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王兴旺  吴桐  王洪国  廖克俭  南雪峰 《应用化工》2013,(12):2181-2183,2187
研究了一种新型温拌剂对沥青的降黏效果及常规性能的影响。制备温拌SBS改性沥青条件为:搅拌转速200 r/min,搅拌时间30 min,温拌剂溶液pH为8,温拌剂浓度6%。结果显示,该温拌剂在一定程度上提高了沥青的软化点和针入度,延度变长,沥青的高低温性能均得到有效改善和提高。  相似文献   

为掌握温拌剂类型和橡胶粉细度对温拌橡胶沥青性能的影响,制备不同类型温拌橡胶沥青,通过布氏旋转粘度、软化点和延度等试验对其粘温性能、高温性能和低温性能分别进行研究。结果表明:橡胶粉细度和温拌剂类型对温拌橡胶沥青粘度有显著影响,且橡胶粉细度影响程度更大,其中橡胶粉细度增加时橡胶沥青粘度提高; ZYF、Sasobit和Evotherm对橡胶沥青的降粘效果依次变差,同时橡胶粉细度增加时三者降粘效果均降低; Sasobit能有效提高橡胶沥青高温性能,Evotherm和ZYF则对其高温性能有不利影响,而三种温拌剂对低温性能的影响与高温性能正好相反;橡胶粉细度增加时其制备的沥青高温性能和低温性能均提高。  相似文献   

制备了新型橡胶沥青温拌剂S,并从粘度、软化点、针入度、延度等方面研究了其用量对橡胶沥青性能的影响。采用4种试验,对比了温拌剂S与国外温拌剂的温拌性能,探讨了温拌剂S的降粘机理。结果表明,温拌剂S能显著降低橡胶沥青的高温粘度,提高橡胶沥青的软化点及针入度,还可提高橡胶沥青的抗老化能力、高温稳定性、低温抗裂性以及水稳定性。  相似文献   

为了研究自主研发的新型HPD温拌剂对高粘沥青性能的作用效果,考察了HPD掺量为0%、1.8%、2.0%、2.2%对高粘改性沥青的高低温性能、粘温特性、破坏温度及其微观结构的影响,并以掺量为2.0%的Sasobit温拌高粘沥青作为对比.实验结果表明:HPD温拌剂加入后可以提高沥青的高温特性,且效果要好于同掺量的Sasob...  相似文献   

为实现公路老化沥青的高效回收利用,研制了一种新型自制温拌再生剂(WR),通过对温拌再生沥青进行常规物理性能和MSCR试验,并与两种工业再生剂进行对比分析,探究WR的最佳配比、再生效果及最优掺量;通过FTIR和SEM分析探究WR对老化沥青的再生机理。结果表明,WR成分质量分数的最佳比例为:原油:表面活性剂:增塑剂:抗老化剂=80.0:9.5:8.0:2.5;WR比工业再生剂具有更加优异的再生性能,但WR含量过高会增加成本和降低再生沥青的耐车辙性能,WR的最优含量为7%。FTIR和SEM测试结果表明,WR能通过物理作用显著地补充老化沥青中的挥发成分,使再生沥青组分比例和微观结构恢复至原沥青相似水平。上述研究成果能为老化沥青的经济再生提供更加合理的途径。  相似文献   

对表面活性技术的温拌剂合成工艺及性能进行研究。结果表明,棕榈酸酰胺丙基二甲基胺的最佳合成条件为:酸胺的摩尔比1∶1.2,反应时间5 h,反应温度120℃。将合成的棕榈酸酰胺丙基二甲基胺与硫酸二甲酯按1∶1摩尔比反应,合成出季铵盐温拌剂。并采用红外光谱和元素分析法验证了结构特征。添加季铵盐温拌剂的温拌沥青混合料相比于热拌沥青混合料,能有效降低成型温度30℃,同时各项路用性能均满足现行规范要求。  相似文献   

对表面活性技术的温拌剂合成工艺及性能进行研究。结果表明,棕榈酸酰胺丙基二甲基胺的最佳合成条件为:酸胺的摩尔比1∶1.2,反应时间5 h,反应温度120℃。将合成的棕榈酸酰胺丙基二甲基胺与硫酸二甲酯按1∶1摩尔比反应,合成出季铵盐温拌剂。并采用红外光谱和元素分析法验证了结构特征。添加季铵盐温拌剂的温拌沥青混合料相比于热拌沥青混合料,能有效降低成型温度30℃,同时各项路用性能均满足现行规范要求。  相似文献   

采用高速剪切法制备废橡胶粉改性温拌沥青,并对添加温拌剂E26和DWMA胶粉的改性沥青进行短期模拟老化试验。研究结果表明,加入温拌剂E26和DWMA改变了沥青四组分的含量,沥青内部结构未发生明显变化;短期老化后,针入度和延度减小,软化点升高;芳香分质量分数降低,胶质和沥青质质量分数增多。对比发现,添加DWMA温拌剂的胶粉改性沥青,老化前后三大指标和四组分变化幅度最小,官能团减小幅度最小,说明抗老化能力优于添加E26和未添加温拌剂的改性沥青。  相似文献   

对生物质温拌再生沥青的流变性能和疲劳性能进行研究,选用70#基质沥青以3.5%,5.5%,7.5%,9.5%,11.5%掺量的生物质温拌再生剂WL-3对室内模拟老化沥青进行再生,采用动态剪切流变仪(DSR)对生物质温拌再生沥青的相位角、复数模量、车辙因子等高温流变性能指标进行研究;通过线性振幅扫描(LAS)对生物质温拌再生沥青、70#基质沥青和老化沥青的疲劳性能进行研究。结果表明,生物质温拌再生剂WL-3的加入降低了老化沥青的车辙因子、疲劳因子和应变恢复率(R),不可恢复蠕变柔量(Jnr)和疲劳寿命增加,提高了老化沥青的应力敏感性,流变特性得到较好恢复。  相似文献   

采用水损坏敏感试验、冻融试验、半圆弯曲试验探讨了不同旧料掺量对温拌再生沥青混合料性能的影响。结果显示,增加旧料掺量,各混合料的动态模量比增加,弹性模量受水的影响比较小,但会降低再生沥青混合料的抗裂性能,脆化性增强,当旧料掺量达到一定量后,其对混合料的抗裂性影响减小。相同条件下,增大旧料掺量,混合料的动态模量随之增加,其脆性、刚性化现象更突出;升高温度后,温拌再生沥青混合料的动态模式呈黏弹性,相同旧料掺量下,热拌再生沥青混合料的抗裂及抗形变性能较温拌再生沥青混合料的高。  相似文献   

温拌沥青在使用的过程中可以节省20%~30%的燃料,而且也可以减少污染气体的排放,温拌沥青在使用的过程中拌和温度和摊铺温度都比热拌沥青有所降低,非常适合在寒冷地区的使用,可以缩短施工的时间,延长路面的使用寿命。而作为温拌沥青的上游原材料,辽河石化沥青又有着得天独厚的优势。介绍了温拌沥青的技术特点、温拌沥青的优良性能以及辽河石化沥青的特点等。  相似文献   

磺酸盐Gemini表面活性剂因具有较高的表面活性、耐温及抗盐性好等特点而受到国内外学者的广泛关注。分别采用量高法和搅动法测定了磺酸盐Gemini表面活性剂TADS-10的润湿性能和起泡性能,采用分水时间法测定了TADS-10对液体石蜡的乳化能力。结果表明:磺酸盐Gemini表面活性剂TADS-10亲油表面的接触角随浓度的增大而减小,而亲水表面的接触角随浓度的增大而增大;在临界胶束浓度附近,TADS-10的起泡性能趋于稳定;随着温度的升高,其起泡性能增强;与传统表面活性剂相比,TADS-10具有较强的乳化性能。  相似文献   

Two low‐density polyethylene (LDPE) resins and two ethyl vinyl acetate (EVA) polymers were used to modify asphalt binder, and then mixed with asphalt concrete according to Marshall Method of mix design (ASTM D 1559). Effect of weight average molecular weight (Mw) of LDPE and vinyl acetate (VA) content of EVA was studied by performing Marshall Stability, moisture susceptibility (AASHTO T 283‐89), resilient modulus (MR) and permanent deformation (rutting) tests. EVA with low VA content showed lower stability loss in Marshall Stability test and improved resistance in moisture susceptibility test in comparison to hot mix asphalt concrete mix (HMA) and other polymer modified asphalt concrete mixes (PMAMs). Higher MR and better rutting resistance were observed for PMAMs than that of HMA. This elastic behaviour of modified asphalt correlates very well with the MR and rutting resistance properties of PMAM.  相似文献   

通过弯曲梁流变(BBR)试验、接触角测量及原子力显微镜(AFM)测试等方法,从宏观和微观角度对老化前后温拌胶粉改性沥青(WCR)低温抗裂性及其与集料黏附性的变化规律进行研究,并以热拌胶粉改性沥青(HCR)作为对比。结果表明:随着老化程度的加深,HCR、WCR的蠕变速率(m)和弯曲蠕变劲度(S)的比值(m/S)减小,低温抗裂性能变差,WCR的低温抗裂、抗老化性能均优于HCR;老化前后HCR、WCR与三种集料的黏附性能大小依次为石灰岩>玄武岩>花岗岩,WCR与集料的黏附性均优于HCR;老化前后两种沥青的微观Derjaguin-Muller-Toporov(DMT)模量与低温流变参数(m/S)呈良好线性关系,且基于Johnson-Kendall-Roberts(JKR)力学模型得到的微观表面能、黏附功分别与基于表面能理论得到的宏观表面能、黏附功呈较强相关性。  相似文献   

CLA-rich soy oil (CLARSO) has been produced by linoleic acid isomerization in soy oil TAG. The objective was to determine the physicochemical properties of the novel CLARSO relative to conventional refined bleached deodorized soy oil (RBDSO). Iodine value decreased in CLARSO samples despite unsaturation being unchanged, probably because conjugated double bonds in triacylglycerol (TAG) of CLARSO impede the complete addition of iodine. Thermal analysis by differential scanning calorimetry showed the melting point temperature increased with the increase in the CLARSO CLA concentration, and melting point broadening occurred in CLA contained samples. Dynamic viscosity of CLARSO conducted from 4 to 44 °C increased with the increase in CLA concentration, relative to RBDSO. Greatest viscosity differences occurred at the lower temperatures. Refractive indices and density were not greatly affected. The change in physical properties was attributed to the increased intermolecular hydrophobic interaction force due to conjugated double bonds and trans,trans isomers, relative to RBDSO. This may provide hard fat characteristics that may be useful for use in producing margarine or shortenings. Furthermore, the higher viscosity at refrigerator temperatures may be useful in salad oil and refrigerated sauces to enable suspension of particles and maintain a rich, thicker texture.  相似文献   

通过测试软化点、针入度和延度对SBS改性沥青的性能进行表征.结果表明:使用线型或星型SBS作为沥青改性剂可以显著提高沥青性能.当硫黄稳定剂质量分数为0.2%,SBS质量分数为4%时,改性沥青的软化点、针入度和延度趋于稳定.此外,相较于线型SBS改性,星型SBS改性沥青的软化点稍高,针入度和延度相对更小.  相似文献   

The physicochemical properties, including the density, viscosity, and refractive index of aqueous solutions of sodium glycinate as a solvent for CO2 absorption in the non-precipitation regime were measured under the wide temperature range of 298.15 to 343.15 K. The concentration of the sodium glycinate in an aqueous form in the non-precipitation regime was identified up to 2.0 mol·L?1. The coefficients of thermal expansion values were estimated from measured density data. It was found that, the densities, viscosities and refractive indices of the aqueous sodium glycinate decrease with an increase in temperature, whereas with increasing sodium glycinate concentration in the solution, all three properties increase. Thermal expansion coefficients slightly increase with rising temperature and concentration. The measured values of density, viscosity and refractive index were correlated as a function of temperature by using the least squares method. The predicted data obtained from correlation equations for all measured properties were in fairly good agreement with the experimental data.  相似文献   

The aim of this experimental work was to investigate the theological and adhesive performance of gunning mix suspensions.The results of rheological tests indicate that:the rheological curve of gunning mix bonded by high-alumina cement(HACG) is Bingham type;the rheological curve of low cement gunning mix(LCG) bonded by microsilica is characterized by pseudo-plasticity fluid with yielding stress;and the rheological property of low-cement gunning mix bonded by microsilica is proved to be better than that of gunning mix bonded by cement.Meanwhile as indicated by the adhesive teste;the better the rheological properties of gunning mix suspension,the better the repair effect would be.  相似文献   

进行大掺量甲醇汽油研究及考核,通过计算机仿真模拟试验,优化添加剂配方组分。采用自溶合技术调配M45甲醇汽油,完成添加剂和M45甲醇汽油理化指标测试,进行M45甲醇汽油互溶性、高低温启动性等试验,进行行车试验,对M45甲醇汽油和纯汽油进行油耗和经济性的对比分析,确定添加剂和M45甲醇汽油生产工艺路线,制定企业标准。  相似文献   

Moisture migration in food causes deleterious effects on food quality such as loss of crispiness in ice cream cones, drying of chocolate with liquid centers, sugar bloom and cracking of compound/chocolate coating. The present study aimed to investigate the relationship between physicochemical properties of confectionery coating fats such as fatty acids and triacylglycerol (TAG) composition, solid fat contents, rheological and crystalline properties with their moisture barrier property. Coating fats with high content of trisaturated and desaturated TAG; and high SFC at 25 °C were found to have significant (P < 0.05) positive correlation with its moisture barrier property. These fats were able to crystallize into highly crystalline materials (high SFC) with small crystal size and dense networks. Thus, these fats were able to significantly delay moisture migration. Nevertheless, some of the highly crystalline fats also had high G′ value indicating poor mechanical properties and higher tendency of such fats to crack. In order to have good moisture barrier property, coating fats need to have sufficient solids with small crystal size and dense networks; and also low G′ value. Wafer coated with good moisture barrier fat showed less cracking during storage.  相似文献   

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