggressiveness and its consistency are influenced by initial social context.  相似文献   

Consistent individual differences in behavior, commonly termed animal personality, are a widespread phenomenon across taxa that have important consequences for fitness, natural selection, and trophic interactions. Animal personality research may prove useful in several conservation contexts, but which contexts remains to be determined. We conducted a structured literature review of 654 studies identified by combining search terms for animal personality and various conservation subfields. We scored the relevance of personality and conservation issues for each study to identify which studies meaningfully integrated the 2 fields as opposed to surface-level connections or vague allusions. We found a taxonomic bias toward mammals (29% of all studies). Very few amphibian or reptile studies applied personality research to conservation issues (6% each). Climate change (21%), invasive species (15%), and captive breeding and reintroduction (13%) were the most abundant conservation subfields that occurred in our search, though a substantial proportion of these papers weakly integrated conservation and animal personality (climate change 54%, invasive species 51%, captive breeding and reintroduction 40%). Based on our results, we recommend that researchers strive for consistent and broadly applicable terminology when describing consistent behavioral differences to minimize confusion and improve the searchability of research. We identify several gaps in the literature that appear to be promising and fruitful avenues for future research, such as disease transmission as a function of sociability or exploration as a driver of space use in protected areas. Practitioners can begin informing future conservation efforts with knowledge gained from animal personality research.  相似文献   

In young-of-the-year perch (Perca fluviatilis), individuals within groups differed in the degree of boldness, estimated by habitat utilisation and feeding activity in visual contact with a potential predator. We looked at changes in individual behaviour in connection with change of group composition. During the first period, perch were randomly assigned to groups, and time spent in open habitat versus in vegetation and number of prey attacks were registered. The perch were then categorised into personality types (shy, bold, intermediate) according to their behaviour. During the second period, fish were observed when sorted into new groups, each containing only one personality type. Shy individuals showed the largest changes in behaviour, and increased both the time spent in the open and the number of prey attacks when placed into the new groups. Feeding activity in shy fish during the second period was affected by group composition during the first period. After regrouping, bold individuals decreased their time in the open, whereas intermediate individuals did not change behaviour. Time in the open habitat was, to some extent, influenced by the behaviour of the other members of the group, but number of prey attacks was not. The behaviour of fish of the different personality types we have defined in this study seemed to be based on innate traits, but also modified by the influence of other group members and by habituation to the environment.Communicated by J.Krause  相似文献   

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