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HEAT-CLEARING ANDDAMPNESS-DRYING DRUGSMost drugs of this type are bitter in fla-vour and cold in property with the actionsof removing heat and dampness.They arechiefly indicated for damp-heat syndromes,manifesting dysphoria,bitter taste in themouth,greasy tongue coating,a feeling of  相似文献   

HEAT-CLEARING ANDBLOOD-COOLING DRUGSMost drugs of this type are bitter,sweet,salty,and cold.They have the effectsof dispelling pathogenic heat from the yingand blood systems,and are chiefly indicatedfor epidemic febrile diseases with thepathogenic heat already in the ying and  相似文献   

Drugs used for clearing away the inter-nal heat are called heat-clearing drugs.Heat-clearing drugs are cool or cold inproperty with the effects of clearing awayheat,purging fire,removing heat from theblood,detoxicating,and clearing away heatof the deficiency type.They are chiefly indi-cated for febrile diseases with high fever,dys-entery of the heat type,suppurative infec-  相似文献   

Most drugs of this kind are cold inproperty and have the effects of resolvingheat-phlegm.They are indicated for cough,thick and yellow sputum,difficulty inexpectoration,epilepsy,convulsions,scrofula,and multiple or metastatic ab-scesses,and are often combined withheat-clearing drugs.  相似文献   

Drugs which can induce diarrhea andpromote laxation of the bowels are definedas purgative or purgativest drugs.Purgative drugs have the effects of re-laxing the bowels,clearing away heat,purg-ing fire,dispelling retained fluid and re-ducing edema.They are indicated for interi-or syndromes of excess type marked by drystool,constipation,food stagnation,accu-mulation of heat of excess type in the interi-or,edema and fluid retention.Purgative drugs are divided into three  相似文献   

Each drug has its own specific charac-ters.In traditional Chinese medicine,the dif-ferent characters of drugs are employed totreat diseases,rectify the hyperativity orhypoactivity of yin or yang,and help thebody restore its normal physiological func-tions,consequently curing the diseases andrestoring health.The various characters andfunctions of the drugs concerning medicaltreatment include drugs′ properties,  相似文献   

DRUGS FOR CLEARING HEATOF DEFICIENCY TYPEThis type of drugs have the effect ofclearing heat away from the blood andcleansing heat of deficiency type.They areprincipally indicated for hectic or tidal feverdue to yin deficiency,feverish sensation inthe palms and soles,or nocturnal and linger-ing low-grade fever.These drugs are often  相似文献   

Drugs of this category have the effectsof nourishing the lung to relieve cough andlowering the adverse flow of q(?) to relieveasthma.They are indicated for syndrome ofcough and dyspnea which is very complicat-ed and may be manifested as cough withoutsputum,cough with watery thin sputum orwith yellow thick sputum,cough withdyspnea due to affection by exopathogens,or cough with dyspnea due to consumptivediseases.Appropriate drugs should be chos-en with regard to the different syndromes,  相似文献   

Drugs with the principal effects of dis-persing pathogenic factors from thesuperficies of the body and relieving exteriorsyndromes are called drugs for treating exte-rior syndromes,or diaphoretics.Most of the drugs in this class are pun-gent in flavour,used to expel pathogenic fac-tors from the superficies of the body or re-  相似文献   

An upper respiratory tract infection is acatarrhal inflammation of the upperrespiratory tract caused by viruses or bacte-ria.The chief clinical manifestations arestuffy nose,nasal discharge,sneezing,coughing and sore-throat,as well as aver-sion to wind,fever and headache.Tradi-tional Chinese medicine calls it“gan mao(common cold)”.  相似文献   

THE PROCESSING ANDAPPLICATION OF DRUGSDrug processing is the process of treat-ing natural drugs in accordance with thetherapeutical,dispensing andpharmaceutical requirements before they areused or further made into various prepara-tions.All the traditional Chinses drugs must  相似文献   

Chronic gastritis is of non-specificchroic inflammation of the gastric mucosa.The chief clinical manifestations includesuch symptoms as chronic epigastralgia anddyspepsia.  相似文献   

The present library,the first of its kind in the world edited chiefly by Dr.Zhang Enqin,directorof the Advanced Studies Department of Shandong College of Traditional Chinese Medicine(TCM),has been published in succession starting from May,1989,and will be completed in June,1990,bythe Publishing House of Shanghai College of TCM.  相似文献   

Located in the ancient city Xi‘an and founded in 1979 by the hospital president Chen Guoyi, a famous physician of TCM handed down from his forefather for four generations, the XI‘AN HANSENZHAI HEMORRHOID HOSPITAL is a distinctive special hospital on a grand scale.  相似文献   

Located in the ancient city Xi‘an and founded in 1979 by the hospital president Chen Guoyi, a famous physician of TCM handed down from his forefather for four generations, the XI‘AN HANSENZHAI HEMORRHOID HOSPITAL is a distinctive special hospital on a grand scale.  相似文献   

Objective Adopting serological methods of compound Chinese medicine that including 'Yi-Fei-Yin' to treat lung cancer, 'Yi-Chang-Tai' to treat lung cancer and 'Wei-Ai-Ning' to treat gastric cancer to explore the induced effect on the tumor cell apoptosis. Methods (1) Culture conventionally A549 human lung cancer cell lines, CCL229 human colorectal carcinoma cell lines and gastric cancer cell line SGC7901, and observe under the inverted microscope. (2) Three Chinese medicine compound which were decoction, three consecutive days of intragastric administration to rats, last administration was two hours before the animals were killed, according to the serum drug Preparation prepared medicinal serum. (3) Three drugs were cultured in serum of A549 human lung cancer cell lines, CCL229 human colorectal carcinoma cell lines and cell line SGC7901 48 hours. (4) With rubber scraper scraped cells, cell suspension will be transferred to the centrifuge tube centrifuge 2000 rpm/min, 15min, Agar processing into pieces, washed with PBS, 1% osmium acid fixed, gradient ethanol and acetone dehydration, epoxy-embedded mesh, the conventional ultra thin section, electron stain. (5) To observe and take a picture under the JEM1200 TEM. Results (1) The parapodium of tumor cells decreased even disappeared, endocytoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria and other cell organelles for Poly IC, chromatin condensation, margination a 'crescent'. (2) It is apoptosis characteristic structure--the membrane parcels, containing some of the broken device and cell chromatin of apoptotic bodies. Conclusion Compound Chinese medicine serum has the function to induce tumor cells apoptosis, widely used for clinical medicine compound against lung cancer, gastric cancer and colorectal cancer provide reliable experimental evidence.  相似文献   

TonifyingtheHeartandtheSpleen(补益心脾)(补益心脾)[buyixinpi]:atherapeuticmethodbyadministeringtonicstotreatinsuffi ciencyofboththeHeartandtheSpleen,e.g.,deficiencyofSpleenQiandHeartblood.  TonifyingbothQiandblood(气血双补)(气血双补)[qixueshuangbu]:atherapeuticmethod…  相似文献   

Reviewof"ENGLISH-CHINESECHINESE-ENGLISHDICTIONARYofCHINESEMEDICINE"EditedbyNigelWiseman,HunanScienceandTechnologyPress,Changs...  相似文献   

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