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This paper proposes a formulation of the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery (VRPSPD) and a particle swarm optimization (PSO) algorithm for solving it. The formulation is a generalization of three existing VRPSPD formulations. The main PSO algorithm is developed based on GLNPSO, a PSO algorithm with multiple social structures. A random key-based solution representation and decoding method is proposed for implementing PSO for VRPSPD. The solution representation for VRPSPD with n customers and m   vehicles is a (n+2m)(n+2m)-dimensional particle. The decoding method starts by transforming the particle to a priority list of customers to enter the route and a priority matrix of vehicles to serve each customer. The vehicle routes are constructed based on the customer priority list and vehicle priority matrix. The proposed algorithm is tested using three benchmark data sets available from the literature. The computational result shows that the proposed method is competitive with other published results for solving VRPSPD. Some new best known solutions of the benchmark problem are also found by the proposed method.  相似文献   

In this paper we use an ant colony system (ACS) algorithm to solve the vehicle routing problem with simultaneous delivery and pickup (VRPSDP) which is a combinatorial optimization problem. ACS is an algorithmic approach inspired by the foraging behavior of real ants. Artificial ants are used to construct a solution for the problem by using the pheromone information from previously generated solutions. The proposed ACS algorithm uses a construction rule as well as two multi-route local search schemes. The algorithm can also solve the vehicle routing problem with backhaul and mixed load (VRPBM). An extensive numerical experiment is performed on benchmark problem instances available in literature. It is found that ACS gives good results compared to the existing algorithms.  相似文献   

吴斌 《控制与决策》2010,25(3):383-388
针对量子进化算法中旋转角取值的离散性使其解空间的搜索具有跳跃性,提出了基于混沌理论的精英均值计算旋转角算法,并将其应用于具有同时集送货需求车辆路径问题的求解.在理论上分析了解的强可行和弱可行条件的基础上,使用启发式算子对解进行改进.通过仿真实验与其他算法进行了比较,仿真结果表明所提出算法是求解此类问题的有效方法.  相似文献   

针对集货需求模糊的异型车同时配集货车辆路径问题(HFVRPSDDFP),基于先预优化再重优化的思路构建模型.预优化阶段根据可信度理论和车型选取方法为客户点分配车辆,生成配送方案.重优化阶段利用随机模拟算法(SSA)确定客户集货需求,对服务失败的客户点,制定服务策略,将模糊问题转化为确定型的异型车辆路径问题(HFVRP)...  相似文献   

Two solution representations for solving the generalized multi-depot vehicle routing problem with multiple pickup and delivery requests (GVRP-MDMPDR) is presented in this paper. The representations are used in conjunction with GLNPSO, a variant of PSO with multiple social learning terms. The computational experiments are carried out using benchmark test instances for pickup and delivery problem with time windows (PDPTW) and the generalized vehicle routing problem for multi-depot with multiple pickup and delivery requests (GVRP-MDMPDR). The preliminary results illustrate that the proposed method is capable of providing good solutions for most of the test problems.  相似文献   

为使同时取送货车辆路径问题(vehicle routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery, VRPSPD)的运输成本和各路径间最大长度差最小化,建立同时考虑车辆容量和距离约束的VRPSPD双目标模型,通过软件测试验证了模型准确性.针对问题的特点构造一个嵌入禁忌表、且具有贪婪转移准则的多目标蚁群算法,对蚂蚁产生的解执行多目标迭代局部搜索程序,以在多个邻域上优化该解或产生新的Pareto解.采用响应曲面法拟合算法参数对目标值影响的数学关系,确定最优参数组合.用该算法求得文献中12组Solomon算例的Pareto解集,并以绝对偏向最小化总成本的解与文献中仅最小化总成本的几种算法的计算结果进行比较,结果表明算法可求得权衡各目标且使单一目标近似最优的Pareto解.  相似文献   

The location routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery (LRPSPD) is a new variant of the location routing problem (LRP). The objective of LRPSPD is to minimize the total cost of a distribution system including vehicle traveling cost, depot opening cost, and vehicle fixed cost by locating the depots and determining the vehicle routes to simultaneously satisfy the pickup and the delivery demands of each customer. LRPSPD is NP-hard since its special case, LRP, is NP-hard. Thus, this study proposes a multi-start simulated annealing (MSA) algorithm for solving LRPSPD which incorporates multi-start hill climbing strategy into simulated annealing framework. The MSA algorithm is tested on 360 benchmark instances to verify its performance. Results indicate that the multi-start strategy can significantly enhance the performance of traditional single-start simulated annealing algorithm. Our MSA algorithm is very effective in solving LRPSPD compared to existing solution approaches. It obtained 206 best solutions out of the 360 benchmark instances, including 126 new best solutions.  相似文献   

In this paper, a discrete particle swarm optimization (DPSO) algorithm is presented to solve the no-wait flowshop scheduling problem with both makespan and total flowtime criteria. The main contribution of this study is due to the fact that particles are represented as discrete job permutations and a new position update method is developed based on the discrete domain. In addition, the DPSO algorithm is hybridized with the variable neighborhood descent (VND) algorithm to further improve the solution quality. Several speed-up methods are proposed for both the swap and insert neighborhood structures. The DPSO algorithm is applied to both 110 benchmark instances of Taillard [Benchmarks for basic scheduling problems. European Journal of Operational Research 1993;64:278–85] by treating them as the no-wait flowshop problem instances with the total flowtime criterion, and to 31 benchmark instances provided by Carlier [Ordonnancements a contraintes disjonctives. RAIRO Recherche operationelle 1978;12:333–51], Heller [Some numerical experiments for an M×JM×J flow shop and its decision-theoretical aspects. Operations Research 1960;8:178–84], and Revees [A genetic algorithm for flowshop sequencing. Computers and Operations Research 1995;22:5–13] for the makespan criterion. For the makespan criterion, the solution quality is evaluated according to the reference makespans generated by Rajendran [A no-wait flowshop scheduling heuristic to minimize makespan. Journal of the Operational Research Society 1994;45:472–8] whereas for the total flowtime criterion, it is evaluated with the optimal solutions, lower bounds and best known solutions provided by Fink and Voß [Solving the continuous flow-shop scheduling problem by metaheuristics. European Journal of Operational Research 2003;151:400–14]. The computational results show that the DPSO algorithm generated either competitive or better results than those reported in the literature. Ultimately, 74 out of 80 best known solutions provided by Fink and Voß [Solving the continuous flow-shop scheduling problem by metaheuristics. European Journal of Operational Research 2003;151:400–14] were improved by the VND version of the DPSO algorithm.  相似文献   

This paper concerns a Simultaneous Delivery and Pickup Problem with Time Windows (SDPPTW). A mixed binary integer programming model was developed for the problem and was validated. Due to its NP nature, a co-evolution genetic algorithm with variants of the cheapest insertion method was proposed to speed up the solution procedure. Since there were no existing benchmarks, this study generated some test problems which revised from the well-known Solomon’s benchmark for Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows (VRPTW). From the comparison with the results of Cplex software and the basic genetic algorithm, the proposed algorithm showed that it can provide better solutions within a comparatively shorter period of time.  相似文献   

建立了带车辆最大行程约束的同时送取货车辆路径问题的混合整数规划模型; 采用了基于排序的蚂蚁系统和最大最小蚂蚁系统的信息素更新策略; 设计了基于车辆剩余装载能力的启发信息策略, 可在满足车辆负载的限制下, 提高车辆的负载利用率; 并在改进阶段使用了节点交换的局部搜索策略,以提高算法收敛速度. 仿真结果表明本文算法能够在可接受的计算时间内得到满意解.  相似文献   

为使同时取送货的选址–路径问题(LRPSPD)的总成本和各路径间最大长度差最小化, 建立同时考虑车辆容量和行驶里程约束的LRPSPD双目标模型. 采用多蚁群算法构造多个以信息素为关联的初始解, 作为多目标变邻域搜索算法搜索的多个起点, 构造四类邻域结构进行变邻域搜索, 并根据最新获得的最优邻域解更新蚂蚁信息素,从而使蚁群算法产生的多个初始解间、以及初始解与变邻域搜索产生的解之间均存在正向影响关系. 用该算法求得文献中4组共128个算例的近似Pareto解集, 结果证明了最小化路径间最大长度差目标对于节点及需求分布不集中算例的重要意义. 以绝对偏向最小化总成本的解与文献中仅最小化总成本的几种算法的算例结果进行比较, 结果表明算法可在极短的运行时间里求得权衡各目标的Pareto解, 并使最小总成本目标值具有竞争性.  相似文献   

刘冬  张惠珍  张莉 《计算机应用研究》2021,38(9):2690-2695,2700
研究了同时送取货的选址路径问题(location-routing problem with simultaneous pickup and delivery,LRP-SPD),在同时送取货问题中,每个客户都有送货需求和取货需求,并且两种需求需要同时进行服务.在此条件下,建立了以仓库的选址成本、车辆启用成本及运输成本等目标和最小的选址路径模型;针对该模型的特点,设计改进了一种混合免疫优化算法(hybrid immune algorithm,HIA)对该问题进行求解,运用贪心聚类算法生成初始解,利用原始免疫算法对抗体进行评价排序,由邻域搜索操作改进原始算法的免疫操作.最后,通过使用混合免疫优化算法与原始免疫优化算法、模拟退火算法、蚁群算法分别对案例进行求解和对比分析,验证了提出模型的可行性和算法的有效性.  相似文献   

本文针对带软时间窗的同时取送货车辆路径问题(VRPSPDSTW),以最小化车辆行驶总里程和最大化服务准时率为优化目标,提出一种超启发式分布估计算法(HHEDA)进行求解.全局搜索阶段,首先,提出3种启发式规则生成初始个体,以确保初始种群的质量和分散性;其次,根据问题特点,构造3个概率矩阵分别学习和积累优质解的排序信息、...  相似文献   

针对同时送取货车辆路径问题的研究算法进行了评述.将该问题的求解方法分为精确算法、构造型启发式、现代启发式以及并行算法四个大类.从算法的原理、性能、适用环境,以及算法之间差异性等方面对各类算法进行了较为全面的介绍.最后,说明了VRPSDP算法研究在节点具有双重需求车辆路径问题理论研究方面的意义,并提出未来VRPSDP算法研究的两个发展方向,即适合多处理器上运行的并行现代启发式算法,以及有效的混合算法如量子行为粒子群算法.  相似文献   

The Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP) has been thoroughly studied in the last decades. However, the main focus has been on the deterministic version where customer demands are fixed and known in advance. Uncertainty in demand has not received enough consideration. When demands are uncertain, several problems arise in the VRP. For example, there might be unmet customers’ demands, which eventually lead to profit loss. A reliable plan and set of routes, after solving the VRP, can significantly reduce the unmet demand costs, helping in obtaining customer satisfaction. This paper investigates a variant of an uncertain VRP in which the customers’ demands are supposed to be uncertain with unknown distributions. An advanced Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm has been proposed to solve such a VRP. A novel decoding scheme has also been developed to increase the PSO efficiency. Comprehensive computational experiments, along with comparisons with other existing algorithms, have been provided to validate the proposed algorithms.  相似文献   

混合粒子群算法求解带软时间窗的VRPSPD问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对带软时间窗的同时集配货车辆路径问题(VRPSPD),建立了以车辆派遣成本、行驶成本和时间窗惩罚成本之和最小为目标的车辆路径优化模型;设计混合粒子群算法进行求解,该算法结合以变邻域下降搜索为主体的适应性扰动机制,采用适应性选择邻域策略,并在每个邻域搜索中应用可变的循环次数,以此提高对解空间的探测能力和搜索效率。数值实验结果表明了该算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

为了避免粒子群算法求解车辆路径问题容易陷入局部最优,提出了扫描-粒子群算法。运用扫描算法对矿点进行扫描,生成初始可行解链,将其作为粒子的初始位置代入到粒子群中搜索,得到粒子种群历史最优位置,将种群粒子最优位置逆转录生成对应的可行解链。将改进型粒子群算法用于求解郑州煤电物资供销有限公司的车辆调度问题同时将该算法与经典的粒子群算法和遗传算法做了对比实验,仿真实验结果表明,改进型粒子群算法可以更快速、更有效求得车辆路径问题的最优解。  相似文献   

考虑到传统同时取送货问题模式单一,无法应对复杂多变情况的现实需要,研究了一种考虑同时取送货的路径优化问题(vehicle routing problem with drones for simultaneous pickup and delivery, VRPD-SPD)。首先,以车辆与无人机总成本最小为优化目标,建立了考虑无人机单架次访问顺序约束的混合整数线性规划模型。其次,提出了一种基于遗传思想的两阶段启发式算法(two-stage heuristic algorithm based genetic, TSHAG),第一阶段结合贪婪算法和节约算法生成初始解,第二阶段通过改进的遗传算法优化初始解,设计了多元组编码方式来提高解码效率,改进了交叉算子来增加邻域解的搜索空间,设计了新的变异算子来提高算法全局寻优性能。最后,算例实验结果表明了TSHAG算法能够有效地解决VRPD-SPD问题。  相似文献   

针对物流配送过程中的高碳排放问题,从低碳视角出发,构建考虑模糊需求的低碳取送货车辆调度(LCVRPPD)模型,并提出一种基于2-OPT的差分算法对问题进行求解.该算法中,采用自然数编码方式并设置三种不同的适应度函数;随后,引入2-OPT算法取代差分算法原有的变异机制,并结合二项交叉算子和贪婪选择算子,从而提高改进算法的...  相似文献   

The Vehicle Routing Problem with Simultaneous Pickup and Delivery (VRPSPD) is an extension to the classical Vehicle Routing Problem (VRP), where customers may both receive and send goods simultaneously. The Vehicle Routing Problem with Mixed Pickup and Delivery (VRPMPD) differs from the VRPSPD in that the customers may have either pickup or delivery demand. However, the solution approaches proposed for the VRPSPD can be directly applied to the VRPMPD. In this study, an adaptive local search solution approach is developed for both the VRPSPD and the VRPMPD, which hybridizes a Simulated Annealing inspired algorithm with Variable Neighborhood Descent. The algorithm uses an adaptive threshold function that makes the algorithm self-tuning. The proposed approach is tested on well-known VRPSPD and VRPMPD benchmark instances derived from the literature. The computational results indicate that the proposed algorithm is effective in solving the problems in reasonable computation time.  相似文献   

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