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Job shop scheduling problem is a typical NP-hard problem. To solve the job shop scheduling problem more effectively, some genetic operators were designed in this paper. In order to increase the diversity of the population, a mixed selection operator based on the fitness value and the concentration value was given. To make full use of the characteristics of the problem itself, new crossover operator based on the machine and mutation operator based on the critical path were specifically designed. To find the critical path, a new algorithm to find the critical path from schedule was presented. Furthermore, a local search operator was designed, which can improve the local search ability of GA greatly. Based on all these, a hybrid genetic algorithm was proposed and its convergence was proved. The computer simulations were made on a set of benchmark problems and the results demonstrated the effectiveness of the proposed algorithm.  相似文献   

基于工件位置交叉算子的车间作业调度算法   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
交叉算子是遗传算法中最主要的遗传算子,对种群的搜索性能起着重要的作用。基于操作编码的遗传算法多采用两点交叉算子,研究发现这种交叉算子收敛速度慢,容易陷入局部最优解,为此设计了一种基于工件位置的交叉算子,通过试验仿真验证了该算子在收敛速度和求全局最优解上有显著优势。  相似文献   

This paper addresses the flexible job shop scheduling problem (fJSP) with three objectives: min makespan, min maximal machine workload and min total workload. We developed a hybrid genetic algorithm (GA) for the problem. The GA uses two vectors to represent solutions. Advanced crossover and mutation operators are used to adapt to the special chromosome structure and the characteristics of the problem. In order to strengthen the search ability, individuals of GA are first improved by a variable neighborhood descent (VND), which involves two local search procedures: local search of moving one operation and local search of moving two operations. Moving an operation is to delete the operation, find an assignable time interval for it, and allocate it in the assignable interval. We developed an efficient method to find assignable time intervals for the deleted operations based on the concept of earliest and latest event time. The local optima of moving one operation are further improved by moving two operations simultaneously. An extensive computational study on 181 benchmark problems shows the performance of our approach.  相似文献   

This paper presents a local search, based on a new neighborhood for the job‐shop scheduling problem, and its application within a biased random‐key genetic algorithm. Schedules are constructed by decoding the chromosome supplied by the genetic algorithm with a procedure that generates active schedules. After an initial schedule is obtained, a local search heuristic, based on an extension of the 1956 graphical method of Akers, is applied to improve the solution. The new heuristic is tested on a set of 205 standard instances taken from the job‐shop scheduling literature and compared with results obtained by other approaches. The new algorithm improved the best‐known solution values for 57 instances.  相似文献   

作业处理中的柔性使得作业调度更为灵活,作业中操作的执行顺序满足拓扑排序是作业调度的前提。是否允许没有优先关系的操作在不同的机器上同时执行是区分串行和并行调度的条件。文中以共生进化算法求解一个复杂的作业调度模型为例,给出了算法实现串行调度和并行调度的具体区别,并给出了串行和并行调度的结果。结果表明,并行相对于串行对算法效率的提高与柔性大小相关,与作业的规模成反比。  相似文献   

A hybrid genetic algorithm for the job shop scheduling problems   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
The Job Shop Scheduling Problem (JSSP) is one of the most general and difficult of all traditional scheduling problems. The goal of this research is to develop an efficient scheduling method based on genetic algorithm to address JSSP. We design a scheduling method based on Single Genetic Algorithm (SGA) and Parallel Genetic Algorithm (PGA). In the scheduling method, the representation, which encodes the job number, is made to be always feasible, the initial population is generated through integrating representation and G&T algorithm, the new genetic operators and selection method are designed to better transmit the temporal relationships in the chromosome, and island model PGA are proposed. The scheduling methods based on genetic algorithm are tested on five standard benchmark JSSP. The results are compared with other proposed approaches. Compared to traditional genetic algorithm, the proposed approach yields significant improvement in solution quality. The superior results indicate the successful incorporation of a method to generate initial population into the genetic operators.  相似文献   

By using the notion of elite pool, this paper presents an effective asexual genetic algorithm for solving the job shop scheduling problem. Based on mutation operations, the algorithm selectively picks the solution with the highest quality from the pool and after its modification, it can replace the solution with the lowest quality with such a modified solution. The elite pool is initially filled with a number of non-delay schedules, and then, in each iteration, the best solution of the elite pool is removed and mutated in a biased fashion through running a limited tabu search procedure. A decision strategy which balances exploitation versus exploration determines (i) whether any intermediate solution along the run of tabu search should join the elite pool, and (ii) whether upon joining a new solution to the pool, the worst solution should leave the pool. The genetic algorithm procedure is repeated until either a time limit is reached or the elite pool becomes empty. The results of extensive computational experiments on the benchmark instances indicate that the success of the procedure significantly depends on the employed mechanism of updating the elite pool. In these experiments, the optimal value of the well-known 10 × 10 instance, ft10, is obtained in 0.06 s. Moreover, for larger problems, solutions with the precision of less than one percent from the best known solutions are achieved within several seconds.  相似文献   

针对柔性生产环境下的车间调度问题,在考虑遗传算法早熟收敛问题和禁忌搜索法自适应优点的基础上,将遗传算法和禁忌搜索法结合起来,提出了基于遗传和禁忌搜索的混合动态优化调度算法,并用实例对该算法进行了仿真研究。结果表明,此算法有很好收敛精度,是可行的,并且能够在扰动发生后提供新的调度计划,与传统的调度算法相比较,体现了明显的优越性。  相似文献   

A hybrid simulated annealing algorithm based on a novel immune mechanism is proposed for the job shop scheduling problem with the objective of minimizing total weighted tardiness. The proposed immune procedure is built on the following fundamental idea: the bottleneck jobs existing in each scheduling instance generally constitute the key factors in the attempt to improve the quality of final schedules, and thus, the sequencing of these jobs needs more intensive optimization. To quantitatively describe the bottleneck job distribution, we design a fuzzy inference system for evaluating the bottleneck level (i.e. the criticality) of each job. By combining the immune procedure with a simulated annealing algorithm, we design a hybrid optimization algorithm which is subsequently tested on a number of job shop instances. Computational results for different-sized instances show that the proposed hybrid algorithm performs effectively and converges fast to satisfactory solutions.  相似文献   

Finding feasible scheduling that optimize all objective functions for flexible job shop scheduling problem (FJSP) is considered by many researchers. In this paper, the novel hybrid genetic algorithm and simulated annealing (NHGASA) is introduced to solve FJSP. The NHGASA is a combination of genetic algorithm and simulated annealing to propose the algorithm that is more efficient than others. The three objective functions in this paper are: minimize the maximum completion time of all the operations (makespan), minimize the workload of the most loaded machine and minimize the total workload of all machines. Pareto optimal solution approach is used in NHGASA for solving FJSP. Contrary to the other methods that assign weights to all objective functions to reduce them to one objective function, in the NHGASA and during all steps, problems are solved by three objectives. Experimental results prove that the NHGASA that uses Pareto optimal solutions for solving multi-objective FJSP overcome previous methods for solving the same benchmarks in the shorter computational time and higher quality.  相似文献   

针对制造型企业普遍存在的流水车间调度问题,建立了以最小化最迟完成时间和总延迟时间为目标的多目标调度模型,并提出一种基于分解方法的多种群多目标遗传算法进行求解.该算法将多目标流水车间调度问题分解为多个单目标子问题,并分阶段地将这些子问题引入到算法迭代过程进行求解.算法在每次迭代时,依据种群的分布情况选择各子问题的最好解及与其相似的个体分别为当前求解的子问题构造子种群,通过多种群的进化完成对多个子问题最优解的并行搜索.通过对标准测试算例进行仿真实验,结果表明所提出的算法在求解该问题上能够获得较好的非支配解集.  相似文献   

Job shop scheduling problem (JSP) which is widespread in the real-world production system is one of the most general and important problems in various scheduling problems. Nowadays, the effective method for JSP is a hot topic in research area of manufacturing system. JSP is a typical NP-hard combinatorial optimization problem and has a broad engineering application background. Due to the large and complicated solution space and process constraints, JSP is very difficult to find an optimal solution within a reasonable time even for small instances. In this paper, a hybrid particle swarm optimization algorithm (PSO) based on variable neighborhood search (VNS) has been proposed to solve this problem. In order to overcome the blind selection of neighborhood structures during the hybrid algorithm design, a new neighborhood structure evaluation method based on logistic model has been developed to guide the neighborhood structures selection. This method is utilized to evaluate the performance of different neighborhood structures. Then the neighborhood structures which have good performance are selected as the main neighborhood structures in VNS. Finally, a set of benchmark instances have been conducted to evaluate the performance of proposed hybrid algorithm and the comparisons among some other state-of-art reported algorithms are also presented. The experimental results show that the proposed hybrid algorithm has achieved good improvement on the optimization of JSP, which also verifies the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed neighborhood structure evaluation method.  相似文献   

针对混合流水车间调度问题(HFSP),本文提出了一种新的基于果蝇算法和变邻域搜索的混合优化方法.首先,将关键块内的工序与同阶段其他机器上的工序进行交换,提出了一种基于关键路径的HFSP新邻域结构.其次,针对HFSP的阶段式解码特性,提出了一种邻域解的快速评估方法,并验证了快速评估方法的高效性.然后,基于提出的新邻域结构,并将N7和K-insertion邻域结构引入HFSP,设计了基于上述3种邻域结构的变邻域搜索方法,以此为基础提出了一种针对HFSP的混合优化方法.最后,通过对Carlier和Liao等经典测试集进行测试,验证了所提新邻域结构的可行性和有效性,并将该方法与其他文献的方法进行了对比,验证了所提方法的优越性.  相似文献   

分析生产车间的实际生产状况,建立了考虑工件移动时间的柔性作业车间调度问题模型,该模型考虑了以往柔性作业车间调度问题模型所没有考虑的工件在加工机器间的移动时间,使柔性作业车间调度问题更贴近实际生产,让调度理论更具现实性。通过对已有的改进遗传算法的遗传操作进行重构,设计出有效求解考虑工件移动时间的柔性作业车间调度问题的改进遗传算法。最后对实际案例进行求解,得到调度甘特图和析取图,通过对甘特图和析取图的分析验证了所建考虑工件移动时间的柔性作业车间调度问题模型的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

柔性作业车间调度问题是经典作业车间调度问题的扩展,它允许工序在可选加工机器集中任意一台上加工,加工时间随加工机器不同而不同。针对柔性作业车间调度问题的特点,提出一种基于约束理论的局部搜索方法,对关键路径上的机器的负荷率进行比较,寻找瓶颈机器,以保证各机器之间的负荷平衡。为了克服传统遗传算法早熟和收敛慢的缺点,设计多种变异操作,增加种群多样性。为了更好保留每代中的优良解,设计了基于海明距离的精英解保留策略。运用提出的算法求解基准测试问题,验证了算法的可行性和有效性。  相似文献   

Tabu search (TS) algorithms are among the most effective approaches for solving the job shop scheduling problem (JSP) which is one of the most difficult NP-complete problems. However, neighborhood structures and move evaluation strategies play the central role in the effectiveness and efficiency of the tabu search for the JSP. In this paper, a new enhanced neighborhood structure is proposed and applied to solving the job shop scheduling problem by TS approach. Using this new neighborhood structure combined with the appropriate move evaluation strategy and parameters, we tested the TS approach on a set of standard benchmark instances and found a large number of better upper bounds among the unsolved instances. The computational results show that for the rectangular problem our approach dominates all others in terms of both solution quality and performance.  相似文献   

通过对有限产能车间调度问题的分析,提出了基于蚂蚁算法求解该问题的方法。在模型的构建中增加了成本和机器负荷约束。通过产品的BOM表采用蚂蚁算法搜寻节点,做各阶层工序安排,将各阶层工序安排组合成一完整解。对蚂蚁算法进行了改进,在基本蚂蚁算法的基础上,通过修改信息素局域更新规则和全局更新规则,引入自适应信息素挥发系数来提高算法的收敛速度和全局最优解搜索能力。算例分析表明,蚂蚁的正向反馈及探索功能对求解较大工件数的生产计划非常有效。而且在有限产能的环境中根据产能负荷状况产生不同的外包组合,将满足交货期的各种外包组合成本做敏感性分析,供决策者参考。  相似文献   

针对最大完工时间最小和总流经时间最小的双目标流水车间调度问题,提出一种快速多目标混合进化算法。算法将矢量评价遗传算法的采样策略与一种新的基于Pareto支配与被支配关系的适应度函数的采样策略进行了融合。新的采样策略弥补了矢量评价遗传算法(VEGA)采样策略的不足。VEGA善于搜索Pareto前沿面的边缘区域,但却忽略了Pareto前沿面的中心区域,而新的采样策略则倾向于Pareto前沿面的中心区域。这两种机制的融合保证了混合算法能够快速平稳地向Pareto前沿区域收敛。此外,由于混合采样策略不需要考虑距离,使得算法效率也得到了很大的提升。在对Taillard基准测试集进行的仿真实验结果显示,相对于非支配排序遗传算法(NSGA-Ⅱ)和强度Pareto进化算法(SPEA2),该快速多目标混合进化算法在收敛性和分布性两方面都有所提高,并且算法的效率也得到了改进。所提出的混合算法能够更好地解决双目标的流水车间调度问题。  相似文献   

最优子种群遗传算法求解柔性流水车间调度问题   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
为了验证最优子种群遗传算法在解决柔性流水车间调度问题时相比于传统遗传算法的优越性,分析了柔性流水车间调度问题的特点,并运用一种新的编码方法和新的遗传算法求解了该问题。考虑到最优个体保护策略法对复杂问题容易使种群收敛陷入局部最优解,为了提高精度、加快较优个体的产生并避免陷入局部最优解,首先提出了一种合理、全面的编码方法,并运用最优子种群遗传算法来求解柔性流水车间调度问题。最后运用实例验证了最优子种群遗传算法的有效性、优越性和编码方式的合理性。  相似文献   

The interest in multimodal optimization methods is increasing in the last years. The objective is to find multiple solutions that allow the expert to choose the solution that better adapts to the actual conditions. Niching methods extend genetic algorithms to domains that require the identification of multiple solutions. There are different niching genetic algorithms: sharing, clearing, crowding and sequential, etc. The aim of this study is to study the applicability and the behavior of several niching genetic algorithms in solving job shop scheduling problems, by establishing a criterion in the use of different methods according to the needs of the expert. We will experiment with different instances of this problem, analyzing the behavior of the algorithms from the efficacy and diversity points of view.  相似文献   

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