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Signs of ascites were observed in only nine of 1863 cattle examined over a period of five years. The ascites was most commonly associated with either primary or secondary cardiac disease; cattle with ascites have a poor prognosis because the condition is usually assocaited with terminal disease. Two animals had cor pulmonale with chronic pneumonia, three had cardiomyopathy, one had bacterial endocarditis, two had thrombosis of the caudal vena cava and one had diffuse abdominal epithelioid mesothelioma.  相似文献   

Summary Records kept between 1966 and 1971 on a herd of domesticated Banteng cattle(Bos (Bibos) banteng) in Sabah are analysed for reproductive and productive data. Birth weights (male and female respectively) were16·88 kg and15·64 kg. Growth rates for the first 6 months were0·33 kg per day (male) and0·30 kg per day (female). Age at first calving was32·37±4·76 months and calving interval12·8±2·12 months. Mortality was less than5 per cent per annum. Under conditions of nutritional stress, Banteng cattle are able to maintain body condition and high fertility (93 per cent). A timid temperament limits the utilisation of these cattle under extensive conditions.
Sumario Los registros mantenidos entre 1966 y 1971 en un hato de ganado Bantang domesticado (Bos (Bibos) banteng) en Saba son analizados por datos de reproducción y producción. Los pesos al nacimiento (machos y hembras respectivamente) fueron de 16,88 kg y 15,64 kg. Las tasas de crecimiento para los primeros seis meses fue de 0,33 kg por dia (macho) y 0,30 kg por dia (hembra). La edad al primer parto fue de 32,37±4,76 meses y el intervalo entre partos 12,8±2,12 meses. La mortalidad fue menor del 5 por ciento por a?o. Bajo condiciones de stress nutricional, el gandao Banteng mantiene la condición corporal y una alta fertilidad, 93 por ciento. El temperamento tímido limita la utilidad de este ganado bajo condiciones extensivas.

Résumé Les performance enregistrées entre 1966 et 1971 sur un troupeau de Banteng domestiques (Bos bibos banteng) à Sabah ont été examinées tant en ce qui concerne la reproduction que la productivité. A la naissance, les poids des males et celui des femelles ont respectivement été de 16,88 kg et 15,64 kg. Les gains de poids, pour les six premiers mois, ont été de 0,33 kg par jour pour les males et 0,30 kg par jour pour les femelles. L'age au premier vêlage a été de 32,37±4,76 mois et les intervalles entre vêlages de 12,8±2,12 mois. La mortalité n'a pas atteint 5 p. 100 par ans. Dans des conditions alimentaires très difficile, le bétail Banteng est apte à se maintenir en bon état, avec une haute fertilité (93 p. 100). Le tempérament craintif du Banteng fait qu'il ne peut être complètement mis à profit dans les conditions de l'élevage extensif.

Observations on non-parturient hypocalcaemia in cattle   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

A 4-year study on the free-living stages of cattle gastrointestinal nematodes was conducted to determine (a) the development time from egg to infective larvae (L3) inside the faecal pats, (b) the pasture infectivity levels over time, and (c) the survival of L3 on pasture. Naturally infected calves were allowed to contaminate 16 plots on monthly basis. Weekly monitoring of eggs per gram of faeces (epg) values and faecal cultures from these animals provided data for the contamination patterns and the relative nematode population composition. At the same time, faecal pats were shaped and deposited monthly onto herbage and sampled weekly to determine the development time from egg to L3. Herbage samples were collected fortnightly over a 16-month period after deposition to evaluate the pasture larval infectivity and survival of L3 over time. The development time from egg to L3 was 1-2 weeks in summer, 3-5 weeks in autumn, 4-6 weeks in winter, and 1-4 weeks in spring. The levels of contamination and pasture infectivity showed a clear seasonality during autumn-winter and spring, whilst a high mortality of larvae on pasture occurred in summer. Ostertagia spp., Cooperia spp. and Trichostrongylus spp. were predominant and a survival of L3 on pasture over a 1-year period was recorded in this study.  相似文献   

The nematode egg-output from 20 young cows with a grazing history of two seasons and all calving for the first time, was followed from 3 weeks before calving until 14 weeks afterwards. The egg-output was measured as the number of larvae cultured per gram of faeces (L.P.G.) accompanied by larval differentiation.In the first 2 weeks after parturition there was a marked rise in parasite egg-output mainly caused by Ostertagia spp., Trichstronglus spp., and Cooperia oncophora.A second peak of C. oncophora occured 4 weeks later. Peaks of Oesophagostomum spp., Haemonchus spp. and Bunostomum spp. were also later.Epidemiolgical consequences with respect to pasture contamination due to the post-parturient rise are possible, particularly when calving takes place in spring or early summer and the cows are kept indoors for only a few days.  相似文献   

Dehorning adult cattle is a surgical procedure causing distress of varying intensities that can be reflected in behavioural changes and alterations in plasma cortisol levels. Stress responses during the dehorning process were evaluated in 18 Red Pied cows. The cows were divided into 3 groups of six and kept in tie-stall housing. Those in the first group were dehorned under general anaesthesia (GA) induced by intravenous administration of xylazine and ketamine. The second group was dehorned under sedation and local anaesthesia (SLA) induced by intramuscular administration of xylazine and local anaesthesia with lidocaine. The third group was dehorned under local anaesthesia (LA) with lidocaine. Dehorning was performed with a foetotomy wire. Blood samples were taken 0.5 h before dehorning to determine cortisol levels, and, by means of a central venous catheter inserted into the jugular vein, during surgery at 0, 0.5, 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5, 4, 5, 6, 7 and 8 h post-surgery. Concurrently, occurrence of stress behaviours was assessed. Cortisol levels were measured by enzyme immunoassay (EIA). The lowest mean peak levels of plasma cortisol (82.53 +/- 6.04 nmol l(-1)), the most rapid return of plasma cortisol levels to baseline values (1.92 +/- 1.11 h), and the lowest occurrence of stress behaviours (2.38 +/- 5.83%) were noted in the SLA group. The highest mean peak levels plasma cortisol (113.86 +/- 25.65 nmol l(-1)), the slowest return of plasma cortisol levels to baseline values (3.83 +/- 2.18 h) and the most frequent occurrence of stress behaviours (65.48 +/- 28.72%) were observed in the LA group. There were significant differences between the SLA and LA groups in peak plasma cortisol levels (p = 0.011) and in occurrence of stress behaviours (p = 0.003). Sedation induced by intramuscular administration of xylazine in conjunction with local anaesthesia with lidocaine is considered the most suitable method of anaesthesia when dehorning adult cattle. Local anaesthesia with lidocaine alone was least suitable.  相似文献   

Open wound healing following dehorning using a wire saw was observed in 25 cattle aged between 1 and 5 years. Initially, there was a marked thickening of the scab over the wound as a ridge near the skin margin. A pale yellow to pink membrane then developed from the sides of the frontal sinus opening. Granulation tissue formed to fill the frontal sinus opening before healing by epithelization, followed by wound contraction. In some animals a bony horn stump projecting about 2-3 mm above the wound surface appeared which underwent osteosis; the dead bone gradually loosened and fell off during the healing process; histological sections revealed the presence of numerous osteoclasts lining the bone spicules. The presence of the frontal sinus and the stump of the horn processes left after dehorning are factors that make the healing of an open dehorning wound unique compared with other wounds.  相似文献   

Cattle on 18 of 21 farms in north-east Scotland were found to have low whole blood activities of the selenium-containing enzyme, glutathione peroxidase (less than 5 units per ml whole blood), and a low blood concentration of selenium (less than 0.05 mg per litre). These cattle had all been fed on locally produced feedstuffs without any mineral supplementation. The low selenium status in cattle occurred on farms with soils derived from a range of parent material, no one particular type predominating.  相似文献   

This is a report of an acute hemorhagic necrotizing encephalitis following dehorning in calves on pasture. Calves were found either dead or down in extremis. Multiple necrotic inflammatory lesions were found in the cerebral cortices of affected calves at postmortem. Necrosis and hemorhage were observed microscopically to be more prominent than inflammation, indicating the peracute overwhelming nature of the process. The etiology was not determined but clostridial infection was suspected.  相似文献   

The efficacy of multiple subcutaneous injections (200 micrograms/kg) of ivermectin in the control of naturally occurring tick infestations on traditionally managed Tonga-IIa (Sanga type) calves and yearlings was assessed in two field trials. In the first trial Boophilus decoloratus infestations were decreased following treatments at monthly intervals. In the second trial, with weekly and two weekly treatment intervals, infestations of Rhipicephalus appendiculatus were controlled less effectively than infestations of Amblyomma variegatum or Hyalomma truncatum. However, no engorging females of any of the tick species were found on treated animals. In treated cattle, significantly greater liveweight gain occurred than can be attributed to the control of tick infestations alone.  相似文献   

Cysticercus bovis was detected at meat inspection in 2.16 per cent of 102,087 carcases of cattle from Matabeleland Province, slaughtered in Bulawayo during a period of 11 months. Lightly infested (detained) carcases accounted for 95 per cent of those with cysticercosis. The head was the only site affected in 58.4 per cent of the detained carcases, the shoulder in 20.1 per cent and the heart in 7.9 per cent. In more heavily infested (condemned) carcases 81.1 per cent had at least three sites affected. The incidence of cysts was highest in older male animals but in younger animals it was highest in cows. In the detained carcases an average of 1.5 cysts were found, of which 76 per cent were live and 24 per cent dead. Condemned carcases had more than 58 cysts on average, of which 98 per cent were live and 2 per cent dead. Live cysts were more common in older cattle and dead cysts were more common in younger animals. The incidence of C bovis in carcases of cattle originating from communal areas was 3.2 per cent compared with 1.6 per cent in those originating from commercial farms.  相似文献   

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