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Particulate air pollution is associated with adverse health effects to the population exposed. The aim of this paper is the identification of local and regional sources, affecting PM10 and PM2.5 levels in four large cities of southern Europe, namely: Lisbon, Madrid, Marseille, and Rome. Air pollution data from seven sampling sites of the European Union network were used. These stations were selected due to their ability of monitoring PM2.5 concentrations and providing reliable series of data. Each station’s background was also taken into account. Pearson correlation coefficients and primal component analysis components were extracted separately for cold and warm periods in order to define the relationships among particle matters (PMs) and gaseous pollutants (CO, NO2, SO2, and O3) and evaluate the contributions of local sources. Possible seasonal variations of PM2.5/PM10 ratio daily values were also used as markers of PM sources, influencing particulate size distribution. Particle emissions were primarily attributed to traffic and secondarily to natural sources. Minimum daily values of PM2.5/PM10 ratio were observed during warm periods, particularly at suburban stations with rural background, due to dust resuspension and also due to the increase of biogenic coarse PM (pollen, dust, etc.). Hybrid Single-Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model trajectory model was used in order to compute the 4-day backward trajectories of the air masses that affected the four cities which are under study during days with recorded PM10 exceedances, within a 5-year period (2003–2007), at 300, 750, and 1,500 m above ground level (AGL). The trajectories were then divided to clusters with a K-means analysis. In all four cities, the influence of slow-moving air masses was associated with a large fraction of PM10 exceedances and with high average and maximum daily mean PM10 concentrations, principally at the 300 m AGL analysis. As far the issue of the increased PM10 concentrations, the results were weaker in Marseille and particularly in Rome, probably due to their greater distance from Northwest Africa, in comparison to Madrid and Lisbon. Dust intrusions from the Sahara desert and transportation of Mediterranean/Atlantic sea spray, were characterized as primary regional sources of exogenous PM10 in all four cities. Continental trajectories from the industrialized northern Italy affected PM10 levels particularly in Marseille and Rome, due to their more eastern geographical position.  相似文献   

南京四季大气粗细粒子中PAHs的污染特征及来源   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
研究了南京2009—2010年大气粗、细粒子中PAHs(多环芳烃,Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons)在四季不同的组成特征及来源。结果表明,南京细粒子中PAHs的浓度范围是19.11~131.31 ng/m~3,而粗粒子是17.77~134.85 ng/m~3。局地排放与区域传输的综合作用,使得南京不同采样点的PAHs浓度相关度较高,具有相同的污染源及污染过程。除了秋季PAHs主要分布于粗粒径段,南京大气中PAHs以细粒子为主。春、冬季分别受到了来自ENE-S和NNW-NE方向污染气团的远距离输送影响,夏季局地排放的污染物受到了西南清洁气团的稀释作用,秋季不同于其他季节,仅以局地贡献为主。源解析结果显示,不同季节PAHs来源存在差异,最主要的排放源是机动车源,其次是燃煤/焦化,秋季受较多的生物质燃烧贡献。秋季特殊的排放源贡献,以及局地贡献为主的污染形式,可能是其浓度分布不同于其他季节的根本原因。  相似文献   

In Northeast Asia, the effect of long-range transport of air pollutants is generally pronounced in spring and winter, but can be important even in summer. This study analyzed summer-time atmospheric transport of elemental carbon (EC) and sulfate (SO4 2?) with the Community Multiscale Air Quality (CMAQ) model driven by the Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model. The WRF/CMAQ modeling system was applied to regions ranging from Northeast Asia to the Greater Tokyo Area in Japan in summer 2007. In terms of EC, while the model simulated well the effect of long-range transport, the simulation results indicated that domestic emissions in Japan dominantly contributed (85%) to EC concentrations in the Greater Tokyo. In terms of SO4 2?, the simulation results indicated that both domestic emissions (62%) and long-range transport from the other countries (38%) substantially contributed to SO4 2? concentrations in the Greater Tokyo. Distinctive transport processes of SO4 2? were associated with typical summer-time meteorological conditions in the study region. When a Pacific high-pressure system covered the main island of Japan, domestic emissions, including volcanic emission, dominantly contributed to SO4 2? concentrations in the Greater Tokyo. When a high-pressure system prevailed over the East China Sea and low-pressure systems passed north of Japan, synoptic westerly winds associated with this pressure pattern transported a large amount of SO4 2? from the continent to Japan. In addition, although heavy precipitation and strong wind decreased SO4 2? concentrations near the center of a typhoon, peripheral typhoon winds occasionally played an important role in long-range transport of SO4 2?.  相似文献   

探究京津冀及周边地区大气细颗粒物(PM2.5)和臭氧(O3)短期暴露对人群因病就诊的急性影响及其季节性差异,为区域性大气污染的协同治理提供流行病学证据。收集2013年1月1日—2018年12月31日京津冀及周边地区共14个城市100家医院门诊的日就诊量,以及大气PM2.5和O3日均浓度和气象因子数据,基于时间序列研究设计,采用二阶段统计分析策略(广义相加模型联合meta分析),在控制气象因子和时间趋势等混杂因素的基础上构建双污染物模型,分析大气PM2.5和O3短期暴露对人群因病就诊的影响。研究期间,大气PM2.5和O3日均浓度平均分别为 72.2±56.8 μg/m3和 58.2±36.9 μg/m3,医院门诊就诊量达6257万人 · 次。双污染物模型结果显示,移动平均滞后0—1 d的PM2.5和O3暴露浓度每升高10 μg/m3,医院门诊就诊量分别增加0.25%(95%置信区间(95%CI):0.20%—0.29%)和0.15%(95%CI:0.07%—0.22%);拟合季节分层模型发现,冷季PM2.5暴露对门诊就诊量的急性影响较强,而O3相关效应则呈现出暖季较强的特征。京津冀及周边地区大气PM2.5和O3短期暴露均增大人群因病就诊的风险,提示应采取积极措施协同治理大气PM2.5和O3复合污染,同时重视污染物冷、暖季风险的差异。   相似文献   

《Atmospheric Research》2009,91(2-4):313-325
Some peak PM10 episodes, occurred during PM monitoring campaigns performed on October 2005 and February and June 2006 in Bari town, have been characterized. Moreover back trajectories of air masses and Principal Component Analyses were applied. Three of the peak PM10 episodes investigated were related to local emissions of primary pollutants during poor atmospheric dispersion conditions. The other two peak PM10 episodes considered are related with long range transport air masses toward Apulia region: in one case the chemical characterization and the back trajectories analysis indicate that high PM10 value detected is due to the Saharan dust advection in the Apulia region; in the other case air masses with different origin give rise to high PM10 value.Moreover PM10 daily mean concentrations, presented in this paper collected from January 2005 to August 2007 and obtained by automatic device in six stations of air quality monitoring networks in Bari territory, do not show a seasonal trend for PM10 concentrations, contrary to the PM10 trend shown in the towns of North Italy. This can be explained mostly considering that our region presents generally meteo-climatic conditions that favour pollutants dispersion.  相似文献   

Some peak PM10 episodes, occurred during PM monitoring campaigns performed on October 2005 and February and June 2006 in Bari town, have been characterized. Moreover back trajectories of air masses and Principal Component Analyses were applied. Three of the peak PM10 episodes investigated were related to local emissions of primary pollutants during poor atmospheric dispersion conditions. The other two peak PM10 episodes considered are related with long range transport air masses toward Apulia region: in one case the chemical characterization and the back trajectories analysis indicate that high PM10 value detected is due to the Saharan dust advection in the Apulia region; in the other case air masses with different origin give rise to high PM10 value.Moreover PM10 daily mean concentrations, presented in this paper collected from January 2005 to August 2007 and obtained by automatic device in six stations of air quality monitoring networks in Bari territory, do not show a seasonal trend for PM10 concentrations, contrary to the PM10 trend shown in the towns of North Italy. This can be explained mostly considering that our region presents generally meteo-climatic conditions that favour pollutants dispersion.  相似文献   

根据世界气象组织倡议建立全球大气本底污染监测站网的我国浙江临安和北京古北口上甸子两个大气本底污染区域监测站,业已开展业务监测。降水化学是监测的内容之一,本文介绍监测的一些结果,并对其降水酸度及化学成分作了对比分析。  相似文献   

Vertical profiles of fine and coarse aerosol particles were determined by cascade impactors at the me-teorological tower in Beijing for three days and one night, July 18-23, 1980. Coarse mode aerosols showed a maximum concentration at 47 m when there was an inversion at about 140 m height, and a rather uniform distribution when there was no inversion. This may indicate a two-component origin of coarse particles at the tower site, one being surface dust and the other being tall stack emissions. Fine mode aerosols showed more complex vertical profiles. Median particle size distributions of most metals were bimodal, indicating distinct coarse particle dispersion and fine accumulation mode processes. A chemical thermodynamic cal-culation indicates that fine mode Si can result from the reduction of silica to volatile SiO during coal combustion with limited air supply, a process which should release substantial amounts of carbon monoxide to the atmosphere.  相似文献   

利用轨迹分析法、印痕分析和流场分析法,结合上甸子站卤代温室气体H-1301、HCFC-22、CFC-11和SF6在线浓度观测数据,选取2012年9月7-12日上甸子测站卤代温室气体浓度短期波动典型个例进行分析.轨迹分析结果表明:7日12时,污染发生前,气团主要来自较远的偏西北、偏北方向,水平输送距离长,移动迅速,垂直高度高,对应的卤代温室气体浓度偏低,H-1301、HCFC-22、CFC-11和SF6的体积分数分别为4x10-12、350x10-12、260x10-12、10x10-12;9、10日有一定比例的气团在测站的偏南区域近地面回旋打转,水平输送距离短,垂直高度低,在边界层内缓慢移动,不利于污染物在边界层内扩散,导致卤代温室气体浓度偏高,对测站浓度的短期抬升贡献较大,9日12时H-1301、HCFC-22、CFC-11的峰值体积分数分别达到45x10-12、1 200x 10-12、310x10-12,10日03时SF6的峰值体积分数达到28x10-12;11日西南方向回旋气团消失;12日气团完全来自较远的西北方向且轨迹移动较快.印痕分析与轨迹分析结果一致:7、8日敏感性系数较高区域主要分布在测站以北,9、10日敏感性系数较高区域分布在测站偏南,11、12日测站偏南的敏感性系数较高区域消失.流场分析结果表明:9、10日环流形势有利于污染物在测站区域累积,造成测站浓度的短期抬升.  相似文献   

The fractions of local traffic (LT), urban background (UBG) and regional background (RBG) of the particle pollution at a traffic-influenced kerbside in Dresden, Germany, were determined by measurements of size-segregated mass concentration, chemical composition and particle size distributions in a network of five measurement stations partly existing and partly set up for this study. Besides the kerbside station, one urban background site and three rural sites were included in the study. Using data from these different sites, the LT, UBG, and RBG contributions were calculated, following the approach of Lenschow et al. (2001). At the kerbside site, 19% of the total number concentration (DpSt = 10–600 nm) could be attributed to the RBG, 15% to the UBG, and 66% to the LT immediately nearby. Particle mass concentrations up to Dpaer = 420 nm RBG amounts to 68%, UBG to 21%, and LT only to 11%. Highest mass concentrations were observed at all stations in autumn and winter during easterly inflow directions. The local traffic fraction of PM10 mass at the kerbside station was found to be 30% for westerly inflow, but only 7% for southeasterly inflow due to the dominating transport fraction from up to 80% of the particle mass at this inflow direction. Size-resolved investigation showed the main fractions in both the particle size ranges of Dpaer = 0.42 to 1.2 and 0.14 to 0.42 μm at all stations. The main components sulphate, ammonium and total carbon showed higher concentrations at south-eastern/eastern inflow in autumn at all stations, while nitrate at the kerbside and urban background site was higher during westerly inflow in winter. The chemical composition at the regional background site at westerly inflow (12% nitrate, 8% sulphate, 11% total carbon) was significantly different from that at easterly inflow (3% nitrate, 15% sulphate, 22% total carbon). The prevailing part of the ionic mass was always found in the fine particle range of Dpaer = 0.14 to 1.2 μm at all stations. For all inflow directions highest total carbon concentrations were observed at the kerbside station, especially in the ultra-fine size range of Dpaer = 0.05 to 0.14 μm with up to 30% of the whole carbon. PAH concentrations were always higher at south-eastern/eastern inflow especially during wintertime. Trace metal components and silicon were found mainly in the coarse mode fraction at the kerbside resulting from abrasion or resuspension.  相似文献   

During the ANT VII/1 cruise of the RV Polarstern from Bremerhaven (Germany) to Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil), atmospheric particulate matter was collected by bulk filtration with a time step of 36 hours. Elemental analyses were performed in order to determine atmospheric aerosol concentrations of Al, Si, P, S, K, Ca, Ti, Mn, Fe, and Zn over the North Sea, the Channel, and the North and South Atlantic. The slight and continuous moving in latitude, associated with the large variability in concentration levels and chemical composition, allow us to point out the relative influence of the major sources of particulate matter: desert soil-dust in the tropical North Atlantic, anthropogenic emissions in the North Sea and the Channel, and biomass burning and continental biogenic activity in the tropical South Atlantic.  相似文献   

The objective of the study is to detect geographical and temporal variations of near surface air temperatures over Minnesota and Wisconsin, USA derived from the North American Regional Reanalysis (NARR) dataset. In addition, the study serves to assess the usefulness of NARR temperature data to analyze regional and local temperature variations. Particular emphasis was placed on the analyses on the temperature-modifying effects of the Great Lakes and large urban environments. We analyzed annual mean, daily maximum and minimum, and January minimum and July maximum temperatures for the period 1979–2006 by using methods such as ordinary kriging, principal component analysis, and the Mann–Kendall test. On a regional scale, we found significant effects of the latitude and the Great Lakes on the spatial variability of the data. Furthermore, we found clearly identifiable effects of large urban areas in the study region (Minneapolis—Saint Paul and Milwaukee), which are more evident in the principal component scores than in the temperature data themselves. While we failed to detect significant July maximum temperature trends, we detected significantly increasing trends in January minimum and mean annual temperature datasets in the eastern part of the region. Overall, the present study has demonstrated the potential of using NARR data for urban climate research.  相似文献   

The results of a comparative analysis of temporal and spatial variations in the particulate matter (PM10) concentration are under consideration; the information is obtained based on the measurement data from the Mosekomonitoring network of stations and results of calculations with the CHIMERE chemistry transport model adapted for the Russian central region. The intercomparison of measurement data obtained in summer 2007 and respective calculations showed that the model provided a satisfactory reproduction of the observed temporal variability of the daily mean PM10 concentration (an averaged correlation coefficient is 0.8), but systematically underestimated the absolute values of the PM10 concentration. It is shown that model data quality can be significantly improved due to a simple a priori correction of the model errors. Irregularities in the spatial distribution of the PM10 concentration and their dependence on meteorological conditions were revealed. The reasons of the formation of episodes of a high PM10 concentration are considered.  相似文献   

进入21世纪后贵州地区降水极端事件频发,旱涝灾害不仅对农业生产、农民收入造成了严重影响,而且对旱涝的监测评判也成为气象服务中的难题。该文以贵州省阳河下游地区的岑巩县为例,基于区域自动气象站观测资料开展旱涝监测判定方法研究,建立了旱涝监测判定方程和指标,并计算了岑巩县气象站1971—2013年共43 a夏季逐侯旱涝指数和岑巩县11个乡镇2013年夏季逐侯旱涝指数。结果表明:1基于区域自动气象观测站观测资料构建的区域夏季旱涝指数能较好地反映岑巩夏季旱涝变化,作为贵州特殊地形下的夏季旱涝监测判定指标是比较合理的;2岑巩县夏季旱涝有明显的侯际变化特征,并且旱涝的侯际变化与西北太平洋副热带高压季节性北跳和西风槽活动有密切关系。  相似文献   

Journal of Atmospheric Chemistry - The paper presents the temporal variations of surface ozone (O3) and its precursors (oxides of nitrogen (NOX), carbon monoxide (CO), methane (CH4) and non-methane...  相似文献   

Atmospheric particle-bound mercury levels were measured in PM10 aerosols (HgP) at a rural site (Mahasar, Haryana) during winter 2014–15 and summer 2015. The PM10 HgP was determined by using Differential Pulse Anodic Stripping Voltammetry through standard addition methods while the trace metals were determined by using an Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy. The mass concentrations of HgP varied from 591 to 1533 pg/m3 with an average of 1009?±?306 pg/m3 during the winter, while the mass concentrations of HgP varied from 43 to 826 pg/m3 with an average of 320?±?228 pg/m3 during the summer. However, it is difficult to assess whether these levels are harmful or not because there is no standard value available as National Ambient Air Quality Standard. The higher concentrations of HgP during winters were possibly due to favourable local meteorological conditions for the stagnation of particulate matter in the lower atmosphere and the increased emissions from existing natural or anthropogenic sources, regional sources and long-range transportation. Relatively low concentrations of HgP during summer might be due to increased mixing heights as well as scavenging effect because some light to heavy rain events were observed during summer time sampling. However, among other metals determined, the concentration of HgP was the lowest during both the seasons. The study may be useful in assessing the health impacts of PM10 HgP and other metals.  相似文献   

In this work, the X-ray Photoelectron Spectroscopy (XPS) technique is utilized to analyze the surface chemical composition of particulate matter (PM) which was collected from various locations at Jeddah, Saudi Arabia. The main elements found on the surface of PM are carbon (C), oxygen (O) and silicon (Si) with combined percentage of 89.4–94.9 while traces of nitrogen (N), calcium (Ca), aluminum (Al), sodium (Na), chlorine (Cl), manganese (Mg), and sulfur (S) were also present. The analyzed XPS chemical state of C, O and Si was further used to determine their bonding with other elements occurring over the surface of PM. Carbon was found in the form of carbides (18.86%), fluorides (2.39%) and carbonates (78.75%); oxygen was observed as oxides (21.05%) and hydroxides (73.42%) of other metals; and silicon was detected as silicones (12.16%), nitrides (82.53%) and silicates (5.25%). The particle size of a PM is also of great concern for health issues, and thus has been investigated by the Field Emission Scanning Electron Microscope (FESEM). The Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS) was employed for cross verification of detected elements by XPS.  相似文献   

利用2008-2017年大气颗粒物质量浓度资料和逐日地面气象观测资料,统计分析了丹东市大气颗粒物质量浓度时间变化特征及其与气象要素的关系。结果表明:2008-2017年丹东市大气颗粒物质量浓度年际变化具有一定的波动性,其中2015-2017年大气颗粒物污染状况持续改善明显;质量浓度月和季节变化特征明显,1月和12月最高、7月最低,冬季最高、夏季最低,非汛期显著高于汛期,供暖期显著高于非供暖期;非汛期大气颗粒物质量浓度超标日相较达标日,气温和能见度偏低,降水偏少,风速偏小;非汛期PM2.5、PM1质量浓度与相对湿度呈显著正相关,与风速呈显著负相关,汛期PM2.5、PM1质量浓度与风速呈显著负相关;PM2.5、PM1质量浓度春、秋、冬季与风速的负相关性最显著,冬季与相对湿度的正相关性也十分显著。  相似文献   

The apportionment of atmospheric aerosols undertaken in Northern France during two sampling campaigns allowed to determine the influence of the atmospheric contribution of a heavy industrialized urban center on the particulate matter composition at a nearby rural site. The concentrations of major components and trace elements sampled by bulk filtration have been determined on June–July 2000 and January–February 2001, and the comparison of these two campaigns shows very well the importance of wind directions. The sources of 10 trace elements (Al, Ba, Cu, Fe, K, Mn, Pb, Sr, Ti and Zn) and 7 major components (Cl, NO3, SO42−, NH4+, Na, Mg and Ca) are better identified by studying their elemental contribution at each sampling site according to wind sectors. This kind of study shows that the concentrations recorded at the urban sampling site are always higher than those observed at the rural site as well during the summer campaign (about + 35%) as during the winter campaign (+ 90%), because of the predominance of the W–NW wind sector, corresponding to the influence of the urban and industrialized areas.  相似文献   

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