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Capillary permeability of [14C]inulin and [51Cr]EDTA was examined in human forearm in five healthy, subjects by indicator diffusion technique. Injections of, initially [125I]albumin and [14C]inulin, and after 30 min resting, of [125I]albumin and [51Cr]EDTA, were given in a brachial artery. During light exercise of the forearm, blood was sampled in 2-s periods from a deep cubital vein primarily draining muscles. The plasma flow rate, calculated as the dose of [125I]albumin in the injectate divided by the area under the curve for the venous concentration of 125I, was, on average, 8.5 ml min-1 100 g-1 forearm. Assuming [125I]albumin is a partially permeable tracer, a correction for extraction of albumin was performed. This gave extraction fractions of 0.107 +/- 0.015 (mean +/- SEM) for [14C]inulin and 0.377 +/- 0.033 for [51Cr]EDTA, respectively. The capillary permeability surface area product per 100 g tissue (CDC) was for [14C]inulin 0.90 +/- 0.19, and for [51Cr]EDTA 3.31 +/- 0.38 ml min-1 100 g-1 forearm. The average of the ratios of the CDC values of [51Cr]EDTA to those of [14C]inulin, 4.0 +/- 0.5, is significantly higher than the corresponding ratio between the measured free diffusion coefficients in water at 37 degrees C, 3.07 +/- 0.002 (N = 36 and 17, respectively). This indicates that there is some degree of restriction for [14C]inulin (MW 5200) relative to [51Cr]EDTA (MW 340.2) and it points to an 'equivalent pore radius estimate' of about 160 A in human muscle capillaries.  相似文献   

Lymphokine-activated (LK+) and control (LK) macrophages were cultured for 66 h and then pulsed with [14C]glucosamine. Uptake of [14C]glucosamine was greater in LK+ than in LK cultures. If, after 66 h, the medium was replaced with fresh medium and then pulsed with either [14C]glucose or [14C]glucosamine, the uptake of isotope was greatly reduced compared to cultures with no change of medium. However, uptake of both radiolabeled substances was still found to be greater in LK+ cultures than in LK cultures. Although uptake of both substances was enhanced by lymphokines, the uptake kinetics of each isotope was different. Under similar conditions the uptake of [3H]leucine was not enhanced by lymphokine activation. These data are interpreted to mean that LK+ macrophages are metabolically stimulated and utilize more glucose and glucosamine. The difference in kinetics implies a different utilization by macrophages for each substance.  相似文献   

1. The distribution of [14C]sucrose within the plantaris muscle of the rat has been examined by suspending muscles in oxygenated Ringer containing this marker and subsequent analysis of the muscle.

2. Histological examination of sections of muscle treated in this way indicates considerable distortion of muscle fibre pattern; this has been held to cast doubt upon the validity of such a method as a means of extracellular space examination.

3. The rate of K+ loss from muscles under these conditions has been examined by flame photometry. Up to 50% of the original muscle K+ has been shown to be lost by efflux within approximately 1 hr from the commencement of soaking.

4. It is considered that these findings indicate severe deterioration in the physiological condition of the muscle, and it is suggested that tissue hypoxia is chiefly responsible for this.


The herbicide paraquat has been suggested as a causative agent for Parkinson's disease because of its structural similarity to a metabolite of 1-methyl-4-phenyl-1,2,3,6-tetrahydropyridine (MPTP), which may induce a parkinsonism-like condition. MPTP as well as its metabolite 1-methyl-4-phenylpyridine have melanin affinity, and the parkinsonism-inducing potency of MPTP is much stronger in species with melanin in the nerve cells. Autoradiography of [3H]MPTP in experimental animals has shown accumulation in melanin-containing tissues, including pigmented neurons. In the present whole body autoradiographic study accumulation and retention was seen in neuromelanin in frogs after i.p. injection of [14C]paraquat or [14C]diquat. By means of whole body autoradiography of [14C]diquat in mice (a species with no or very limited amounts of neuromelanin) a low, relatively uniformly distributed level of radioactivity was observed in brain tissue. Accumulation of toxic chemical compounds, such as paraquat, in neuromelanin may ultimately cause lesions in the pigmented nerve cells, leading to Parkinson's disease.  相似文献   

The activity of the pentose phosphate shunt was assessed under basal conditions in subregions of the hippocampus by measuring the uptake and retention of [1-14C]glucose and [6-14C]glucose and their 14C-labelled metabolites. The relative and absolute retention of carbon-14 from each of the two compounds was nearly identical in all regions examined. For each compound, the highest accumulation of 14C occurred in the granule cell layer of the dentate gyrus and in the pyramidal cell layer. Relatively high retention of radioactivity was also found in the molecular layer of dentate gyrus and in the stratum lacunosum-molecular. The stratum radiatum and stratum oriens contained the lowest levels of radioactivity among hippocampal regions. The equal retention of radioactivity from [1-14C]glucose and [6-14C]glucose implies that pentose phosphate shunt activity is very low throughout the hippocampus under the conditions of this study. The uptake and retention of radioactivity was evaluated in different hippocampal regions 10 or 30 min following intravenous injection of [1-14C]glucose. Although there was significantly more radioactivity at 30 min than at 10 min, the same topographic pattern of radioactivity within the hippocampus was observed in rats after both survival periods, indicating that an equal fraction of the [1-14C]glucose utilized in different hippocampal regions is oxidized to 14CO2 under these conditions. Most regions of high glucose utilization in the hippocampus determined with [1-14C]glucose and [6-14C]glucose correspond to regions of intense histochemical staining for cytochrome oxidase reported in the literature.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

[14C]choleragen was used to study the rate of disappearance of choleragen enterotoxin from the jejunum of rats. [14C]bovine serum albumin (BSA) was studied in a similar manner. Almost one-third of the labeled toxin had disappeared from the intestine after 6 h. Its rate of disappearance was the same in germfree rats as in conventional rats. The rate of proteolysis of [14C]choleragen and [14C]BSA by intestinal mucodal lysosomal enzymes was also studied. Neither was significantly degraded by neutral proteases; however, heat-inactivated toxin was. They were all degraded by acid proteases; however, the rate of BSA proteolysis was only one-third of that of toxin. Soybean trypsin inhibitor had no effect on the in vivo disappearance of toxin nor on the acid proteases. It did inhibit the neutral protease digestion of heat-treated toxin. Aprotinin and protamine inhibited disappearance in loops of gut but had no effect to inhibit degradation rates. Gangliosides inhibited both rates of disappearance and proolysis of toxin. These agents had some different effects on disappearance rates and proteolysis of BSA. The data indicate that cholera enterotoxin is absorbed by intestinal mucosal cells and is degraded by acid proteases in the cells.  相似文献   

Measurement of local cerebral blood flow with iodo [14C] antipyrine   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
The autoradiographic diffusible tracer technique for the measurement of local cerebral blood flow was originally designed for use with the radioactive, inert gas 131I-labeled trifluoroiodomethane and is applicable only with tracers that exhibit unrestricted diffusion through the blood-brain barrier. Because of the technical problems associated with the use of gaseous tracers, a suitable nonvolatile tracer has been sought. [14C] Antipyrine has been used previously and found to be unsuitable because of limitations in its diffusion through the blood-brain barrier. An analogue of [14C]antipyrine, iodo [14C]antipyrine, exhibits higher partition coefficients than [14C]antipyrine between nonpolar solvents and water and might, therefore, be expected to diffuse more freely through the barrier. Its use as the tracer in the local blood flow technique leads to values considerably above those obtained with [14C]antipyrine in the rat and cat and essentially the same as those obtained with the gas trifluoro[131I]iodomethane in the cat. Iodo[14C]antipyrine appears, therefore, to be a satisfactory nonvolatile tracer for the measurement of local cerebral blood flow.  相似文献   

The extracellular fluid space in rabbit SA node and atrial trabeculae was measured with 14C-inulin and 14C-sucrose. A larger 14C-inulin space in SA node than in the atrial tissue, indicated a greater extracellular fluid space in the former, and could be due to caveolae on the pacemaker cell membrane.  相似文献   

J Stewart  D G Jones    A B Kay 《Immunology》1979,36(3):539-548
The uptake of [14C]-histidine and [14C]-histamine and the conversion of [14C]-histidine to [14C]-histamine was measured in suspensions of guinea-pig bone marrow cells rich in basophils. When comparable amounts of labelled histidine or histamine were added to equal numbers of basophils, the uptake of histidine was approximately forty-five times greater than that of histamine. Purified eosinophils, neutrophils and mononuclear cells incorporated only a small proportion of [14C]-histidine when compared to the basophil; [14C]-histamine uptake by all these cell types was virtually negligible. Histidine uptake and the amount of histamine formed de novo was directly related to the number of basophils, the time of incubation and the substrate concentration. Histidine uptake was decreased by agents which inhibit glycolysis, oxidative phosphorylation, Na + - K + -dependent ATPase, protein synthesis and RNA synthesis. Inhibition was demonstrable in a dose-dependent fashion and at concentrations which had no apparent effect on cell viability. Inhibitors of DNA synthesis, and of microtubule function, had no influence on histidine uptake. Cytochalasin B, an inhibitor of microfilament function, also decreased histidine uptake but only at concentrations previously showen to affect hexose transport. None of the agents tested affected the uptake of [14C]-histamine or the amounts of new histamine formed from the histidine that had been incorporated. These studies suggest that histidine is preferentially incorporated into the basophil; that the uptake depends on the integrity of a number of metabolic pathways, but that once the histidine is taken up these requirements do not apply to the formation of new histamine. In contrast, histamine appeared to diffuse passively, and in relatively small amounts, into all the cell types tested.  相似文献   

Parasynaptic communication, also termed volume transmission, has been suggested as an important means to mediate information transfer within the central nervous system. The purpose of the present study was to visualize by autoradiography the available channels for fluid movement within the extracellular space following injection of the inert extracellular marker [14C]inulin into the lateral ventricle or cisterna magna. Bolus injections of 5 microl of 1 microCi of [14C]inulin were made in awake rats via chronically implanted cannulae. After survival times ranging from 5 min to 4 h, brains were processed for in vivo autoradiography. At 5 min the tracer distributed throughout the ventricles, subarachnoid spaces and cisterns "downstream" of the injection sites. Penetration into the brain from these sites was complex with preferential entry along the ventral side of the brain, especially into the hypothalamus and brainstem. By 4 h virtually the entire brain was labeled irrespective of the site of tracer application. Sustained tracer entry from subarachnoid spaces suggests that some areas act as depots to trap circulating material. This mechanism may contribute to the pattern of deep penetration at later time-points. The spatial and temporal characteristics of fluid movement throughout the brain are instructive in the interpretation of many experimental procedures involving injection of molecules into the cerebrospinal fluid.  相似文献   

Parasynaptic communication, also termed volume transmission, has been suggested as an important means to mediate information transfer within the central nervous system. The purpose of the present study was to visualize by autoradiography the available channels for fluid movement within the extracellular space following injection of the inert extracellular marker [14C]inulin into the lateral ventricle or cisterna magna. Bolus injections of 5 μl of 1 μCi of [14C]inulin were made in awake rats via chronically implanted cannulae. After survival times ranging from 5 min to 4 h, brains were processed for in vivo autoradiography. At 5 min the tracer distributed throughout the ventricles, subarachnoid spaces and cisterns “downstream” of the injection sites. Penetration into the brain from these sites was complex with preferential entry along the ventral side of the brain, especially into the hypothalamus and brainstem. By 4 h virtually the entire brain was labeled irrespective of the site of tracer application. Sustained tracer entry from subarachnoid spaces suggests that some areas act as depots to trap circulating material. This mechanism may contribute to the pattern of deep penetration at later time-points. The spatial and temporal characteristics of fluid movement throughout the brain are instructive in the interpretation of many experimental procedures involving injection of molecules into the cerebrospinal fluid.  相似文献   

This study aims at exploring specific aspects of D-glucose metabolism, so far not yet investigated, in pancreatic islets from adult control rats and animals (STZ rats) injected with streptozotocin during the neonatal period. The latter animals, which represent a current model of type-2 diabetes, displayed a lower body weight, higher plasma D-glucose concentration and lower insulinogenic index than control rats. The protein, DNA and insulin content were all also lower in islets prepared from STZ, rather than control rats. In the presence of 10.0 mM D-glucose, the paired ratio between D-[U-14C]glucose oxidation and D-[5-3H]glucose utilization was also decreased in the islets from STZ rats. No significant difference between control and STZ rats was observed, however, in terms of the ratios between D-[3-3H]glucose and D-[5-3H]glucose utilization, between the generation of radioactive lactate from 14C-labelled D-glucose and tritiated D-glucose utilization and between D-[1-14C]glucose and D-[6-14C]glucose oxidation. These findings reinforce the view that the previously documented preferential impairment of the oxidative modality of glycolysis in islets from STZ rats contrasts with the absence of any major anomaly in other variables of D-glucose catabolism.  相似文献   

Both [1-14C]glucose and 2-[1-14C]deoxyglucose (2-DG) revealed selective autoradiographic labelling to tones in the inferior colliculus of the cat with short stimulation periods (5-15 min). With longer periods of stimulation (45 min), the selectivity disappeared with glucose but remained with 2-DG. At all stimulation intervals, 2-DG labelling was always more selective than that obtained with glucose. However, the selectivity seen with glucose was good enough to indicate that isotopes of glucose with short half-lives could still be employed to study human functional activity with the positron emission tomography technique, provided that short stimulation periods were used.  相似文献   

The densitometric response of Hyperfilm beta-max (HFBM) to [14C]plastic standards was calibrated to tissue-equivalent concentrations of [125I]. Plastic sections with standard concentrations of [125I] and [14C] were apposed to HFBM for 1, 3, 5, and 9 days, with liver and muscle slices (20 microns thick) labeled with [125I]insulin. The relative optical densities (ROD = log 10 [1/gray level x 256(-1)] produced by [125I]- and [14C]plastic standards were converted to equivalent tissue [125I] concentrations (dpm/mm2). The response of HFBM to the [125I]- and [14C]plastic standards was similar (P less than 0.001). Standard curves of tissue [125I] (dpm/mm2) vs plastic [14C] (microCi/g) concentrations fit second order polynomials (r2 = 0.995-0.999). The results show that [14C]plastic standards are valid for measuring [125I] radioactivity in tissue slices by autoradiography with HFBM.  相似文献   

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