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New UBV photometry of Algol type binary star U Sge obtained during 1993 are presented, analyzed, and discussed. Wilson-Devinney code was employed to analyze the light curves. Absolute dimensions of the system were obtained, and positions of both components on H-R diagram were specified. Finally through color curve analysis absolute visual magnitudes were determined.  相似文献   

Recent theoretical calculations of stellar evolutionary tracks for rotating high-mass stars suggests that the chemical composition of the surface layers changes even whilst the star is evolving on the Main Sequence. The abundance analysis of binary components with precisely known fundamental stellar quantities allows a powerful comparison with theory. The observed spectra of close binary stars can be separated into the individual spectra of the component stars using the method of spectral disentangling on a time-series of spectra taken over the orbital cycle. Recently, Pavlovski and Hensberge (2005, A&A, 439, 309) have shown that, even with moderately high line-broadening, metal abundances can be derived from disentangled spectra with a precision of 0.1 dex. In a continuation of this project we have undertaken a detailed abundance analysis of the components of another two high-mass binaries, V453 Cyg, and V380 Cyg. Both binaries are well-studied systems with modern solutions. The components are close to the TAMS and therefore very suitable for an observational test of early mixing in high-mass stars.  相似文献   

We argue that the quiescent value of the viscosity parameter of the accretion disc in WZ Sge may be  αcold∼ 0.01  , in agreement with estimates of αcold for other dwarf novae. Assuming the white dwarf in WZ Sge to be magnetic, we show that, in quiescence, material close to the white dwarf can be propelled to larger radii, depleting the inner accretion disc. The propeller therefore has the effect of stabilizing the inner disc and allowing the outer disc to accumulate mass. The outbursts of WZ Sge are then regulated by the (magnetically determined) evolution of the surface density of the outer disc at a radius close to the tidal limit. Numerical models confirm that the recurrence time can be significantly extended in this way. The outbursts are expected to be superoutbursts since the outer disc radius is forced to exceed the tidal (3:1 resonance) radius. The large, quiescent disc is expected to be massive, and to be able to supply the observed mass accretion rate during outburst. We predict that the long-term spin evolution of the white dwarf spin will involve a long cycle of spin-up and spin-down phases.  相似文献   

Here we report the spectral characteristics of the high and low states of the pulsar 4U 0114 + 65 and examine the change in the parameters of the spectral model. A power law and a photoelectric absorption by material along the line of sight together with a high energy cut-off suffice to describe the continuum spectrum in both the states. A fluorescence iron line at ∼6.4 keV is present in the high as well as in the low state, though it is less intense in the latter. The photon index, cut-off energy and e-folding energy values hardly show any discernible change over the states. We compare these spectral characteristics as observed with ASCA with those of other satellites. We also compare the spectral characteristics of 4U 0114 + 650 with other X-ray sources which show intensity variation at different time scales.  相似文献   

Photometric and spectroscopic results for the star HD 172189, member of the open cluster IC 4756 in the summer field of the space mission COROT, are presented. From photometric observations in the Strömgren system carried out at various epochs, its binary nature as well as the presence of a δ Scuti-type pulsating component have been discovered. The frequency analysis of the whole dataset confirms a dominant frequency of 19.5974 c d?1 with a maximum amplitude near 0.02 mag plus other frequencies in the range 18–20 c d?1. A preliminary orbital solution from the light curve and from four FEROS spectra reveals two similar components of around 1.5 M orbiting with a period of 5.702 d.  相似文献   

Lorenzo Iorio   《New Astronomy》2008,13(7):473-475
In this paper we determine the tidal distortion parameter km of the secondary partner (mass loser) of the semi-detached eclipsing binary system V621 Cen by comparing the phenomenologically determined orbital period Pb=3.683549(11) d to the Keplerian one PKep computed with the values of the relevant system’s parameters determined independently of the third Kepler law itself. Our result is km=-1.5±0.6. Using the periastron precession, as traditionally done with other eclipsing binaries in eccentric orbits, would have not been possible because of the circularity of the V621 Cen path.  相似文献   

I review the implications of our recent numerical simulations of the hydrodynamics of Roche lobe overflow in double white dwarf binaries, with special emphasis on the stability and survival of such systems after the onset of dynamically unstable mass transfer. We find that some of these systems may survive and enter a secular phase of orbital expansion, driven by gravitational radiation, undergoing slow and decreasing mass transfer, and be observable as AM Canum Venaticorum binaries.  相似文献   

In this paper, we present standard Johnson UBV photometry of the eclipsing binary BD+36 3317 which is known as a member of Delta Lyrae (Stephenson 1) cluster. We determined colors and brightness of the system, calculated E(B − V) color excess. We discovered that the system shows total eclipse in secondary minimum. Using this advantage, we found that the primary component of the system has B9 − A0 spectral type. Although there is no published orbital solution, we tried to estimate the physical properties of the system from simultaneous analysis of UBV light curves with 2003 version of Wilson-Devinney code. Then we considered photometric solution results together with evolutionary models and estimated the masses of the components as M1 = 2.5 M and M2 = 1.6 M. Those estimations gave the distance of the system as 353 pc. Considering the uncertainties in distance estimation, resulting distance is in agreement with the distance of Delta Lyrae cluster.  相似文献   

An analysis of the UV oscillations in WZ Sge is presented, in which we obtain the oscillation amplitude spectra. We find a strong 27.9-s oscillation in our Hubble Space Telescope ( HST ) UV and zeroth-order light curves as well as weaker oscillations at 28.4 s in the UV and 29.1 s in the zeroth order. We find that the main oscillation amplitude spectrum can be fitted with static white dwarf spectra of about 17 000 K, an accretion hotspot of only a few 100 K hotter than the underlying white dwarf temperature or a variety of cool (<14 500 K) white dwarf pulsation amplitude spectra. A pulsating white dwarf can also explain the very blue colour of oscillations of different periods previously found in the optical. Comparing our results with those of Welsh et al., we see that the amplitude spectra of the main oscillations in WZ Sge measured with different periods in data sets from different epochs are similar to each other. Our results raise questions about using the magnetically accreting rotating white dwarf model to explain the oscillations. We suggest that the pulsating white dwarf model is still a viable explanation for the oscillations in WZ Sge.  相似文献   

An asynchronous magnetic white dwarf affects the rate of orbital evolution in AM Herculis binaries. An over-synchronous star leads to a positive orbital magnetic torque which reduces the rate of shrinkage of the secondary star's Roche lobe, and hence reduces the mass transfer rate. An opposing effect occurs as a result of the orbital angular momentum loss via secondary mass transfer in the absence of an accretion disc. The modification of the magnetic braking-driven synchronous mass transfer rate is calculated for a range of degrees of asynchronism, and its effect is compared at different orbital periods.  相似文献   

Magnetic activity signatures in the atmosphere of active stars can be used to place constrains on the underlying processes of flux transport and dynamo operation in its convective envelope. The ‘solar paradigm’ for magnetic activity suggests that the magnetic field is amplified and stored at the base of the convection zone. Once a critical field strength is exceeded, perturbations initiate the onset of instabilities and the growth of magnetic flux loops, which rise through the convection zone, emerge at the stellar surface, and eventually lead to the formation of starspots and active regions. In close binaries, the proximity of the companion star breaks the rotational symmetry. Although the magnitude of tidal distortions is rather small, non‐linear MHD simulations have nevertheless shown in the case of main‐sequence binary components that they can cause non‐uniform surface distributions of flux tube eruptions. The present work extends the investigation to post‐mainsequence components to explore the specific influence of the stellar structure on the surface pattern of erupting flux tubes. In contrast to the case of main‐sequence components, where the consistency between simulation results and observations supports the presumption of a solar‐like dynamo mechanism, the numerical results here do not recover the starspot properties frequently observed on evolved binary components. This aspect points out an insufficiency of the applied flux tube model and leads to the conclusion that additional flux transport and possibly amplification mechanisms have to be taken into account. (© 2004 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

Pulsar “standard model”, that considers a pulsar as a rotating magnetized conducting sphere surrounded by plasma, is generalized to the case of oscillating star. We developed an algorithm for calculation of the Goldreich-Julian charge density for this case. We consider distortion of the accelerating zone in the polar cap of pulsar by neutron star oscillations. It is shown that for oscillation modes with high harmonic numbers (l,m) changes in the Goldreich-Julian charge density caused by pulsations of neutron star could lead to significant altering of an accelerating electric field in the polar cap of pulsar. In the moderately optimistic scenario, that assumes excitation of the neutron star oscillations by glitches, it could be possible to detect altering of the pulsar radioemission due to modulation of the accelerating field. This work was partially supported by RFBR grant 04-02-16720, and by the grants N.Sh.-5218.2006.2 and RNP-  相似文献   

We present new radial velocities of the high‐mass X‐ray binary star 4U 2206+54 based on optical spectra obtained with the Coudé spectrograph at the 2 m RCC telescope of the Rozhen National Astronomical Observatory, Bulgaria in the period November 2011–July 2013. The radial velocity curve of the He I δ6678 Å line is modeled with an orbital period Porb = 9.568 d and an eccentricity of e = 0.3. These new measurements of the radial velocity resolve the disagreements of the orbital period discussions. (© 2014 WILEY‐VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim)  相似文献   

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