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This paper investigates the effects of gamma-ray irradiation on the Shallow-Trench Isolation (STI) leakage currents in 180-nm complementary metal oxide semiconductor technology. No hump effect in the subthreshold region is observed after irradiation, which is considered to be due to the thin STI corner oxide thickness. A negative substrate bias could effectively suppress the STI leakage, but it also impairs the device characteristics. The three-dimensional simulation is introduced to understand the impact of substrate bias. Moreover, we propose a simple method for extracting the best substrate bias value, which not only eliminates the STI leakage but also has the least impact on the device characteristics.  相似文献   

刘张李  胡志远  张正选  邵华  宁冰旭  毕大炜  陈明  邹世昌 《物理学报》2011,60(11):116103-116103
对0.18 μm metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect-transistor (MOSFET)器件进行γ射线辐照实验,讨论分析器件辐照前后关态漏电流、阈值电压、跨导、栅电流、亚阈值斜率等特性参数的变化,研究深亚微米器件的总剂量效应. 通过在隔离氧化物中引入等效陷阱电荷,三维模拟结果与实验结果符合很好. 深亚微米器件栅氧化层对总剂量辐照不敏感,浅沟槽隔离氧化物是导致器件性能退化的主要因素. 关键词: 总剂量效应 浅沟槽隔离 氧化层陷阱正电荷 MOSFET  相似文献   

本文深入研究了130 nm Silicon-on-Insulator (SOI) 技术下的窄沟道n型metal-oxide-semiconductor-field-effect-transistor (MOSFET) 器件的总剂量辐照效应. 在总剂量辐照下, 相比于宽沟道器件, 窄沟道器件的阈值电压漂移更为明显. 论文利用电荷守恒定律很好地解释了辐照增强的窄沟道效应. 另外, 本文首次发现, 对于工作在线性区的窄沟道器件, 辐照产生的浅沟槽隔离氧化物(STI) 陷阱正电荷会增加沟道区载流子之间的碰撞概率和沟道表面粗糙度散射, 从而导致主沟道晶体管的载流子迁移率退化以及跨导降低. 最后, 对辐照增强的窄沟效应以及迁移率退化进行了三维器件仿真模拟, 仿真结果与实验结果符合得很好. 关键词: 总剂量效应(TID) 浅沟槽隔离(STI) 氧化层陷阱正电荷 SOI MOSFET  相似文献   

Deep submicron n-channel metal-oxide-semiconductor field-effect transistors (NMOSFETs) with shallow trench isolation (STI) are exposed to ionizing dose radiation under different bias conditions.The total ionizing dose radiation induced subthreshold leakage current increase and the hump effect under four different irradiation bias conditions including the worst case (ON bias) for the transistors are discussed.The high electric fields at the corners are partly responsible for the subthreshold hump effect.Charge trapped in the isolation oxide,particularly at the Si/SiO 2 interface along the sidewalls of the trench oxide creates a leakage path,which becomes a dominant contributor to the offstate drain-to-source leakage current in the NMOSFET.Non-uniform charge distribution is introduced into a threedimensional (3D) simulation.Good agreement between experimental and simulation results is demonstrated.We find that the electric field distribution along with the STI sidewall is important for the radiation effect under different bias conditions.  相似文献   

We investigate the effects of 60 Co γ-ray irradiation on the 130 nm partially-depleted silicon-on-isolator(PDSOI)input/output(I/O) n-MOSFETs. A shallow trench isolation(STI) parasitic transistor is responsible for the observed hump in the back-gate transfer characteristic curve. The STI parasitic transistor, in which the trench oxide acts as the gate oxide,is sensitive to the radiation, and it introduces a new way to characterize the total ionizing dose(TID) responses in the STI oxide. A radiation enhanced drain induced barrier lower(DIBL) effect is observed in the STI parasitic transistor. It is manifested as the drain bias dependence of the radiation-induced off-state leakage and the increase of the DIBL parameter in the STI parasitic transistor after irradiation. Increasing the doping concentration in the whole body region or just near the STI sidewall can increase the threshold voltage of the STI parasitic transistor, and further reduce the radiation-induced off-state leakage. Moreover, we find that the radiation-induced trapped charge in the buried oxide leads to an obvious front-gate threshold voltage shift through the coupling effect. The high doping concentration in the body can effectively suppress the radiation-induced coupling effect.  相似文献   

研究了180 nm 互补金属氧化物半导体技术下的器件沟道长度对总剂量辐照效应的影响. 在其他条件如辐照偏置、器件结构等不变的情况下, 氧化层中的陷阱电荷决定了辐照响应. 浅沟槽隔离氧化层中的陷阱电荷使得寄生的侧壁沟道反型, 从而形成大的关态泄漏电流. 这个电流与沟道长度存在一定的关系, 沟道长度越短, 泄漏电流越大. 首次发现辐照会增强这个电流的沟道长度调制效应, 从而使得器件进一步退化.  相似文献   

Input/output devices for flash memory are exposed to gamma ray irradiation. Total ionizing dose has been shown great influence on characteristic degradation of transistors with different sizes. In this paper, we observed a larger increase of off-state leakage in the short channel device than in long one. However, a larger threshold voltage shift is observed for the narrow width device than for the wide one, which is well known as the radiation induced narrow channel effect. The radiation induced charge in the shallow trench isolation oxide influences the electric field of the narrow channel device. Also, the drain bias dependence of the off-state leakage after irradiation is observed, which is called the radiation enhanced drain induced barrier lowing effect. Finally, we found that substrate bias voltage can suppress the off-state leakage, while leading to more obvious hump effect.  相似文献   

彭超  恩云飞  李斌  雷志锋  张战刚  何玉娟  黄云 《物理学报》2018,67(21):216102-216102
基于60Co γ射线源研究了总剂量辐射对绝缘体上硅(silicon on insulator,SOI)金属氧化物半导体场效应晶体管器件的影响.通过对比不同尺寸器件的辐射响应,分析了导致辐照后器件性能退化的不同机制.实验表明:器件的性能退化来源于辐射增强的寄生效应;浅沟槽隔离(shallow trench isolation,STI)寄生晶体管的开启导致了关态漏电流随总剂量呈指数增加,直到达到饱和;STI氧化层的陷阱电荷共享导致了窄沟道器件的阈值电压漂移,而短沟道器件的阈值电压漂移则来自于背栅阈值耦合;在同一工艺下,尺寸较小的器件对总剂量效应更敏感.探讨了背栅和体区加负偏压对总剂量效应的影响,SOI器件背栅或体区的负偏压可以在一定程度上抑制辐射增强的寄生效应,从而改善辐照后器件的电学特性.  相似文献   

李睿  俞柳江  董业民  王庆东 《中国物理》2007,16(10):3104-3107
The shallow trench isolation (STI) induced mechanical stress significantly affects the CMOS device off-state leakage behaviour. In this paper, we designed two types of devices to investigate this effect, and all leakage components, including sub-threshold leakage ($I_{\rm sub})$, gate-induced-drain-leakage ($I_{\rm GIDL})$, gate edge-direct-tunnelling leakage ($I_{\rm EDT})$ and band-to-band-tunnelling leakage ($I_{\rm BTBT})$ were analysed. For NMOS, $I_{\rm sub}$ can be reduced due to the mechanical stress induced higher boron concentration in well region. However, the GIDL component increases simultaneously as a result of the high well concentration induced drain-to-well depletion layer narrowing as well as the shrinkage of the energy gap. For PMOS, the only mechanical stress effect on leakage current is the energy gap narrowing induced GIDL increase.  相似文献   

The total ionizing dose(TID) response of 65-nm CMOS transistors is studied by 10-ke V x-ray and 3-Me V protons up to 1 Grad(SiO_2) total dose.The degradation levels induced by the two radiation sources are different to some extent.The main reason is the interface dose enhancement due to the thin gate oxide and the low energy photons.The holes' recombination also contributes to the difference.Compared to these two mechanisms,the influence of the dose rate is negligible.  相似文献   

简要介绍了二维半导体器件模拟软件MEDICI的基本特点和使用方法;应用MEDICI程序对MOSFET的总剂量效应、PN结的剂量率效应进行了仿真模拟,建立了电离辐照效应的物理模型,并将模拟结果与实验数据进行了比较.  相似文献   

对1:55 μm波长DFB 结构的InGaAsP 多量子阱激光二极管开展电子和60Co- 射线辐照试验。试验结果表明,激光二极管的斜度效率主要受带电粒子沉积的电离总剂量影响,而阈值电流和光功率主要受位移损伤剂量的影响。利用位移损伤剂量方法评价激光二极管的辐射损伤特征,并且预测其在空间辐射环境中的光功率衰退情况。模拟计算结果表明,MEO轨道辐射环境对激光二极管光功率辐射损伤远大于GEO轨道的影响,这主要是由于MEO轨道辐射环境的高能电子通量密度远大于GEO轨道的通量密度。The 1.55 μm InGaAsP multi-quantum-well laser diodes with distributed feedback structures were irradiated by electrons and 60Co- rays. The experimental results show the slope efficiency of laser diode is mostly affected by the total ionizing dose produced by charging particles, and the threshold current and the optical power mainly by displacement damage dose. The displacement damage dose methodology was employed to evaluate radiation damage of the laser diodes, and to predict the power degradations of these diodes in space. The calculated results indicate that the optical powers of the diodes will have more serious degradation for medium Earth orbit than for geosynchronous Earth orbit,due to higher fluence density of high energy electrons in GEO orbits.  相似文献   

本文采用60 MeV Br离子、5 MeV质子和1 MeV电子等三种辐射源, 针对CC4013型互补金属氧化物半导体器件(complementary metal oxide semiconductor, CMOS)进行辐射损伤研究. 通过Geant4程序计算了该器件电离辐射吸收剂量与芯片厚度的关系, 经过计算, 在相同注量下, 60 MeV Br离子的电离吸收剂量最大, 1 MeV电子产生的电离吸收剂量最小. 应用Keithley4200-SCS半导体特性分析仪在原位条件下研究了CC4013器件电性能参数随辐射吸收剂量的变化关系. 测试结果表明, 相同电离辐射吸收剂量下, 1 MeV电子对CC4013器件的阈值电压参数影响最大, 5 MeV质子其次, 60 MeV Br离子的影响最弱. 关键词: CMOS器件 高能带电粒子 电离辐射 辐射损伤  相似文献   

针对硅双极器件及其构成的双极集成电路有着如低剂量率辐照损伤增强效应等不同于其他类型电路的特殊的辐照响应问题, 分析了空间辐射电离总剂量环境及铝屏蔽作用, 双极晶体管及电路总剂量辐照损伤机理, 低剂量率辐照损伤增强效应、规律和电参数变化。通过选取几种典型的双极晶体管和电路进行地面辐照模拟试验和测试, 证明了双极器件及电路的关键参数受辐照影响较大, 特别是对低剂量率辐照损伤增强效应敏感, 低剂量率辐照损伤增强因子基本都大于1.5, 不同双极器件和电路的低剂量率辐照损伤增强效应有着明显的不同, 与器件类型、加工工艺(如氧化层厚度)等密切相关。  相似文献   

为探索锗硅异质结双极晶体管(SiGe HBT)总剂量效应的损伤机理,采用半导体器件三维模拟工具(TCAD),建立电离辐照总剂量效应损伤模型,分析比较电离辐射在SiGe HBT不同氧化层结构的不同位置引入陷阱电荷缺陷后,器件正向Gummel特性和反向Gummel特性的退化特征,获得SiGe HBT总剂量效应损伤规律,并与60Coγ辐照实验进行对比.结果表明:总剂量辐照在SiGe HBT器件中引入的氧化物陷阱正电荷主要在pn结附近的Si/SiO2界面处产生影响,引起pn结耗尽区的变化,带来载流子复合增加,最终导致基极电流增大、增益下降;其中EB Spacer氧化层中产生的陷阱电荷主要影响正向Gummel特性,而LOCOS隔离氧化层中的陷阱电荷则是造成反向Gummel特性退化的主要因素.通过数值模拟分析获得的SiGe HBT总剂量效应损伤规律与不同偏置下60Coγ辐照实验的结论符合得较好.  相似文献   

陈建军  陈书明  梁斌  何益百  池雅庆  邓科峰 《中国物理 B》2011,20(11):114220-114220
Annular gate nMOSFETs are frequently used in spaceborne integrated circuits due to their intrinsic good capability of resisting total ionizing dose (TID) effect. However, their capability of resisting the hot carrier effect (HCE) has also been proven to be very weak. In this paper, the reason why the annular gate nMOSFETs have good TID but bad HCE resistance is discussed in detail, and an improved design to locate the source contacts only along one side of the annular gate is used to weaken the HCE degradation. The good TID and HCE hardened capability of the design are verified by the experiments for I/O and core nMOSFETs in a 0.18 μm bulk CMOS technology. In addition, the shortcoming of this design is also discussed and the TID and the HCE characteristics of the replacers (the annular source nMOSFETs) are also studied to provide a possible alternative for the designers.  相似文献   

采用60Co-γ射线对某国产0.5 μm CMOS N阱工艺CMOS有源像素传感器(APS)的整体电路和像素单元结构进行了电离总剂量辐射效应研究,重点考察了器件的饱和输出信号、像素单元输出信号、暗信号等参数的变化规律.随着辐射剂量的增大,饱和输出信号逐渐减小且与像素单元饱和输出信号变化基本一致;暗信号随总剂量的增大而显著增大.研究结果表明,0.5 μm工艺CMOS APS电离总剂量辐射效应引起参数退化的主要原因是光敏二极管周围的整个LOCOS(Local oxidation of silicon)隔离氧化层产生了大量的辐射感生电荷.  相似文献   

A novel graded doping profile, for the first time is introduced for reliability improvement and leakage current reduction. The proposed structure is called graded doping channel SiGe-on-insulator (GDC-SGOI). The key idea in this work is to modify the electric field and band energy with novel doping distribution in the channel for improving leakage current and hot electron. Using two-dimensional two-carrier simulation we demonstrate that the GDC-SGOI shows lower electron temperature near the drain region in the channel in comparison with the conventional SGOI (C-SGOI) with uniform doping. On the other hand, short channel effects (SCEs) such as drain induced barrier lowering (DIBL) and threshold voltage roll-off improvement leads to leakage current reduction. DIBL decrement and less dependence of the threshold voltage and DIBL on channel length variation in the GDC-SGOI structure show SCEs suppression. Furthermore the on-off current ratio (Ion/Ioff) in the GDC-SGOI is higher than that achieved from the C-SGOI. Therefore, the results show that the GDC-SGOI structure especially in low power and device reliability has excellent performance in comparison with the C-SGOI.  相似文献   

The impacts of shallow trench isolation(STI)indium implantation on gate oxide and device characteristics are studied in this work.The stress modulation effect is confirmed in this research work.An enhanced gate oxide oxidation rate is observed due to the enhanced tensile stress,and the thickness gap is around 5%.Wafers with and without STI indium implantation are manufactured using the 150-nm silicon on insulator(SOI)process.The ramped voltage stress and time to breakdown capability of the gate oxide are researched.No early failure is observed for both wafers the first time the voltage is ramped up.However,a time dependent dielectric breakdown(TDDB)test shows more obvious evidence that the gate oxide quality is weakened by the STI indium implantation.Meanwhile,the device characteristics are compared,and the difference between two devices is consistent with the equivalent oxide thickness(EOT)gap.  相似文献   

文林  李豫东  郭旗  汪朝敏 《发光学报》2018,39(2):244-250
光谱响应是表征CCD性能的重要参数。为了研究辐射环境对CCD光谱响应产生影响的规律及物理机制,开展了不同粒子辐照实验,对CCD光谱响应曲线的退化形式及典型波长下CCD光响应的退化情况进行了分析。辐射效应对CCD光谱响应的影响可以分为电离总剂量效应和位移效应导致的退化,本文从这两种辐射效应出发,采用60Co-γ射线及质子两种辐照条件,研究了CCD光谱响应的退化规律。针对460 nm(蓝光)和700 nm(红光)等典型CCD光响应波长,从辐射效应导致的损伤缺陷方面分析了CCD光谱响应退化的物理机制。研究发现,在60Co-γ射线辐照时CCD光谱响应曲线变化是由于暗信号增加导致的,而质子辐照导致CCD对700 nm波长的光响应退化明显大于460 nm波长的光响应,且10 MeV质子导致的损伤比3 MeV质子更明显,表明位移损伤缺陷易导致CCD光谱响应退化。结果表明,电离总剂量效应主要导致CCD光谱响应整体变化,而位移效应则导致不同波长光的响应差异增大。  相似文献   

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