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最近,我国第一处天然苏打矿泉在黑龙江克东县被发现,在食品科学界引起了不小的震动,也引起了国家有关部门关注。这种矿泉十分罕见,我国仅此一处,黑龙江省政府已决定投入3000万科技开发资金扩大开发。矿泉地处二克  相似文献   

宋成圃先生是青岛崂山矿泉水集团总公司的成员,听说他半路出家,改行搞矿泉的开发而且开发伊始就显露其才华.于是我在总公司潘副总经理的引荐下采访了他.老宋是一名高级经济师,大半辈子干的是棉纺织技术和企业管理  相似文献   

力奔 《中国食品》1994,(4):38-38
宋成圃先生是青岛崂山矿泉水集团总公司的成员.听说他半路出家.改行搞矿泉的开发而且开发伊始就显露其才华。于是我在总公司潘副总经理的引荐下采访了他。  相似文献   

刘晶晶 《中国食品》2014,(16):22-23
五大连池天然含气冷矿泉与法国维希矿泉、俄罗斯北高加索矿泉并称为世界三大冷矿泉,为世界罕见的矿泉珍品,同时也是唯一火山喷发形成的珍贵铁硅质重碳酸镁钙矿泉水,是国际卫生界越来越重视的矿泉水型,1996年五大连池被国家有关部门授予“中国矿泉水之乡”称号。在首届世界三大冷矿泉水资源国际论坛期间,本刊专访了五大连池市长杨剑波。  相似文献   

河南省南阳地区新野板面,以其独特的风味,受到豫西南和鄂西北一带群众的喜爱.  相似文献   

各位领导,各位代表: 全国饮用天然矿泉水工业协作会成立大会今天开幕了。首先我代表地质矿产部地质环境管理司和地矿部门的与会代表,向大会致以热烈的祝贺。饮用天然矿泉水既是矿产资源又是食品,随着改革开放的不断深入,勘查和开发得到迅速发展。经勘查探明,我国饮用天然矿泉水资源是极为丰富的。至今经国家级技  相似文献   

安舒矿浴盐天然温矿泉可用作皮肤病、风湿病的康复治疗 ,经常沐浴有益健康 ,但由于自然条件有限 ,城市人民难以享受利用。而安舒矿浴盐是按照天然温矿泉成份配制并加入中草药制剂制成 ,更能增加其疗效和拓宽治疗与康复范围 ,具有更有效的治疗效果 ,且易为大多数城市人民所享用。成分与功能 :本品含有多种矿物质元素和中草药制剂及无泡沫洁净剂。溶于热水中 ,可成自创温矿泉 ,用之沐浴 ,能舒筋活络、祛痛、软化角质、消除疲劳和舒缓由于运动和紧张繁忙的工作带来的疲劳 ,腰酸背痛和肌肉酸痛 ,浴后通体舒畅、增加活力 ,并使您易入睡。用法与用…  相似文献   

近年来,世界上水源污染日趋严重,因此人们对饮水质量也提出了更高要求.这样,天然矿泉水身价倍增,在国际市场上已成为热门货.世界上已开发利用的著名天然矿泉很多,但水质所含矿物质和微  相似文献   

历史文化名镇是人类物质文化与精神文化的重要载体,是现代休闲旅游活动的重要组成部分和热点地区。河南省的千年古镇文化价值高、开发潜力大,成为学者研究的热点。目前,学术界对河南历史文化名镇的研究主要集中在历史文化名镇的保护及开发、历史文化名镇的建筑价值、街巷空间布局规划以及法律法规等方面。  相似文献   

2014年4月19日,受河南省科技厅委托,漯河市科技局在郑州组织河南省轻工业行业协会、河南省造纸学会、河南省科学院、河南省轻工业科研所、河南省轻工业学校、焦作瑞丰纸业等单位的有关专家对河南银鸽实业投资股份有限公司完成的“防油纸的开发与应用”项目进行科技成果鉴定。  相似文献   

危志斌 《中国造纸》2012,31(3):71-73
简要介绍了山东太阳纸业大型纸机之一的天章19#机通过多年的工艺优化在节水用水方面取得的明显效果,其吨纸水耗仅为4.0 m3.  相似文献   

李卫民 《饮料工业》2008,11(4):14-15
综述了水在人体生命活动中的作用及天然矿泉水对人体健康的影响,阐述了纳滤技术在矿泉水生产中应用所带来的种种有利之处,为矿泉水生产的最新工艺。  相似文献   

水的功能和利用   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
从食品成分角度论述了近期对水的研究进展。水分子的特殊构造、水分子团的存在与人的生命和生理息息相关。笔者关于电生功能水的研究表明,功能性水大有开发前景。  相似文献   

目的 对广东地区2018年市售的包装饮用水及天然矿泉水铜绿假单胞菌污染情况进行分析及检测。方法 采用国标《GB 8538-2016食品安全国家标准饮用天然矿泉水检验方法》对实验室2018年抽检的包装饮用水及天然矿泉水进行铜绿假单胞菌项目检测及分析。结果 275份包装饮用水及天然矿泉水中23份样品检出铜绿假单胞菌, 总阳性率为8.36%; 包装饮用水、天然矿泉水的阳性率分别为9.87%、1.92%; 包装饮用水中桶装水的阳性率为100%, 共检出76株阳性菌株, 菌株形态主要为蓝绿色。结论 包装饮用水中铜绿假单胞菌污染状况比天然矿泉水严重, 且集中在桶装包装饮用水中。建议桶装饮用水生产企业采取控制措施, 相关监督部门应加强监督管理。  相似文献   

M. Koseki    A. Nakagawa    Y. Tanaka    H. Noguchi    T. Omochi 《Journal of food science》2003,68(1):354-358
ABSTRACT: The sensory evaluation of alkali‐ion water and bottled mineral water was performed by panelists and their preferences for the taste of alkali‐ion water was surveyed. Consequently, alkali‐ion water made from tap water was found to taste better than any bottled mineral water; however, the activated carbon filtration water, which was also made from tap water, was found to taste better than alkali‐ion water. Furthermore, smell, taste, feeling in the throat, aftertaste, and general impression of the mineral water, alkali‐ion waters, and activated carbon filtration water were evaluated using the 1‐pair comparison method. Consequently, alkali‐ion water and activated carbon filtration water were more highly rated than commercial bottled mineral water.  相似文献   

The inorganic composition of about sixty mineral water samples from different sources were analysed using standard methods. Some of the analytes were found to not comply with international guidelines for drinking water and may not be suitable for babies and people suffering from heart or kidney diseases. The composition of natural mineral waters was also compared with those of the respective tap waters, using surface water at source as raw material. The silica content was found to be a useful indicator for the authenticity of natural mineral water and to distinguish them from surface water.  相似文献   

水是人类赖以生存的必需物质。经过长时间的人类活动,社会已赋予水以新的概念和功能,也就有了瓶装饮用水的市场。在新旧概念交替的过程中人们从不同角度来看水,自然也就有了各种各样的研究和讨论。1 瓶装饮用水的概念 1996年12月17日发布的《软饮料的分类》国  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The effect of water hardness on the taste of alkaline electrolyzed water (AEW) was examined by sensory evaluation. Sensory test 1 of commercial bottled mineral water to which calcium and/or magnesium salts had been added was performed by panelists who evaluated the effect of hardness on the taste of water using a scoring method (hedonic scaling test) and a 1-pair comparison method. The water, in which the calcium concentration and the magnesium concentration was 20 mg/L and 2 mg/L, respectively, was found to taste better than any water containing other concentrations of calcium and magnesium. Sensory test 2 of bottled mineral waters having hardnesses of 30 mg/L to 290 mg/L, of activated carbon filtration water having a hardness of 50 mg/L, and of AEWs was performed by panelists using a scoring method (hedonic scaling test) and a pair test, and their preferences for the taste of AEWs was surveyed. The taste of AEW made by electrolyzing activated carbon filtration water did not differ from that of the water before it was electrolyzed. The same was true of AEW made by electrolyzing bottled mineral water having a hardness of 80 mg/L. However, 3 kinds of AEWs made by electrolyzing bottled mineral waters having hardnesses of 30 mg/L, 170 mg/L, and 290 mg/L were found to taste less pleasant than each bottled mineral water before being electrolyzed. The results of sensory tests 1 and 2 show that good-tasting AEW could be produced by an alkaline water electrolyzed from most tap water of Japan because its hardness varies from approximately 50 mg/L to 80 mg/L.  相似文献   

主要介绍了天然矿泉水的特点,分析了瓶装天然矿泉水微生物污染的引入环节,并针对天然矿泉水微生物的污染原因,提出了相应的控制措施。  相似文献   

As bottled mineral water market is increasing in the world (especially in emergent and developed countries), the development of a simple protocol to train a panel to evaluate sensory properties would be a useful tool for natural drinking water industry. A sensory protocol was developed to evaluate bottled natural mineral water (17 still and 10 carbonated trademarks). The tasting questionnaire included 13 attributes for still water plus overall impression and they were sorted by: colour hues, transparency and brightness, odour/aroma and taste/flavour/texture and 2 more for carbonated waters (bubbles and effervescence). The training lasted two months with, at least, 10 sessions, was adequate to evaluate bottled natural mineral water. To confirm the efficiency of the sensory training procedure two sensory groups formed the whole panel. One trained panel (6 persons) and one professional panel (6 sommeliers) and both participated simultaneously in the water tasting evaluation of 3 sample lots. Similar average scores obtained from trained and professional judges, with the same water trademarks, confirmed the usefulness of the training protocol. The differences obtained for trained panel in the first lot confirm the necessity to train always before a sensory procedure. A sensory water wheel is proposed to guide the training in bottled mineral water used for drinking, in connection with their chemical mineral content.  相似文献   

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