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旷开萃  尤建新 《管理学报》2008,5(6):887-891
针对销售管理活动中企业与销售部门(人员)存在的博弈竞争行为建立相关模型,详细分析了企业在自行销售模式与代理销售模式下的均衡结果,并研究了企业在不同情况下的销售模式选择;进而以上述研究为基础进行了实证研究;最后探讨了市场对模型的影响。  相似文献   

A major problem currently facing the Scotch whisky industry is the export of Scotch in bulk. This trade has grown rapidly over the past decade, but there are some doubts about its real value to the industry and the economy. This paper looks firstly at the economic arguments for a ban and then broadens the discussion and considers the wider strategic issues.  相似文献   

Women and minorities are underrepresented in medical management. If we use our personal knowledge of physician managers we know, it should be clear that the profession is dominated by white males, mainly middle-aged. But the evidence is more conclusive.  相似文献   

History proves that institutions of higher education have been notoriously slow in adapting to changes in their environments, especially in their student-markets' needs. It is time for them to employ the techniques of strategic marketing planning used by the business sector. With adjustments made for their nonprofit nature and without comprising their cultural responsibilities, institutions of higher education could clearly better serve their students, benefactors, and communities by developing an ongoing system of environmental analysis and by acting on the insight they gain. This article demonstrates how institutions of higher education can implement strategic marketing planning. Frequent references are made to actual situations.  相似文献   

This article points to a fundamental inconsistency in the emerging market strategies of multinational firms. On the one hand, they seek billions of new consumers in the emerging markets of China, India, Indonesia, and Latin America—on the other, their marketing programs are scarcely adapted for these markets. The result is low market penetration, disappointing market shares and poor profitability. These multinationals are trapped by their own devices in gilded cages, serving the affluent few but ignoring the potential of the billions of new consumers that attracted them in the first place. In this article we propose that, in order to attract billions of new consumers, the marketing programs of multinationals need to be rethought from the ground up. We identify three key factors that characterize emerging markets: (1) low incomes, (2) variability in consumers and infrastructure, and (3) the relative cheapness of labor, which is often substituted for capital. We draw on numerous case studies from around the world to illustrate how to incorporate these realities into marketing programs. We conclude with a discussion of the implications of such an approach for the multinational’s core strategic assumptions.  相似文献   

周南  曾宪聚 《管理学报》2012,(4):481-491
从中美文化价值体系和行为规范的差异出发,沿着"坐‘井’观‘天’—‘水’中捞‘月’—探‘囊’取‘物’—‘管’中窥‘豹’"的思路,探讨情理营销与法理营销的理论概念。在此基础上,探讨该概念对跨文化背景下的营销研究所具有的借鉴意义,以及中国营销理论发展过程中的若干问题。  相似文献   

A growing number of professionals use online social networks (e.g., Xing or LinkedIn) for business reasons by specifically promoting themselves. Especially executives and entrepreneurs use business social networks as a marketing tool in order to manage their business contacts and, thus, positioning themselves as a brand. Using on Keller’s (1993) customer-based brand equity model, we focus on the special behavior of entrepreneurs in such social networks. Based on the a large data set from a leading social network, we empirically analyze whether entrepreneurs act differently than other users and whether this strategy pays off. Based on a SUR model, we determine what the drivers for entrepreneurs’ profile views and contacts are. The results show that entrepreneurs focus on communicating their intentions and competencies and engage actively in the community. Especially participating in user groups and attending community events are key drivers for success.  相似文献   

拟从营销活动是否会干扰经济、社会的正常运行,是否会引致营销支出之外的外部成本来界定营销中性,并运用经济学的微观分析揭示营销本质是“以最低的交易费用,实现价值交换”。指出营销非中性是扭曲其本质的表象特征,会导致资源浪费、妨碍竞争等外部影响;而营销中性体现营销的本质特征,克服了前者的种种弊端。因此,中性的适度营销是提高经济运行效率、实现社会可持续发展的长期的必然趋势。  相似文献   

关于网络时代营销理念与实践变化的研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
本文的目的是揭示因为互联网的出现而引发的营销理论和实践的变化。为此,本文从以下几个方面展开讨论:互联网与电子商务的发展、从交易营销向关系营销的转变、竞争战略的变化、营销组合的变化及信息的作用。  相似文献   

基于拓展自组织神经网络方法的客户市场细分   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
准确的客户市场细分对客户关系管理具有重要作用。现有的聚类算法由于自身的缺陷无法很好的应用在市场细分中。本文借鉴拓展自组织神经网络方法的思想,运用Ward's指标对SOM聚类结果进行合并,从而得到有效的客群。运用该方法在某零售企业的客户数据中探索出四类客群。ANOVA分析证明了该方法得到结果的可行性,并通过与K-means方法的比较证明了该方法的准确性。  相似文献   

Two recently developed probabilistic multidimensional models for analyzing pairwise choice data are introduced, discussed in terms of their differential properties, and extended in several ways. The first one, the wandering vector model, was originally suggested by Carroll [12] and extended by De Soete and Carroll [30]. The second model, called the wandering ideal point model, is a more recently proposed [32] unfolding analog of the wandering vector model. A general maximum likelihood estimation method for fitting the various models described is mentioned, as well as a statistical test for assessing the goodness of fit. Finally, an application of the models is provided concerning consumer choice for some 14 brands of over-the-counter analgesics to illustrate how such models can be gainfully utilized for marketing decision making concerning product positioning.  相似文献   

考虑零售商和技术提供商的二元结构,本文构建理论模型分析零售商嵌入专业技术的营销策略选择问题,并探讨技术嵌入以及技术营销策略对决策结果的影响。研究发现,技术提供商作为博弈的领导者在获取边际利润方面具有优势且相对稳定;并且对技术提供商而言,让零售商进行技术营销的策略是最优的。然而,对于零售商而言,不同技术营销渠道下的利润大小会受到技术产出、技术营销、以及营销努力博弈的影响,因此零售商的策略选择较为复杂。在一定的条件下,零售商可以嵌入产出贡献度较大的专业技术,并优先选择自己进行技术营销以增加技术营销贡献度。这一策略有利于零售商快速实现利润最大化,并与技术提供商实现双赢。  相似文献   

中国营销渠道中关系营销导向对企业关系型治理的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于关系营销理论及渠道行为理论,以中国营销渠道中制造商与经销商之间的关系为研究对象,检验了制造商的关系营销导向(RMO)、企业间的私人关系状态和组织间关系之间的互动以及它们对关系型治理的影响.研究发现,在中国营销渠道中,①RMO的强弱对企业与其渠道伙伴共同制订计划没有影响,但会通过企业与其渠道伙伴的私人关系状态和组织间关系状态的中介作用对共同解决问题产生正向影响;②RMO对私人关系和组织间关系均存在显著正向影响,私人关系对RMO与组织间关系产生中介作用;③私人关系和组织间关系会对关系型渠道治理的共同解决问题有显著正向影响,私人关系对组织间关系与关系型治理机制有中介作用;④关系型治理无法抑制投机行为.  相似文献   

The article describes a research project whose purpose was to investigate the operating environment of the 1980s for the marketing executive and the strategic responses appropriate to that environment. The survey found that marketing executives were optimistic in their view of the future decade but felt the need for greater precision in marketing strategies to deal with the attendant high risks.  相似文献   

全球营销作为21世纪指导跨国公司在全球市场扩张的全新营销理论和战略构架,得到了管理理论界和企业界的普遍关注.随着WTO各项准入规则在中国的实施,中国市场将在更大的范围内和更深的程度上与国际市场并轨,中国企业融入国际市场、参与全球化竞争已经迫在眉睫.本文主要研究全球营销战略的主要观点、基本模式、整合的全球营销战略--IGMS模型及全球营销及其整合战略的结论及其对中国企业发展国际化战略的启示.  相似文献   

"关系营销是对传统营销理论的革命"质疑   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
关系营销被认为是对传统营销理论的一次革命.其实不然!关系营销与传统营销(交易营销)之间虽有一定的差异,但并无本质的区别,它们在基本属性、运作原则、相互关系、应用范围、赢利模式和服务理念等许多方面,有着紧密的联系.传统营销是关系营销的基础,关系营销则是传统营销的衍生和拓展.二者相互渗透,相互兼容,既不是两种对立的营销模式,更不是一场营销理论上的革命.  相似文献   

基于营销渠道行为理论和关系营销理论,通过假设检验,本文探讨了在中国的营销渠道中关系营销导向对企业营销渠道控制行为的影响.研究结果显示,第一,关系营销导向对企业使用非强制性权力进行控制有正向的影响,对企业权力与企业使用强制性权力进行控制之间的正相关关系有负向的调节作用;第二,关系营销导向对企业通过与其渠道伙伴共同解决问题而进行控制有直接且正向的影响.此外,我们还发现企业营销渠道控制方法之间存在着交互影响.文章最后对研究结果进行了讨论,并指出了研究结果理论贡献与实际应用.  相似文献   

There have been concerns about the slow pace of theory development inside and outside of marketing for a number of years. Rarely have some of the possible reasons for this lack of development been considered, or an assessment of the ways in which a more theoretically driven focus might emerge been discussed. This paper addresses these gaps in the current debate. Potential difficulties have emerged as a result of a lack of theorists, lack of theory courses, business school strategies and misguided perceptions of practitioner-oriented research amongst other things. Suggestions for future action to drive a more theoretically driven marketing are proposed.  相似文献   

This article discusses the need for effective planning of the vital services which support modern industrial economies. The influence of the public sector on private industry has grown substantially over the past decade. Government intervention in industry is no longer unique; the public sector and the private sector are in tandem and corporate planners in both areas should establish and develop a fruitful dialogue.  相似文献   

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