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为提升无线网络频谱利用率和增强信息传输的安全性,针对下行多载波非正交多址接入安全通信系统,提出了一种基于安全和速率最大化的稳健性资源分配算法.首先,设计人工噪声(AN)预编码矢量与合法用户信道正交,消除人工噪声对合法传输的影响.然后,考虑每个用户最小速率约束、基站最大功率约束,基于窃听信道不确定性建立AN预编码、下行数...  相似文献   

面向物联网业务中的低时延需求,将短包通信(SPC)和非正交多址接入(NOMA)技术相结合,针对存在窃听者的情况研究多用户NOMA系统中的安全传输问题.以最大化弱用户的安全吞吐量为目标,考虑用户译码错误概率约束、总功率约束和功率分配约束,提出了一种低复杂度的功率分配方案实现系统安全传输.为解决复杂的目标函数和不可靠的串行...  相似文献   

相较于传统正交多址接入,非正交多址接入技术由于在系统吞吐量、频谱效率和能量效率等方面的优势,使其成为5G多址技术研究热点.针对NOMA下行链路的系统能量效率优化问题,提出一种基于改进粒子群算法的功率分配策略.建立了基于能量效率最大化的优化模型,在标准粒子群算法的基础上提出三点改进,并将改进后的粒子群算法用于求解最大化系统能效的目标函数.研究结果表明,在最佳功率分配点处,改进后的粒子群算法使系统能量效率显著提高.  相似文献   

随着第五代移动通信技术(5th Generation Mobile Communication Technology, 5G)网络的大规模商业化部署,超5G(Beyond 5G,B5G)和第六代移动通信技术(6th Generation Mobile Communication Technology, 6G)逐渐成为研究热点。非正交多址接入(Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access, NOMA)作为一种新型接入技术,有望成为B5G和6G网络中的关键多址接入技术。与此同时,多载波通信具有抗频率选择性衰落和高频谱效率的特点,因此将多载波技术与NOMA相结合成为B5G和6G的一个重要研究方向。从能效、功耗以及速率方面概述了多载波非协作NOMA、多载波协作NOMA的资源分配问题。探讨当前研究存在的一些缺陷与不足,并展望多载波NOMA系统资源分配问题的未来研究方向。  相似文献   

在基于非正交多址接入技术(NOMA)的多用户多中继协作中继网络中,为优先满足混叠信号中的时延敏感信息的服务质量(QoS)需求,对功率因子进行了简单分析,进而找到了关于信道增益的解码限制条件。在给定中继的情况下,根据解码限制条件建立用户集合,进而找到可以使高QoS信号速率最大化的用户中继对作为最佳“用户-中继”来传递信号。并且对该“用户-中继”选择方案下的系统中断概率的表达式进行推导并求出了其渐进式。仿真结果验证了推导结果的正确性,系统的中断概率随着节点数目的增多而降低,而当信噪比趋于无穷时,系统的分集增益取决于用户数目和中继数目。且与已有文献进行对比,本文提出的用户中继匹配方案的中断性能相对较好。  相似文献   

可重构智能超表面(RIS)可被视为通信网络中具有特殊功能的“中继”来配合非正交多址接入(NOMA)系统构建一种协同的信息传输方案。考虑到未来物联网(IoT)场景下不同用户设备对服务质量(QoS)的不同需求,该文提出一种RIS辅助的多用户NOMA通信系统模型,并针对两类用户(信息用户和能量用户)的QoS需求设计了一种基于迭代优化的功率分配方法。该方法通过联合设计RIS相移矩阵、基站端波束赋形以及NOMA系统串行干扰消除顺序来最小化系统的总发射功率,以全面减轻通信系统中基站的能耗负担。仿真结果表明,与无RIS的场景相比,RIS辅助的NOMA系统可有效减小基站的能耗;在有RIS的场景下,所提功率分配方法的能耗明显低于RIS端随机选择相位的方式和基站端直接采用迫零波束赋形的方式。  相似文献   

正交多路访问(Orthogonal Multiple Access,OMA)只能按时间或频率给单一用户分配单一的无线资源,而非正交多路访问(Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access,NOMA)技术可以将同一资源分配给多个用户,大大提高了频谱效率和数据速率,能够更好地满足5G通信中多用户的需求.为了满...  相似文献   

对于智能反射面(IRS)辅助的单簇上行非正交多址接入(NOMA)系统,该文提出一种最小化系统总功率的资源分配方案。首先构建最小化总功率的优化问题,优化参数为用户功率和IRS相移;然后,推导单个用户所需的功率与信道、用户的速率需求以及IRS相移之间的关系,将功率与相移的联合优化问题分解为多个包含单个参数的子优化问题;其次,采用迭代的方法求解所有的IRS相移,在每次迭代过程中,依次求解包含单个参数的子优化问题;最后,根据迭代得到的IRS相移计算出每个用户所需的最低功率。仿真结果显示,在速率需求相同的条件下,所提方案所需的总功率低于相同场景中的已有方案。  相似文献   

将非正交多址接入(Non-orthogonal Multiple Access,NOMA)技术应用于认知无线电(Cognitive Radio,CR)次网络,使次用户的信号在功率域叠加,可以进一步提高次网络的吞吐量。为此,将粒子群算法(Particle Swarm Optimization,PSO)应用于底层模式的CR-NOMA网络进行资源分配,并分为子信道分配和功率分配两个步骤。在子信道分配中,使用结合遗传算法思想的粒子群算法提高算法的全局搜索能力。在此基础上,使用基于罚函数的粒子群算法对子信道功率和信道内用户功率进行分配。仿真结果表明,提出的基于粒子群算法的CR-NOMA网络资源分配相比以往算法能获得更高的次网络吞吐量。  相似文献   

以最大化缓存收益为目标,针对部署缓存的NOMA异构网络下的基站用户匹配及功率分配问题,结合消息传递及DC规划提出了NOMA联合优化算法。首先将约束条件合并到目标函数中,通过计算新的优化问题中函数节点与变量节点间消息传递的边缘得到用户协同结果;然后将原优化问题变形为2个凸函数差的形式,通过DC规划对功率资源进行分配;最后迭代计算得到最终的用户协同及功率分配结果。仿真结果证明所提算法有效地提升了网络性能。  相似文献   

Nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is one of the key technologies for 5G, where the system capacity can be increased by allowing simultaneous transmission of multiple users at the same radio resource. The most of the proportional fairness (PF)–based resource allocation studies for NOMA systems assumes full buffer traffic model, while the traffic in real‐life scenarios is generally nonfull buffer. In this paper, we propose User Demand–Based Proportional Fairness (UDB‐PF) and Proportional User Satisfaction Fairness (PUSF) algorithms for user scheduling and power allocation in NOMA downlink systems when traffic demands of the users are limited and time‐varying. UDB‐PF extends the PF‐based scheduling by allocating optimum power levels towards satisfying the traffic demand constraints of user pair in each resource block. The objective of PUSF is to maximize the network‐wide user satisfaction by allocating sufficient frequency and power resources according to traffic demands of the users. In both cases, user groups are selected first to simultaneously transmit their signals at the same frequency resource, while the optimal transmission power level is assigned to each user to optimize the underlying objective function. In addition, the genetic algorithm (GA) approach is employed for user group selection to reduce the computational complexity. When the user traffic rate requirements change rapidly over time, UDB‐PF yields better sum rate (throughput) while PUSF provides better network‐wide user satisfaction results compared with the PF‐based user scheduling. We also observed that the GA‐based user group selection significantly reduced the computational load while achieving the comparable results of the exhaustive search.  相似文献   

In Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (NOMA), the best way to fully exploit the benefits of the system is the efficient resource allocation. For the NOMA power domain, the allocation of power and spectrum require solving the mixed-integer nonlinear programming NP-hard problem. In this paper, we investigate user scheduling and power allocation in Multi-Cell Multi-Carrier NOMA (MCMC-NOMA) networks. To achieve that, we consider Weighted Sum Rate Maximization (WSRM) and Weighted Sum Energy Efficiency Maximization (WSEEM) problems. First, we tackle the problem of user scheduling for fixed power using Fractional Programming (FP), the Lagrange dual method, and the decomposition method. Then, we consider Successive Pseudo-Convex Approximation (SPCA) to deal with the WSRM problem. Finally, for the WSEEM problem, SPCA is utilized to convert the problem into separable scalar problems, which can be parallelly solved. Thus, the Dinkelbach algorithm and constraints relaxation are used to characterize the closed-form solution for power allocation. Extensive simulations have been implemented to show the efficiency of the proposed framework and its superiority over other existing schemes.  相似文献   

Non-orthogonal multiple access(NOMA) has been widely used in the research of the fifth generation communication,due to the advantages of improving the spectrum efficiency and data rate.In order to guarantee the service of users,a new power allocation strategy was proposed to improve the fairness of users in the cell edge.According to the proportional fairness method,the goal was to maximize the proportionality fairness factor among the users with the least fairness in multiplexed users.The nonconvex objective function was transformed into convex function,and the optimal solution of problem was obtained by KKT optimal constraint condition.Simulation results show that the new NOMA-based power allocation strategy proposed outperforms the traditional orthogonal multiple access technology (OMA).  相似文献   

针对下行多用户多点协作传输系统(MU-CoMP)边值自适应(MA)的问题,提出了一种快速资源分配算法。该算法首先根据用户的速率要求及平均信道增益估计出每个用户需要的子载波数目,在此基础上设计合理的子载波分配算法进行子载波分配,通过预判并且剔除不适合传输数据的较差空间子信道实现快速比特加载。仿真结果表明,所提算法在满足用户最低速率和误码率要求的前提下有效地降低了总发射功率,以较低的复杂度获得了接近最优算法的性能。  相似文献   

A multi-carrier simultaneous wireless information and power transfer (SWIPT) communication system including one base station (BS) and one user was investigated,where both uplink and downlink adopt orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM).In the downlink,the BS transmited information and power to the user simultaneously.In the uplink,the user transmited information to the BS by using the power harvested from the BS in the downlink.The weighted sum of the downlink and uplink achievable rates by jointly optimizing subcarrier allocation and power allocation of the uplink and downlink were aimed to maximized.An optimal algorithm to solve the joint resource allocation problem was proposed,which was based on the Lagrange duality method and the ellipsoid method.Finally,the result shows the performances of the proposed algorithm by computer simulations.  相似文献   

Nonorthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is viewed as one of the key enabling candidate for the fifth‐generation systems. The effectiveness of such networks heavily relies on the power allocation. This paper addresses the problem of power allocation in a downlink multiuser hybrid NOMA‐orthogonal multiple access (OMA) network, where NOMA is integrated into OMA. Users with strong channel conditions are paired up with the users having weak channel conditions based on a random mechanism. Further, user pairs compete in an auction game for the transmit power being sold by the base station. Bids are placed iteratively by each user pair such that it maximizes their own utility. The existence of a unique Nash equilibrium has been proved theoretically. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme achieves higher average sum rate of users in comparison with that of the existing algorithms.  相似文献   

Coordinated multi-point transmission/reception (CoMP) was proposed currently as an effective technology to improve cell-edge throughput in next-generation wireless systems. Most of the existing work discussed clustering methods mostly to maximize the edge user throughput while neglecting the problem of energy efficiency, such as those algorithm clustering base stations (BSs) of better channel condition and BSs of worse channel condition together. In addition, BSs usually increase the transmit power to achieve higher throughput without any considering of interference caused to other users, that may result in energy waste. The authors focus on the throughput maximizing problem while fully considering energy saving problem in CoMP systems. A coefficient is defined to describe the fitness of clusters. Then a sub-carrier allocation algorithm with clustering method is put forward for CoMP downlink, which can save the transmit power of BS and increase the throughput. Furthermore a power allocation scheme is proposed based on non-cooperation game; in which the transmit power is decreased by BSs generally to reach the Nash equation (NE). Simulation shows that the proposed sub-carrier allocation scheme and power allocation algorithm are better than the existing ones on users' throughput while consumes much less energy.  相似文献   

For future wireless communication systems, Power Domain Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access (PD-NOMA) using an advanced receiver has been considered as a promising radio access technology candidate. Power allocation plays an important role in the PD-NOMA system because it considerably affects the total throughput and Geometric Mean User Throughput (GMUT) performance. However, most existing studies have not completely accounted for the computational complexity of the power allocation process when the User Terminals (UTs) move in a slow fading channel environment. To resolve such problems, a power allocation method is proposed to considerably reduce the search space of a Full Search Power (FSP) allocation algorithm. The initial power reallocation coefficients will be set to start with former optimal values by the proposed Lemma before searching for optimal power reallocation coefficients based on total throughput performance. Step size and correction granularity will be adjusted within a much narrower power search range while invalid power combinations may be reasonably discarded during the search process. The simulation results show that the proposed power reallocation scheme can greatly reduce computational complexity while the total throughput and GMUT performance loss are not greater than 1.5% compared with the FSP algorithm.  相似文献   

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