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儿童结直肠息肉是临床中无痛性便血、腹痛和肛门肿物突出最主要的就诊原因。根据临床表现和组织学结构上的差异分类,早期诊治不影响生长发育及营养吸收。发现息肉应行内镜下息肉切除,若幼年性息肉合并腺瘤或为腺瘤性息肉,需定期行结肠镜复查。目前内镜下高频电凝电切术联合金属钛夹是治疗儿童结直肠息肉的主要方法之一。  相似文献   

内镜夹子结扎术与高频电切术治疗结肠大息肉的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目的探讨比较内镜夹子结扎术与高频电切术治疗儿童结肠大息肉应用价值及其影响治疗因素。方法回顾性分析内镜治疗儿童结肠大息肉68例临床资料,其中应用Olympus金属夹闭器,选用MH-858钛合金夹子,内镜下夹子结扎术治疗35例;运用Olympus PSD-10型高频电发生器,内镜下圈套高频电切术治疗33例。结果内镜夹子结扎术治疗结肠息肉35例,术后内镜复诊均临床治愈,仅3例术后少量便血,无术后大出血或肠穿孔。内镜下圈套高频电切术治疗患儿33例,内镜下圈套高频电切术失败中转剖腹手术治疗1例,术后大出血10例,术后并息肉切除后综合征8例。结论内镜夹子结扎术治疗儿童结肠大肉息并发症发生率明显低于内镜下圈套高频电切术,内镜夹子结扎术为治疗小儿结肠大息肉提供了一种安全、有效和简便的新途径。  相似文献   

近年来利用纤维结肠镜,对成人息肉电凝切除已成常规,应用于小儿病例报告不多。我院消化内科自1982年~1989年10月共做纤维结肠镜4210例,经内镜电凝切除大肠息肉456例,其中小儿大肠息肉160例,电凝切除息肉206颗,占同时期电凝切除息肉的35.1%对38例结肠腺瘤样息肉患儿进行随访1~2年,复查25例,未发现复发。现就经内镜电凝切除小儿大肠息肉情况总结报告如下。  相似文献   

目的 总结金属止血夹用于儿童粗蒂息肉切除的经验并对其应用技术、疗效及安全性进行探讨。方法  2 0 0 1年 10月~ 2 0 0 2年 12月 ,利用富士 2 0 0型电子结肠镜、富士XQ2 0 0圈套器以及止血夹推送装置 (HX 5QR 1)和金属钛止血夹 (MD 85 0 ) ,对 5例直径 >1 0cm粗蒂息肉 ,采用止血夹钳夹结扎加电凝切除法 ,即利用止血夹钳夹息肉近基部蒂柄 ,完全阻断息肉血流 ,再行圈套电凝电切。本组 5例术前进行肠道准备 ,手术在静脉麻醉下进行 ,术后收集组织进行病理检查。结果 共切除息肉 6枚。其中横结肠息肉 2枚 ,降结肠息肉 4枚 ;幼年性息肉 3枚 ,腺瘤性息肉 3枚。所有息肉均完整切除 ,无出血及穿孔并发症 ;术后患儿症状消退。结论 金属止血夹能有效防止粗蒂息肉切除中的出血和穿孔并发症。内镜下金属止血夹加电凝切除术是一种安全、有效的治疗儿童胃肠粗蒂息肉方法  相似文献   

应用纤维结肠镜诊治小儿结肠息肉病   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
为探讨纤维结肠镜检查诊断小儿结肠息肉的价值和高频电凝切除术在儿科的应用及其意义,对609例2个月~14岁患儿行纤维结肠镜检查,其中442例以便血为主要表现,诊断为结肠息肉者244例,对其中151例行圈套法高频电凝切除术,术后复查结肠镜18例。结果表明,小儿结肠息肉主要位于左半结肠,占97.0%(261/269),其中多发性息肉占15.2%(37/244);结肠息肉病理类型以幼年性为主,占80.7%(96/119),其他依次为炎症性、腺瘤性、P-J综合征、家族性结肠息肉病;复查显示5例复发,3例为漏诊息肉,余10例均无异常。提示小儿结肠息肉病的诊断方法以纤维结肠镜检查为首选,高频电凝切除术是其安全有效的治疗方法,同时应对小儿结肠息肉进行病理学诊断  相似文献   

目的 总结小儿结肠息肉的诊治经验,探讨电子结肠镜下诊治小儿结肠息肉的方法.方法回顾性分析86例结肠息肉患儿的诊治经过.男59例,女27例,主要表现为间断性血便,均行结肠镜下圈套法高频电凝结肠息肉切除术.结果 86例中,1例全结肠布满大小不一息肉,其余85例共检出息肉90枚,其中1例3枚,3例2枚,80例均为1枚.90枚息肉分布于直肠43枚,乙状结肠37枚,降结肠10枚.病理检查结果回报,幼年性息肉84例,腺瘤样息肉2例.2例术后出血经保守治疗好转,无肠穿孔病例.随访3个月至3年所有患儿便血症状消失.结论 小儿结肠镜检安全,疗效可靠,内镜下圈套法高频电凝结肠息肉切除术是治疗小儿结肠息肉的安全有效的方法.  相似文献   

目的探讨成人结肠镜治疗小儿大肠息肉的方法。方法回顾2001年1月至2006年1月接受肠镜检查的145例大肠息肉患儿临床资料,对其中130例患儿的临床症状、内镜检查特点、病理类型进行总结,并与成人结肠镜下治疗方法进行分析。结果93.3%的患儿大肠息肉发生在直肠和乙状结肠。80.5%为幼年性息肉,7.4%为炎性息肉,6.7%为增生性息肉,3.4%为腺瘤性息肉,2.0%为P—J息肉。共完整切除149枚息肉,其中高频电切112例,高频电凝4例,钳除14例,无一例发生并发症,随访5年,复发率为3.2%。结论成人结肠镜治疗小儿大肠息肉简便易行,安全可靠,是一种值得推广的有效方法。  相似文献   

小儿肠息肉内镜治疗:附584例临床分析   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
为了进一步探讨内镜下利用高频电流治疗小儿肠息肉的体会,作者对584例结肠处肉患儿应用纤维结肠镜行高频电凝电切灼除息肉患儿并对其中4例小肠息肉者,采用经肠切口插入纤维结肠镜的方法配合外科治疗小肠息肉,全组共电凝切切结肠息肉738枚,小肠息肉43枚本组幼掉性息肉占88.8%。全部病例严重并发症。作者体会肠下高频电灼除术儿童结,直肠从有效而安全的方法;剖胜利术经肠切口插入纤维结肠镜可一次清除小肠全部息肉  相似文献   

我院自1996年4月-2006年10月共诊治幼年结肠息肉病17例,所有患儿均采用电子结肠镜下电切电凝一次性切除息肉,治疗效果满意,现报告如下。  相似文献   

小儿纤维结肠镜检查243例   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的探讨小儿纤维结肠镜应用的临床特点。方法患儿经肠道准备及麻醉后,应用Olympus PCF-20、OlympusPSD-20高频电灼装置进行诊断和治疗性镜检。观察病变,照像,取活检标本,对息肉进行高频电凝电切术。结果243例患儿行纤维结肠镜检查,男177例,女66例,年龄1~18岁,平均6.74岁。232例顺利进镜至回盲部,检出病变者116例(47.74%),其中最常见的病变为大肠息肉,共87例(35.80%)。87例息肉均行电切术,共切除息肉157枚。结论小儿结肠镜检查安全、结果可靠,具有诊断及治疗的双重作用。  相似文献   

Prewarmed saline enemas and transabdominal ultrasound (hydrosonography) were used to evaluate 17 consecutive children with rectal bleeding before colonoscopy. Twelve patients with polyps were identified (10 by ultrasound, 10 by endoscopy): these included multiple hyperplastic polyps (1), multiple polyps (1), solitary polyps (9), and pseudopolyps (1). Ultrasound identified 11 polyps in 10 patients, missing two patients with small polyps less than 0.5 cm in diameter. The polyps were hyperechoic ovoid masses fixed to the colonic wall, with a stalk (7), submucosal infolding (5), and intraluminal floating (5). There was one false positive. Colonoscopy was refused by one patient and failed to reach beyond the distal sigmoid in another following previous surgery for malrotation. Colonoscopy was superior in identifying finer mucosal detail (colitis, ulcers, proctitis, anal fissure) and in detecting smaller polyps (sessile polyps, hyperplastic polyps). Hydrosonography of the colon is a simple, relatively non-invasive procedure that provides an alternative, radiation-free examination of the whole colon before colonoscopy. It is complementary to colonoscopy in the management of rectal bleeding in children.  相似文献   

仿真CT肠镜与大肠镜在小儿外科的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目的 对仿真CT肠镜与大肠镜在小儿外科的应用进行比较。方法 对33例患儿采用日本Olympus PCF20大肠镜及美国GE公司Hispead型螺旋CT仿真大肠镜进行检查。大肠镜检查使用Endoview软件记录内镜图像,完毕后再进行CT检查,使用Insight软件进行CT三维图像重建,利用Modify Endoscopy程序显示肠腔内的形态结构。结果 本组33例患儿,仿真CT肠镜(CTVE)检出肠重复畸形2例,肠旋转不良3例,结肠冗长症5例,大肠息肉10例(漏诊5例),溃疡性结肠炎、大肠血管畸形未能检出;大肠镜检出肠放置不良2例(漏诊1例),结肠冗长症5例,大肠息肉15例,溃疡性结肠炎6例,大肠血管畸形2例,肠重复畸形未能检出。仿真CT肠镜对诊断肠道畸形具有较高的准确性,但对于直径小于0.5cm的大肠息肉、肠血管畸形检出率低,易漏诊;对小儿溃疡性结肠炎的粘膜显示不理想。大肠镜则对于诊断大肠息肉、溃疡性结肠炎、大肠血管畸形有较高的准确性。结论 仿真CT肠镜是诊断肠道畸形的一种有效途径,但是对肠道粘膜的病变的显示不理想;是大肠镜检的一种重要补充手段。  相似文献   

小儿旷置结肠炎的临床及内镜特点   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
目的探讨小儿旷置结肠炎的临床和内镜表现特点。方法回顾分析126例小儿旷置结肠炎的临床和内镜资料,主要对43例有消化道症状和83例无消化道症状病例肠造口术后3个月前后的内镜检查结果进行对比分析。结果本组43例有腹痛、血便、粘液便等消化道症状病例,内镜检出其旷置结肠黏膜出现糜烂、溃疡、炎性息肉,阳性率高于83例无消化道症状病例(P〈0.05),本组126例通过术后3个月前后内镜结果比较,内镜检出其旷置结肠黏膜糜烂、溃疡、炎性息肉阳性率,造口术后3个月高于造口术前3个月(P〈0.05)。结论小儿旷置结肠炎是发生在肠造口术后结肠、直肠的非特异肠炎,发病原因目前尚不明确,内镜检查有助于该病临床早期诊断以及对症治疗。  相似文献   

??Hematochezia??abdominal pain and anal tumor are the main clinical complaints of colonic polyps in children. Classification is made according to clinical manifestation and histological structure difference??and growth and development and nutrient absorption are not affected by early diagnosis and treatment. Polyps should be removed by endoscopic polypectomy??if juvenile polyps are combined with adenoma or adenomatous polyp??regular colonoscopy should be done. At present??endoscopic high-frequency electrocoagulation combined with metal titanium clip is one of the main methods for the treatment of colorectal polyps in children.  相似文献   

The clinical profile, malignant potential, and management of 17 children with juvenile polyposis (more than five juvenile polyps) were evaluated clinically and endoscopically. Colonoscopy and polypectomy were done three weekly until colonic clearance was achieved, and thereafter two yearly. All polyps were subjected to histological examination. Mean age was 7.7 years, with a male preponderance (3:1). Presentation was with rectal bleeding (94%), pallor (65%), stunted growth (53%), and oedema (47%), and the mean (SD) duration of symptoms was 33 (27) months. None had a positive family history or any congenital anomaly. Two children had six polyps up to the transverse colon; the rest had numerous polyps all over the colon. All children had juvenile polyps on histology and 10 (59%) had adenomatous changes (dysplasia). Total colectomy was done in six for intractable symptoms. Colon clearance was achieved in eight after an average 3.4 polypectomy sessions, and three were still on the polypectomy programme. In conclusion, juvenile polyposis is commonly associated with low grade dysplasia. Serial colonoscopic polypectomy is effective but colectomy is required for intractable symptoms and when clearance of the colon is not possible.  相似文献   

Colonoscopy in childhood   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A review was made of 139 fiberoptic colonoscopies performed between 1975 and 1982 on 113 patients aged 1 month to 20 years. General anesthesia was used in four procedures. All others were done under sedation with meperidine (mean dose 2.9 mg/kg) and diazepam (mean dose 0.5 mg/kg). Indications were rectal bleeding in 52 patients; assessment and surveillance of known inflammatory bowel disease in 33 patients; and diagnostic evaluation of abdominal pain, diarrhea, and/or fever in 28 patients. The cecum was reached in 84% of diagnostic examinations. Comparison of findings on colonoscopy with barium enema in 75 patients showed agreement in 46, colonoscopic superiority in 25, and barium enema superiority in four. Bleeding sufficient to cause anemia was seen in 10/26 patients with polyps. Five minor complications and no major complications occurred. Flexible fiberoptic colonoscopy and polypectomy may be done usefully in childhood by physicians well versed and experienced with these procedures. Colonoscopy and biopsy changed the radiographic diagnosis from ulcerative colitis to Crohn's disease in several cases and indicated greater extent of colonic disease in several cases of ulcerative colitis and Crohn's disease. Colonoscopy is usually the most sensitive and accurate diagnostic tool for the evaluation of colonic disease, but barium enema and colonoscopy are complementary tests and barium enema should usually precede colonoscopy, with certain exceptions.  相似文献   

Familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is an autosomal dominant disorder that characteristically presents with colon cancer in early adult life. We describe a Pakistani FAP family in which two sons had an unusually early manifestation of colorectal cancer. The index patient presented at 11 years of age with abdominal pain, rectal bleeding and iron deficiency anaemia. Colonoscopy showed that the colon was carpeted with a myriad of polyps. Oesophago-gastric and duodenal endoscopy revealed that polyps had also developed in the duodenum. Multiple biopsies indicated neoplastic lesions. The patient underwent a proctocolectomy and endoscopic duodenal mucosectomy. The diagnosis of an adenocarcinoma of the colon and further adenomatous polyps with low-grade and high-grade dysplasia was confirmed by histology. Family screening including a blood test for anaemia and bowel examination revealed that his 12-year-old brother was also affected. Conclusion:Children with familial adenomatous polyposis are at risk for colon cancer and emphasise the need for early tumour recognition. Gastrointestinal symptoms in children should be thoroughly evaluated and standard screening for colonic polyposis should be performed in all individuals with a positive family history and/or known mutations in cancer-associated genes, particularly in children who are under 10 years of age.  相似文献   

A 14-year-old patient who was eventually found to have Gardner syndrome initially presented at the age of 3 years with a desmoid tumor involving the scalp. A careful review of the family history revealed a high incidence of colonic cancer, which prompted endoscopic evaluation of the patient. The discovery of adenomatous polyps in the colon confirmed the diagnosis of Gardner syndrome. In patients with hard or soft tissue tumors, the possibility of Gardner syndrome should be kept in mind, and a thorough family history taken. Early diagnosis may prevent malignant transformation of colonic polyps.  相似文献   

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