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Protein is an important component of grain which affects the technological properties of durum wheat. It is known that the amount and composition of protein can influence dough rheology and pasta quality but the influence of the major classes of protein is not well documented. The influence of the various gluten components on dough and pasta properties was investigated. The protein composition of durum semolina was altered by either adding gluten fractions to a base semolina or preparing reconstituted flours with varying protein composition. The effects on semolina dough rheology and spaghetti texture were measured. Published methods to isolate relatively pure quantities (gram amounts) of glutenin, gliadin, high molecular and low molecular weight glutenin subunits were evaluated and modified procedures were adopted. Reconstituted flours with additional glutenin increased dough strength while additional gliadin and LMW‐GS decreased strength. These changes did not impact on spaghetti texture. Results from using the addition of protein fractions to a base semolina showed that gluten and glutenin addition increased the dough strength of a weak base semolina while gliadin addition weakened the base dough further. Addition of HMW‐GS greatly increased dough strength of the base while addition of LMW‐GS greatly reduced dough strength. Again, these affects were not translated into firmer pasta. Copyright © 2007 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: During the milling of durum wheat to semolina, about 10–15% of total products produced is residue flour, a lower value product than the semolina. This study investigated the potential for using the durum residue flour as an additive in bread‐making to improve its potential commercial value. RESULTS: Incorporation of residue durum flour from 102 breeding lines into a low protein flour and standard bakers' flour at 20% incorporation improved the bake loaf volume with minimal change in Mixograph dough mixing time and peak resistance in many of the lines tested. Loaf yellow b was always increased even with only a 10% incorporation. Baking flours can tolerate 20% incorporation with no deleterious affects on loaf volume and bake score. CONCLUSION: The results show a potential for using the lower value durum residue flour for baking bread of acceptable quality with a slightly higher yellow colour. This would improve the profitability for the miller and provide alternative ingredients to the baker for preparing specialty breads. Copyright © 2008 Crown in the Right of the State of New South Wales and Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

The incorporation of fibres, whether insoluble or soluble, in durum wheat pasta negatively impacts desirable end‐use properties, especially if incorporated in significant amounts. Fibres can disrupt the starch–protein matrix of the dough during pasta preparation and can also often swell more readily with water than starch, competing with the starch for water during dough development. Similar degrees of substitution with different fibres gave markedly different impacts on firmness, stickiness, cooking loss and sensory attributes, suggesting that results obtained for one fibre cannot readily be generalized to other fibres. The in vitro starch digestibility of the pastas was significantly reduced when resistant starch, β‐glucan‐enriched flour, carboxymethyl cellulose or guar gum was incorporated but increased when pollard or inulin was added. In many instances, different sources of the same fibre gave dramatically different impacts on the properties of cooked durum wheat pasta. © 2014 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

An experiment was conducted to determine the effect of different pasta:water ratios and nontraditional ingredients on the cooking properties of spaghetti. Spaghetti was made using semolina and semolina containing 20% (w/w) nontraditional (NT) ingredients (corn, flaxseed, lentil, oat, pinto bean and soybean flours). Pasta:water ratios evaluated were 13 g:400 mL, 27 g:400 mL and 48 g:400 mL. Addition of pasta caused a decline in cooking water temperature. The water temperature drop and recovery time to boiling (100 °C) varied with pasta:water ratio and with nontraditional ingredient in the spaghetti. These results were attributed to the calculated specific heat capacity of the ingredients incorporated in the spaghetti. Cooking time was reduced for all NT spaghetti with respect to the control sample and was longest when 48 g of pasta was cooked. Pasta:water ratio affected cooking loss but not cooked weight or cooked firmness. Cooking losses were greater with 13 g:400 mL compared to 48 g:400 mL.  相似文献   

The potential of common buckwheat flour (Supreme) and bran (Farinetta) in improving upon the phenolic and antioxidant properties of durum spaghetti was investigated. The cooking quality and carbohydrate digestibility of products were also studied. Significantly large increments of between 114 and 522% for total phenolic content (TPC), 50 and 242% for total flavonoids content (TFC), and over 359% for 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) antioxidant activity were recorded for uncooked experimental spaghetti samples over the control. Farinetta contributed more phenolic and antioxidant compounds than Supreme flour. Processing and cooking resulted in decreases in phenolic content and antioxidant activity. Cooking losses of up to 8.8% were recorded for the experimental samples and were higher in Farinetta-substituted products. These were generally higher than that of the control (6.3%). The introduction of buckwheat increased carbohydrate digestibility of products, but at the same time, resulted in an overall lower amount of reducing sugars after 120 min of in vitro hydrolysis. Results show that the phenolic and antioxidant properties of durum spaghetti fortified with buckwheat milling fractions can compare favourably with those of 100% whole buckwheat soba pasta, and at the same time, maintain a higher cooking quality due to the presence of semolina.  相似文献   

以麦麸、小麦胚芽和小麦粉为原料制作全麦面条,比较不同食品添加剂(食盐、谷朊粉、黄原胶)对全麦湿面品质的改良效果,并考察不同添加剂之间的复配效果。结果表明:食盐、谷朊粉和黄原胶均可以改善面条的蒸煮品质并提高全麦面条的感官评分,其中食盐的最适添加比例为1%~2%,谷朊粉的最适添加比例为1.5%~2.5%,黄原胶的最适添加比例为0.15%~0.2%,两种或者三种添加剂经过复配后面条的品质要明显好于单独添加一种添加剂,其中黄原胶和食盐的复配对降低面条的蒸煮损失率效果最明显,三种添加剂复配之后感官评分最高。  相似文献   

Quality attributes of waxy durum wheat (Triticum turgidum L), milled semolina and cooked spaghetti were examined and compared with those of two non‐waxy durum cultivars. With the exception of kernel hardness, wheat quality characteristics were similar for both waxy and non‐waxy durum. Compared with average values obtained for durum wheat grown in North Dakota (USA) during the crop year 2000, the values obtained for the wheat used in this study were equal or better for most parameters evaluated. Semolina extraction for all samples was lower than the 2000 average of 62.6%. The waxy lines had higher ash, lower speck count, similar protein quantity, lower wet gluten and stronger mixograph curves than the non‐waxy cultivars. Waxy durum semolina had higher lipid content, starch damage, stirring number and flour swelling values. Spaghetti made from waxy durum semolina had shorter cooking time, similar cooking loss and cooked weight and lower firmness values, which would be unacceptable by most standards. Spaghetti made from blends containing 20–80% waxy durum semolina were evaluated. Cooking time and firmness decreased and cooking loss increased as the amount of waxy semolina increased. Acceptable spaghetti was obtained using 20–40% waxy semolina blends, depending on the quality of the non‐waxy blending material. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Spaghetti was made from two Italian durum wheat varieties and cooked for 10, 15 and 20 min. Percentages of water absorption and cooking loss were determined. Measurable amounts of soluble nitrogen, starch, minerals and vitamins were found in the water used for cooking.
Minerals and vitamins were determined in cooked spaghetti. The percentage reduction of metals increased with increasing cooking time, but trace elements decreased after 10 min of cooking and then became stable at the longer times. It is preferable to cook spaghetti for 15 min.  相似文献   

稻米是我国最大宗的主食品种,与国民健康息息相关。长期以来,我国稻米加工与消费重在追求口感与外观品质,导致过度加工现象普遍,营养流失严重。由于稻米糠层中含有丰富的营养物质,加工精度显著影响稻米的营养价值。碾米加工过程及加工精度也会对其淀粉结构及性质、米饭的蒸煮感官品质产生影响。综述了加工精度对稻米的营养物质含量、米粉特性及米饭蒸煮和感官品质的影响,以期为稻米的适度加工提供参考。  相似文献   

In this study, the effect of different durum wheat varieties on the sensorial and nutritional quality of bread was assessed. In particular, bread manufactured with six wheat cultivars was compared with bread based on commercial semolina mixtures. X‐ray microtomography was used to characterise the final cellular structure of the baked bread. The textural properties of baked bread and doughs were also investigated. In addition, the glucose equivalent (GE) of bread was also evaluated. Finally, the microstructural, sensorial and textural parameters were correlated with each other. Results highlighted that Cappelli and Saragolla bread samples showed higher protein and total soluble fibre content, respectively, in comparison with the reference samples. Moreover, the GE of the Cappelli, Claudio and Saragolla bread samples was similar to that of the reference samples and lower than that of the other samples. However, the sensorial properties of all bread samples showed a very positive score (up to 7.7).  相似文献   

R. Borneo  A. Aguirre 《LWT》2008,41(10):1748-1751
Pasta is a staple food in many countries. Amaranth is a pseudo-cereal being re-discovered because of its nutritional properties. The main objective of this study was to evaluate the potential of the green material of the amaranth plant (leaves) as a component for pasta production and its effect on the pasta quality and consumer acceptance. Dried amaranth (Amaranthus caudatus) leaves and spinach leaves flours were prepared. Pasta samples were manufactured following a small-scale pilot procedure. Amaranth pasta samples were evaluated for its chemical composition, cooking quality, textural, and sensory/consumer acceptance. Results showed that pasta made with dried amaranth leaves had similar chemical composition (protein content: 14.18 g/100 g, Fe content: 9.1 mg/100 g), cooking quality (2.15 pasta weight increase, 4.47% residue loss), textural characteristics (firmness and adhesiveness), and sensory acceptance than green pasta made with dried spinach leaves. Since amaranth leaves have similar nutritional characteristics to spinach leaves and since this biomass in not currently used for food purposes, this study points out that amaranth leaves could be technically used for pasta production and that consumer acceptance of pasta made with amaranth green leaves flour is similar to that of pasta made with spinach.  相似文献   

The effect of the addition of yellow pepper flour on bread physico-chemical and sensorial properties was addressed in this study. In particular, vegetable flour concentration was set at 25%; in order to optimize the bread sensorial properties, yellow pepper flour was separately hydrated at three different water content levels. Texture analysis were carried out on both dough and bread samples to evaluate their firmness. Furthermore, tomographic analysis was performed on the same samples in order to provide a more detailed view of their texture. Estimation of the glycemic response, determination of the carotenoids content and sensory analysis of the fortified bread were also determined. Results highlighted that the highest glycemic index was achieved in bread sample having the highest water content and that showed the worst results in terms of texture. Among the studied samples, bread with medium hydration level showed good structural characteristic, double anti-oxidant content compared to the control bread (CTRL S) and the highest sensorial quality.  相似文献   

Insoluble fibres are important in human health and disease prevention and can be incorporated into food. High fibre pasta prepared with bran is typically inferior quality compared to durum pasta. This study compared spaghetti prepared from durum semolina substituted with various amounts of either durum bran or germ (pollard) dried at high temperature. Pasta was evaluated for cooking properties, texture, sensory, fibre content, antioxidant status (AO) and in vitro starch digestibility to determine the dose producing acceptable quality. Pollard at 10% substitution had minimal impact on quality with higher AO and fibre. Above 30%, pasta had undesirable colour, sensory properties and higher starch digestion. Although bran substituted pasta had undesirable sensory and technological properties, especially at 30% incorporation, it does provide more dietary fibre and antioxidants than regular pasta and does not affect starch digestibility. Interestingly, a significant amount of AO was retained in the cooked pasta. The study illustrates the value of structural analysis to explain observed technological properties of the product with fibre inclusion.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to study the effect of partially substituting semolina flour by native (NCHF) and modified chayotextle (CHFMD) flours, on the physicochemical properties and cooking quality of spaghetti. Spaghetti was obtained by replacing semolina flour (control) with five different concentrations of NCHF and CHFMD flours (10%, 17.5%, 25%, 32.5% and 40%). The proximal composition of the flours showed that both NCHF and CHFMD flours lower content of protein and fat but higher content of ash and resistant starch (RS). Moreover, the RS content increased due to thermal modification (TM) and that RS remained high, even after the cooking process. Pasting properties such as peak viscosity, breakdown, setback and final viscosity were influenced by NCHF and CHFMD concentrations. Brightness (ΔL*) was significantly reduced by inclusion of increasing CHFMD levels. True density and water absorption values increased with addition of NCHF and CHFMD, compared to the control spaghetti. The results obtained in this study demonstrated the possibility for producing spaghetti containing up to 40% CHFMD flour, with acceptable quality and functional properties.  相似文献   

Recent studies have illustrated the effects of cis-9,trans-11 conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) on human health. Ruminant-derived meat, milk and dairy products are the predominant sources of cis-9,trans-11 CLA in the human diet. This study evaluated the processing properties, texture, storage characteristics, and organoleptic properties of UHT milk, Caerphilly cheese, and butter produced from a milk enriched to a level of cis-9,trans-11 CLA that has been shown to have biological effects in humans. Forty-nine early-lactation Holstein-British Friesian cows were fed total mixed rations containing 0 (control) or 45 g/kg (on dry matter basis) of a mixture (1:2 wt/wt) of fish oil and sunflower oil during two consecutive 7-d periods to produce a control and CLA-enhanced milk, respectively. Milk produced from cows fed the control and fish and sunflower oil diets contained 0.54 and 4.68 g of total CLA/100 g of fatty acids, respectively. Enrichment of CLA in raw milk from the fish and sunflower oil diet was also accompanied by substantial increases in trans C18:1 levels, lowered C18:0, cis-C18:1, and total saturated fatty acid concentrations, and small increases in n-3 polyunsatu-rated fatty acid content. The CLA-enriched milk was used for the manufacture of UHT milk, butter, and cheese. Both the CLA-enhanced butter and cheese were less firm than control products. Although the sensory profiles of the CLA-enriched milk, butter, and cheese differed from those of the control products with respect to some attributes, the overall impression and flavor did not differ. In conclusion, it is feasible to produce CLA-enriched dairy products with acceptable storage and sensory characteristics.  相似文献   

Re-milled durum wheat semolinas from Altamura, Laterza and Matera (Southern Italy), currently used in the production of traditional breads, were tested for quality. The re-milled semolinas exhibited variable technological quality, and different bread-making techniques were observed. Alveograph P/L ranged from 0.34 to 2.50 with W values from 71×10–4 to 176×10–4 J. The higher values were found in samples from Laterza, which gave breads with the lowest specific volumes, due to its excessive gluten tenacity. The P/L values were correlated to SDS sedimentation height; dry gluten was correlated to both wet gluten content and protein content, and was negatively correlated to P/L. Bread protein content was correlated to the protein content of the starting material and bread specific volumes were negatively correlated to alveographic P/L values. Significant differences were found between breads from different points of origin (attributable to differences in the bread-making processes), in terms of the level of total titratable acidity and the yellow pigment content of the crumb.This revised version was published online October 2004. The errors concern the seventh column in Table 2, all the numbers need to be amended.  相似文献   

Investigation of two inulins with differing degrees of polymerisation and crystallinity demonstrated different levels of integration with the starch-gluten matrix during pasta preparation. The impact of higher molecular weight inulin incorporation on technological and sensory properties was minimal, with deterioration in properties becoming significant only at 20% incorporation, while lower molecular weight had a greater negative impact on pasta firmness, cooking loss, and sensory acceptability. In vitro starch digestion of pasta was reduced with up to 5% addition of inulin of degree of polymerisation 12-14 (FH-D), but increased with high levels of addition. These effects were not observed in inulin with a degree of polymerisation of 7-8 (LV-100). Microscopy showed the starch granules were apparently encapsulated by a protective coat of inulin FH-D, but at 20% a disruption to the matrix was evident. For inulin FH-D, XRD analysis of digested pasta found a maximum crystallinity which coincided with the maximum reduction in starch hydrolysis, suggesting that a stronger gluten matrix enhanced by added inulin is indeed structurally different at the nanometre level.  相似文献   

The storage protein composition from the Glu‐1, Glu‐3 and Gli‐1 loci encoding high and low molecular weight glutenin subunits (HMW‐GS and LMW‐GS) and gliadins, respectively, was determined on 30 wheat (T aestivum L) genotypes from three growing seasons. The gliadins and the LMW‐GS were identified as gliadin/LMW‐GS pairs. All samples were analysed by two one‐dimensional electrophoretic techniques, and selected samples were also subjected to two‐dimensional electrophoretic separation. Different statistical/data‐analytical techniques were evaluated in the study of how the presence or absence of the protein alleles, the protein content and the growing seasons are related to flour quality. The year of growth had a large impact on mixograph peak time. When predicting mixograph peak time from the presence or absence of significant proteins and the year of growth, 70% of the variability in mixograph peak time could be explained, whereas only 49% of the variability could be explained when the year of growth was deleted from the model. Protein had no effect on mixograph peak time as expected, and the well‐known positive effect of HMW‐GS 5 + 10, and the negative effects of 2 + 12 and 6 + 8 was observed. Furthermore, some of the gliadin/LMW‐GS combinations influenced mixograph peak time significantly. The gliadin/LMW‐GS at the combined Gli‐A1, Glu‐A3 loci b; ?? was positively related to mixograph peak time, whereas ??; ?? and a;a was negatively related. Although the LMW‐GS component ?? of the alleles b; ?? and ??; ?? alleles appear similar on one‐dimensional gels, two‐dimensional separation of selected samples may suggest that the ?? components in these alleles are different proteins. Cross‐validated partial least squares regression combined with empirical uncertainty estimates (jack‐knifing) of the parameters estimated in the model, gave similar results to ANOVA in identifying quality related protein alleles. The applicability of the multivariate approach in proteomics is, however, much wider. Copyright © 2004 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

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