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山西汉族人群HLA-A、-B、-DRB1基因多态性研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
目的 调查山西汉族人群HLA-A、-B、DRB1基因多态性,获得完整准确的遗传学数据。方法 应用聚合酶链反应,序列特异性引物方法对7440名健康、无血缘关系的山西汉族个体进行HLA—A、-B、-DRB1基因型检测,并与不同人群等位基因进行比较。结果 检出A等位基因18个,B等位基因40个,DRB1等位基因13个,其中A*02、A*24、A*11、A*01、A*03、B*13、B*51、B*15、B*40、B*35、DRB1*15、DR*09、DR*1:2、DR*04、DR*07等位基因频率分布较高。结论 山西汉族人群HLA—A,-B,-DRB1基因具有中国北方汉族人群共有的遗传特征,但也有其自身的分布特点。  相似文献   

广东汉族人群HLA Ⅰ、Ⅱ基因多态性及单倍型分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
目的 检测广东汉族人群HLA-A、B、Cw、DRB1基因频率,分析该人群HLAⅠ、Ⅱ等位基因多态性及其单倍型特点。方法 骨髓移植供者160人,抗凝血提取DNA,半量全自动聚合酶链反应-单链构象多态分型检测HLA-A、B、Cw、DRB1基因型。结果 在低分辨水平分别检出HLA-A、B、Cw及DRB1等位基因12、23、11、13个。统计分析呈现显著连锁不平衡的HLA-A-B单倍型9个,B-Cw单倍型20个,A-Cw单倍型7个,HLA-A-DRB1单倍型8个,B-DRB1单倍型9个,Cw-DRB1单倍型10个。结论 广东汉族群体HLA-基因具有较为丰富的多态性,其双座位连锁不平衡单倍型具有地区性遗传特征。  相似文献   

目的:了解大连地区汉族人群HLA-A,-B,-DRB1 位点基因多态性分布特征。方法:采用基因测序及序列特异性寡核苷酸探针的方法对10 000 名居住在大连地区健康汉族造血干细胞捐献者进行HLA-A,-B,-DRB1 基因分型,从而得到等位基因频率。利用ARLEQUIN 软件估算单倍型频率及连锁不平衡参数,使用poptree2 软件计算两人群间遗传距离(DA)。结果:大连地区汉族人群中共检出HLA-A 基因18 个、HLA-B 基因32 个、HLA-DRB1 基因13 个,HLA-A*02(31.65%)、B*40(14.84%)、DRB1*15(15.82%)最为常见。三位点单倍型中A*30-B*13-DRB1*07(4.56%)频率最占优势,A*02-B*46-DRB1*09(2.43%)次之。A*30-B*13(6.00%)与B*13-DRB1*07(59.89%)为频率最高的两位点单倍型。A*33-B*58与B*13-DRB1*07 为大连地区汉族人群中最强连锁不平衡两位点单倍型,连锁不平衡参数分别为0.336 6 和0.665 1。大连汉族人群与国内某些人群进行比较,遗传距离最近的是黑龙江(0.001),其次为吉林(0.002)和山东(0.002),遗传距离最远的是台湾(0.047)。与国外其他人群进行比较,遗传距离最近的是泰国(0.029)和韩国(0.03),而遗传距离最远的是意大利(0.183)。结论:大连地区汉族人群HLA-A,-B,-DRB1 基因具有较为丰富的多态性,其分布符合北方人群的特点。  相似文献   

西藏门巴族人群HLA-A、B和DRB1基因座多态性   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
目的 分析西藏门巴族HLA-A、B和DRB1 3个基因座的遗传特征,并研究其民族起源。方法应用序列特异性寡核苷酸探针反向斑点杂交技术对西藏自治区门巴族居住区47名门巴族无关个体HLA-A、B和DRB1基因座进行分型。对门巴族和我国其他11个群体(民族)的HLA-DRB1基因频率采用Neighbor-Joining(NJ)方法进行聚类分析。结果 在西藏门巴族人群中HLA-A基因座共检出23个等位基因,其中HLA-A*1101,A*2402,A*02011,A*0206基因最常见;HLA-B基因座共检出39个等位基因,其中HLA-B*3802,B*4001,B*4002,B*51011基因最常见;HLA-DRB1基因座共检出33个等位基因,其中HLA-DRB1*12021,DRB1*0403,DRB1*0701,DRB1*1201基因最常见,频率最高的等位基因分别是HLA-A*1101(0.2128),HLA-B*3802(0.1064)和HLA-DRB1*12021(0.0851)。结论 西藏门巴族人群HLA基因座具有高度遗传多态性,聚类分析门巴族与西藏藏族遗传关系较近。  相似文献   

目的 分析上海地区汉族人群杀伤细胞免疫球蛋白样受体(killer Ig-like receptors,KIR)基因多态性及单倍型,为进一步研究不同人群KIRs与某些疾病的相关性提供线索。方法 采用序列特异性引物PCR法对87名无关汉族健康志愿者进行KIR基因低分辨率检测和单倍型分析。结果 (1)共检出Xv、KIRlD在内的18个KIRs基因。3DL3、2DL4、3DL2和3DLl存在于所有个体;较常见为2DL3、Z、2DLl、X;其次为2DS4、1D、2DL5、2DSl、3DSl、2DS5;2DS2、2DL2、2DS3、Xv频率较低。(2)共检出13种单倍型,最常见的是单倍型2。(3)共检出18种基因型.以AJ(2.2)、AF(1.2)型最常见,其次为AH(5,2)、AI(1,5)和AG(1,1)。另外有5种基因型FZl(2,9或6,16)、FZ2(1,16或2,15)、FZ3(6,17)、FZ4(4,13)和FZ5(2,6),目前在白人中尚未发现。结论 上海地区汉族人群有其独特的KIRs基因频率、单倍型频率和基因型频率分布。  相似文献   

目的了解中国新疆维吾尔自治区汉族和维吾尔族人类白细胞抗原DRB1(HLA-DRB1)、HLA-DQB1、HLA-DPB1高分辨分型基础上的基因多态性和单倍型分布的特点。方法应用聚合酶链反应-直接测序基因分型(PCR-SBT)法对新疆地区188例汉族人群与90例维吾尔族人群进行HLA-DRB1、HLA-DQB1、HLA-DPB1基因分型,直接计数法计算基因频率,应用Arlequin3.5软件以最大似然法获得单倍型频率。结果汉族人群频率最高的HLA-Ⅱ类基因分别是DRB1*09∶01(12.8%)、DQB1*03∶01(20.3%)和DPB1*05∶01(33.5%);三位点组成的单倍型频率最高的分别是DRB1*09∶01-DQB1*03∶03(8.8%)、DRB1*09∶01-DPB1*05∶01(5.0%)、DQB1*03∶01-DPB1*05∶01(9.6%)和DRB1*09∶01-DQB1*03∶03-DPB1*05∶01(6.3%)。维吾尔族人群频率最高的HLA-Ⅱ类基因分别是DRB1*07∶01(18.3%)、DQB1*03∶01(18.9%)和DPB1*04∶01(30.0%);三位点组成的单倍型频率最高的分别是DRB1*07∶01-DQB1*02∶02(16.1%)、DRB1*07∶01-DPB1*04∶01(5.0%)、DQB1*03∶01-DPB1*04∶01(7.3%)、DRB1*07∶01-DQB1*02∶02-DPB1*04∶01(7.4%)。两组人群中等位基因有显著差异的是∶DRB1*04∶04、DRB1*07∶01、DRB1*08∶03、DRB1*11∶04、DRB1*12∶02、DRB1*13∶01、DRB1*15∶01、DQB1*02∶02、DQB1*06∶01、DPB1*04∶01和DPB1*05∶01。结论中国新疆汉族与维吾尔族人群HLA-DRB1、HLA-DQB1、HLA-DPB1等位基因频率、单倍型频率分布均有自己的多态性特征。  相似文献   

目的探讨中国北方汉族人群HLA-DRB1、DQA1单倍型与乙型肝炎病毒(hepatitis B virus,HBV)感染不同结局的关系。方法采用序列特异性引物聚合酶链反应(sequence specific primers polymerase chain reaction,PCR-SSP)技术检测HLA-DRB1、DQA1等位基因,并比较207例慢性乙型肝炎患者,212名无症状HBV慢性携带者(HBV携带者),148例自限性HBV感染者的单倍型频率。结果自限性HBV感染组单倍型DRB1*04-DQA1*0301的频率为10.03%,显著高于慢性乙肝组的3.66%(P=0.0005):DRB1*15/*16-DQA1*0102的频率为6.80%,显著高于慢性乙肝组的1.94%(P=0.0012)和无症状HBV慢性携带者组的1.65%(P=0.004);DRB1*04-DQA1*0302单倍型在慢性乙型肝炎组的频率为3.10%,明显高于自限性HBV感染组的0.39%(P=0.0077)。结论HLA-DRB1、DQA1单倍型与个体感染HBV后的不同结局存在显著关联。  相似文献   

中国四个少数民族九个Y-STR位点基因频率和单倍型研究   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
目的 通过对中国满族、维吾尔族、壮族、柯尔克孜族4个少数民族群体共117个男性样本9个Y-STR位点的多态性分析,得到其相关位点的多态信息。方法 对所有样本的9个Y-STR位点进行PCR扩增,产物在ABI PRISM^TM377 DNA Sequencer上进行电泳,结果用Genotyper2.0软件进行分型。计算基因频率、多样性、遗传距离。结果在这9个位点上满族有43个等位基因,32种单倍型;维吾尔族43个等位基因,33种单倍型;柯尔克孜族有31个等位基因,15种单倍型;壮族有34个等位基因,23种单倍型。其中满族和维吾尔族的遗传距离最小,仅为0.02530。而柯尔克孜族和壮族的遗传距离最大,达到了0.34590。结论 4个民族均有较高的单倍型多样性。研究不同民族群体的遗传多样性对了解他们的起源、迁移以及相互关系有重要的意义。  相似文献   

目的 研究中国南方汉族人群HLA-A、B、Cw、DRBl、DQBl等位基因多态性及单倍型的分布特征.方法 应用聚合酶链反应-直接测序分型(polymerase chain reaction sequence-based typing,PCR-SBT)法对186名中国南方汉族健康人群HLA-A、B、Cw、DRBl、DQBl进行基因分型.结果 检出的HLA-A、B、Cw、DRBl、DQBl等位基因分别有28、49、24、29、20种.经统计分析A*0207-B*4601(10.81%),A*3303-B*5801(6.14%),B*4601-DRBl*0901(6.22%),B*4001*DRBl*0901(3.78%),DRBl*0901-DQBl*0303(12.16%)和DRBl*1202-DQBl*0301(8.38%)单倍型呈强连锁不平衡单倍型(RLF≥0.5,X<'2>>3.84,P<0.05);A*0207-B*4601-Cw*0102(10.75%),A*3303-B*5801-Cw*0302(5.14%),A*0207-B*4601-DR*0901(5.07%),A*3303-B*5801-DRBl*0301(2.96%),A*0207-B*4601-Cw*0102-DRBl*0901-DQBl*0303(4.87%)和A*1101-B*1301-Cw*0304-DRBl*1501-DQBl*0601(2.43%)单倍型分别是中国南方汉族人群常见单倍型.结论 中国南方汉族人群HLA 5个基因座单倍型分布具有高度的遗传多态性且有其自身分布特点.本研究获得的较完整的HLA 5个基因座单倍型分布数据,将为人类学、HLA疾病相关性和器官移植等研究提供遗传学参考数据.  相似文献   

目的 检测浙江地区汉族人群HLA-DPA1和HLA-DPB1等位基因及单倍型频率.方法 应用PCR-直接测序分型法对100名健康、无血缘关系的浙江汉族人外周血标本进行HLA-DPA1和HLADPB1等位基因分析.结果 在100份标本中检出8个HLA-DPA1等位基因和19个HLA-DPB1等位基因.HLA-DPA1等位基因频率较高的依次为DPA1*020202(47.0%)、DPA1*010301(38.5%)和DPA1*020101(10.5%).HLA-DPB1等位基因中,频率较高的依次为DPB1*0501(39.5%)、DPB1*020102(13.5%)和DPB1*040101(13.0%).连锁分析发现共有44个HLA-DPA1-DPB1单倍型,单倍型频率最高为DPA1*020202-DPB1*0501(29.5%).结论 浙江地区汉族人群HLA-DPA1和DPB1基因座等位基因具有丰富的多态性,2个基因座呈现连锁不平衡.  相似文献   

Yang G  Deng YJ  Hu SN  Wu DY  Li SB  Zhu J  Zhu BF  Liu Y 《Tissue antigens》2006,67(2):146-152
DNA typing for human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A, -B and -DRB1 was performed using polymerase chain reaction-sequence-based typing method on 618 randomly selected healthy individuals of the Han population in Northern China. Allele frequencies and haplotypes were statistically analyzed. A total of 84 HLA-A alleles, 143 B alleles, and 122 DRB1 alleles were detected, and 853 A-B-DRB1 haplotypes, 473 A-B haplotypes, and 551 B-DRB1 haplotypes were statistically inferred. Statistical analysis of three-locus haplotypes showed that A*0207-B*4601-DRB1*0901 (3.06%) was the most predominant. Gene frequencies and haplotypic associations within HLA-A, -B, and -DRB1 loci were determined at a high-resolution (four digit) allelic level and should provide useful information in anthropology, bone marrow donor registry, legal medicine, and disease association studies.  相似文献   

In this study, polymorphisms of human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I (A, B, and Cw) and class II (DRB1) loci were analyzed in an isolated Han population living in Fengyandong in the Yunnan province of Southwest China (FYDH) using a high-resolution polymerase chain reaction–Luminex typing method. A total of 13 A, 26 B, 15 Cw, and 23 DRB1 alleles of HLA were found in FYDH. The frequencies of A*1101, A*0207, A*2402, B*4601, B*1502, Cw*0102, Cw*0801, DRB1*0901, and DRB1*1202 were >10%. The following haplotypes were common with frequencies >5%: three A-B, four Cw-B, two B-DRB1, two A-B-DRB1, three A-B-Cw, two B-Cw-DRB1, and two A-B-Cw-DRB1 phylogenetic tree and multidimensional scaling analysis based on HLA-A, -B, and -DRB1 allele frequencies of 18 Han populations suggested that FYDH was an isolated Han population, but the analytic result also provided a suggestion that FYDH was genetically related to Chinese Southern Han. According to the characteristics of the HLA allele and haplotype distributions and significantly reduced allelic and haplotypic diversity in FYDH, we deduced that genetic drift and/or selection and subsequent geographic isolation had influenced the distribution characteristics of the HLA gene in FYDH. In addition, significantly reduced allelic and haplotypic diversity in FYDH makes it an ideal homogenous population and very useful model for future investigations of issues related to immunogenetic diseases in the Han population.  相似文献   

《Human immunology》2020,81(12):685-691
The Human Leukocyte Antigen (HLA) genes, playing key roles in mediating the immune response, especially HLA class II alleles were suggested to play a role in the activation of autoreactive T-cells in aplastic anemia (AA). Previous studies in different ethnic groups have indicated that some of HLA-A,-B,-DRB1 alleles had a protective or susceptive association with the prevalence, pathogenesis and development of AA. HLA class II genes, especially HLA-DQB1 and -DPB1 alleles or haplotypes at high-resolution level associated with AA have not been fully identified in northern Chinese Han populations. The aim of this study was to identify association of the variations in HLA class II region with AA in northern Chinese Han population. A recent case-control study, including 96 AA patients and 824 healthy controls was performed. The high-resolution HLA genotyping was conducted by PCR-SBT, -SSO and NGS-ION S5TM platform. Based on genotypic data of the three loci, haplotype estimation was carried out. HLA-DRB1*15:01 (Pc = 2.87 × 10-3; OR = 2.11, 95% CI = 1.45–3.07) and HLA-DQB1*06:02 (Pc = 1.86 × 10-2; OR = 2.01, 95% CI = 1.32–3.06) were the risk and predisposition alleles to AA in northern Chinese Han after considering multiple testing. Moreover, the HLA-DRB1*15:01-DQB1*06:02 (Pc = 4.90 × 10-3; OR = 2.09, 95% CI = 1.37–3.19) and HLA-DRB1*14:05-DQB1*05:03 (Pc = 2.65 × 10-2; OR = 2.82, 95%CI = 1.45–5.50) haplotypes had direct strong relevance to AA and were the susceptible haplotypes. HLA-DPB1 alleles and 23 polymorphic amino acid residues spanning exon 2 ~ 4 of DPβ1 molecules have showed no statistically significant associations between AA and controls. The present findings establish a novel link between inherited HLA-DRB1,-DQB1,-DPB1 risk alleles and haplotypes in northern Chinese Han with AA, and open new avenues for development of targeted therapies to prevent or redirect immunopathology in AA.  相似文献   

《Human immunology》2016,77(8):620-621
This paper reports the HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1 and -DQB1 allele and haplotype polymorphism in a population of 432 healthy individuals from Albania. First-field HLA genotyping was performed by polymerase chain reaction sequence-specific priming and/or oligonucleotide methods. The data were analyzed statistically using gene counting and Arlequin software packages. No deviation from Hardy Weinberg Equilibrium was detected at any of the loci studied. The HLA genotypic data of the population sample reported here are available publicly in the Allele Frequencies Net Database and they can serve as a reference database for further HLA-based population genetics studies including the Albanian population.  相似文献   

Sequence-based typing was used to identify human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-A, -B, -C, and -DRB1 alleles from 558 consecutively recruited US volunteers with Eastern European ancestry for an unrelated hematopoietic stem cell registry. Four of 31 HLA-A alleles, 29 HLA-C alleles, 59 HLA-B alleles, and 42 HLA-DRB1 alleles identified (A*0325, B*440204, Cw*0332, and *0732N) are novel. The HLA-A*02010101g allele was observed at a frequency of 0.28. Two-, three-, and four-locus haplotypes were estimated using the expectation-maximization algorithm. The highest frequency extended haplotypes (A*010101g–Cw*070101g–B*0801g–DRB1*0301 and A*03010101g–Cw*0702–B*0702–DRB1*1501) were observed at frequencies of 0.04 and 0.03, respectively. Linkage disequilibrium values (     ) of the constituent two-locus haplotypes were highly significant for both extended haplotypes ( P values were less than 8 × 10−10) but were consistently higher for the more frequent haplotype. Balancing selection was inferred to be acting on all the four loci, with the strongest evidence of balancing selection observed for the HLA-C locus. Comparisons of the A–C–B haplotypes and DRB1 frequencies in this population with those for African, European, and western Asian populations showed high degrees of identity with Czech, Polish, and Slovenian populations and significant differences from the general European American population.  相似文献   

Hong W  Fu Y  Chen S  Wang F  Ren X  Xu A 《Tissue antigens》2005,66(4):297-304
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA) class I allelic genotypes were determined in 105 unrelated Han ethnic individuals inhabiting the northern China area. A total of 19 HLA-A alleles, 49 HLA-B alleles and 24 HLA-Cw alleles were detected. Through the analyses of two and three loci haplotypes of HLA-A, HLA-B, and HLA-C loci, 11 HLA-A-B-Cw haplotypes, 19 HLA-A-B haplotypes, 18 HLA-A-Cw haplotypes, and 24 HLA-B-Cw haplotypes with the frequencies of higher than 0.01 were revealed. The Nei's genetic distance (GD) was estimated, and the NJ dendrogram showed that Northern Han had a higher GD to Southern Han (0.233) than those to the Korean (0.138) or other Northern ethnic groups, suggesting that Northern Han had more mixed blood with the ethnic groups originally in Northeast Asia. Our results provide useful information on the further study of evolution and relationships of Chinese ethnic groups and disease association in terms of HLA class I genes.  相似文献   

He J  Li Y  Bao X  Qiu Q  Yuan X  Xu C  Shen J  Hou J 《Human immunology》2012,73(1):61-66
Human leukocyte antigen (HLA), which is extremely polymorphic, plays an important role in stem cell transplantation. The Chinese Han comprise a large population of approximately 1.3 billion with diverse HLA alleles that need to be characterized. Data from 3,296 independent, unrelated Chinese Han individuals (1,457 recipients and 1,839 donors) were provided by the China Marrow Donor Program (CMDP) for donor-recipient confirmatory typing. Sequence-based typing, sequence-specific oligonucleotide probe (SSOP)/High Definition-SSOP, and sequence-specific primer methods were used to obtain 4-digit alleles. A total of 49, 86, 50, 63, and 24 HLA-A, -B, -C, -DRB1, and -DQB1 alleles were observed. Following American Society for Histocompatibility and Immunogenetics (ASHI) common and well-documented (CWD) criteria, CWD alleles for Chinese Han in our laboratory test and other laboratory reports do not quite correlate with the ASHI CWD alleles: A*11:53, A*02:34, A*02:53N, B*27:24, B*46:02, B*55:12, C*01:06, C*03:17, C*06:06, C*07:66, C*07:67, C*08:22, DRB1*12:10, DQB1*03:13, and DQB1*06:05 are CWD, but are not included in the ASHI CWD list. A series of alleles are well-documented alleles and are listed in the ASHI CWD list. Conversely, A*26:03, B*51:03, C*12:05, C*15:09, C*15:11, C*17:03, DRB1*11:07, DRB1*11:11, DRB1*13:05, DRB1*13:13, DRB1*14:06, DRB1*14:12, DRB1*14:22, DRB1*14:25, and DQB1*06:11 are rare alleles, but are included in the ASHI CWD list. HLA ethnic diversity is the main reason for the differences in HLA alleles worldwide. The ASHI HLA CWD alleles help reduce the workload and expenses in high-resolution donor registries and the HLA allele frequencies provide a basis from which to predict the chances of finding HLA matching donors. Our data will be meaningful for the CMDP, for other worldwide donor registries, and for an updated ASHI CWD allele list.  相似文献   

《Human immunology》2016,77(12):1111-1112
HLA-A, -B, -C and -DRB1 gene and haplotype frequencies have been calculated from 7595 southern Chinese unrelated donors in a Hong Kong Bone Marrow Donor Registry. This is the first large-scale paper to report the distribution of A-C-B-DRB1 alleles in Hong Kong Chinese. This information is important for phylogenetic, comparative studies and estimating the optimal and cost-effective donor size and likelihood of obtaining appropriately matched donors for Chinese patients awaiting haematopoietic stem cell transplantation. The allele and haplotype data are available in the Allele Frequencies Net Database under the population name ‘‘Hong Kong Chinese BMDR’’ and the identifier (AFND003357).  相似文献   

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