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G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) initiate pathways leading to the desensitization of agonist-occupied G-protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Here we report that the cytoskeletal protein actin binds and inhibits GRK5. Actin inhibits the kinase activity directly, reducing GRK5-mediated phosphorylation of both membrane-bound GPCRs and soluble substrates. GRK5 binds actin monomers with a Kd of 0.6 microM and actin filaments with a Kd of 0. 2 microM. Mutation of 6 amino acids near the amino terminus of GRK5 eliminates actin-mediated inhibition of GRK5. Calmodulin has previously been shown to bind to the amino terminus of GRK5 (Pronin, A. N., and Benovic, J. L. (1997) J. Biol. Chem. 272, 3806-3812) and here we show calmodulin displaces GRK5 from actin. Calmodulin inhibits GRK5-mediated phosphorylation of GPCRs, but not soluble substrates such as casein. Thus in the presence of actin, calmodulin determines the substrate specificity of GRK5 by preferentially allowing phosphorylation of soluble substrates over membrane-bound substrates.  相似文献   

Inhibition of G protein-coupled receptor kinase subtypes by Ca2+/calmodulin   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) are implicated in the homologous desensitization of G protein-coupled receptors. Six GRK subtypes have so far been identified, named GRK1 to GRK6. The functional state of the GRKs can be actively regulated in different ways. In particular, it was found that retinal rhodopsin kinase (GRK1), but not the ubiquitous betaARK1 (GRK2), can be inhibited by the photoreceptor-specific Ca2+-binding protein recoverin through direct binding. The present study was aimed to investigate regulation of other GRKs by alternative Ca2+-binding proteins such as calmodulin (CaM). We found that Gbetagamma-activated GRK2 and GRK3 were inhibited by CaM to similar extents (IC50 approximately 2 microM), while a 50-fold more potent inhibitory effect was observed on GRK5 (IC50 = 40 nM). Inhibition by CaM was strictly dependent on Ca2+ and was prevented by the CaM inhibitor CaMBd. Since Gbetagamma, which is a binding target of Ca2+/CaM, is critical for the activation of GRK2 and GRK3, it provides a possible site of interaction between these proteins. However, since GRK5 is Gbetagamma-independent, an alternative mechanism is conceivable. A direct interaction between GRK5 and Ca2+/CaM was revealed using CaM-conjugated Sepharose 4B. This binding does not influence the catalytic activity as demonstrated using the soluble GRK substrate casein. Instead, Ca2+/CaM significantly reduced GRK5 binding to the membrane. The mechanism of GRK5 inhibition appeared to be through direct binding to Ca2+/CaM, resulting in inhibition of membrane association and hence receptor phosphorylation. The present study provides the first evidence for a regulatory effect of Ca2+/CaM on some GRK subtypes, thus expanding the range of different mechanisms regulating the functional states of these kinases.  相似文献   

The G protein-coupled receptor kinase GRK6 undergoes posttranslational modification by palmitoylation. Palmitoylated GRK6 is associated with the membrane, while nonpalmitoylated GRK6 remains cytosolic. We have separated palmitoylated from nonpalmitoylated GRK6 to assess their relative kinase activity. Palmitoylated GRK6 is 10-fold more active at phosphorylating beta2-adrenergic receptor than nonpalmitoylated wild-type GRK6 or a nonpalmitoylatable mutant GRK6. A nonpalmitoylatable mutant GRK6 which has been further mutated to undergo posttranslational geranylgeranylation is also more active, recovering most of the activity of the palmitoylated enzyme. This activity increase by lipid modification is expected, as the lipid helps GRK6 localize to cellular membranes where its receptor substrates are found. However, when assayed using a soluble protein (casein) as a substrate, both palmitoylated and prenylated GRK6 display significantly higher activity than nonpalmitoylated wild-type or nonpalmitoylatable mutant GRK6 kinases. This increased activity is not altered by addition of exogenous palmitate or phosphatidycholine vesicles, arguing that it is not due to direct activation of GRK6 by binding palmitate, nor to nonspecific association of the GRK6 with casein. Further, chemical depalmitoylation reduces the casein phosphorylation activity of the palmitoylated, but not prenylated, GRK6 kinase. Thus, palmitoylation of GRK6 appears to play a dual role in increasing the activity of GRK6: it increases the hydrophobicity and membrane association of the GRK6 protein, which helps bring the GRK6 to its membrane-bound substrates, and it increases the kinase catalytic activity of GRK6.  相似文献   

The most popular pretreatment method of plasma samples for the measurement of ascorbate (AsA) and dehydroascorbate (DHA) has been an acidic deproteinization via metaphosphoric acid or trichloroacetic acid. In general, DHA is absent in plasma samples prepared from human blood in a conventional manner. However, when these plasma samples were subjected to acidic deproteinization, DHA was detected in the acidified sample solutions. In the present study, we demonstrate that the oxidation of AsA to DHA in the solutions was promoted by at least two mechanisms, one involving catalysis by ferric ion released from transferrin, and the other involving catalysis by plasma hemoglobin. In the acidified transferrin solution by trichloroacetic acid, an oxidation of AsA to DHA proceeded with standing time, whereas the oxidation was not observed in that by metaphosphoric acid. This oxidation appeared to be catalyzed by ferric ion released from transferrin. In contrast, plasma hemoglobin functioned as a catalyst for AsA oxidation in both metaphosphoric acid and trichloroacetic acid solutions. Therefore, DHA content in the trichloroacetic acid-treated plasma sample was markedly higher than that in the metaphosphoric acid-treated one. These results suggest that DHA detected in acidified plasma samples is an artifact resulting from AsA oxidation.  相似文献   

The alpha2-adrenergic receptor (alpha2AR) subtype alpha2C10 undergoes rapid agonist-promoted desensitization which is due to phosphorylation of the receptor. One kinase that has been shown to phosphorylate alpha2C10 in an agonist-dependent manner is the betaAR kinase (betaARK), a member of the family of G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs). In contrast, the alpha2C4 subtype has not been observed to undergo agonist-promoted desensitization or phosphorylation by betaARK. However, the substrate specificities of the GRKs for phosphorylating alpha2AR subtypes are not known. We considered that differential capacities of various GRKs to phosphorylate alpha2C10 and alpha2C4 might be a key factor in dictating in a given cell the presence or extent of agonist-promoted desensitization of these receptors. COS-7 cells were co-transfected with alpha2C10 or alpha2C4 without or with the following GRKs: betaARK, betaARK2, GRK5, or GRK6. Intact cell phosphorylation studies were carried out by labeling cells with 32Pi, exposing some to agonist, and purifying the alpha2AR by immunoprecipitation and SDS-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis. BetaARK and betaARK2 were both found to phosphorylate alpha2C10 to equal extents (>2-fold over that of the endogenous kinases). On the other hand, GRK5 and GRK6 did not phosphorylate alpha2C10. In contrast to the findings with alpha2C10, alpha2C4 was not phosphorylated by any of these kinases. Functional studies carried out in transfected HEK293 cells expressing alpha2C10 or alpha2C4 and selected GRKs were consistent with these phosphorylation results. With the marked expression of these receptors, no agonist-promoted desensitization was observed in the absence of GRK co-expression. However, desensitization was imparted to alpha2C10 by co-expression of betaARK but not GRK6, while alpha2C4 failed to desensitize with co-expression of betaARK. These results indicate that short term agonist-promoted desensitization of alpha2ARs by phosphorylation is dependent on both the receptor subtype and the expressed GRK isoform.  相似文献   

The carbocyanine dyes DiI, DiA and DiO were microinjected into the cerebral ganglion of intact Mesocestoides corti tetrathyridia to determine the spatial organisation and connectivity patterns of the CNS. Of the dyes tested, DiI proved to be the most effective, giving highly fluorescent and persistent staining of even very fine calibre afferent and efferent nerve fibres. DiI labelling, in conjunction with transmission electron microscopy, revealed the nervous system to consist of sensory endings, directly connected to the cerebral ganglion by elongated cellular tracts, efferent nerve fibres which innervated the suckers, and longitudinal nerve cords which travelled along the remainder of the body.  相似文献   

Agonist- or light-dependent phosphorylation of muscarinic acetylcholine receptor m2 subtypes (m2 receptors) or rhodopsin by G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) was found to be inhibited by calmodulin in a Ca2+-dependent manner. The phosphorylation was fully inhibited in the absence of G protein betagamma subunits and partially inhibited in the presence of betagamma subunits. The dose-response curve for stimulation by betagamma subunits of the m2 and rhodopsin phosphorylation was shifted to the higher concentration of betagamma subunits by addition of Ca2+-calmodulin. The phosphorylation by GRK2 of a glutathione S-transferase fusion protein containing a peptide corresponding to the central part of the third intracellular loop of m2 receptors (I3-GST) was not affected by Ca2+-calmodulin in the presence or absence of betagamma subunits, but the agonist-dependent stimulation of I3-GST phosphorylation by an I3-deleted m2 receptor mutant in the presence of betagamma subunits was suppressed by Ca2+-calmodulin. These results indicate that Ca2+-calmodulin does not directly interact with the catalytic site of GRK2 but inhibits the kinase activity of GRK2 by interfering with the activation of GRK2 by agonist-bound m2 receptors and G protein betagamma subunits. In agreement with the assumption that GRK2 activity is suppressed by the increase in intracellular Ca2+, the sequestration of m2 receptors expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells was found to be attenuated by the treatment with a Ca2+ ionophore, A23187.  相似文献   

The G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2) is a serine/threonine kinase that phosphorylates and desensitizes agonist-occupied G protein-coupled receptors (GPCRs). Here we demonstrate that GRK2 is a microtubule-associated protein and identify tubulin as a novel GRK2 substrate. GRK2 is associated with microtubules purified from bovine brain, forms a complex with tubulin in cell extracts, and colocalizes with tubulin in living cells. Furthermore, an endogenous tubulin kinase activity that copurifies with microtubules has properties similar to GRK2 and is inhibited by anti-GRK2 monoclonal antibodies. Indeed, GRK2 phosphorylates tubulin in vitro with kinetic parameters very similar to those for phosphorylation of the agonist-occupied beta2-adrenergic receptor, suggesting a functionally relevant role for this phosphorylation event. In a cellular environment, agonist occupancy of GPCRs, which leads to recruitment of GRK2 to the plasma membrane and its subsequent activation, promotes GRK2-tubulin complex formation and tubulin phosphorylation. These findings suggest a novel role for GRK2 as a GPCR signal transducer mediating the effects of GPCR activation on the cytoskeleton.  相似文献   

We have previously shown that lethally irradiated normal strains of mice, radioprotected with severe combined immunodeficient (SCID) bone marrow, can be engrafted with human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC). The human/mouse radiation chimera can mount marked humoral and cellular responses to recall antigens, as well as primary responses. In the present study, we adoptively transferred splenocytes from patients with chronic immune thrombocytopenic purpura (ITP) into lethally irradiated BALB/c mice, radioprotected with SCID bone marrow. High titres of total human immunoglobulin appeared as early as 2 weeks post-transplant and declined after 6 weeks, while human anti-human platelet antibodies were detected 2-8 weeks after the transfer of splenocytes. The immunoglobulin G (IgG) fraction contained antibodies against glycoprotein (GP) IIb/IIIa (CD41) or GPIb/IX (CD42). The human platelet antibodies showed a low level of cross-reactivity with mouse platelets, and thrombocytopenia in the animals was not observed. Splenocytes from individual ITP patients differed in their capacity to produce either human platelet antibodies or total human immunoglobulin. Furthermore, antibodies produced in the murine system were not always identical to the original antibodies present in the serum of the patients. The study of the serological aspects of autoantibodies against human platelets in an animal model might be useful for the investigation of potential therapeutics in ITP.  相似文献   

Rapid regulation of G protein-coupled receptors appears to involve agonist-promoted receptor phosphorylation by G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs). This is followed by binding of uncoupling proteins termed arrestins and transient receptor internalization. In this report we show that the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (betaARK-1 or GRK2) follows a similar pattern of internalization upon agonist activation of beta2-adrenergic receptors (beta2AR) and that betaARK expression levels modulate receptor sequestration. Stable cotransfected cells expressing an epitope-tagged beta2AR and betaARK-1 show an increased rate and extent of beta2AR internalization compared with cells expressing receptor alone. Moreover, subcellular gradient fractionation studies suggest that betaARK colocalizes with the internalized receptors. In fact, double immunofluorescence analysis using confocal microscopy shows extensive colocalization of beta2AR and betaARK in intracellular vesicles upon receptor stimulation. Our results confirm a functional relationship between receptor phosphorylation and sequestration and indicate that betaARK does not only translocates from the cytoplasm to the plasma membrane in response to receptor occupancy, but shares endocytic mechanisms with the beta2AR. These data suggest a direct role for betaARK in the sequestration process and/or the involvement of receptor internalization in the intracellular trafficking of the kinase.  相似文献   

Monocyte chemoattractant protein 1 (MCP-1) is a member of the chemokine cytokine family, whose physiological function is mediated by binding to the CCR2 and CCR4 receptors, which are members of the G protein-coupled receptor family. MCP-1 plays a critical role in both activation and migration of leukocytes. Rapid chemokine receptor desensitization is very likely essential for accurate chemotaxis. In this report, we show that MCP-1 binding to the CCR2 receptor in Mono Mac 1 cells promotes the rapid desensitization of MCP-1-induced calcium flux responses. This desensitization correlates with the Ser/Thr phosphorylation of the receptor and with the transient translocation of the G protein-coupled receptor kinase 2 (GRK2, also called beta-adrenergic kinase 1 or betaARK1) to the membrane. We also demonstrate that GRK2 and the uncoupling protein beta-arrestin associate with the receptor, forming a macromolecular complex shortly after MCP-1 binding. Calcium flux responses to MCP-1 in HEK293 cells expressing the CCR2B receptor were also markedly reduced upon cotransfection with GRK2 or the homologous kinase GRK3. Nevertheless, expression of the GRK2 dominant-negative mutant betaARK-K220R did not affect the initial calcium response, but favored receptor response to a subsequent challenge by agonists. The modulation of the CCR2B receptor by GRK2 suggests an important role for this kinase in the regulation of monocyte and lymphocyte response to chemokines.  相似文献   

G protein-coupled receptor kinases (GRKs) specifically phosphorylate the agonist-occupied form of G protein-coupled receptors, leading to the homologous mode of desensitization. We report here on the cloning of complementary DNAs that encode two rat GRK4 variants. Rat GRK4A (575 amino acids) displays 76% identity with the long human GRK4 splice variant. Rat GRK4B (545 amino acids) delineates a new variant that is identical to GRK4A except for a 31-amino acid deletion in the N-terminal domain, corresponding to exon VI in the human GRK4 gene. GRKs4A and B are likely produced by alternative splicing from a single gene, the partial characterization of which revealed a structural organization similar to that of the human GRK4 gene. GRK4A messenger RNA (mRNA) is abundant only in testis. A combination of in situ hybridization and quantitative RT-PCR studies demonstrated that GRK4A mRNA level increases during testicular development and predominates in leptotene to late pachytene primary spermatocytes and round spermatids. GRK4B mRNA is poorly expressed in testis and most rat tissues but is heterogeneously distributed in the kidney, with 20-fold enrichment in the outer medulla. GRKs4A and B are both functional protein kinases, as demonstrated in a rhodopsin phosphorylation assay. The differential tissue distribution of GRKA4 and GRK4B suggests that individual GRK4 variants may serve distinct physiological functions.  相似文献   

Double mutant cycles provide a method for analyzing the effects of a mutation at a defined position in the protein structure on the properties of an amino acid at a second site. This approach was used to map potential interactions between aspartates 69, 97, and 103 in the m2 muscarinic acetylcholine receptor transmembrane helices 2 and 3. Receptors containing single and double aspartate to asparagine mutants were expressed in Chinese hamster ovary cells and their effects on ligand binding, signal transduction, and thermal stability determined. Analysis of the double mutant cycles showed that the mutations had approximately additive effects on ligand binding, signal transduction, and thermal stability. Ligand binding and thermal inactivation results support the conclusion that aspartate-103 is the ligand amine counterion. Effector coupling properties of the mutant receptors showed that aspartate-103 was also required for signal transduction activity. The mutation of aspartate-69 to asparagine completely eliminated signal transduction by the agonists acetylcholine, carbachol, and pilocarpine but not oxotremorine M, which caused reduced but significant inhibition of adenylyl cyclase and stimulation of phospholipase C. In contrast, adenylyl cyclase stimulation by the asparagine-69 mutant was elicited only by acetylcholine and carbachol but not by oxotremorine M. The variation in agonist-dependent effector coupling properties provides evidence that the asparagine-69 mutant can exist in activated receptor states that are different from the wild-type m2 muscarinic receptor.  相似文献   

The m1 receptor is one of five muscarinic receptors that mediate the metabotropic actions of acetylcholine in the nervous system where it is expressed predominantly in the telencephalon and autonomic ganglia. RNase protection, primer extension, and 5'-rapid amplification of cDNA ends analysis of a rat cosmid clone containing the entire m1 gene demonstrated that the rat m1 gene consists of a single 657-base pairs (bp) non-coding exon separated by a 13. 5-kilobase (kb) intron from a 2.54-kb coding exon that contains the entire open reading frame. The splice acceptor for the coding exon starting at -71 bp relative to the adenine of the initiating methionine. This genomic structure is similar to that of the m4 gene (Wood, I. C., Roopra, A., Harrington, C. A., and Buckley, N. J. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 30933-30940 and Wood, I. C., Roopra, A., and Buckley, N. J. (1996) J. Biol. Chem. 271, 14221-14225). Like the m4 gene, the m1 promoter lacks TATA and CAAT consensus motifs, and the first exon and 5'-flanking region are not gc-rich. The 5'-flanking region also contains the consensus regulatory elements Sp-1, NZF-1, AP-1, AP-2, E-box, NFkappaB, and Oct-1. Unike the m4 promoter, there is no evidence of a RE1/NRSE silencer element in the m1 promoter. Deletional analysis and transient transfection assays demonstrates that reporter constructs containing 0.9 kb of 5'-flanking sequence and the first exon are sufficient to drive cell-specific expression of reporter gene in IMR32 neuroblastoma cells while remaining silent in 3T3 fibrobasts.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Impaired myocardial beta-adrenergic receptor (betaAR) signaling, including desensitization and functional uncoupling, is a characteristic of congestive heart failure. A contributing mechanism for this impairment may involve enhanced myocardial beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (betaARK1) activity because levels of this betaAR-desensitizing G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) are increased in heart failure. An hypothesis has emerged that increased sympathetic nervous system activity associated with heart failure might be the initial stimulus for betaAR signaling alterations, including desensitization. We have chronically treated mice with drugs that either activate or antagonize betaARs to study the dynamic relationship between betaAR activation and myocardial levels of betaARK1. METHODS AND RESULTS: Long-term in vivo stimulation of betaARs results in the impairment of cardiac +betaAR signaling and increases the level of expression (mRNA and protein) and activity of +betaARK1 but not that of GRK5, a second GRK abundantly expressed in the myocardium. Long-term beta-blocker treatment, including the use of carvedilol, improves myocardial betaAR signaling and reduces betaARK1 levels in a specific and dose-dependent manner. Identical results were obtained in vitro in cultured cells, demonstrating that the regulation of GRK expression is directly linked to betaAR signaling. CONCLUSIONS: This report demonstrates, for the first time, that betaAR stimulation can significantly increase the expression of betaARK1 , whereas beta-blockade decreases expression. This reciprocal regulation of betaARK1 documents a novel mechanism of ligand-induced betaAR regulation and provides important insights into the potential mechanisms responsible for the effectiveness of beta-blockers, such as carvedilol, in the treatment of heart failure.  相似文献   

We recently reported that a beta2-adrenergic receptor (beta2AR) mutant, Y326A, defective in its ability to sequester in response to agonist stimulation was a poor substrate for G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK)-mediated phosphorylation; however, its ability to be phosphorylated and sequestered could be restored by overexpressing GRK2 [Ferguson et al. (1995) J. Biol. Chem. 270, 24782]. In the present report, we tested the ability of each of the known GRKs (GRK1-6) to phosphorylate and rescue the sequestration of the Y326A mutant in HEK-293 cells. We demonstrate that in addition to GRK2, GRK3-6 can phosphorylate the Y326A mutant and rescue its sequestration; however, GRK1 was totally ineffective in rescuing either the phosphorylation or the sequestration of the mutant receptor. We found that the agonist-dependent rescue of Y326A mutant phosphorylation by GRK2, -3, and -5 was associated with the agonist-dependent rescue of sequestration. In contrast, overexpression of GRK4 and -6 led mainly to agonist-independent phosphorylation of the Y326A mutant accompanied by increased basal receptor sequestration. Our results demonstrate that phosphorylation per se, but not the interaction with a specific GRK, is required to facilitate beta2AR sequestration.  相似文献   

Cyclins contain two characteristic cyclin folds, each consisting of five alpha-helical bundles, which are connected to one another by a short linker peptide. The first repeat makes direct contact with cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) subunits in assembled holoenzyme complexes, whereas the second does not contribute directly to the CDK interface. Although threonine 156 in mouse cyclin D1 is predicted to lie at the carboxyl terminus of the linker peptide that separates the two cyclin folds and is buried within the cyclin subunit, mutation of this residue to alanine has profound effects on the behavior of the derived cyclin D1-CDK4 complexes. CDK4 in complexes with mutant cyclin D1 (T156A or T156E but not T156S) is not phosphorylated by recombinant CDK-activating kinase (CAK) in vitro, fails to undergo activating T-loop phosphorylation in vivo, and remains catalytically inactive and unable to phosphorylate the retinoblastoma protein. Moreover, when it is ectopically overexpressed in mammalian cells, cyclin D1 (T156A) assembles with CDK4 in the cytoplasm but is not imported into the cell nucleus. CAK phosphorylation is not required for nuclear transport of cyclin D1-CDK4 complexes, because complexes containing wild-type cyclin D1 and a CDK4 (T172A) mutant lacking the CAK phosphorylation site are efficiently imported. In contrast, enforced overexpression of the CDK inhibitor p21Cip1 together with mutant cyclin D1 (T156A)-CDK4 complexes enhanced their nuclear localization. These results suggest that cyclin D1 (T156A or T156E) forms abortive complexes with CDK4 that prevent recognition by CAK and by other cellular factors that are required for their nuclear localization. These properties enable ectopically overexpressed cyclin D1 (T156A), or a more stable T156A/T286A double mutant that is resistant to ubiquitination, to compete with endogenous cyclin D1 in mammalian cells, thereby mobilizing CDK4 into cytoplasmic, catalytically inactive complexes and dominantly inhibiting the ability of transfected NIH 3T3 fibroblasts to enter S phase.  相似文献   

Phosphoinositide 3-kinases (PI3-kinases) play an important role in the generation of lipid second messengers and the transduction of a myriad of biological responses. Distinct isoforms have been shown to be exclusively activated either by tyrosine kinase-coupled or G protein-coupled receptors. We show here, however, that certain nonclassical receptors can couple to both tyrosine kinase- and G protein-dependent isoforms of PI3-kinase: thus, aggregation of FcgammaRI, the human high affinity IgG receptor, on monocytes unusually leads to activation of both of these types of PI3-kinase. After aggregation of FcgammaRI, phosphatidylinositol 3,4, 5-triphosphate (PIP3) levels rise rapidly in interferon gamma-primed cells, reaching a peak within 30 sec. Moreover, and in contrast to the situation observed after stimulation of these cells with either insulin or ATP, which exclusively activate the tyrosine kinase- and G protein-coupled forms of PI3-kinase, respectively, PIP3 levels remain elevated up to 15 min after receptor aggregation. We show here that although the initial peak results from transient activation of the p85-dependent p110 isoform of PI-3kinase, presumably through recruitment of tyrosine kinases by the gamma chain, the later sustained rise of PIP3 results from activation of the G protein betagamma subunit-sensitive isoform, p110gamma. This finding indicates that receptors lacking an intrinsic signaling motif, such as FcgammaRI, can recruit both tyrosine kinase and G protein-coupled intracellular signaling molecules and thereby initiate cellular responses.  相似文献   

Although the beta-adrenergic receptor kinase (betaARK) mediates agonist-dependent phosphorylation and desensitization of G protein-coupled receptors, recent studies suggest additional cellular functions. During our attempts to identify novel betaARK interacting proteins, we found that the cytoskeletal protein tubulin could specifically bind to a betaARK-coupled affinity column. In vitro analysis demonstrated that betaARK and G protein-coupled receptor kinase-5 (GRK5) were able to stoichiometrically phosphorylate purified tubulin dimers with a preference for beta-tubulin and, under certain conditions, the betaIII-isotype. Examination of the GRK/tubulin binding characteristics revealed that tubulin dimers and assembled microtubules bind GRKs, whereas the catalytic domain of betaARK contains the primary tubulin binding determinants. In vivo interaction of GRK and tubulin was suggested by the following: (i) co-purification of betaARK with tubulin from brain tissue; (ii) co-immunoprecipitation of betaARK and tubulin from COS-1 cells; and (iii) co-localization of betaARK and GRK5 with microtubule structures in COS-1 cells. In addition, GRK-phosphorylated tubulin was found preferentially associated with the microtubule fraction during in vitro assembly assays suggesting potential functional significance. These results suggest a novel link between the cytoskeleton and GRKs that may be important for regulating GRK and/or tubulin function.  相似文献   

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