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Xiao Shaoqing 肖少卿(Nanjing College ofTCM)Concerning treatment of facial paraly-sis,in the case of lacrimation from the eye ofthe affected side,deviation of the mouth,flattening or disappearance of the nasolabialgroove,the acupoints of Yangming Chan-nels of Hand and Foot should be selected asthe main ones,such as Chengqi(St 1),Sibai(St 2),Yingxiang(LI 20),Dicang(St 4),  相似文献   

In this series,he patients with disturb-ance of small articulations of the lumbarvertebrae were treated by puncturing the ef-fective points and reduction by manual trac-tion with satisfactory results,the cure ratebeing 39.3%,the markedly effective rate28.6%,with a total effective rate 98.3%.This method is simple and easy to master,and highly effective.Therefore it is very ac-ceptable to the patients.It is a very excellenttherapeutic method for disturbance of smallarticulations of the lumbar vertebrae,some-times complicated by acute lumbar sprainand chronic lumbar strain.  相似文献   

All abnormal uterine bleeding as a re-sult of ovarian dysfunction is calleddysfunctional uterine bleeding which can beclassified from a physiopathological viewpoint into two types:ovulatory andanovulatory, belonging to the category inTCM of Beng Lou (burst out and drip, i.e.metrorrhagia and metrostaxis) or irregularmenstruation. For many years, the authorshave treated the disease by needling the ef-fective points with very satisfactory results.  相似文献   

Facial paralysis refers to peripheral facial paralysis characterized by deviation of the mouth and eye, which may occur at any time of a year, especially in winter and spring. The incidence is higher in the young and middleaged people, more frequently affecting the males than females. Modem medical science  相似文献   

Hyperthyroidism is a high metabolicdisease due to abnormally high contents ofthyroid hormones in blood;it is a conditionof endocrine disfunction.The underlyingcauses may be various and of many types,but the most frequently seen is the type ofdiffuse goiter accomanied byhyperthyroidism.For many years we havetreated this disease by puncturing effectivepoints with satisfactory results.A briefsummary of our work is given as follows.  相似文献   

Peripheral facial paralysis,a commondisease referring mainly to Bell’s palsy,iscaused by peripheral nerve malfunction dueto the effect of cold and wind,the exactcause of which still remains unascertained.It  相似文献   

It is well known that comparativelysatisfactroy effect can be achieved in thetreatment of cerebrogenic diseases by scalpacupuncture.However,little has been re-ported in the literature on its therapeutic ef-fect in the treatment of peripheral facial pa-ralysis.From August 1972 through Decem-ber 1989 the author treated 100 cases of thisdisease by scalp acupuncture with satisfac-tory results in most cases.A report follows.  相似文献   

Dr.Shao Jingming has been engaged inclinical acupuncture teaching for more than60 years and accumulated rich experience.He has always put stresses on differentiationof diseases according to pathologicalchanges of the viscera and theirinterrelations,and proposed utilization ofthe Back—Shu points in treatment of dis-eases.He is good at treating diseases by se-lecting.few but highly effective acupoints. Inthis paper the authors summarize the expe-rience of Dr.Shao in the clinical applicationof Back—Shu points,and would like to share  相似文献   

Facial paralysis or Bell's palsy is acommon disease that frequently attacksadults aged 20--40 years, especially women.According to traditional Chinese medicine,the pathogenesis is believed to be due to in-vasion of the channels and collaterals by  相似文献   

Peripheral facial paralysis may occur inall ages,but particularly in the young.Thedisease is characterized by a wry mouth andinability to close the eyes.For many years,the author used pick-prick andconnecting-acupuncture in treatment of thismalady with good therapeutic results,as re-ported in the following.  相似文献   

Clonorchiasis,or hepatic distomiasis,iscaused by Clonorchis sinensis parasitizing inthe hepatic biliary tubules,bile tract or gall-bladder.Since the disease pathogen was dis-covered in 1874,many reports have appearedon treating the disease with Western medi-cine.However,patients do not tolerate thetreatment well because of severe side effectsfrom the drugs.As for treatment with tradi-tional Chinese medicine,reports to date arefew,while records of the disease in ancientChinese medical works are nonexistent.Themain symptoms and picture of clonorchiasisaccording to traditional Chinese medicine areparasitic infestation in the early stage,fol-lowed by abdominal mass,and finally ascitesdue to the parasitic infestation.  相似文献   

We have carried out clinical observations on 34 patients with peripheral facial paralysis treatedby acupuncture therapy prescribed according to selection of treatment regimen on the basis of fa-cial thermogram and temperature.A comparison was made with a control group of 97 patientswho received conventional acupuncture therapy only.It was found that 1)The cure rate in thegroup of selecting acupoints by thermorgram(hereinafter referred to as the thermography-aidedtreatment group)was 67.65%,with a marked improvement rate of 26.40%;while the cure rateof the conventional acupuncture treatment group(hereinafter called the conventional treatmentgroup)was 46.39%,the marked improvement rate being 29.90%,indicating a significant differ-ence in therapeutic efficacy between the two groups(P<0.02).2)The average duration ofacupuncture therapy for the thermography aided treatment group was 6.02 weeks,whereas thatfor the conventional treatment group,24 weeks.There was also a significant difference betweenthe two groups(P<0.01).And 3)During the entire therapeutic course,25.2 sessions of treatmentwere given on the average in the thermography-aided treatment group,and 78.8 sessions in theconventional treatment group,showing a very significant difference(P<0.001).The present thermography-aided method exhibits advantages over the conventional one in en-hancing the cure rate and shortening the duration of treatment,which is worthy to be popularizedin clinical practice.And it is also of certain significance in standardization and-scientification ofacupuncture therapy.  相似文献   

During 1991 and 1993, more than 3000cases of cervical spondylosis (CS) weretreated by the massage therapy. In thisseries, there were more female cases thanmale ones. All cases were adults except 3aged about ten years. Ten cases were over70. The majority of the female cases wereabout 30 years old, while the majority of the  相似文献   

Bioelectricity of the affected muscles at acute stage, recovery stage and sequel state in 93 cases of peripheral facial paralysis was observed with EMG. Pathological potential or motor potential was found to be reduced to varying degrees in all the affected muscles. After treatment by point-through-point acupuncture, myodynamia recovered fairly rapidly, EMG showed obvious changes, pathological potential decreased, and the normal motor unit potential increased remarkably. Comparative analysis of EMG before and after acupuncture indicated that point-through-point acupuncture had an obvious therapeutic effect on the disease. It was also very significant that EMG was used in diagnosing various stages of peripheral facial paralysis, evaluation of prognosis and guidance in clinical treatment  相似文献   

This article reports the therapeutic effectsof point injection with strychnine and vitaminB_(12) combined with electro-acupuncture inmanagement of 300 cases of facial paralysisperipherica.Our results show a total recoveryrate of 52.7 percent,with the greatest efficacyseen in mild cases starting treatment within onemonth after onset of the disease.Eighty-threepercent of the patients recovered or basicallyrecovered within three courses of treatment(30sessions),and the recoveries account for 90.5percent of the total recoveries.  相似文献   

Cholelithiasis is a common reason for ab-dominal surgery,occupying second place in fre-quency of occurrence among acute abdominalcases.In China the disease is characterized bygallstones formed in the hepatic ducts being(?)een in over 50% of cholelithiasis cases accord-ing to statistics from some districts.Also,thecalculi are mainly mixed stones containing bile  相似文献   

Objctive. To testify the phenomenon that large amplitude action potential appears at the early stage oil facial paralysis, and to search for the mechanism through clinical and experimental studies. Patients(aninmls) and methods. The action potentials of the orbicular ocular and oral museles were recorded in 34 normal persons by electromyogram instrtiments. The normal range of amplitude percentage was found out according to the normal distribution, One hundred patients with facial paralysis were also studied. The action potentials of facial muscles were recorded ia 17 guinea pigs before and after the facial nerve was comp~ and the facial nerve was examined under electromicroscope before and after the compression.Results. The amplitude percentage of the suffered side to the healthy side was more than 153 percent in 6 of the 100 patients. Large amplitude action potential occured in 35 per cent guinea pigs which were performed the experiment of facial nerve compression. Electromicroscopic examination revealed separation of the lammae of the facial nerve‘s myelin sheath in the guinea pigs which exhibited large amplitude action potential Conclusion. The facial nerve exhibited a temporary over-excitability at the early stage of facial nerve injury in scane patients and guinea pigs. If the injury was limited in the myelin sheath, the prognods was relatively good.  相似文献   

Doctor Zhou Chaofan is a research fel-low in the Institute of Basic Theory, ChinaAcademy of Traditional Chinese Medicine.He has developed his unique academicthinking on the basis of his more than thirtyyears' experience in the scientific researchand clinical practice. In the treatment ofmigraine, he adopts three kinds of prescrip-  相似文献   

By needling chiefly an empirical point Shengen with the penetration method, a total effective rate of 96.04% was obtained in 101 cases of apoplectic hemiplegia. In comparison with 38 controls, either the therapeutic effects and courses or other indices observed in the needling group were shown to be encouraging.  相似文献   

Facial paralytic sequelae refer to the old peripheral facial paralysis. No definite duration is defined, but the paralysis lasting more than 3-6 months is generally considered as the sequelae. The authors of this report think that the causes of the sequelae are various: the treatment may be not in time or not appropriate, or due to the disease situation itself or  相似文献   

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