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微针阵列作为新型透皮给药技术,受到广泛关注。通常以刺入力、刺入率和刺入深度来评价微针刺入皮肤的程度和效率。皮肤是其性能评价的基础。皮肤的物理特性主要由角蛋白丝、胶原纤维、弹性纤维和皮下组织综合决定,并且从厚度、弹性、硬度和韧性等维度反映其对微针刺入的影响。机械的、渗透的、组织的和屏障的等皮肤模型被用于解读和模拟真实皮肤的该方面功能。同样,通过皮肤力学分析后建立的包括本构模型在内的各种皮肤力学模型也从物理维度解析皮肤的力学特征。真实皮肤具有复杂性,存在差异性大、不易获取和储存,以及伦理等问题,而皮肤模型可在一定程度上代替真实皮肤辅助微针递送系统设计、开发和性能评价。本文系统回顾分析了皮肤组织的物理特性、各种皮肤模型的制备及特点、真实皮肤和模拟皮肤在评价微针穿刺性能方面的应用,为开发及建立合适的皮肤模型提供借鉴。  相似文献   

目的:考察透明质酸复合微针的制备方法,并选择形态粘度适宜的高分子溶液制备透明质酸微针。方法:测定不同浓度透明质酸溶液的粘度,确定适宜制备微针的溶液浓度。利用聚乙烯醇反复冷冻-解冻的物理交联方法制备透明质酸复合微针,并加入其他辅料考察微针针形的优劣。利用高效液相色谱法考察优化后透明质酸微针的体外释放行为。结果:10%透明质酸溶液适宜用抽真空法制备微针,聚乙烯醇优化后的透明质酸微针柔韧性更佳,刚性减小,易于揭膜。微针针形良好,不易断裂。体外释放实验中显示有缓释效果,8小时内可释放40%的理论载药量。结论:通过加入聚乙烯醇等生物相容性良好的辅料制备透明质酸微针,既具有良好的物理性能,又有较好的释放行为,优于目前文献报道的纯透明质酸微针的性能,可继续优化处方,具有更进一步研究的价值。  相似文献   

在临床应用上,一种能够持续递送药物的微针(microneedle,MN)系统对于一些疫苗、激素类药物的递送具有重要价值。本文研究设计了一种基于壳聚糖的可控缓释型微针阵列(PVA/CS-MN),将微针贴片与药物相结合用于药物的可控长效缓释。重点研究了PVA/CS-MN的制备优化工艺,并对MN阵列外观形貌、力学性能、溶解与溶胀性能以及体外刺入性能进行了表征。实验结果表明,使用最优工艺制备的PVA/CS-MN具有良好的形貌以及力学性能,可以顺利在皮肤上打开微通道,并实现可控的溶解与溶胀功能。同时,体外透皮扩散实验表明,以抗坏血酸(l-ascorbic acid)为模型药物制备的Vc-PVA/CS-MN在1 h内即释放了约57%的药物,随后12 h内缓慢释放了约66.7%的药物,7 d后最终释放了92%的药物。PVA/CS-MN具备可控的缓释特性以及优良的药物递送效率,为药物的持续透皮递送提供了一个新选择。  相似文献   

近年来,微针作为一种新兴的经皮给药技术,具有微创、无痛、使用方便和高效的特点,逐渐成为一种极具研究价值和应用潜力的给药策略。微针技术在过去20年中得到迅速发展并呈现出多样化的趋势,已可根据不同需求来定制微针的形状、组成、机械性能和其他特殊功能等。由于微针能以微创方式穿越各种生物屏障,因此许多研究人员探索了微针在除皮肤外各类组织和器官中的药物递送应用。本文综述了微针技术及其近年来在眼睛、血管、心脏等组织和器官的药物递送中的应用研究,以期推动微针技术的应用发展。  相似文献   

目的:考察分子量为4 k Da的透明质酸,羧甲基纤维素钠对相转化水凝胶微针的影响以及对药物体外释放的影响。方法:制备含有不同浓度透明质酸或羧甲基纤维素钠的微针,利用显微镜观察微针的外观形态,用高效液相色谱法检测药物的体外释放,并用统计分析软件检测体外释放率的差异性。结果:含有透明质酸的微针出现相分离现象,体外释放24 h,释放率为55%左右;羧甲基纤维素钠的微针未出现相分离现象,体外释放24 h,释放率能达到60%左右,两种微针在3 h和24 h时体外释放率无显著性差异,在12 h时有显著性差异(P0.05)。结论:透明质酸与聚乙烯醇混合易出现相分离现象,可应用于微针的浓度范围较窄,羧甲基纤维素钠微针不易出现相分离现象。在12 h体外释放方面,含有羧甲基纤维素钠的微针处方优于含有透明质酸的微针处方,但是哪一种辅料更优还需要进一步的实验验证。  相似文献   

微针经皮免疫借助微针刺破皮肤的角质层,使疫苗高效地被抗原提呈细胞识别后引起特异性免疫应答,从而实现疫苗的经皮免疫。由于微针的经皮免疫所具有的高效诱导免疫应答、低痛感、易储存等优点,近年来被广泛应用于多种疫苗免疫接种。本综述对用于经皮免疫的各类微针(固体微针、空心微针、涂层微针和可溶性微针)的制备材料、在经皮免疫的应用、领域的研究热点与尚需要解决的问题进行探讨,以期为研究者的制备和应用提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

生物大分子药物难以跨过皮肤的角质层屏障,而微针作为一种微创、无痛、高效的经皮给药方式,能有效破解大分子药物透皮速率和吸收量低下的难题.本文详细综述了微针阵列技术在各类生物大分子药物经皮递送中的应用进展,包括单独微针阵列(固体实心微针、空心微针、涂层微针和可溶性微针)以及微针与其他制剂技术(如微粒给药系统)、医疗器械和智能释药系统等结合对大分子药物的促渗作用和控释作用.同时对微针用于大分子药物递送领域目前面临的问题、发展前景等作出分析.  相似文献   

目的:选择黏度适宜的高分子溶液,制备相转化水凝胶微针。方法:通过考察两种型号的聚乙烯醇本身的黏度性质、溶液温度、几种不同性质的高分子材料,包括透明质酸、预胶化淀粉等可能影响聚乙烯醇溶液黏度的因素,使用粘度计测定其黏度值并作图比较,观察溶液黏度变化的规律。将所制溶液分别制备微针以观察针形的好坏,选择合适制备相转化水凝胶微针的溶液黏度范围。结果:实验表明黏度范围在2.5万至13万m Pa·s之间的聚合物溶液较为粘稠且流动性适宜。结论:在该黏度范围内的聚合物溶液可用以制备相转化水凝胶微针,适用于工业化生产。  相似文献   

微针在过去几十年中发展迅速,在透皮给药等领域已得到了广泛的研究.近些年随着微电子技术的蓬勃兴起,微针在生物诊疗中的应用越来越多的受到人们关注.通过微针提取血液和组织液进行检测分析以及微针作为电极在体液内直接对血糖、黑色素瘤、pH值等进行实时检测方面,都展现出了良好的实时检测应用前景.文中综述了微针的材料与结构设计及其在...  相似文献   

光动力疗法与给药微针(microneedle, MN)相结合为治疗肿瘤提供了一种安全有效的途径。本文设计了一种基于壳聚糖搭载高能光子的可控缓释型载药微针贴片(LED-losartan-HEMA/ CS-MN, LLH-CSMN),重点研究了其制备工艺,并且以氯沙坦为模型药物对微针阵列的形貌尺寸进行了表征,探究了LLH-CSMN的力学性能、皮肤穿刺性能、缓释性能以及高能光子在长时间工作下的光热性能。结果表明,基于壳聚糖搭载高能光子的微针贴片能够有效地在皮肤表面打开通道进行药物递送,并进行光动力治疗。同时,体外透皮扩散试验表明,以氯沙坦为模型药物制备的微针在1 h内释放了约30%的药物,在1 d内总共释放了约60%的药物,随后进行缓慢释放,在6 d后最终释放了93%的药物,LLH-CSMN具有可控缓释特性以及良好的长效光辅助治疗效果,为肿瘤治疗提供了一个新的安全有效途径。  相似文献   

生物大分子及纳米药物,比如,亚单位疫苗、DNA疫苗、以及针对真皮层的治疗药物,作为近年来新兴的治疗药物,在有些治疗领域有着透皮给药的需求。由于具有靶向性高,疗效显著等特点,生物大分子及纳米药物逐渐成为新的研究热点。微针作为一种新型的给药技术,不仅具有无痛、给药方便等优点,而且运用物理手段可大幅提高大分子甚至纳米药物的透皮吸收及皮层靶向,能够避过胃肠道消化作用以及肝脏首过效用。将微针技术与生物大分子药物相结合,能够同时发挥两者的优势,实现高靶向生物药物的无痛给药。本文简述微针透皮给药技术、以及生物大分子给药的研究进展,对微针技术用于生物大分子及纳米药物透皮给药的尝试研究做了介绍和总结,对存在的技术挑战进行了分析和展望。  相似文献   

迄今为止疫苗在人类和动物传染性疾病的控制和预防中依然发挥着其他药物种类难以企及的重要作用。疫苗设计成功的基础在于有效地递送抗原物质以诱发强有力的保护性免疫反应,而疫苗递送载体的合理应用可以加强、改善、甚至改变抗原物质所诱发的免疫应答过程,从而带来优化疫苗接种效果,简化免疫接种程序等有益效果。目前研发中常用的疫苗递送载体可以分为生物载体(如病毒与细菌)与化学载体(如微针与脂质体)两类,在不同递送系统使用方面的重要考虑是有效地利用载体的装载能力和相应特性来达到理想的免疫效果。目前疫苗递送技术的快速进展为现代疫苗的发展提供了有力的技术支撑。  相似文献   

The influence of oxygen on neural stem cell proliferation, differentiation, and apoptosis is of great interest for regenerative therapies in neurodegenerative disorders, such as Parkinson's disease. These oxygen depending mechanisms have to been considered for the optimization of neural cell culture conditions. In this study, we used a cell culture system with an oxygen‐permeable polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE) foil to investigate the effect of oxygen on metabolism and survival of neural cell lines in vitro. Human glial astrocytoma‐derived cells (GOS‐3) and rat pheochromacytoma cells (PC12) were cultured on the gas‐permeable PTFE foil as well as a conventional non oxygen‐permeable cell culture substrate at various oxygen concentrations. Analyses of metabolic activity, gene expression of apoptotic grade, and dopamine synthesis were performed. Under low oxygen partial pressure (2%, 5%) the anaerobic metabolism and apoptotic rate of cultured cells is diminished on PTFE foil when compared with the conventional culture dishes. In contrast, under higher oxygen atmosphere (21%) the number of apoptotic cells on the PTFE foil was enhanced. This culture model demonstrates a suitable model for the improvement of oxygen dependent metabolism under low oxygen conditions as well as for induction of oxidative stress by high oxygen atmosphere without supplementation of neurotoxins. © 2010 American Institute of Chemical Engineers Biotechnol. Prog., 2010  相似文献   

Aspergillus tamani accumulated about 20 μmoles of S-adenosylmethionine (SAM) in 1 g of dry cells when cultured secondarily in a medium containing more than 10 mm of l- methionine. The accumulation was not so high when l-methionine was replaced by d- methionine. Addition of nucleic acid-related substances was not effective for the accumulation. Addition of d, l-ethionine in place of methionine caused accumulation of S-adenosylethionine (SAE) in place of SAM. Among 100 strains of molds tested, a number of strains belonging to the genera Penicillium, Aspergillus, Rhizopus and Mucor could accumulate SAM in their mycelia. Especially Mucor jansseni had the highest ability; it accumulated 45 μmoles of SAM in 1 g of dry cells.  相似文献   

Bioprinting is an emerging technology that has its origins in the rapid prototyping industry. The different printing processes can be divided into contact bioprinting1-4 (extrusion, dip pen and soft lithography), contactless bioprinting5-7 (laser forward transfer, ink-jet deposition) and laser based techniques such as two photon photopolymerization8. It can be used for many applications such as tissue engineering9-13, biosensor microfabrication14-16 and as a tool to answer basic biological questions such as influences of co-culturing of different cell types17. Unlike common photolithographic or soft-lithographic methods, extrusion bioprinting has the advantage that it does not require a separate mask or stamp. Using CAD software, the design of the structure can quickly be changed and adjusted according to the requirements of the operator. This makes bioprinting more flexible than lithography-based approaches.Here we demonstrate the printing of a sacrificial mold to create a multi-material 3D structure using an array of pillars within a hydrogel as an example. These pillars could represent hollow structures for a vascular network or the tubes within a nerve guide conduit. The material chosen for the sacrificial mold was poloxamer 407, a thermoresponsive polymer with excellent printing properties which is liquid at 4 °C and a solid above its gelation temperature ~20 °C for 24.5% w/v solutions18. This property allows the poloxamer-based sacrificial mold to be eluted on demand and has advantages over the slow dissolution of a solid material especially for narrow geometries. Poloxamer was printed on microscope glass slides to create the sacrificial mold. Agarose was pipetted into the mold and cooled until gelation. After elution of the poloxamer in ice cold water, the voids in the agarose mold were filled with alginate methacrylate spiked with FITC labeled fibrinogen. The filled voids were then cross-linked with UV and the construct was imaged with an epi-fluorescence microscope.  相似文献   

广州地区甲真菌病致病真菌的变迁趋势研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的为了解广州地区甲真菌病的致病菌种分布情况.方法笔者采用真菌培养法对临床症状典型或镜检阳性的甲真菌病病甲进行培养.结果分离出致病真菌618株,其中皮肤癣菌417株,占67.5%,酵母菌149株,占23.8%,霉菌54株,占8.7%.结论广州地区的甲真菌病的致病菌除皮肤癣菌外,酵母菌,霉菌也占一定的比例,近几年酵母菌感染有上升趋势.  相似文献   

The overall objective of this project was to evaluate levels of airborne fungi present after a mold remediation project and determine the effectiveness of this remediation using airborne mold levels to determine the success of these projects. Andersen N6 (viable) and Air-O-Cell (non-viable) sampling techniques were utilized. Both test methodologies demonstrated that levels of mold in the successfully remediated portions of buildings were significantly different (p<0.05) from the levels found in non-complaint and outdoor samples from the same building, respectively. Conversely, levels in unsuccessful remediation projects were not significantly different (p>0.05) to non-complaint and outdoor samples. Both techniques showed high variability in the overall mold levels found between sites; however, the ratios of specific mold groups in each area tested, within the same site, were remarkably similar. The use of either viable or non-viable mold sampling techniques after mold remediation is essential for determining the success of such projects. This project demonstrates the relationship between mold levels and the success of a mold remediation projects, and will assist in the interpretation of data collected at the conclusion of a mold remediation project.  相似文献   

The conductance induced by gramicidin A in lipid bilayer membranes has been shown to be made up of discrete, well-defined units. In 0.1 M NaCl, and for 100 mV applied, the integral conductance of the unit channel at 20 °C is 5.8·10−12 Ω−1.  相似文献   

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