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Kilometer-scale lenses of quartz-rich metasedimentary rocks crop out in a discontinuous belt along the southern margin of the Menderes Massif, Turkey, and preserve evidence for high-pressure–low-temperature (HP–LT) metamorphism related to subduction of a continental margin during Alpine orogeny. Kyanite schist, quartzite, and quartz veins contain kyanite + phengite + Mg-chlorite, and the veins also contain magnesiocarpholite. A deformed carbonate metaconglomerate juxtaposed with the quartzite-dominated unit does not contain HP index minerals, and likely represents the tectonized boundary of the siliceous rocks with adjacent marble. The HP–LT rocks (10–12 kbar, 470–570 °C) record different pressure conditions than the adjacent, apparently lower pressure Menderes metasedimentary sequence. Despite this difference there is disagreement as to whether these HP–LT rocks are part of the Menderes sequence or are related to the tectonically overlying Cycladic blueschist unit. If the former, the entire southern Menderes Massif experienced HP–LT metamorphism but the evidence has been obliterated from most rocks; if the latter, rocks recording different metamorphic-kinematic conditions experienced different tectonic histories and were tectonically juxtaposed during thrusting. Based on observations and data in this study, the second model better accounts for the differences in PT-deformation histories of the southern Menderes Massif rocks, and suggests that the HP–LT rocks are not part of the Menderes cover sequence.  相似文献   

The Menderes Massif experienced polyphase deformation, but distinguishing Pan-African events from Alpine tectono-metamorphic evolution, and discriminating Eocene–Oligocene shortening from recent extension remain controversial. To address this, monazite in garnet-bearing rocks from the massifs Gordes, Central, and Cine sections were dated in thin section (in situ) using the Th–Pb ion microprobe method. Cambro–Ordovician monazite inclusions in Cine and Central Menderes Massif garnets are ~450 m.y. older than matrix grains. Monazites in reaction with allanite from the Kuzey Detachment, which bounds the northern edge of the Central Menderes Massif, are 17±5 Ma and 4.5±1.0 Ma. The Pliocene result shows that dating of monazite can record the time of extension. The Kuzey Detachment might have exhumed rocks a lateral distance of ~53 km at a rapid rate of ~12 mm/year assuming the present ~20° ramp dip, Pliocene monazite crystallization at ~450°C, and a geothermal gradient of ~25°C/km. Assuming an angle of 60°, the rate decreases to ~5 mm/year, with the detachment surface at ~21 km depth in the Pliocene. Two Gordes Massif monazites show a similar allanite–monazite reaction relationship and are 29.6±1.1 Ma and 27.9±1.0 Ma, suggesting that the Cenozoic extension in the Gordes Massif, and possibly the entire Menderes Massif, might have begun in the Late Oligocene.  相似文献   

Abstract Activity-composition relations in oligoclase near the peristerite gap are investigated in pelites from the Central Menderes Massif. The pressure of metamorphism is estimated independently, from garnet-rutile-ilmenite-kyanite-quartz, as being in the range 4–7 kbar. In the temperature range, 450–600°C approximately, both the Newton-Haselton calibration of the garnet-plagioclase-kyanite-quartz geobarometer and a related simple treatment of garnet-plagioclase-muscovite-biotite give a wide range of apparent pressures, correlated with plagioclase composition and ranging up to 11–12 kbar where the plagioclase is most sodic. This effect is attributed to failure of the activity model for plagioclase used in the Newton-Haselton treatment. It is inferred that, in the present area, γplagAn decreases with increasing X plagAn in the range An15-An25. The data can be interpreted in terms of high γ plagAn in the high-albite structure at these temperatures, modified to lower values by 'e'ordering in the more calcic oligoclases. The ordering appears to be independent of the peristerite gap, and the data do not support the interpretation of the gap as a solvus. Garnet-plagioclase assemblages are unreliable as geobarometers where the plagioclase is more sodic than approximately An20 and T < 700°C, and should instead be used to investigate the γ -X behaviour of the plagioclase where independent geobarometry can be used as a constraint.  相似文献   

Granulite facies rocks from the northernmost Harts Range Complex (Arunta Inlier, central Australia) have previously been interpreted as recording a single clockwise cycle of presumed Palaeoproterozoic metamorphism (800–875 °C and >9–10 kbar) and subsequent decompression in a kilometre‐scale, E‐W striking zone of noncoaxial, high‐grade (c. 700–735 °C and 5.8–6.4 kbar) deformation. However, new SHRIMP U‐Pb age determinations of zircon, monazite and titanite from partially melted metabasites and metapelites indicate that granulite facies metamorphism occurred not in the Proterozoic, but in the Ordovician (c. 470 Ma). The youngest metamorphic zircon overgrowths from two metabasites (probably meta‐volcaniclastics) yield 206Pb/238U ages of 478±4 Ma and 471±7 Ma, whereas those from two metapelites yield ages of 463±5 Ma and 461±4 Ma. Monazite from the two metapelites gave ages equal within error to those from metamorphic zircon rims in the same rock (457±5 Ma and 462±5 Ma, respectively). Zircon, and possibly monazite ages are interpreted as dating precipitation of these minerals from crystallizing melt within leucosomes. In contrast, titanite from the two metabasites yield 206Pb/238U ages that are much younger (411±5 Ma & 417±7 Ma, respectively) than those of coexisting zircon, which might indicate that the terrane cooled slowly following final melt crystallization. One metabasite has a second titanite population with an age of 384±7 Ma, which reflects titanite growth and/or recrystallization during the 400–300 Ma Alice Springs Orogeny. The c. 380 Ma titanite age is indistinguishable from the age of magmatic zircon from a small, late and weakly deformed plug of biotite granite that intruded the granulites at 387±4 Ma. These data suggest that the northern Harts Range has been subject to at least two periods of reworking (475–460 Ma & 400–300 Ma) during the Palaeozoic. Detrital zircon from the metapelites and metabasites, and inherited zircon from the granite, yield similar ranges of Proterozoic ages, with distinct age clusters at c. 1300–1000 and c. 650 Ma. These data imply that the deposition ages of the protoliths to the Harts Range Complex are late Neoproterozoic or early Palaeozoic, not Palaeoproterozoic as previously assumed.  相似文献   

The Mugla province is one of the major marble producing regions located in the southern flank of the Menderes Massif in SW Turkey. The Menderes Massif is a regionally metamorphosed massif with an old Pan-African core and cover successions from the Permo–Carboniferous to Paleocene. There are four major metamorphic carbonate horizons in the cover successions exploited for the marble production. These horizons are located within the Permo–Carboniferous, Triassic, Upper Cretaceous and Paleocene successions along the southern flank of the Menderes Massif. Here the world wide known marbles with names such as the Mugla Black, the Milas White, Veined, Pearl, Aubergine, Lilac and Lemony, the Mugla White and the Aegean Bordeaux are found.

Detailed geological studies were carried out in selected marble quarries representing the different stratigraphic levels to determine the geological parameters affecting the marble production in the southern flank of the Menderes Massif in SW Turkey. The geological parameters such as bedding, joints, schist interlayers and mica filled joints affecting the block production from the marble beds are considered to be primary features. The presence of dolomite bands and lenses, abnormal sized calcite crystals and emery minerals which affect the slab and the production qualities and appearances are considered to be secondary geological parameters. The primary and secondary geological parameters affecting the marble productions at different stratigraphical levels in SW Turkey, are determined and the practical aspects of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The corundum‐rich metabauxites, found at the northwest limb of an NE–SW‐trending isoclinal recumbent fold at Mt. Ismail, are enclosed in thick‐bedded platform‐type marbles of Late Cretaceous age, surrounding the polymetamorphic core series in the southern part of the Menderes Massif (SW Turkey). The metabauxite horizons observed as typically boudine‐like structure, extend laterally over c. 3 km and are 1 to 5 m thick. These rocks have dominant mineral assemblages of corundum (~50 modal %), chloritoid (~30 modal %), white mica (margarite, muscovite), diaspore, Fe–Ti‐Oxides (ilmenite, ilmenohematite, rutile), and goethite, limonite, pyrite, tourmaline (uvite, schorl) as minor phases. Chemical analyses of whole rock samples and the mineral assemblage indicate that coexisting minerals of metabauxites are highly aluminous. A number of minerals (e.g. chloritoid and margarite) display a large compositional variation reflecting the initial chemical inhomogenetiy of the karstbauxites. The field observations, trace‐element accumulation coefficients, concentration of elements such as Cr, Zr, Ga and Ni and low amounts of immobile elements all suggest that the studied corundum‐rich metabauxites can be classified as karstbauxites, and are more likely to be a product of weathering of intermediate igneous or argillaceous parental rocks, similar to the karstic Tauric bauxites in the Central Taurides (Seydi ?ehir region) and probably are similar in age (Cenomanian–Turonian). In respect of tectono‐metamorphic evolution, the studied corundum‐rich metabauxites were regionally metamorphosed at ~5–6 kbar pressure and 500–600°C as a consequence of the Barrovian metamorphism referred to as the ‘Main Menderes Metamorphism’ related to the ophiolitic obduction onto the Menderes platform from the Izmir–Ankara Suture during the Middle Eocene.  相似文献   

Recent field campaign in the southern Menderes Massif in southwestern Turkey revealed that the so-called ‘core of the massif’ comprises two distinct types of granitoid rocks: an orthogneiss (traditionally known as augen gneisses) and leucocratic metagranite, where the latter is intrusive into the former and the structurally overlying ‘cover’ schists. These differ from one another in intensity of deformation, degree of metamorphism and kinematics. The orthogneiss display penetrative top-to-the-N–NNE fabrics formed under upper-amphibolite facies conditions during the Eocene main Menderes metamorphism (MMM), whereas foliation and stretching lineation exists in the leucocratic metagranites but are not strongly developed. The leucocratic metagranites show evidence of syn- to post-emplacement deformation in a series of weakly developed top-to-the-S–SSW fabrics formed under lower greenschist-facies (?) conditions. Leucocratic metagranite bodies occur all along the augen gneiss–schist contact in the southern Menderes Massif; they are emplaced as sheet-like bodies into country rocks (previously deformed and metamorphosed during a top-to-the-N–NNE Alpine orogeny) along a ductile extensional shear zone, located between orthogneisses and metasediments, which was possibly active during emplacement. The data presently available indicate that emplacement and associated ductile extensional deformation occurred during Late Oligocene–Early Miocene time. These results confirm previous contentions that there are Tertiary granites in this part of the Menderes Massif.  相似文献   

<正>The rocks form as amphibolite±garnet±epidote and orthogneisses in the Pan-African basement of the Bitlis Massif.The petrochemical data of the studied metamorphic rocks suggest different igneous protoliths ranging from calcalkaline basalt to andesite in composition. Petrochemically,the rocks can be classified as group 1(low Zr and La) and group 2(high Zr and La), all showing various enrichments in large ion lithophiles and light rare earth elements,and a depletion in high-field strength elements,suggestive of a destructive plate margin setting.The protoliths of the all samples might have formed mostly by the partial melting of an enriched source,possibly coupled with the fractional crystallization of plagioclase,apatite,and titaniferous magnetite±olivine±clinopyroxene±amphibole in relation with subduction-related magmatism neighboring the Andeantype active margins of Gondwana.The group 2 samples could,however,be generated by a relatively lower degree of the partial melting of an inhomogeneous source with a preponderance of a high-level, fractional crystallization process in comparison to group 1.The protoliths of the samples were metamorphosed up to amphibolite facies conditions,which destroys original igneous texture and mineral assemblages.Geothermobarometric calculations show that the metamorphic rocks are finally equilibrated between 540 and 610℃and~5 kbars,following a clockwise P-T-t path.  相似文献   

Petrological analysis, zircon trace element analysis and SHRIMP zircon U–Pb dating of retrogressed eclogite and garnet granulite from Bibong, Hongseong area, SW Gyeonggi Massif, South Korea provide compelling evidence for Triassic (231.4 ± 3.3 Ma) high-pressure (HP) eclogite facies (M1) metamorphisms at a peak pressure–temperature (PT) of ca. 16.5–20.0 kb and 775–850 °C. This was followed by isothermal decompression (ITD), with a sharp decrease in pressure from 20 to 10 kb and a slight temperature rise from eclogite facies (M1) to granulite facies (M2), followed by uplift and cooling. Granitic orthogneiss surrounding the Baekdong garnet granulite and the ophiolite-related ultramafic lenticular body near Bibong records evidence for a later Silurian (418 ± 8 Ma) intermediate high-pressure (IHP) granulite facies metamorphism and a prograde PT path with peak PT conditions of ca. 13.5 kb and 800 °C. K–Ar ages of biotite from garnet granulites, amphibolites, and granitic orthogneisses in and around the Bibong metabasite lenticular body are 208–219 Ma, recording cooling to about 310 °C after the Early Triassic metamorphic peak. Neoproterozoic zircon cores in the retrogressed eclogite and granitic orthogneiss provide evidence that the protoliths of these rocks were  800 and  900 Ma old, respectively, similar to the ages of tectonic episodes in the Central Orogenic Belt of China. This, and the evidence for Triassic HP/UHP metamorphism in both China and Korea, is consistent with a regional tectonic link within Northeast Asia from the time of Rodinia amalgamation to Triassic continent–continent collision between the North and South China Blocks, and with an eastward extension of the Dabie–Sulu suture zone into the Hongseong area of South Korea.  相似文献   

Charnockitic alteration (arrested orthopyroxene formation in biotite- and amphibole-bearing rocks) occurs in high-grade terranes of all ages. Three criteria are used to show that this alteration was produced in many locations by a migrating fluid phase: (i) diffuseness of the alteration—the alteration zones are often quite unlike discrete migmatitic veins; (ii) relation to deformation—most occurrences show alteration closely associated with warping of foliation or dilation cracks; (iii) open-system alteration—whilst some occurrences represent nearly isochemical alteration, slight changes in bulk composition, often loss of mafic constituents and gain of Na and Si, are evident in detailed mass-balance analysis. Y and sometimes Rb are characteristically depleted. Partial melting sometimes accompanied volatile infiltration, as evidenced by more discrete veins and euhedral orthopyroxene. It is quite unlikely, however, that open-system alteration was produced by escape of viscous quartzo-feldspathic melts. Pervasive migration of low-T lamprophyric (mafic–alkaline, CO2-charged) interstitial liquids is a possibility by virtue of their extreme fluidity, but CO2 infiltration was needed to generate these liquids. Vapour-deficient dehydration melting is another feasible mechanism of orthopyroxene formation which may have operated in conjunction with CO2 infiltration. Characteristic development of charnockitic alteration in some prograde amphibolite to granulite facies transitions, as in the Dharwar Craton of South India, suggests that the alteration is a fundamental feature of the granulite facies metamorphism, implying active and causal participation of migrating fluids. In other high-grade terranes like the Adirondack Mountains of New York, this kind of alteration is rare, and fluid action does not seem to have been important in the metamorphism. A vapour phase participating in charnockitic metamorphism was necessarily one of relatively low H2O, therefore presumably rich in CO2. Consideration of possible large CO2 sources leads to the conclusion that emanations from volatile-rich basalts emplaced in the lower crust are the most probable source of charnockitizing fluids. The ultimate source would therefore be enriched subcontinental lithosphere or asthenosphere. The Rb-depleted pyroxene gneiss (charnockitic) terranes may be characteristic of zones of large-scale transcurrent or oblique-motion faults which tap such great depths.  相似文献   

Two stages of granitic magmatism occurred during the Pan-African evolution of the Kerala Khondalite Belt (KKB) in southern India. Granitic gneisses were derived from porphyritic granites, which intruded prior to the main stage of deformation and peak-metamorphism. Subsequently, leucogranites and leucotonalites formed during fluid-absent melting and intruded the gneiss sequences. Monazites from granitic gneisses, leucogranites and a leucotonalite were investigated by conventional U-Pb and electron microprobe dating in order to distinguish the different stages of magma emplacement. U-Pb monazite dating yielded a wide range of ages between 590–520 Ma which are interpreted to date high-grade metamorphism rather than magma emplacement. The results of this study indicate that the KKB experienced protracted heating (>50 Ma) at temperatures above 750–800 °C during the Pan-African orogeny. The tectonometamorphic evolution of the study area is comparable to southern Madagascar which underwent a similar sequence of events earlier than the KKB. The results of this study further substantiate previous assertions that the timing of high-grade metamorphism in East Gondwana shifted from west to east during the Late Proterozoic.  相似文献   

Granulites are developed in various tectonic settings and during different geological periods, and have been used for continental correlation within supercontinent models. In this context the Balaram-Kui-Surpagla-Kengora granulites of the South Delhi Terrane of the Aravalli Mobile Belt of northwestern India are significant. The granulites occur as shear zone bounded lensoidal bodies within low-grade rocks of the South Delhi Terrane and comprise pelitic and calcareous granulites, a gabbro-norite-basic granulite suite and multiple phases of granites of the Ambaji suite. The granulites have undergone three major phases of folding and shearing. The F1 and F2 folds are coaxial along NE-SW axis, and F3 folds are developed across the former along NW-SE axis. Thus, various types of interference patterns are produced. The granulite facies metamorphism is marked by a spinel–cordierite–garnet–sillimanite–quartz assemblage with melt phase and is synkinematic to the F1 phase of folding. The peak thermobarometric condition is set at ≥850 °C and 5.5–6.8 kb. The granulites have been exhumed through thrusting along multiple ductile shear zones during syn- to post-F2 folding. Late-stage shearing has produced cataclasites and pseudotachylites. Sensitive High Resolution Ion MicroProbe (SHRIMP) U–Pb dating of zircon from pelitic granulites and synkinematically emplaced granites indicate that: (1) the sedimentary succession of the South Delhi Terrane was deposited between 1240 and 860 Ma with detritus derived from magmatic sources with ages between 1620 and 1240 Ma; (2) folding and granulite metamorphism have taken place between ca. 860 and 800 Ma, and exhumation at around ca. 800–760 Ma; and (3) the last phase of granitic activity occurred at ca. 759 Ma. This shows, for the first time, that the granulites of the South Delhi Terrane are much younger than those of the Sandmata Granulite Complex of the northern part of the Aravalli Mobile Belt, the Saussar granulites of the Central India Mobile Belt and the Eastern Ghats Mobile Belt. Instead, they show similarities to the Neoproterozoic granulites of the Circum Indian Orogens that include the East African Orogen (East Africa and Madagascar), the Southern Granulite Terrane of India and much of Sri Lanka. We suggest that the South Delhi Basin probably marks a trace of the proto-Mozambique Ocean in NW India within Gondwana, that closed when the Marwar Craton, arc fragments (Bemarivo Belt in Madagascar and the Seychelles) and components of the Arabian-Nubian Shield collided with the Aravalli-Bundelkhand Protocontinent at ca. 850–750 Ma.  相似文献   

The metamorphic evolution of micaschists in the north‐eastern part of the Saxothuringian Domain in the Central European Variscides is characterized by the early high‐pressure M1 assemblage with chloritoid in cores of large garnet porphyroblasts and a Grt–Chl–Phe–Qtz ± Pg M2 assemblage in the matrix. Minerals of the M1–M2 stage were overprinted by the low‐pressure M3 assemblage Ab–Chl–Ms–Qtz ± Ep. Samples with the best‐preserved M1–M2 mineralogy mostly appear in domains dominated by the earlier D1 deformation phase and are only weakly affected by subsequent D2 overprint. Thermodynamic modelling suggests that mineral assemblages record peak‐pressure conditions of ≥18–19 kbar at 460–520 °C (M1) followed by isothermal decompression 10.5–13.5 kbar (M2) and final decompression to <8.5 kbar and <480 °C (M3). The calculated peak P–T conditions indicate a high‐pressure/low‐temperature apparent thermal gradient of ~7–7.5 °C km?1. Laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry isotopic dating and electron microprobe chemical dating of monazite from the M1–M2 mineral assemblages give ages of 330 ± 10 and 328 ± 6 Ma, respectively, which are interpreted as the timing of a peak pressure to early decompression stage. The observed metamorphic record and timing of metamorphism in the studied metapelites show striking similarities with the evolution of the central and south‐western parts of the Saxothuringian Domain and suggest a common tectonic evolution along the entire eastern flank of the Saxothuringian Domain during the Devonian–Carboniferous periods.  相似文献   

The Menderes Massif and the overlying Lycian Nappes occupy anextensive area of SW Turkey where high-pressure–low-temperaturemetamorphic rocks occur. Precise retrograde PT pathsreflecting the tectonic mechanisms responsible for the exhumationof these high-pressure–low-temperature rocks can be constrainedwith multi-equilibrium PT estimates relying on localequilibria. Whereas a simple isothermal decompression is documentedfor the exhumation of high-pressure parageneses from the southernMenderes Massif, various PT paths are observed in theoverlying Karaova Formation of the Lycian Nappes. In the uppermostlevels of this unit, far from the contact with the MenderesMassif, all PT estimates depict cooling decompressionpaths. These high-pressure cooling paths are associated withtop-to-the-NNE movements related to the Akçakaya shearzone, located at the top of the Karaova Formation. This zoneof strain localization is a local intra-nappe contact that wasactive in the early stages of exhumation of the high-pressurerocks. In contrast, at the base of the Karaova Formation, alongthe contact with the Menderes Massif, PT calculationsshow decompressional heating exhumation paths. These paths areassociated with severe deformation characterized by top-to-the-eastshearing related to a major shear zone (the Gerit shear zone)that reflects late exhumation of high-pressure parageneses underwarmer conditions. KEY WORDS: exhumation; high-pressure–low-temperature metamorphism; multi-equilibrium PT estimates; Lycian Nappes; Menderes Massif  相似文献   

Paleomagnetic investigation in the Deseado Massif, southern Patagonia, suggests that Triassic sedimentary rocks carry a latest Triassic to Jurassic remagnetization and that earliest Jurassic plutonic complexes carry a reversed polarity magnetization of thermoremanent origin. Despite uncertainties in the timing of the observed remanence in the Triassic rocks and the lack of paleohorizontal control on the plutonic complexes, comparison of the derived pole positions with the most reliable Late Triassic–Jurassic apparent polar wander paths indicates that the study areas underwent significant clockwise vertical-axis rotation. In contrast, paleomagnetic results from mid-Cretaceous rocks in the region indicate no rotation. The observed crustal rotations in the Deseado Massif are thus bracketed to have occurred between Jurassic and Early Cretaceous times, documenting southern Patagonian deformation during the breakup of Western Gondwana and then enlarging the regional record of clockwise rotations associated with this event. These results suggest a more complex than previously supposed tectonic evolution of this part of South America.  相似文献   

在东南极大陆内部及边缘发育3条晚新元古代—早古生代造山带,即东非造山带(南延部分)、普里兹造山带和罗斯造山带。东非造山带的南延部分主要出露于吕措—霍尔姆湾—毛德王后地—沙克尔顿岭地区,其内发育蛇绿岩、榴辉岩相超镁铁岩及逆冲—推覆构造,因而被解释为东、西冈瓦纳陆块拼合的缝合线。罗斯造山带主要出露于横贯南极山脉地区,其内保存有大陆裂解、洋壳俯冲和地体增生的地质纪录,代表冈瓦纳超大陆的活动大陆边缘。普里兹造山带主要出露于普里兹湾和登曼冰川,因其位于从前假设的统一东冈瓦纳陆块的内部,加之缺少蛇绿混杂岩、岛弧增生杂岩和高压变质岩(如蓝片岩或榴辉岩)等与大洋板块俯冲作用密切相关的岩石,所以当前存在着碰撞造山成因和板内改造成因两种不同的认识。普里兹造山带构造性质的确定不仅决定了冈瓦纳超大陆的汇聚过程和方式,也制约了罗迪尼亚超大陆的形成和演化过程。因此,开展普里兹造山带的研究对于揭示新元古代—早古生代的全球构造演化具有重要的科学意义。  相似文献   

大别山北坡北淮阳构造带的柳林-定远-王母观一线, 断续分布着带状产出的辉长岩体, 构成一条NWW向的基性岩带, 以往被认为是形成于海西期的造山后伸展环境.对该带西缘鸡公山北坡柳林辉长岩进行了锆石SHRIMPU-Pb定年和辉石、斜长石的矿物化学研究.辉长岩中的岩浆锆石SHRIMPU-Pb年龄为(611±13) Ma, 代表岩体结晶时代, 这一年龄远远老于其围岩上奥陶统定远组的时代.岩体主要矿物辉石属普通辉石, Na2O、FeO和MnO较高, 长石属中长石, 低CaO, 这些特征明显区别于岛弧或活动大陆边缘环境中的同类矿物, 而与板内伸展环境中形成的辉长岩的矿物特征相似.研究表明, 大别山北部新元古代晚期(610Ma左右) 发育了一次陆内裂解事件.   相似文献   

西天山博罗霍洛地区位于伊犁地块和准噶尔板块之间的造山带内,自西向东圈定尼勒克河、艾木斯呆依、当本第二个达坂等3个泥盆纪岩体,是由角闪石黑云母花岗闪长岩、角闪石黑云母二长花岗岩构成复式岩体。岩体具有暗色矿物多,较低的SiO_2、相对高的Al_2O_3和碱总量,属准铝质-弱过铝质的钙碱性系列岩石。主量元素和微量元素总体特征一致,富集大离子亲石元素(Ba、Rb、K、Th),相对亏损高场强元素(Zr、Y、Yb),稀土配分曲线且与陆壳区花岗岩相似,暗示形成岩体的岩浆是地壳部分熔融形成。2个岩体的锶同位素初始值ISr和εNd(t)分别为0.7062~0.7091和-3.00~-1.24,tDM2介于1220~1363Ma之间,暗示岩浆源区可能来源于元古代复杂的基底的部分熔融。铅同位素特征显示壳幔混源的特点。对艾木斯呆依和当本第二达坂两岩体的锆石SHRIMP U-Pb测年结果表明,两岩体的形成年龄分别为368.2±2.2Ma和367.3±2.2Ma,指示其形成于晚泥盆世。结合区域地质背景,推测岩体的形成与古亚洲洋盆在晚志留世-晚泥盆世闭合造山过程有关,可能为碰撞造山阶段晚期增厚地壳熔融的产物。  相似文献   

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