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美国作为全球温室气体排放大国之一,在国际气候谈判中的立场至关重要。本文从州政府和地方政府角度总结了美国已采取的减排努力措施,分析了德班会议前后其应对气候变化动向,探讨了对我国采取温室气体减排行动和措施的借鉴意义和启示。美国由于受到持续低迷的经济环境,缓慢的国际气候谈判进程,以及2012年总统大选的影响,国内温室气体减排行动和措施实质进展缓慢,我国应总结和借鉴美国已采取减排行动措施的经验教训,从加快建立健全国内气候立法体系,推动国内碳市场建立出发,积极应对国内外气候变化制度中存在的不确定性,不断提高我国在国际气候谈判中的地位。  相似文献   

在北极气候影响评估(ACIA)中,一项气候及紫外线B辐射变化对北极陆地生态系统影响的评估着重强调了预期中的变暖的深远意义,尤其是变暖在未来生态系统功能、生物多样性,以及对气候的反馈方面的深远意义.然而,尽管在有些地理区域和有些学科,我们目前对气候和紫外线B辐射驱动下生态过程及生态变化的了解已算充分,但在其他区域及学科,这种了解是微弱的.即使随着北极地区研究成果的积累和新技术的引用,近来我们的预测能力已空前提高,我们目前的了解程度也还受到各种各样的不确定性的限制.这项评估是在每一种都含有不确定性的一系列方式方法,以及常常远非完整的数据集的基础上完成的.不确定性从各种方法和概念框架而来,从不可预测的意外事件、从对模型的缺乏验证、从未来温室气体排放及气候变化的一些特别情景的应用而不是预测而来.此项评估中,以减少不确定性为目的的建议比比皆是,而且涉及所有学科.然而,一再出现的主题是在北极这样人烟稀少的偏远地区,环境变化及其影响的实验、观察及监测活动达到足够的空间广度和时间长度是极其重要的.  相似文献   

碳中和是全球控制增温效应的主要手段,而准确估算碳排放是预测气候变化与实现碳中和的重要环节.水库是温室气体的重要排放源,由于受人为活动及水库运行方式的影响,水库温室气体排放量估算存在许多不确定性.本研究总结了水库主要温室气体(CH4、CO2和N2O)的产生与排放过程,重点分析了水库温室气体产生与排放的主要影响因素,包括水库库龄、位置和大小及有机物、温度、溶解氧、流速、水深和风速等;并通过分析水库建成前后水文情势的改变,探讨了水库建成对温室气体排放的可能影响.在此基础上,进一步提出未来水库温室气体排放有待研究的4个方面:水库系统扩散及冒泡通量的时空异质性、水库不同区域温室气体排放的差异性、多沙河流水库温室气体排放规律、水库建成前后温室气体排放情况对比,从而为更全面地评估水库温室气体排放提供依据.  相似文献   

IPCC第一工作组评估报告分析及建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
2021年8月6日,政府间气候变化专门委员会(IPCC)第一工作组第六次评估报告(AR6)发布,针对气候系统变化科学领域最新研究进展和成果进行了全面、系统的评估. AR6以更强有力的证据进一步确定了近百年全球气候变暖的客观事实,人类活动对气候变暖影响的信号更为清晰. 本文总结了历次IPCC评估报告,并从气候现状、未来可能的气候状态、风险评估和区域适应气候变化信息以及减缓未来气候变化4个方面对AR6进行系统梳理. 结果表明:人类活动产生的温室气体对大气、海洋、冰冻圈和生物圈的影响前所未有,引发了全球许多地区的极端天气和气候极端事件. 未来若温室气体排放没有显著减少,到2100年全球地表温度将至少升高2.1 ℃;如若人类影响得到有效改善,在最低排放情景(SSP1-1.9)中,2055年将变为负碳,到21世纪末气温开始再次下降. 减少CH4等其他污染物可以为全球气候治理争取时间,并改善空气质量. 建议中国应对气候变化应加强基础科学研究,聚焦模式开发和应用及与各工作组之间的衔接,加快短寿命气候强迫(SLCFs)与温室气体协同控制研究,强化应对气候变化政策措施的科技支撑等.   相似文献   

气候变化对环境产生了广泛而深远的影响,气候变暖会导致冰川融化和海平面上升,加剧海岸线的侵蚀和沿海城市的风险。气候变化还会导致生物多样性的丧失和生态系统的破坏,影响许多植物和生物的生存状况。为了准确评估和监测这些影响,本文收集了大量的气候变化数据,然后利用数学统计模型对这些数据进行分析和预测,以研究气候变化对环境的潜在影响。结果表明,气候变化对环境影响深远,对人类和生态系统会造成巨大的威胁。因此,政府、企业和个人应当采取有效措施,减少温室气体排放,保护环境,实现可持续发展。  相似文献   

系统分析了温室气体排放总量计算中存在的不确定性,阐述了这些不确定性对未来清洁发展机制合作的影响指出CO2应该是未来清洁发展机制合作减排的主要温室气体,这也符合中国的能源利用特点。  相似文献   

<正>能源环境气候研究是政研中心在传统的气候变化学科基础上发展衍生形成的新兴学科之一,主要针对能源发展与环境保护、应对气候变化、国际气候治理、大气环境质量改善与碳排放强度协同控制等领域开展研究,长期开展多种污染物与温室气体协同控制评价模型开发研究,参与气候谈判和履约研究。2018年,开展了"应对气候变化政策研究与能力建设""我国城市常规大气污染物与温室气体协同控制决  相似文献   

近几十年以来全球正在经历以全球变暖为突出标志的气候变化。《联合国气候变化框架公约》和《京都议定书》的签订是全球气候变化的里程碑。全球温室气体规制形成及其后续谈判的过程可以看出,全球气候变化问题的日益突出导致了全球温室气体国际规制的逐步趋严。随着温室气体国际规制的趋严,温室气体的排放权不再是一项免费的公共资源。这已经成为具有全球共识的大趋势,也是全球经济发展中的一个重大新变量,将对全球各国自身的温室气体规制和经济发展产生深远的影响。2015年是全球气候变化谈判的关键一年,各方为取得谈判成功正在加大协调和准备的努力。  相似文献   

土地利用/覆盖变化与气候变化定量关系研究进展   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
当前,以全球变暖为主要特征的气候变化对人类社会的可持续发展构成了严重威胁,如何有效适应气候变化成为人类面临的共同挑战。研究表明,全球变暖的主要驱动力是人类活动造成的温室气体排放和土地利用方式改变。过去,科学界致力于削减全球温室气体排放,而土地利用与气候变化的关系,以及如何适应气候变化,没有引起足够重视。论文重点阐述土地利用/覆盖变化对区域气候的生物地球物理影响机制,总结土地利用/覆盖与气候变化定量关系的研究进展,得出现阶段研究存在四点不足:①缺乏景观格局与气候过程关系的认识;②较少考虑人类活动对下垫面的影响;③区域气候模式存在局限;④适应气候变化的研究不足。针对上述问题,论文指出基于可持续性的土地系统设计是适应气候变化的有效途径,也是未来气候变化领域的研究重点。  相似文献   

引言 大气中温室气体(GHG)浓度不断升高已使气候出现可以察觉的变化。未来将导致全球气候出现进一步变化。气候变化对以下几个方面的影响尤为明显:水资源、农业、敏感的沿海和森林生态系统。反过来,这些影响叉会对加州的经济、公共卫生、农业生产和娱乐业造成严重冲击。[编者按]  相似文献   

Article 4.1(F) of the Framework Convention on Climate Change commits all parties to take climate change considerations into account, to the extent feasible, in relevant social, economic and environmental policies and actions and to employ methods such as impact assessments to minimize adverse effects of climate change. This could be achieved by,inter alia, incorporating climate change risk assessment into development planning processes i.e. relating climatic change to issues of habitability and sustainability. Adaptation is an ubiquitous and beneficial natural and human strategy. Future adaptation (or, better, adjustment) to climate is inevitable at the least to decrease the vulnerability to current climatic impacts. The urgent issue is the mismatch between the predictions ofglobal climatic change and the need for information onlocal to regional change in order to develop adaptation strategies. Mitigation efforts are essential since the more successful mitigation activities are, the less need there will be for adaptation responses. Moreover, mitigation responses can be global (e.g. a uniform percentage reduction in greenhouse gas emissions) while adaptation responses will be local to regional in character and therefore depend upon confident predictions of regional climatic change. The dilemma facing policymakers is that scientists have considerable confidence in likely global climatic changes but virtually zero confidence in regional changes. Mitigation and adaptation strategies relevant to climatic change can most usefully be developed in the context of sound understanding of climate, especially the near-surface continental climate, permitting discussion of societally relevant issues. Unfortunately, climate models cannot yet deliver this type of regionally and locationally specific prediction and some aspects of current research even seem to indicate increased uncertainty. These topics are explored in this paper using the specific example of the prediction of land-surface climate changes.  相似文献   

As climate changes due to rising concentrations of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere, agriculture will be one of the key human activities affected. Projections show that while overall global food production in the coming decades may keep pace with the food requirements of a growing world population, climate change might worsen existing regional disparities because it will reduce crop yields mostly in lands located at lower latitudes where many developing countries are situated. Strategies to enhance local adaptation capacity are therefore needed to minimize climatic impacts and to maintain regional stability of food production. At the same time, agriculture as a sector offers several opportunities to mitigate the portion of global greenhouse gas emissions that are directly dependent upon land use, land-use change, and land-management techniques. This paper reviews issues of agriculture and climate change, with special attention to adaptation and mitigation. Specifically, as adaptation and mitigation strategies in agriculture are implemented to alleviate the potential negative effects of climate change, key synergies need to be identified, as mitigation practices may compete with modifications to local agricultural practices aimed at maintaining production and income. Under future climate and socio-economic pressures, land managers and farmers will be faced with challenges in regard to selecting those mitigation and adaptation strategies that together meet food, fiber and climate policy requirements.  相似文献   

大气温室气体浓度在线监测方法研究进展   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
汪巍  刘冰  李健军 《环境工程》2015,33(6):125-128
对大气中温室气体浓度的长期连续监测,是研究全球和区域碳循环过程及其气候和环境效应的重要环节,也是科学制定温室气体减排政策、评估各地减排措施成效的基础工作。对目前国内外大气温室气体浓度在线监测方法的原理和应用进行了归纳,展望了温室气体浓度在线监测方法的发展趋势,为进一步开展温室气体浓度监测工作和方法标准化提供了参考与借鉴。  相似文献   

水库温室气体排放及其影响因素   总被引:18,自引:14,他引:4  
水库是温室气体的一个重要排放源.探讨水库温室气体排放及其影响因素有利于精确估算水库温室气体排放量、减少水利工程与水电开发过程中水库温室气体排放.本文阐述r水库中温室气体的产生机制.总结了水库温室气体的3个排放途径:水库自然排放、水轮机和溢洪道、大坝下游河流,从水库特征、气候、水体pH值、水库中植被状况等角度深入探讨了水库温室气体排放的影响因素.最后,重点分析了水库温室气体排放的空间异质性以及研究结果不确定性的产生根源,并对今后的研究重点进行了展望.  相似文献   

This paper evaluates the influence of different policy-related and scientific choices on the calculated regional contributions to global climate change (the “Brazilian Proposal”). Policy-related choices include the time period of emissions, the mix of greenhouse gases and different indicators of climate change impacts. The scientific choices include historical emissions and model representations of the climate system. We generated and compared results of several simple climate models. We find that the relative contributions of different nations to global climate change—from emissions of greenhouse gases alone—are quite robust, despite the varying model complexity and differences in calculated absolute changes. For the default calculations, the average calculated contributions to the global mean surface temperature increase in 2000 are about 40% from OECD, 14% from Eastern Europe and Former Soviet Union, 24% from Asia and 22% from Africa and Latin America. Policy-related choices, such as time period of emissions, climate change indicator and gas mix generally have larger influence on the results than scientific choices. More specifically, choosing a later attribution start date (1990 instead of 1890) for historical emissions, decreases the contributions of regions that started emitting early, such as the OECD countries by 6 percentage points, whereas it increases the contribution of late emitters such as Asia by 8 percentage points. However, only including the fossil CO2 emissions instead of the emissions of all Kyoto gases (fossil and land use change), increases the OECD contributions by 21 percentage points and decreases the contribution of Asia by 14 percentage points.  相似文献   

The role of atmospheric aerosol composition in climate change   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The chemical composition of atmospheric aerosols has been investigated. Contributions ofsulfate and soot in aerosols to the atmospheric extinction are studied. Discussions are made on the problems of aerosol emitted from volcano, forest fires in northern China, 1987 and oil field fires in Kuwait, 1991. It is indicated that the changes in concentration, particle size, and chemical composition of aerosol after those events could have impacts on the climate change either regionally or globally and that the impact of aerosol particles on climate change could compensate for some temperature increase caused by greenhouse gases and the increase of surface intensity of ultraviolet radiation due to ozone layer depletion.  相似文献   

人类活动引起的大气温室气体浓度增加是气候变暖的主要原因,全球变暖已经成为了当今人类社会所面临的严峻挑战,应对气候变暖的关键是减少温室气体排放和增加生态系统碳汇,由于生物炭特有的理化和生物学特性,将其施入土壤被认为是一种有前景的减排增汇措施.因此进行生物炭对土壤温室气体排放的影响研究对于减缓温室效应和实现“碳中和”具有重要意义.通过综述生物炭对土壤温室气体排放影响的长短期效应及其影响机制,发现生物炭添加对土壤温室气体排放的影响因生物炭原料类型、热解温度、添加量、土壤和植被类型的不同而不同.此外,因老化时间、老化方式和培养方法的不同,老化生物炭对土壤温室气体的减排效应可能增强或减弱甚至消失.同时,在总结现有研究不足的基础上,对未来生物炭影响土壤温室气体排放研究的方向和重点进行了分析和展望,提出了今后应加强CO2、 N2O和CH4排放影响的同步研究、减排与固碳效应的同步研究、不同老化方式生物炭和不同培养方法的联合研究和利用13C和15N示踪技术从过程层次上揭示影响机制.  相似文献   

A study of the relationship between natural hazards and climate change in the international context provides the background for a discussion of the expected changes. In the context of this global discussion, this paper reviews the current perspectives of those natural hazards that are likely to be influenced by climate change, using northern Canada as a regional case study. The northern implications of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change are examined, including the status of climate change action by the northern territorial governments, the evolving role of indigenous people, and the responsibility for climate change impacts. The difficulties surrounding natural hazards research in remote locations, and the approaches of indigenous people to natural hazards are then presented. The paper concludes with a suggested policy approach for climate change and natural hazards in northern Canada, underscoring the need for more comprehensive adaptive strategies to complement the current tendency to focus on the mitigation of greenhouse gases produced in this region.  相似文献   

On integration of policies for climate and global change   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Currently envisaged mitigation of greenhouse gases (GHG) emissions will be insufficient to appreciably limit climate change and its impacts. Adaptation holds the promise of ameliorating the impacts on a small subset of systems being affected. There is no question that both will be needed. However, climate change is only part of a broader multi-stress setting of global through to local changes. Privileging climate related policies over other concerns leads to tragic outcomes. Climate policies need to be designed for and integrated into this broader and challenging context. This paper focuses on placing climate change within the broader context of global change and the importance of aligning climate policy objectives with the myriad other policies that still need to be implemented if our primary goal is improving human welfare rather than limiting our focus to climate change and its impacts.  相似文献   

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