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In sheep, corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH) can stimulate the fetal release of ACTH to produce a cortisol surge which leads to the onset of parturition. We tested the hypothesis that fetal CRH is a primary factor in the onset of parturition in sheep by using a Type I CRH receptor antagonist, antalarmin, to block the endogenous action of CRH. Pregnant ewes were cannulated at 130-135 days of gestation. Five catheters were placed into the amniotic sac, fetal femoral artery, fetal tarsal vein, maternal jugular vein and carotid artery. After 5 days' recovery, blood samples from maternal and fetal vessels were collected at the following times: a day before the start of infusion, at [-1, 0, 1, 2, 4, 8 and 24]h, on the first day of infusion, and thereafter daily throughout a 10-day infusion. Animals (n=6 per group) received infusions into a fetal vein of either a vehicle comprising 1:1 mixture of ethanol and polyethoxylated castor oil (Cremophor EL) or antalarmin (50 g/L) in the vehicle at a rate of 0.3 mL/h. The plasma samples were assayed for ACTH and cortisol using commercial RIA kits. Fetuses infused with vehicle delivered at a mean gestational age of 141.8 +/- 0.9 days compared with antalarmin-infused sheep at 148.8 +/- 1.6 days (P = 0.0036, unpaired Student's t-test). Fetal ACTH and cortisol did not change in the antalarmin-infused sheep after 3 days' infusion compared to significant increases in vehicle-infused sheep (P=0.004 and P = 0.016 respectively, ANOVA). These data show that CRH receptor antagonism in the fetus can delay the onset of parturition. It supports the hypothesis that hypothalamic CRH drives fetal production of ACTH and is essential for the onset of parturition triggered by a surge in fetal cortisol.  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of angiotensin II (Ang II) type 1 receptor blockade with losartan on the renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system in hypertensive patients (supine diastolic blood pressure, 95 to 110 mm Hg). Qualifying patients (n = 51) were allocated to placebo, 25 or 100 mg losartan, or 20 mg enalapril. Blood pressure, plasma drug concentrations, and renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system mediators were measured on 4 inpatient days: end of placebo run-in, after first dose, and 2 and 6 weeks of treatment. Plasma drug concentrations were similar after the first and last doses of losartan. At 6 weeks, 100 mg losartan and 20 mg enalapril showed comparable antihypertensive activity. Four hours after dosing, compared with the run-in day, 100 mg losartan increased plasma renin activity 1.7-fold and Ang II 2.5-fold, whereas enalapril increased plasma renin activity 2.8-fold and decreased Ang II 77%. Both drugs decreased plasma aldosterone concentration. For losartan, plasma renin activity and Ang II increases were greater at 2 than at 6 weeks. Effects of losartan were dose related. After the last dose of losartan, plasma renin activity and Ang II changes were similar to placebo changes by 36 hours. These results indicate that long-term blockade of the feedback Ang II receptor in hypertensive patients produces modest increases of plasma renin activity and Ang II that do not appear to affect the antihypertensive response to the antagonist.  相似文献   

The effect of intracerebroventricular (icv) infused corticotropin-releasing hormone (CRH), 300 ng, infused at a rate of 16.67 ng/min during 18 min and its relation to the functioning of brain corticoid receptors was investigated in freely moving rats in their home cages. Behavior was sampled before, during, and after the CRH infusion. Cardiovascular measurements were made via a chronically implanted catheter in the descending aorta. Blood samples were withdrawn to determine adrenal hormone concentration. Central administration of the brain mineralocorticoid-like receptor (MR) antagonist (RU 28318, 100 ng) and the glucocorticoid receptor (GR) antagonist (RU 38486, 100 ng) 60 min before CRH infusion served to manipulate adrenal steroid states in the brain. CRH infusion caused behavioral activation which was associated with an increase in heart rate (HR) and mean arterial blood pressure (MAP). Increased plasma corticosterone and norepinephrine levels were observed, while a minor elevation of epinephrine (E) levels also occurred. Both corticoid receptor antagonists failed to affect the CRH-induced behavioral activation. Administration of the GR antagonist significantly enhanced the magnitude of the CRH-induced increase in E, whereas the effect of the MR antagonist just failed to reach significance. These findings suggest the involvement of central corticoid receptors in sympathoadrenomedullary feedback mechanisms. The MR antagonist elevated baseline MAP probably thereby suppressing the magnitude of the CRH response. The increase in HR was diminished by both antagonists shortly after CRH infusion. Together, the data suggest involvement of brain corticosteroid receptor-mediated processes in neuroendocrine and cardiovascular effects of CRH.  相似文献   

The present study describes the pharmacological profile of ((E)-alpha-[[1-butyl-5-[2-[(2-carboxyphenyl)methoxy]-4-methoxy-phenyl ]-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]methlene]-6-methoxy-1,3-benzodioxole-5-propanoic acid) (SB 234551), a high-affinity, nonpeptide endothelin type A (ETA)-selective receptor antagonist. In human cloned ETA and endothelin type B (ETB) receptors, SB 234551 produced a concentration-dependent displacement of [125I]-endothelin-1 with Ki values of 0.13 and 500 nM, respectively. SB 234551 elicited concentration-dependent, rightward competitive shifts in the endothelin-1 concentration-response curves in isolated rat aorta and isolated human pulmonary artery (ETA receptor-mediated vascular contraction) with Kb values of 1.9 and 1.0 nM, respectively. SB 234551 antagonized ETB receptor-mediated vasoconstriction in the isolated rabbit pulmonary artery, as demonstrated by concentration-dependent, rightward shifts in the sarafotoxin S6c concentration-response curves (Kb = 555 nM). SB 234551 produced weak functional inhibition of sarafotoxin S6c-mediated endothelium-dependent relaxation (IC50 = 7 microM). SB 234551 (10 microM) had no significant effect against contraction produced by several other vasoactive agents and did not significantly influence radioligand binding to a number of diverse receptors. SB 234551 (0. 1-1.0 mg/kg i.v.) dose-dependently inhibited the pressor response to exogenous endothelin-1 in conscious rats. In vivo pharmacokinetic analysis in the rat demonstrated that SB 234551 was rapidly absorbed from the GI tract with a bioavailability of 30%. SB 234551 had a plasma half-life of 125 min and a systemic clearance of 25.0 ml/min/kg. The present study demonstrates that SB 234551 is an antagonist with high affinity for the ETA receptor, while sparing the ETB receptor. SB 234551 is a new pharmacological tool that should assist in the elucidation of the role of endothelin in pathophysiology.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To characterise the effects of delmadinone acetate on the pituitary-adrenal axis, glucose tolerance and growth hormone concentration in normal male dogs and dogs with benign prostatic hyperplasia. DESIGN: A prospective study involving nine normal male dogs and seven with prostatic hyperplasia. PROCEDURE: Delmadinone acetate was administered to six normal male dogs and seven dogs with benign prostatic hyperplasia at recommended dose rates (1.5 mg/kg subcutaneously at 0, 1 and 4 weeks). Three normal controls received saline at the same intervals. Blood concentrations of ACTH, cortisol, glucose, insulin and growth hormone were measured over 50 days. Intravenous glucose tolerance and ACTH response tests were performed before and after treatment in the nine normal animals. RESULTS: A substantial suppression of basal and 2 h post-ACTH plasma cortisol secretion was demonstrated after one dose in all dogs given delmadinone acetate. Individual responses after the second and third administration varied between recovery in adrenal responsiveness to continued suppression. Plasma ACTH concentration was also diminished after one treatment. No effects were evident on glucose tolerance or serum growth hormone concentrations. CONCLUSION: Delmadinone acetate causes adrenal suppression from inhibition of release of ACTH from the pituitary gland. Treated dogs may be at risk of developing signs of glucocorticoid insufficiency if subjected to stressful events during or after therapy. Neither glucose intolerance nor hypersomatotropism seems likely in male dogs given delmadinone acetate at the recommended dose rate, but the potential for excessive growth hormone secretion in treated bitches remains undetermined.  相似文献   

Recent evidence suggests that the central melanocortin (MC) system is a prominent contributor to food intake and body weight control. MC receptor (MC-R) populations in the arcuate and paraventricular nuclei are considered probable sites of action mediating the orexigenic effects of systemically or intracerebroventricularly administered ligands. Yet, the highest MC4-R density in the brain is found in the dorsal motor nucleus of the vagus nerve, situated subjacent to the commissural nucleus of the solitary tract, a site of pro-opiomelanocortin mRNA expression. We evaluated the contribution of the caudal brainstem MC system by (1) performing respective dose-response analyses for an MC-R agonist (MTII) and antagonist (SHU9119) delivered to the fourth ventricle, (2) comparing, in the same rats, the fourth intracerebroventricular dose-response profiles to those obtained with lateral intracerebroventricular delivery, and (3) delivering an effective dose of MTII or SHU9119 to rats before a 24 hr period of food deprivation. Fourth intracerebroventricular agonist treatment yielded a dose-dependent reduction of short-term (2 and 4 hr) and longer-term (24 hr) food intake and body weight. Fourth intracerebroventricular antagonist treatment produced the opposite pattern of results: dose-related increases in food intake and corresponding increases in body weight change for the 24-96 hr observation period. Comparable dose-response functions for food intake and body weight were observed when these compounds were delivered to the lateral ventricle. Results from deprived rats (no effect of MTII or SHU9119 on weight loss) support the impression derived from the dose-response analyses that the body weight change that follows MC treatments is secondary to their respective effects on food intake. Results support the relevance of the brainstem MC-R complement to the control of feeding.  相似文献   

L-158,338 is an imidazo[4,5-b]pyridine derivative that is a potent and highly selective angiotensin II receptor antagonist. Rat liver microsomal metabolism of [C6-3H]L-158,338 gave a major metabolite that was monohydroxylated at the C6 position of the imidazo-pyridine but showed partial retention of the radiolabel. This biotransformation necessitated a shift of the radiolabel from the C6 position to another site within the molecule. We have investigated the mechanism of this biotransformation using 3H-, 3H/14C-, and 2H-labeled L-158,338. Metabolites were identified by FAB/MS, LC/MS, and 1H-NMR. Results of these studies show that the microsomal metabolism of L-158,338 to its C6-monohydroxylated derivative was mediated by a 1,2 hydride shift.  相似文献   

The relationship, in 539 individuals infected with the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), between two prognostic markers, the CD4 count and beta-2-microglobulin (B2M), and the development of the acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) and death was investigated. Cox proportional hazards models were used to determine the risk of AIDS or death. In a multivariate model which adjusted for demographic factors and treatment, the most recent measurements of B2M (relative hazard (RH) 1.37 per g/l higher) and CD4 count (RH 2.17 per log-unit lower) were both significantly associated with the development of AIDS. Similarly, in a multivariate model which additionally adjusted for the development of AIDS as a time dependent covariate, there was a strong relationship with risk of death for the most recent measurements of B2M (RH 1.34 per g/l higher), and CD4 lymphocyte count (RH 1.91 per log-unit lower). A difference in the level of B2M could be used among patients with similar CD4 counts as an indicator of increased risk of progression to AIDS or death. Using the most recent values of these markers provides a better estimate of the risk of AIDS or death, compared to the more common method of analysis, where baseline values of the markers are used.  相似文献   

Dopaminergic compounds affect gastric secretion and response to experimental gastric mucosal injury. We showed previously that the novel dopamine D4 receptor antagonist, clozapine, significantly reduces gastric acid secretion and restraint stress-induced gastric lesions. Because the selectivity of clozapine for D4 receptors has recently been questioned, we tested the ability of a known D1 receptor blocker, SCH23390, to affect clozapine-induced reduction in gastric acid secretion. SCH23390 given i.p. or i.c.v., at doses that did not affect gastric acid secretion, significantly blocked the anti-secretory effect of clozapine, administered either peripherally or centrally. These data suggest that neither clozapine nor SCH23390 exhibit as high a degree of selectivity for the dopamine D4 and D1 receptor, respectively, as previously believed.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of adrenalectomy and a glucocorticoid receptor antagonist, RU38486, on pituitary GH-releasing hormone (GRH) receptor gene expression in rats. GRH receptor mRNA levels were significantly decreased in adrenalectomized rats and replacement of dexamethasone reversed the decrease to normal. GH secretion was inhibited by adrenalectomy, whereas dexamethasone replacement failed to restore the impaired GH secretion. A high dose of RU38486 had an agonistic effect on GRH receptor mRNA levels. These results suggest that endogenous glucocorticoid is necessary for normal expression of pituitary GRH receptor mRNA in rats.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to alter male:female (M:F) body weight ratios in two strains (S12 and S72) of turkeys by selective matings; to study their post-hatching growth patterns and to relate growth patterns to plasma growth hormone (GH), prolactin (Prl), tetraiodothyronine (T4), and triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations. Selection for high and low M:F body weight ratio (HR and LR) was essentially ineffective in both strains. Sex differences in body weight were first significant in S12 at day of age and in S72 at 6 wk. Plasma GH and Prl rose during the first 2 wk of age and fell thereafter while T3 levels decreased and T4 levels increased over time. Differences in plasma hormones between lines and sexes within strains were noted, but showed no consistent patterns. Correlations between GH and growth were mostly negative. When significant, regressions between body weight and GH or gain and GH were generally negative. Significant correlations between Prl and body weight in males were negative whereas they were of mixed sign in females. Correlations between T3 levels from 2 to 8 wk of age and body weight over this same period were mostly positive in males whereas those at later ages and in females were mostly negative. Few significant correlations between T4 and weight were found. These findings suggest that the regulation of growth in turkeys is quite different than that of mammals and that hormones known to regulate growth in some species may not do so in others.  相似文献   

The two neurotensin receptor subtypes known to date, NTR1 and NTR2, belong to the family of G-protein-coupled receptors with seven putative transmembrane domains (TM). SR 48692, a nonpeptide neurotensin antagonist, is selective for the NTR1. In the present study we attempted, through mutagenesis and computer-assisted modeling, to identify residues in the rat NTR1 that are involved in antagonist binding and to provide a tentative molecular model of the SR 48692 binding site. The seven putative TMs of the NTR1 were defined by sequence comparison and alignment of bovine rhodopsin and G-protein-coupled receptors. Thirty-five amino acid residues within or flanking the TMs were mutated to alanine. Additional mutations were performed for basic residues. The wild type and mutant receptors were expressed in COS M6 cells and tested for their ability to bind 125I-NT and [3H]SR 48692. A tridimensional model of the SR 48692 binding site was constructed using frog rhodopsin as a template. SR 48692 was docked into the receptor, taking into account the mutagenesis data for orienting the antagonist. The model shows that the antagonist binding pocket lies near the extracellular side of the transmembrane helices within the first two helical turns. The data identify one residue in TM 4, three in TM 6, and four in TM 7 that are involved in SR 48692 binding. Two of these residues, Arg327 in TM 6 and Tyr351 in TM 7, play a key role in antagonist/receptor interactions. The former appears to form an ionic link with the carboxylic group of SR 48692, as further supported by structure-activity studies using SR 48692 analogs. The data also show that the agonist and antagonist binding sites in the rNTR1 are different and help formulate hypotheses as to the structural basis for the selectivity of SR 48692 toward the NTR1 and NTR2.  相似文献   

Transforming growth factor-beta (TGF-beta) affects cellular proliferation, differentiation, and interaction with the extracellular matrix primarily through interaction with the type I and type II TGF-beta receptors. The type II receptors for TGF-beta and activin contain putative serine-threonine kinase domains. A murine serine-threonine kinase receptor, Tsk 7L, was cloned that shared a conserved extracellular domain with the type II TGF-beta receptor. Overexpression of Tsk 7L alone did not increase cell surface binding of TGF-beta, but coexpression with the type II TGF-beta receptor caused TGF-beta to bind to Tsk 7L, which had the size of the type I TGF-beta receptor. Overexpression of Tsk 7L inhibited binding of TGF-beta to the type II receptor in a dominant negative fashion. Combinatorial interactions and stoichiometric ratios between the type I and II receptors may therefore determine the extent of TGF-beta binding and the resulting biological activities.  相似文献   

Many imidazole derivatives are shown to inhibit adrenal steroid biosynthesis. The present study was undertaken to examine an effect of another imidazole derivative, losartan (an angiotensin II receptor antagonist), on responses of cortisol and aldosterone to adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH). Nine patients with essential hypertension were given placebo orally for 7 days and 50 mg of losartan for the next 9 days. Response of serum cortisol and plasma aldosterone to intramuscular ACTH injection were determined before and at the end of the treatment with losartan. Serum cortisol and plasma aldosterone significantly increased after ACTH injection in both periods of treatment (placebo and losartan). The increments in these parameters during treatment with losartan were not significantly different from those during treatment with placebo. These results suggest that the inhibitory effect of losartan on adrenal steroid biosynthesis is negligible.  相似文献   

Although most people are thought to receive their highest acute exposures to gasoline while refueling, relatively little is actually known about personal, nonoccupational exposures to gasoline during refueling activities. This study was designed to measure exposures associated with the use of an oxygenated fuel under cold conditions in Fairbanks, Alaska. We compared concentrations of gasoline components in the blood and in the personal breathing zone (PBZ) of people who pumped regular unleaded gasoline (referred to as regular gasoline) with concentrations in the blood of those who pumped an oxygenated fuel that was 10% ethanol (E-10). A subset of participants in a wintertime engine performance study provided blood samples before and after pumping gasoline (30 using regular gasoline and 30 using E-10). The biological and environmental samples were analyzed for selected aromatic volatile organic compounds (VOCs) found in gasoline (benzene, ethylbenzene, toluene, m-/p-xylene, and o-xylene); the biological samples were also analyzed for three chemicals not found in gasoline (1,4-dichlorobenzene, chloroform, and styrene). People in our study had significantly higher levels of gasoline components in their blood after pumping gasoline than they had before pumping gasoline. The changes in VOC levels in blood were similar whether the individuals pumped regular gasoline or the E-10 blend. The analysis of PBZ samples indicated that there were also measurable levels of gasoline components in the air during refueling. The VOC levels in PBZ air were similar for the two groups. In this study, we demonstrate that people are briefly exposed to low (ppm and sub-ppm) levels of known carcinogens and other potentially toxic compounds while pumping gasoline, regardless of the type of gasoline used.  相似文献   

The systematic modification of the ETA selective N-(5-isoxazolyl)benzene-sulfonamide endothelin antagonists to give ETB selective antagonists is reported. The reversal in selectivity was brought about by substitution of the 4-position with aryl and substituted aryl groups. Of all the aromatic substituents studied, the para-tolyl group gave rise to the most active and selective ETB antagonist. Larger substituents caused a decrease in both ETB activity and selectivity. A similar trend was observed by substitution at the 5-position of the N-(5-isoxazolyl)-2-thiophenesulfonamide ETA receptor antagonists. The para-tolyl group was again found to be optimal for the ETB activity and selectivity. The structural features that were found to be favorable for binding to the ETB receptor, that is, the presence of a linear, conjugated pi-system of definite shape and size, have been successfully incorporated into the design of ETB selective polycyclic aromatic sulfonamides antagonists.  相似文献   

The antiaggregatory and antithrombotic actions of MK-0852, a cyclic heptapeptide antagonist of the platelet GP IIb/IIIa, were evaluated in a variety of canine models. In vitro, MK-0852 inhibited the aggregation of canine platelet-rich plasma induced by 10 microM ADP in the presence of 1 microM epinephrine with an IC50 value of 0.10 microM. The i.v. infusion of 1.0 and 3.0 micrograms/kg/min MK-0852 to anesthetized dogs significantly inhibited ex vivo platelet aggregation responses to ADP and collagen, with the 3.0 micrograms/kg/min infusion completely inhibiting ex vivo aggregation responses to both agonists. The i.v. administrations of 100 and 300 micrograms/kg MK-0852 suppressed platelet-dependent cyclic flow reductions in stenosed canine left circumflex (LCX) coronary artery for periods of 24 +/- 3 and 64 +/- 4 min, respectively. In a canine model of copper coil-induced femoral arterial thrombosis, i.v. MK-0852 (100 micrograms/kg + 1 microgram/kg/min), initiated 15 min before coil placement, reduced the incidence of occlusive thrombosis during the 45-min post-coil time period of continued therapy (1/5 MK-0852 vs. 7/7 saline; P < .01). MK-0852 was administered as an adjunctive therapy with tPA to evaluate its effects on thrombolysis after copper coil-induced femoral arterial thrombus formation. MK-0852 (i.v.; 100 micrograms/kg + 1 microgram/kg/min), initiated 15 min before tPA, reduced the incidence of post-thrombolysis reocclusion. During the 60-min period of continued drug infusion after the termination of tPA, 0 of 5 animals receiving MK-0852 reoccluded vs. 7/8 saline (P < .01). In a canine model of electrically induced LCX coronary artery thrombosis, i.v. MK-0852 (100 micrograms/kg + 3 micrograms/kg/min), initiated 15 min before the initiation of electrical injury, prevented occlusive thrombosis in 4 of 6 preparations despite the continued electrical stimulation of the vessel for 180 min. Thrombotic occlusion was delayed in the remaining two preparations (99 and 100 min), compared with occlusion in 4 of 4 saline-treated preparations (69.3 +/- 6.3 min). When administered as an adjunct to thrombolytic agents for lysis of electrically induced LCX coronary artery thrombi, i.v. MK-0852 (300 micrograms/kg + 3 micrograms/kg/min), initiated 15 min before tPA or streptokinase, both increased the incidence of reperfusion (tPA: 8/8 MK-0852 vs. 3/8 saline; streptokinase: 5/8 MK-0852 vs. 2/8 saline) and accelerated reperfusion. The incidence of reocclusion during continued adjunctive therapy was reduced.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 400 WORDS)  相似文献   

A modified mE medium (mEI) containing the chromogenic substrate indoxyl-beta-D-glucoside to detect beta-D-glucosidase activity was evaluated with respect to specificity and recovery of enterococci from environmental waters. Extending incubation from 24 to 48 h improved enterococci recovery but 77% of the colonies classified as non-target were confirmed as enterococci. Randomly chosen enterococcal isolates from sewage, exposed in microcosms containing 0.22 micron membrane filtered fresh or estuarine water, exhibited differences in persistence as a function of exposure treatment. Decreasing the concentration of or eliminating indoxyl-beta-D-glucoside from mE did not significantly affect recovery of purified isolates.  相似文献   

An in vitro perifusion system was developed for bovine hypothalamic tissue to examine the role of alpha 2-adrenergic receptors in the regulation of growth hormone-releasing hormone (GHRH) and somatostatin (SRIF) release. Up to three sagittal slices (600 microns) of hypothalamus, immediately parallel to the midline, were cut in an oxygenated balanced salt solution at 4 degrees C, placed in 5 cc syringes, and perifused at 37 degrees C with oxygenated minimum essential medium-alpha at a flow rate of 0.15 ml/min. Three experiments were conducted, and medium effluent was collected every 20 min before (two samples), during (one or three samples), and after (six samples) treatment. Areas under GHRH and SRIF response curves (AUC), adjusted by covariance for pretreatment values, were calculated from samples collected during the treatment/post-treatment period. Location from which slices were cut, relative to the sagittal midline, had no effect on basal release of GHRH and SRIF, but variation in basal release of GHRH and SRIF differed among animals. Medium containing 60 mM KCI increased AUC for GHRH 39% and 161% for SRIF when compared with perifusion of medium alone, thereby verifying that tissue remained viable for at least 14 hr. Activation of alpha 2-adrenergic receptor with 10(-6) and 10(-4) M clonidine increased AUC for GHRH from 54.8 (control) to 79.1 and 108.7 +/- 2.5 ng.ml-1 min for 10(-6) M and 10(-4) M clonidine, respectively. Guanabenz, another alpha 2-adrenergic receptor agonist, at 10(-8), 10(-6), and 10(-4) M also increased GHRH release from 45.5 (control) to 52.8, 66.2, and 86.7 +/- 1.6 ng.ml-1 min, respectively. Clonidine and guanabenz did not affect release of SRIF. An alpha 2-adrenergic receptor antagonist, idazoxan, blocked clonidine-induced release of GHRH without affecting release of SRIF. We concluded that alpha 2-adrenergic receptor stimulation of in vivo growth hormone secretion in cattle is mediated via an increase in release of GHRH and not a change in release of SRIF.  相似文献   

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