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We discuss here the partial differential equations governing the migration of a decomposing pollutant adsorbing according to a Langmuir isotherm and undergoing 2-dimensional flow in a saturated aquifer. The equation governing the mass transfer of the pollutant to the surfaces within the aquifer are solved in closed form, permitting the use of larger values of the time increment t in the numerical integration of the dispersion-advection equation governing the behavior of the dissolved pollutant. In this numerical integration transverse numerical dispersion is eliminated by using conformal coordinates (velocity potential and stream function), and longitudinal numerical dispersion is very substantially reduced by use of an asymmetrical 4-point formula to represent the advection term. Some representative results are given as contour maps. The mass transfer rate coefficient is estimated as the least positive eigenvalue of a diffusion problem.  相似文献   

The partial differential equations governing the migration of adsorbable pollutants undergoing 2-dimensional flow in saturated aquifers are presented. The analytical solution of these equations is rarely possible, and the use of mesh or grid techniques for numerical integration leads to so-called numerical dispersion, excessive dispersion which is an artifact associated with the numerical method. We discuss here the use of conformal mapping techniques to develop coordinate systems in which numerical dispersion transverse to the direction of flow is eliminated. Some simple illustrations are presented.  相似文献   

Models for describing the flushing of DNAPL from contaminated aquifers are developed, and the dependence of the calculated cleanup times on the model parameters is explored. Diffusion transport from isolated DNAPL droplets, from low-permeability porous spherical domains containing distributed DNAPL droplets, and from low-permeability porous planar lamellae containing distributed DNAPL is analyzed, and the resulting expressions then coupled with the equations for advective transport of dissolved VOC by means of natural uniform flow and a system of injection and recovery wells generating a two-dimensional flow field. The models are readily run on currently available microcomputers. The results of computations with the models are consistent with the severe tailing and slow rates of remediation which are generally observed when DNAPLs are removed by flushing.  相似文献   

Mathematical models are developed for the flushing of droplets of dense nonaqueous phase liquids (DNAPLs) distributed in aquifers. The kinetics of the diffusion of dissolved volatile organic compound (VOC) from the droplets into the moving liquid is included in the models. Models are developed for the flushing of DNAPL droplets in lab columns, in aquifers with a one-dimensional radial flow field and in quiescent aquifers in which a single well screened at the bottom is used to bring about the flushing. Some representative results are given.  相似文献   

The removal of soluble contaminants from fractured porous bedrock by means of a recovery well is modeled by means of a lumped parameter approach. The diffusion of contaminant from immobile liquid within the pores of the fractured rock into the mobile liquid in the interstices is handled by means of a time constant the estimation of which is described.  相似文献   

The impact of the street configurations on pollutants dispersion from vehicles exhausts within urban canyons was numerically investigated using a computational fluid dynamics (CFD) model. Three-dimensional flow and dispersion of gaseous pollutants were modeled using standard kappa - epsilon turbulence model, which was numerically solved based on Reynolds-averaged Navier-Stokes equations by the commercial CFD code FLUENT. The concentration fields in the urban canyons were examined in three cases of street configurations: (1) a regular-shaped intersection, (2) a T-shaped intersection and (3) a Skew-shaped crossing intersection. Vehicle emissions were simulated as double line sources along the street. The numerical model was validated against wind tunnel results in order to optimize the turbulence model. Numerical predictions agreed reasonably well with wind tunnel results. The results obtained indicate that the mean horizontal velocity was very small in the center near the lower region of street canyon. The lowest turbulent kinetic energy was found at the separation and reattachment points associated with the corner of the down part of the upwind and downwind buildings in the street canyon. The pollutant concentration at the upwind side in the regular-shaped street intersection was higher than that in the T-shaped and Skew-shaped street intersections. Moreover, the results reveal that the street intersections are important factors to predict the flow patterns and pollutant dispersion in street canyon.  相似文献   

某化工园区潜水中氟化物超标,为控制受污染地下水扩散,沿下游河堤修建防渗帷幕。通过分析研究区水文地质条件,应用FEFLOW 7.0建立地下水数值模型,预测防渗帷幕修建前后受污染地下水迁移情况,并评估防渗帷幕污染控制效果。结果表明:化工园区受污染地下水在以粉砂、粉细砂等岩性为主的潜水含水层中迁移速度快,第200天时污染物对源强附近及下游大片范围地下水造成污染;在污染源下游沿堤修建防渗帷幕短期虽可有效阻断污染物持续迁移,但会导致污染物在帷幕前端聚集,一段时间后地下水污染羽会绕过防渗帷幕发生渗流污染,须配合其他治理措施综合控制地下水污染。  相似文献   

Mathematical models were developed to simulate the production and dispersion of aerosol phase atmospheric pollutants which are the main cause of the deterioration of monuments of great historical and cultural value. This work focuses on Particulate Matter (PM) considered the primary cause of monument darkening. Road traffic is the greatest contributor to PM in urban areas. Specific emission and dispersion models were used to study typical urban configurations. The area selected for this study was the city of Florence, a suitable test bench considering the magnitude of architectural heritage together with the remarkable effect of the PM pollution from road traffic. The COPERT model, to calculate emissions, and the street canyon model coupled with the CALINE model, to simulate pollutant dispersion, were used. The PM concentrations estimated by the models were compared to actual PM concentration measurements, as well as related to the trend of some meteorological variables. The results obtained may be defined as very encouraging even the models correlated poorly: the estimated concentration trends as daily averages moderately reproduce the same trends of the measured values.  相似文献   

This paper presents the results of analyses of water samples taken from water intakes supplying one of the districts located near the city of Wroc?aw. Surprisingly high concentrations of polychlorinated biphenyls and chloroorganic pesticides, classified as persistent organic pollutants (POPs), were detected in the monitored sites. Basing on the analytical and toxicological data, the individual health risks related to carcinogenic effects (excess cancer risk over a lifetime) in humans were assessed, resulting from direct ingestion of community water. Also noncarcinogenic effects resulting from exposure to the examined POPs were determined. The conservative approach to risk assessment, taking into account a safety margin for data incompleteness, was adopted. The carcinogenic risk was found to slightly exceed the unconditionally acceptable risk of 10?6 in the case of polychlorinated biphenyls and hexachlorocyclohexane, for all the inhabitant populations. The determined values of noncarcinogenic effects expressed by hazard quotient and hazard index indicate that the water pollutants and their concentrations do not cause an increase in noncarcinogenic incidences in the inhabitants using the monitored water sources.  相似文献   

Waste disposal facilities are mainly responsible for the gradual quality degradation of subsurface freshwater reservoirs. The main objective of this work is to identify the groundwater contamination risk due to potential leachate leakage and seepage beneath the municipal landfill of the City of Patras in Greece. A groundwater and leachate mass transport model of the underlying aquifer was developed for this purpose. The derived simulation results indicate that, depending on the permeability of the soil at the location of leakage, the contamination risk for the groundwater can be high. In order to quantify the magnitude and the extent of the leakage, a risk assessment model for the leachate contaminant plume was developed. The risk assessment analysis shows that the municipal drinking wells are under high risk of contamination.  相似文献   

When population is increasing, characterizing the optimal water consumption path is complicated by the fact that the underlying dynamics of the water stock is contingent on the level of the stock itself. We propose a method of constructing the optimal path in this case. Since population is increasing, the optimal consumption path may involve refraining at times from consuming the totality of the surface water flow in order to restock in groundwater for future consumption. The aquifer then serves as a means to achieve welfare increasing intertemporal transfers of surface water. Therefore the aquifer itself, as distinct from the stock of water it serves to store, may have value and the marginal valuation of water when groundwater stocks are being drawn upon should, for this reason, differ at times from the marginal valuation of water when it is drawn strictly from surface water.  相似文献   

水体有机污染物分析的研究进展   总被引:9,自引:3,他引:9  
评述了水体有机污染物分析中GC、GC-MS、LC、GC-FTIR等方法的特性和适用范围,介绍了应用各种分析方法分析水体有机污染物的研究现状,提出了水体有机污染物分析的发展方向。  相似文献   

洹河水中痕量有机污染物的研究   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:4  
采用固相萃取技术 ,对洹河水中痕量有机物进行富集 ,大量的地表水被 C1 8键合相萃取后 ,洗脱液经干燥浓缩用于 GC和 GC/MS分析 ,鉴定出 64种有机物 ,并对苯系物、杂环类等 2 7种主要污染物作了定量测定 ,得出有机物的沿途变化规律。  相似文献   

用GC/MS联用分析焦化厂蒸氨废水中的有机物组成   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:4  
本文对焦化厂蒸氨废水进行了GC和GC/MS联用分析,共鉴定了14种有机物,其中主要有机物是酚类、吲哚和喹啉,分别占有机物总量的395%、239%和178%。  相似文献   

The groundwater inflow into a mine during its life and after ceasing operations is one of the most important concerns of the mining industry. This paper presents a hydrogeological assessment of the Irankuh Zn-Pb mine at 20 km south of Esfahan and 1 km northeast of Abnil in west-Central Iran. During mine excavation, the upper impervious bed of a confined aquifer was broken and water at high-pressure flowed into an open pit mine associated with the Kolahdarvazeh deposit. The inflow rates were 6.7 and 1.4 m3/s at the maximum and minimum quantities, respectively. Permeability, storage coefficient, thickness and initial head of the fully saturated confined aquifer were 3.5?×?10?4 m/s, 0.2, 30 m and 60 m, respectively. The hydraulic heads as a function of time were monitored at four observation wells in the vicinity of the pit over 19 weeks and at an observation well near a test well over 21 h. In addition, by measuring the rate of pumping out from the pit sump, at a constant head (usually equal to height of the pit floor), the real inflow rates to the pit were monitored. The main innovations of this work were to make comparison between numerical modelling using a finite element software called SEEP/W and actual data related to inflow and extend the applicability of the numerical model. This model was further used to estimate the hydraulic heads at the observation wells around the pit over 19 weeks during mining operations. Data from a pump-out test and observation wells were used for model calibration and verification. In order to evaluate the model efficiency, the modelling results of inflow quantity and hydraulic heads were compared to those from analytical solutions, as well as the field data. The mean percent error in relation to field data for the inflow quantity was 0.108. It varied between 1.16 and 1.46 for hydraulic head predictions, which are much lower values than the mean percent errors resulted from the analytical solutions (from 1.8 to 5.3 for inflow and from 2.16 to 3.5 for hydraulic head predictions). The analytical solutions underestimated the inflow compared to the numerical model for the time period of 2–19 weeks. The results presented in this paper can be used for developing an effective dewatering program.  相似文献   

Although long-range atmospheric transport has been described as the predominant mechanism for exposing polar regions to persistent organic pollutants (POPs), recent studies have suggested that bird activity can also contribute substantially to contaminant levels in some environments. However, because the species so far reported have all been migratory, it has not been demonstrated conclusively whether locally elevated contamination represents transport from lower latitudes by the migrating birds or, alternatively, redistribution and concentration of contaminants that were already present in the high-latitude environments. The present study demonstrates, for the first time, that several POPs are present in elevated concentrations in an environment frequented by a non-migratory species (Adélie penguins) that spends its entire life in the Antarctic. Levels of POPs, such as p,p'-DDE, hexachlorobenzene (HCB), chlordanes (CHLs) and polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), were 10 to 100-fold higher in soil samples from penguin colonies than from reference areas. This significant difference is likely related to local penguin activity, such as a higher abundance of guano and the presence of bird carcasses. This hypothesis is also supported by a higher percentage of persistent congeners (PCB 99, 118, 138 and 153) in the soil from the colonies compared to the reference areas. This profile of PCB congeners closely matched profiles seen in penguin eggs or penguin blood.  相似文献   

When designing a monitoring campaign, one has to consider many factors in the decision to perform a long-term synoptic monitoring program or a short-term intensive study. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages. This paper compares and contrasts the information obtained from two studies conducted on the Laurentian Great Lakes. One, the Integrated Atmospheric Deposition Network (IADN), is a long-term synoptic monitoring study and the other, the Atmospheric Exchange Over Lakes and Oceans (AEOLOS), was a short-term intensive study. The advantages of long-term synoptic monitoring programs are providing greater spatial information, the relative influence of long and short-range transport on the regional background, gross loadings representative of the majority of each lake and long-term temporal trends. Short-term intensive studies provide more information on the processes governing sources, transport and deposition, such as the urban/industrial influence on adjacent large water bodies, specific sources to an urban/industrial area and short-term fluctuations in concentrations due to meteorology, source strength and photochemical reactions. Using information provided by both the IADN and AEOLOS studies, areas of urban influence are predicted for each of the five Great Lakes.  相似文献   

Generic Escherichia coli was isolated from surface water and groundwater samples from two dairies in Northern California and tested for susceptibility to antibiotics. Surface samples were collected from flush water, lagoon water, and manure solids, and groundwater samples were collected from monitoring wells. Although E. coli was ubiquitous in surface samples with concentrations ranging from several hundred thousand to over a million colony-forming units per 100 mL of surface water or per gram of surface solids, groundwater under the influence of these high surface microbial loadings had substantially fewer bacteria (3- to 7-log10 reduction). Among 80 isolates of E. coli tested, 34 (42.5 %) were resistant to one or more antibiotics and 22 (27.5 %) were multi-antibiotic resistant (resistant to ≥3 antibiotics), with resistance to tetracycline, cefoxitin, amoxicillin/clavulanic acid, and ampicillin being the most common. E. coli isolates from the calf hutch area exhibited the highest levels of multi-antibiotic resistance, much higher than isolates in surface soil solids from heifer and cow pens, flush alleys, manure storage lagoons, and irrigated fields. Among E. coli isolates from four groundwater samples, only one sample exhibited resistance to ceftriaxone, chloramphenicol, and tetracycline, indicating the potential of groundwater contamination with antibiotic-resistant bacteria from dairy operations.  相似文献   

Environmental pollution implies any alteration in the surroundings but it is restricted in use especially to mean any deterioration in the physical, chemical, and biological quality of the environment. All types of pollution, directly or indirectly, affect human health. Present scenario of pollution calls for immediate attention towards the remediation and detoxification of these hazardous agents in order to have a healthy living environment. The present communication will deal with the use of naturally occurring microbes capable of bioremediating the major environmental pollutants.  相似文献   

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