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Pollen and diatoms preserved in the radiocarbon dated sediments of Two Frog Lake in the Seymour-Belize Inlet Complex of the central mainland coast of British Columbia document postglacial climate change. Two Frog Lake was isolated from the sea prior to 11,040 ± 50 yr BP (13,030 cal. yr BP) when the climate was cool and dry, and open Pinus contorta woodlands covered the landscape. These woodlands were replaced by a mixed conifer forest ca. 10,200 yr BP (ca. 12,300 cal. yr BP) when the climate became moister. A relatively dry and warm early Holocene climate allowed Pseudotsuga menziesii to migrate northward to this site where it grew with Picea, Tsuga heterophylla and Alnus. The climate became cooler and moister at ca. 8,000 yr BP (ca. 9,200 cal. yr BP), approximately 500–1,000 years prior to sites located south of Two Frog Lake and on the Queen Charlotte Islands, but contemporary with sites on the northern mainland coast of British Columbia and south coastal Alaska. Climate heterogeneity in central coastal British Columbia appears to have occurred on a synoptic scale, suggesting that atmospheric dynamics linked to a variable Aleutian Low pressure system may have had an important influence on early Holocene climate change in the Seymour-Belize Inlet Complex. The transition to cooler and moister conditions facilitated the expansion of Cupressaceae and the establishment of a modern-type coastal temperate rainforest dominated by Cupressaceae and T. heterophylla. This was associated with progressive lake acidification. Diatom changes independent of vegetation change during the late Holocene are correlative with the mid-Neoglacial period, when cooler temperatures altered diatom communities.  相似文献   

Changes in the diatom assemblages preserved in a sediment core taken from a small lake located north of arctic treeline on the western Taimyr Peninsula, Russia, were examined in order to investigate late Holocene (i.e., ca 5000 cal yr BP to present) climatic and environmental changes within the region. Early diatom assemblages were dominated by benthic Fragilaria taxa and indicate a transitional phase in the lake history, most likely reflecting lake development and environmental change associated with treeline retreat to the south of the study site. Concurrent with pollen and macrofossil evidence of a vegetation shift to shrub tundra in the catchment basin at ca 4200 cal yr BP, an increase in cold-water taxa, followed by little change in diatom assemblages until ca 2800 cal yr BP, suggests that conditions were relatively cool and stable at this time. The last 2000 years of the Middendorf Lake record have been marked by fluctuating limnological conditions, characterized by striking successional shifts between Fragilaria pinnata and Aulacoseira distans var. humilis. Recent conditions in Middendorf Lake indicate an increase in diatom taxa previously rare in the record, possibly associated with twentieth-century climatic warming. The Middendorf Lake record indicates that significant limnological change may occur in the absence of catchment vegetation shifts, suggesting late-Holocene decoupling of aquatic and terrestrial responses to climatic and hydrological change. Our study results represent one of the few paleoecological records currently available from northern Russia, and highlight the need for further development of calibration data sets from this region.  相似文献   

A stratigraphic record from a lake in the Central Plateau Regionof northern British Columbia reveals changes in environment and inferredclimate during the Holocene. Upon deglaciation (ca. 11500 BP), Skinny Lakebecame an embayment of an ice-dammed lake. High clastic sedimentationrates, an unstable landscape, and cool, possibly wet conditions likelypersisted until the early Holocene (ca. 9000 BP). From ca. 9000–8300 BPdeclining lake levels coupled with warm and dry conditions resulted in theformation of a prominent marl bed. A colonizing shrub and herb assemblagepersisted from 9000 BP until about 8300 BP when it was replaced by a spruce(Picea) and subalpine fir (Abieslasiocarpa) forest under slightly cooler and moister conditions. Themiddle Holocene was warmer-than-present, however, decreasingtemperature and increasing precipitation trends characterize the period fromca. 6000 BP–3000 BP. The transition to modern climate at 3000 BP isevident primarily in the lithostratigraphic record and corresponds with theinitiation of the Tiedemann glacial advance (ca. 3300 BP) in thesouth-coastal mountains of British Columbia. A significant change infossil pollen occurs at ca. 2400 BP and is characterised by an increase in pinepollen accompanied by decreases in alder (Alnus), spruceand fir. This also coincides with an increase in west-sourced exoticwestern hemlock (Tsuga heterophylla) and cedar type(Cupressaceae) pollen possibly transported by regional changes in air masscirculation patterns associated with Aleutian Low dynamics. This studydemonstrates that both lithostratigraphic and biotic proxies are helpful inreconstructing the timing and nature of climate change and that each may havevarying sensitivities to a particular type of change.  相似文献   

Surficial sediments of three northern Egyptian lakes (Manzala, Burullus and Edku) show differences in diatom assemblages deposited in different sites of these lakes. A total of 172 species and varieties belonging to 58 genera were identified and counted from 62 samples. Of these, 163 diatom taxa were recorded from Manzala Lake sediments, 147 taxa were found in Burullus Lake sediments, and 117 taxa were identified in Edku Lake sediments. The considerable variation in the composition and distribution of the diatom assemblages among these lakes was mainly related to differences in the water quality, salinity, the concentration of nutrients and climatic changes. The planktonic diatom Cyclotella meneghiniana was dominant in the majority of the samples from Manzala Lake, but dominant in only a few samples from the middle parts of Burullus and Edku lakes. The non-planktonic epiphytic taxa Cocconeis placentula and Epithemia sorex were the subdominant species in the surface sediments, especially in shallow and marginal parts of the lakes. Multivariate statistical techniques (hierarchical ascending clustering and canonical correspondence analysis) were used to identify ecological groups of diatoms and to investigate which environmental variables were important in explaining the variation between these groups. Eight ecological groups containing distinctive diatom assemblages reflect current environmental conditions; especially saltwater intrusion in the north and nutrient-rich freshwater in the south.  相似文献   

Diatoms were examined in three lacustrine sediment records from Alert, northern Ellesmere Island, and from Isachsen, Ellef Ringnes Island. Diatom assemblages changed markedly since the mid-19th century following relatively stable community composition that spanned centuries to millennia. Three different assemblages, primarily composed of Fragilaria pinnata, Diadesmis spp., or Pinnularia spp., dominated the pre-1850 period at the three sites, but were replaced with different, more diverse assemblages in recent sediments. These species shifts occurred in the mid- to late-19th century in the Isachsen sites, and in the mid- to late-20th century in our Alert site. This difference in timing appears to be a result of the different sensitivities of lakes and ponds to environmental change, rather than of site-specific chemical properties. Reconstructions of pH using diatom inference models indicated increases from 0.5 to 0.8 pH units at these sites over this period of assemblage change. The diatom-inferred pH record from Alert showed agreement with measured climate data from Alert over the last 30 years. These marked community changes suggest that these sensitive high arctic sites have recently crossed important ecological thresholds due to environmental change, most likely related to recent warming.  相似文献   

The late Quaternary diatom records from alpine Opabin Lake (altitude 2285 m a.s.l.) and sub-alpine Mary Lake (altitude 2054 m a.s.l.), located in Yoho National Park, British Columbia (lat. 51 ° 21N; long. 116 ° 20), have been analyzed, and changes in these records have been used to reconstruct lake histories. The results have also been related to independently inferred vegetation and climate changes. Following deglaciation, when both lakes were receiving high inputs of clastic materials, benthic diatom taxa dominate the records of these two shallow lakes with small species ofFragilaria being particularly prominent. During the early to mid-Holocene period, when treeline was at a higher elevation than today, the diatom flora of both lakes became more diverse with previously minor species becoming more prominent.Cyclotella radiosa occurs in cores from both Mary Lake, and much deeper, neighbouring Lake O'Hara during the warm early Holocene, and may reflect this warmer climate, a longer ice-free season than presently, and perhaps less turbid water, or its presence may reflect a subtly higher nutrient status of the lake water during this period. The Neoglacial is marked by increased amounts of sediments originating from glacial sources in Opabin Lake, which undoubtedly led to very turbid water, and by the presence ofEllerbeckia arenaria f.teres andCampylodiscus noricus v.hibernica in Opabin Lake; however, these species are absent from Mary Lake which has not been influenced by either glacial activity since the recession of the glaciers prior toc. 10 000 years BP or water originating from Opabin Lake. The impact of the two tephras during the Holocene was dramatic in terms of increased diatom production, as exemplified by the increases in diatom numbers, but there was little effect upon species composition. The diatom records and changes in the diatom:cyst ratio suggest that the chemical status of these two small, shallow lakes has changed little during the Holocene, other than after deposition of the two tephras. These results provide evidence that shallow alpine and high sub-alpine lakes are sensitive recorders of past environmental changes.  相似文献   

以1992年、2002年、2013年的Landsat TM/ETM+/OLI遥感影像为基础,人工解译阿尔泰山区三期冰湖边界与类型,叠置获取由SRTM DEM派生的流域、海拔、坡向属性,分析冰湖的时空分布与变化特征,探讨影响该区冰湖演化的因素。研究表明:1目前该区共有冰湖1147片,总面积101.63 km2。近20年冰湖总体数量增多、面积增大。2冰川侵蚀湖与冰碛阻塞湖对气候变化的响应不同。3随着气温升高,冰川侵蚀湖水量盈亏峰值上升至更高海拔,冰碛阻塞湖变化愈不稳定。4西风环流对该区冰湖影响深远,偏西向坡面降水量充足,故偏西向冰川侵蚀湖总体变化量小,而偏西向冰碛阻塞湖则在收入持续大于支出的情况下不断扩张。5相对于中国西部其他高山高原区,该区海拔低,冰湖对气候变化响应十分敏感,各空间单元中冰湖收入与支出水量多少受气温升高与降水减少幅度的影响大。  相似文献   


In the major physiographic divisions of the north-east of European Russia, temperatures in the cryolithozone and the active/seasonally frozen layer were monitored during the period 1970 to 1995. Active layer depths increased on average by 11% to 15%, whereas the depths of the seasonally frozen layer decreased by 19% to 40%. The largest positive temperature increments, up to 1.2C, were characteristic for the piedmont and basement plains. Lacustrine-alluvial lowlands demonstrated oppositely directed temperature trends depending on a landform. Numerous sites with ongoing permafrost formation demonstrated negative temperature increments varying from 0.1C to 2.0C.  相似文献   

Diatom abundances in the surface sediment samples of 41 mountain lakes in the central Austrian Alps (Niedere Tauern) were related to environmental variables using multi-variate techniques. Canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) revealed that the pH, date of autumn mixing (A mix), mean August water temperature (T Aug), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), and relative water depth (Z rel) made significant contributions to explain the diatom assemblage variation in the lakes of the training set. A weighted averaging partial least square regression and calibration model was used to establish Di-pH (R 2 boot= 0.72, RMSEPboot= 0.131), and a thermistor measurements-based PLS model for A mix (R 2 boot= 0.71, RMSEPboot= 0.006 log10 Julian days). The latter showed a better prediction than T Aug, and was used in terms of climate change. These transfer functions, together with analyses of loss on ignition (LOI), the total carbon/nitrogen (C/N)-ratios, and selected pollen, were applied to an early to mid-Holocene (11.5–4 cal. ky BP) sediment core section from an Austrian Alpine treeline lake on crystalline bedrock. Additionally, passive sample scores in the CCA of the diatom training set were used to show trends in the variables DOC and Z rel. During the early Holocene, diatoms indicative of increased pH, extended warm summers, and low water levels dominated. Between 10.2 and 7.6 cal. ky BP it was followed by diatom assemblages that indicated an increase in lake water depth and an earlier A mix. The multi-proxy data suggest that the A mix decline is the result of a series of snow-rich summer cool and wet climate fluctuations, which were divided by climate warming at ∼9 cal. ky BP. Increased A mix, LOI and DOC, and the correspondent decline in the C/N-ratios, show subsequent climate warming between 7.3 and 6 cal. ky BP. The long-term trend in Di-pH indicates the impact of catchment-related processes during the early-Holocene, that were superimposed by climate.  相似文献   

We examined algal remains and fossil pigments in 210Pb-dated sediment cores from Lake Biwa to explore historical changes in the phytoplankton community of the lake over the past 100 years and to identify environmental factors that caused those changes. Fluxes of fossil pigments and algal remains were very low before the 1960s, but increased through the 1960s and 1970s, indicating that the lake had eutrophied in the 20 years since 1960. After 1980, however, fluxes of all fossil pigments and algal remains decreased or stabilized. Redundancy analysis with meteorological and limnological variables explained more than 70% of the variation of these fluxes and showed that the decrease in fluxes of most algal taxa that occurred in the 1980s was related to changes in meteorological variables such as wind velocity, rather than changes in the lake’s trophic state. Sedimentary records of algal remains also revealed that Aulacoseira nipponica, an endemic diatom species that grows in winter, decreased dramatically after 1980, while Fragilaria crotonensis, a cosmopolitan spring diatom species, became dominant. Replacement of one dominant diatom species by another could not be explained simply by changes in the lake trophic state, but was reasonably strongly related with an increase in winter water temperature. These results suggest that the phytoplankton community in Lake Biwa was influenced by changes in local environmental conditions (nutrient loading) through the 1960s and 1970s, but more so by regional (meteorological) and global (climate warming) factors since 1980.  相似文献   

Recent sediments of eight small lakes in the northern winter range of Yellowstone National Park were cored to examine stratigraphic records of past changes in limnology and local environment that might be attributed to grazing and other activities of elk, bison, and other large ungulates. Cores of undisturbed sediment were analyzed at close intervals to depths covering the last 100–150 years according to chronologies established by lead-210 dating. Pollen analyses were made to show change in regional vegetation, and diatom and geochemical analyses were made to reveal possible limnological changes resulting from soil erosion and nutrient input from the lake catchments.Variations in sedimentary components prior to establishment of the Park in 1872 indicate some natural variability in environmental factors e.g., erosional inputs in landslide areas west of Gardiner. All lakes had abundant nutrient inputs.After the Park was founded, fire suppression may have been responsible for small increases in pollen percentages of various conifers and Artemisia tridentata (big sagebrush) at different times in different lakes. Perceptible decreases in pollen of willow, aspen, alder, and birch at different times may reflect local ungulate browsing, although drier climatic conditions may have been a factor as well.The most striking manifestation of accelerated erosion in a catchment was found at a lake located beside a road constructed in the 1930s. In contrast to changes at this site, the record of erosion at other lakes is hardly perceptible. Changes in sediment-accumulation rates seen at most sites result from redistribution of sediment within the lake after initial deposition.In the century following Park establishment, the abundance of planktonic diatoms relative to benthic taxa varies among lakes and may reflect differential nutrient inputs or changes in lake level. Four of the five lakes analyzed for diatoms show in the last few decades an increase in planktonic relative to benthic species, implying elevated nutrient inputs. The recent flora, however, is similar to that in pre-Park levels which suggests that these lakes have not been perturbed outside their normal range. Increased nutrient supply in recent decades for at least two of the lakes is supported by the geochemical data, which show an increase in biogenic silica and in organic matter.As a whole, our investigation of the sedimentary record does not support the hypothesis that ungulate grazing has had a strong direct or indirect effect on the vegetation and soil stability in the lake catchments or on the water quality of the lakes.  相似文献   

树木生长响应气候变化的敏感度是全球变化研究的重要内容。利用20世纪以来美国本土1058个样本点的树轮宽度指数和温度、降水数据,通过相关分析,揭示了树木生长速率年际变化响应气候变化敏感度的时空差异。研究发现:① 美国树木径向生长速率与温度普遍负相关、与降水普遍正相关,绝大多数地区树木生长受水分条件限制。② 径向生长速率对温度和降水响应敏感度呈现一定的季节差异,最敏感的季节因地区而异,这主要与不同月份温度、降水条件差异导致的水分条件变化有关。同时,径向生长速率对温度、降水响应敏感度还随着气候条件变化而变化,随着年平均温度升高(降低),径向生长速率与温度的负相关逐渐增强(减弱),随着年降水增加(减少),与降水的正相关强度逐渐减弱(增强)。  相似文献   

本文根据1901年以来的62次强火山(VEI≥4)喷发年表和英国东安格利亚大学气候研究中心发布的格点气温资料(CRU TS v.3.22),采用时序叠加分析方法,辨识了不同纬度、不同季节强火山喷发对中国温度变化区域差异的影响。结果表明:不同纬度强火山喷发后的1~2年,中国温度基本以下降为主,但降温强度存在显著的区域与季节差异。高纬火山喷发后的显著降温区域发生在东北和东南地区,冬半年温度下降达1.2°C,夏半年温度下降2.0°C;中低纬火山喷发后,冬半年温度的显著下降区域发生在青藏、东南和东中部地区,幅度为1.3~2.2°C,夏半年温度下降幅度比冬半年小;赤道火山喷发后,冬半年温度显著下降区域发生在东北、东南和青藏地区,且降温幅度均大于1.2°C,夏半年西北和东中部地区降温幅度偏小。此外,强火山喷发后第3年,部分地区还出现二次降温现象,降幅甚至超过第一次;然而,同一纬度强火山喷发后,其所造成的降温幅度和降温区域差异与强火山喷发的季节关系不大。  相似文献   

Environmental change in many tropical, alpine habitats remains poorly resolved due to an absence of proximate and sustained observations. In the Rwenzori Mountains of East Africa, glaciers have receded rapidly over the last century, and here we assess the impact of this recession through palaeolimnological analyses of a 45 cm sediment core (Buju3) from Lake Bujuku which is closest to the ice-fields and partly supplied by melt water in-flows. 210Pb and 137Cs suggest that Buju3 has an average sedimentation rate of 2.9 mm year−1 and the base of the core can be dated to 1864 ± 20 years. Contemporary diatom taxa found in the lake are dominated by Tabellaria flocculosa and Synedra spp., but also include Achnanthes minutissima and Fragilaria pinnata. However, the diatom flora for Buju3 is less diverse and dominated by small, tychoplanktonic species of Fragilaria. Over the period associated with glacial recession, organic carbon isotope analysis (δ13C) suggests a small but distinct increase in within-lake productivity, which increases in rate since the mid 1970s up to the present day, in line with a shift towards increased algal productivity (as highlighted by C/N ratios). However, the diatom and pollen records appear rather insensitive to changes in glacier recession since the late 19th century.  相似文献   

Remains of scaled chrysophytes, magnetic minerals and pollen were used to analyze the recent paleolimnological history of a small lake, Lake Waynewood, in the Pocono Mountains of Pennsylvania. Important shifts in all three variables were observed over the 133 years represented by the core. The most significant changes occurred near the turn of the century when the watershed was heavily logged. Before the logging event, species such asSynura sphagnicola, S. spinosa, Mallomonas galeiformis andM. duerrschmidtiae were co-dominant members of the flora. Subsequent to the deforestation of the watershed other taxa, includingM. crassisquama, M. caudata andS. petersenii, increased in relative importance. Concurrent with changes in the scaled chrysophytes was a six-fold increase in the concentrations of magnetic material, presumably the result of increased erosion caused by the logging. Changes in pollen grains also correlate well with the onset of the deforestation event. The scaled chrysophyte inferred specific conductivity of the lake has more than tripled, with the primary increase occurring concurrent with the commencement of logging and the increase in magnetic mineral material. The effects of other human-related disturbances are also discussed.  相似文献   

In this study temporal trends of 14 climate and snow parameters related to ski conditions were analyzed for 11 ski stations located in the central Pyrenees (Spain and Andorra). We also investigated whether there was a temporal association for the analyzed parameters, such that the occurrence in a particular year of good (or bad) climate or snow conditions as represented by one parameter was similarly reflected by the other parameters. The lack of reliable climate and snow measurements was overcome by the use of simulated climate data retrieved from a high resolution hindcast simulation available for the period 1960–2006. These data were also used as inputs for an energy and mass snow energy model to obtain snow series. The results showed trends in ski reliability parameters for the 1960–2006 period. The number of days having a snowpack deeper than 30 cm and 100 cm showed declines at low and mid altitudes. The start of the ski season appears progressively delayed for all stations, and the ski season shortened. The frequency of rainy days increased at 3 stations and decreased at 8, while the frequency of days having heavy snowfall increased at 8 stations and declined at 3. Days having potential for snowmaking declined at all stations. The number of days having a wind-chill < −20 °C also decreased markedly, as overall did the number of days having a wind speed greater than 80th percentile. The main findings from the assessment of temporal associations between climate and snow parameters were positive correlations between snow depth and windy conditions. Seasons having a higher frequency of very cold days had a lower frequency of heavy snowfall and rainy days. Thus, the adverse effects on the ski industry of lesser snow availability may have been partially negated by the occurrence of fewer days of closure because of high winds, or other adverse meteorological factors.  相似文献   


In the European Alps, high mountain environments are subject to major impacts resulting from climate change, which strongly affect human activities such as mountaineering. The purpose of the study was to examine changes in access routes to 30 high mountain huts in the Western Alps since the 1990s. Data were derived from the use of two different methods, geo-historical studies and a questionnaire, and were used to identify both the climate-related processes affecting the climbing routes and the strategies implemented by public entities, Alpine clubs, guide companies, and hut keepers to maintain acceptable safety and technical conditions. The case studies revealed issues affecting three access routes and the results from the questionnaire showed that the main processes affecting access routes were loss of ice thickness and retreat from the front of the glaciated areas. Commonly, in situ equipment was installed to facilitate access for mountaineers and/or a part of a route was relocated to a safer area. The authors conclude that in most cases, the measures were effective but they were limited by financial, ethical and legal issues, especially in protected or classified areas that could jeopardise their durability and effectiveness.  相似文献   

Sedimentation rate data of Engstromet al. (1991) were analyzed in relation to the elevation of the eight ponds studied. The ... asynchroneity of the stratigraphic changes among the lakes ... that they noted was transformed into a pattern of time-transgressive change of sedimentation rate with elevation. Sediment units representing increasing (and decreasing) sedimentation rate and accelerating (and decelerating) sediment accumulation were correlated from pond to pond, suggesting that the sediment-producing condition somehow moved upslope over time at a rate of 3.4 to >5 m yr–1. Climatic data appear not to explain this monotonic pattern, but dendrochronological data and elk population numbers suggest that ungulate foraging patterns might. Engstromet al. (1991) concluded that ...the lake-sediment records in the northern range do not convincingly show systematic direct or indirect effects of ungulate grazing during the history of the Park. Reinterpretation of these sediment data suggests that detailed reanalysis might lead to a different conclusion.  相似文献   

The recent sediments from two deep arctic lakes, Mitrofanovskoe and Vanuk-ty, situated in the permafrost belt within the Bolshezemelskaya Tundra in the northern Ural region, were studied for diatoms, chironomids, spheroidal carbonaceous particles and stable lead isotopes. The magnitudes and rates-of-change in diatom and chironomid assemblages were numerically estimated. Instrumental climate records were used to assess statistically the amount of variance in diatom and chironomid data explained by temperature. August and September air temperatures have a statistically significant effect on diatom composition at both lakes. At Mitrofanovskoe Lake, major compositional changes in diatom and chironomid assemblages occurred at the turn of the 20th century and might be related to the regional increase in temperature. Chironomid-inferred air temperature also increased by approximately 1 °C since the early 1900s. At both lakes diatom compositional changes, coincident with the increase in June and September temperatures, also occurred in the late 1960s. These compositional changes are correlated with the increase in diatom production, sediment organic content and diatom species richness, and are likely to be a diatom response to the lengthening of the growing season. These changes are also correlated with the circum-Arctic temperature increase from the 1960s. A chironomid response to the late 1960s temperature increase was less pronounced at both lakes. Pollution levels are relatively low and pollution history is unrelated to ecological changes. Both lead isotopes and spheroidal carbonaceous particles show a clear atmospheric pollution signal, peaking in the 1980s.  相似文献   

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