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This research demonstrates that preference for emotions sometimes cannot be equated with a positive-negative valence dimension. Participants were asked to make choices between pairs of affect-inducing options opposite in valence but equal in activation. The results showed that in absence of contextual cues or situational constraints, choices followed a pleasure-maximizing principle. However, when information was provided about a context cueing appropriateness of certain emotions over others, a preference reversal was observed so that negative emotions were preferred over positive emotions. These results are discussed in relation to current theories of pleasure-maximizing choice and behavior. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The authors investigated the preferences of Social (S) and Investigative (I) people for performing S and I tasks with either S or I people or alone. Participants, 38 upper division undergraduates in Social majors and 15 upper division undergraduates in Investigative majors, were administered a paired-comparison inventory in which the stimuli to be compared were task (S or I) and people (S, I, or alone) combinations. As expected, S participants preferred to work with S people, particularly on S tasks, although they preferred (slightly) to perform an I task with S people rather than an S task with I people. I participants most preferred to perform I tasks with I people and least preferred to perform an I task with S people, confirming the conjecture that I people avoid S environments that require emotional interactions, in spite of the tasks that might be performed in the environment. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Employed a paired comparisons scaling technique to assess the preference of schizophrenics for varying quantities of information as presented in geometric forms. Both good premorbid paranoid and poor premorbid nonparanoid schizophrenics showed their greatest preference for the least complex shapes. Results are discussed in terms of H. Munsinger and W. Kessen's (see 39:2) conception of a match between preference for environmental information and input-processing capacity. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Two studies are presented that investigate the assumptions that risk evaluation is based on subjective causal scenarios, and that the cognitive representation of global environmental risks is structured according to five causal levels: human attitudes, human activities, emissions or pollutions, environmental changes, and negative consequences. In study 1, 30 subjects listed in free-response format causes, consequences, and remedial measures for 14 environmental risks. Differences between predictive and diagnostic inferences were found: whereas subjects tend to assign immediate rather than mediated causes, they predominantly assign negative consequences for humans, irrespective of the length of the causal chain that leads to these consequences. In study 2, 41 subjects judged the overall similarity between 25 environmental risks. A multidimensional scaling analysis of these similarity judgments replicates the theoretically assumed five causal levels. Results of both studies support the assumptions that risk evaluation is based on implicit causal hypotheses and that the proposed five-level structure adequately describes the cognitive representation of environmental risks.  相似文献   

Sources of regulatory information of use to pharmacists are summarized. Regulatory information is provided by government, legal, pharmaceutical industry, nongovernment, and investigational drug sources. Databases and trade and professional organizations also provide such information. Information on legislative statutes and regulations can be found in the Federal Register, Code of Federal Regulations, and List of CFR Sections Affected. Many other government reports are also available. Various law reports are published by state and federal courts; legal textbooks, journals, and newsletters also provide pharmacy law information. Pharmaceutical industry sources supply information on U.S. drug approvals, pharmaceutical companies, and FDA enforcement actions, whereas nongovernment regulatory sources provide comprehensive regulatory and drug information. Investigational drug sources enable pharmacists to keep abreast of new drug development. Databases provide a wide variety of information, and trade newsletters supply information of interest to the organization. Knowledge of appropriate references will allow pharmacists to keep abreast of regulations that may affect them and new developments in their area of expertise.  相似文献   

Wholesale cost of meat dishes served on the standard army installation were related to preference ratings obtained in food attitude surveys. A curve of the form[Equation omitted](Y = preference, X = cost) fitted the data closely (curvilinear r = .86). Applications of this finding are discussed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Preference for salt (NaCl) in young children was examined in 2 experiments. In Experiment 1, 2 groups of 14 Black children were given paired-comparison tests with salted soups ranging between 0 and 1.8-M NaCl. Children tended to prefer higher salt concentrations than is typical for adults, but the range of salt concentrations used in testing influenced the distribution of children's preferred salt levels. Experiment 2 directly compared children with their parents, eliminated range effects through a preference-tracking procedure based on the paired-comparison technique, and compared Black and White children's preferences. Children (n?=?58) again preferred higher levels of salt than did adults (n?=?30). No differences between White and Black children were evident, nor was there an indication that degree of salt exposure determined expressed preferences. It appears that children exhibit maximal preference for more concentrated salty, as well as sweet, liquids than do adults. The basis for this age-related difference is not currently understood. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

The present investigation combines the methodology of 2 previous works, one by the author involving Ss making a choice between a smaller immediate reinforcement vs. a larger reinforcement promised at a later time, and a Social Responsibility Scale (SRS). The purpose of the study was to test the hypothesis that willingness to postpone gratification (choose delayed reinforcement) was positively related to social responsibility and negatively to delinquent behavior. Ss were Negro children of Trinidad, from a public school and a reform school. Choice for immediate reward was seen to be related to low scores on the SRS scale and for poorer estimation of time. Results are related to previous work and to a cross-cultural frame of reference. From Psyc Abstracts 36:01:3HJ01M. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

In these times of global change, many facility emphases are competing for limited resources. Competing factors include, but are not limited to, sustainable design or green buildings; security, hardening or force protection; accessibility; historic preservation; aesthetics; and functionality. Yet, unlimited resources are seldom, if ever, available to fulfill all of these competing requirements in private or public construction. The Georgia Institute of Technology designed a decision matrix to allow owners and planners to balance these competing requirements on a project-by-project basis and to document the rationale.  相似文献   

This paper presents GUIGUW v0.1, a graphical user interface (GUI) for the computation of stress-guided wave dispersive features. The software exploits semianalytical finite-element (SAFE) formulations for the calculation of wave-propagation characteristics. The interface allows for the selection of geometrical, mechanical, and frequency-related parameters for the computation. Isotropic and anisotropic materials with linear elastic and linear viscoelastic rheological behaviors can be considered, and any waveguide cross section can be modeled. For each existing wave, the dispersive results can be represented in terms of wave number, wavelength, phase velocity, group velocity (for undamped waveguides), energy velocity, and attenuation (for damped waveguides). By simply working with the GUI, original results for guided stress waves can be obtained.  相似文献   

To examine the type of proprioceptive information which subjects include in the definition of tension, 52 subjects were asked to indicate the location of where they felt tension while engaging in a simple motor task. Responses indicated that tendon stretch, muscle tension, and other cues are utilized in the subject's definition of tension.  相似文献   

环境刑法是行政刑法的分支,具有行政刑法的双重属性.言其双重性,一是指行为人破坏环境的行为既触犯了行政管理法律法规,又触犯了刑事法律;二是指破坏环境的行为既应受到行政处罚,又应受到刑事制裁.不论是行政处罚,还是刑事制裁,均需要从4个要件,即主体、客体、主观方面、客观方面,来综合考虑行为人的行为.由此,环境犯罪的主观方面就出现了叠加的两个层次,第一个层次是行政法上对于行为违法性认知的主观状态,第二个层次是刑法上对于危害后果认知的主观状态.研究环境犯罪主观方面的意义在于对行为人的犯罪行为做出适当的处罚.  相似文献   

Traditionally, the "happiness" of the American population has been measured in economic or objective terms. But research (A. Campbell et al, in press) indicates that between 1957 and 1972, while the economic and social indicators were rapidly moving upward, the proportion of the population who described themselves as "very happy" declined steadily, particularly among the most affluent portion of the population. It is argued that in order to describe the quality of the experience of the population, more subjective measures are needed to examine the experience itself. Three general measures of life experience (satisfaction with life, affective quality of life, and perceived stress) are discussed in terms of an earlier (1972) author-conducted study. Findings from that study indicate that while the 3 measures are moderately related to each, people living in different circumstances express different patterns of well-being and that these patterns reflect the peculiar quality of the situation in which they live. (18 ref) (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

Experts in ergonomics research on sitting comfort recommend a number of so-called objective assessment techniques as well as subjective judgements in order to select the best seat for a given purpose and a defined group of future users. In this paper, a variety of subjective evaluation methods such as general comfort rating, body area comfort rating, chair feature checklists, and direct ranking ranking of chairs are presented, and their pros and cons are discussed.  相似文献   

The output of binary cuing systems, such as alerts or alarms, depends on the threshold setting—a parameter that is often user-adjustable. However, it is unknown if users are able to adequately adjust thresholds and what information may help them to do so. Two experiments tested threshold settings for a binary classification task based on binary cues. During the task, participants decided whether a product was intact or faulty. Experimental conditions differed in the information participants received: all participants were informed about a product’s fault probability and the payoffs associated with decision outcomes; one third also received information regarding conditional probabilities for a fault when the system indicated or did not indicate the existence of one (predictive values); and another third received information about conditional probabilities for the system indicating a fault, in the instance of the existence or lack thereof, of an actual fault (diagnostic values). Threshold settings in all experimental groups were nonoptimal, with settings closest to the optimum with predictive-values information. Results corresponded with a model describing threshold settings as a function of the conditional probabilities for the different outcomes. From a practical perspective, results indicate that predictive-values information best supports decisions about threshold settings. Consequently, for users to adjust thresholds, they should receive information about predictive-values, provided that such values can be computed. (PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2010 APA, all rights reserved)  相似文献   

作为活性炭脱硫的主要介质,活性炭在烟气净化系统内循环吸附、再生,这就要求活性炭具有较高的机械强度。为了科学合理地表征活性炭耐磨强度,通过对比转鼓法、球磨法和球盘法,从工程实际应用角度出发,优选转鼓法作为烟气净化用脱硫脱硝活性炭耐磨强度的测试手段,进而通过强化磨损、改变筛分用筛网网孔尺寸,得到磨损时间、网孔尺寸分别为60 min和5.6 mm,此为“转鼓法”最优试验参数。  相似文献   

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