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干旱半干旱区是气候变化和人类活动的敏感和脆弱区,研究地区干旱时空演变特征有助于成灾机理分析。甘肃省河东地区是我国典型干旱半干旱区,主要依靠自然降水维持农业生产,旱灾尤为突出。基于标准化降水指数和标准化径流指数探讨河东地区气象-水文干旱的时空演变特征,结果表明:(1)气象干旱多发生于春夏两季及陇东地区,较少发生季节型以上气象干旱;(2)水文干旱较气象干旱历时更长,多年尺度干旱时有发生;(3)不同季节气象-水文干旱滞时不同,春夏两季几乎无滞后,秋季约滞后1个月,冬季约滞后4个月;(4)陇中和陇东地区历史受灾/成灾面积较大。本研究可为干旱半干旱区的旱灾预警评估和旱灾防控工作提供参考。 相似文献
受全球气候变化影响,澜沧江-湄公河流域气象水文干旱发生了较大变化,预测未来流域干旱的时空变化与传播特征是应对气候变化、开展澜湄水资源合作的基础。利用SWAT模型通过气陆耦合方式模拟了澜沧江-湄公河流域历史(1960—2005年)和未来时期(2022—2050年,2051—2080年)的水文过程,采用标准化降水指数和标准化径流指数预估并分析了流域未来气象水文干旱时空变化趋势。结果表明:①澜沧江-湄公河流域未来降水呈增长趋势,气象干旱将有所缓解,但降水年内分配不均与流域蒸发的增加,将导致水文干旱更为严峻,干旱从气象到水文的传播过程加剧;②水文干旱具有明显的空间异质性,允景洪和清盛站的水文干旱最为严重,琅勃拉邦、穆达汉和巴色站次之,万象站最弱;③未来流域水文干旱事件发生频次略有减少,但其中重旱、特旱事件占比增加,极端干旱将趋多趋强,且空间变化更加显著。 相似文献
干旱等级具有多级和跃迁性质,有必要提出一种既能反映不同干旱等级变化特征,又能体现干旱总体变化特征的定量评估方法。通过构建干旱等级变化的概率矩阵,引入变化率乘子和变化程度乘子,推导干旱等级变化率和变化程度计算公式,提出干旱等级变化的综合定量评估方法;借助标准化降水蒸散指数和标准化径流指数,应用于东江流域评估月、季和年尺度的气象干旱向水文干旱传递过程中干旱等级变化及水库影响下水文干旱等级变化。结果表明:①气象干旱向水文干旱传递过程中干旱总体变化程度较小,但干旱等级变化明显,月、季和年尺度的总体变化率分别达到了45.9%、46.8%和34.9%;②干旱在10月下降了约1.4个等级,在春季上升了约1.3个等级;③水库径流调节对于缓解月、季尺度水文干旱作用显著,干旱等级总体变化率均约为33%,其中春季干旱程度下降了约1个等级。该方法不仅适用于评估干旱变化,也可应用于评估具有分级特征的其他灾害变化。 相似文献
利用1961-2005年呼伦湖湿地的气象及水文资料, 基于水量平衡方程, 以湿地各年水量盈亏累积量(∑ΔW)为因子, 建立了呼伦湖湿地水域面积和水位高程的消长对气象及水文因子协同作用的响应模型, 分析了湿地水域面积和水位高程的消长对影响因子的响应特征.结果表明:呼伦湖湿地消长对气象及水文因子的年代际变化有很好的响应.年平均气温每增加1 ℃, 湿地水域面积和水位高程分别减少134.5 km2和93.44 cm; 年降水量每增加10 mm, 二者分别增加10.2 km2和7.1 cm; 年蒸发量每增加10 mm, 二者分别减少1.1 km2和0.9 cm; 年径流量每增加1×108m3, 二者分别增加4.8 km2和3.3 cm. 年平均气温的升高和年降水量的减少变化对湿地消减的贡献率分别为13.6%和86.4%, 当前降水量的变化在湿地消长中占主导作用.如果不考虑人类活动的影响, 根据未来较低排放(SRES-B2)情景下气候预测, 初步估算2040、 2070和2100年湿地水域面积将分别减少275.8 km2、 442.8 km2和583.6 km2, 水位高程分别下降191.6 cm、 307.6 cm和405.4 cm, 未来气温的变化在湿地消长中占主导作用.呼伦湖湿地在未来暖干化趋势下, 湿地水资源短缺加剧, 湿地水域面积萎缩和水位高程下降将加快. 相似文献
在高强度人类活动对地球系统产生全方位深刻影响下,干旱灾害已经不再是严格意义上的自然灾害,而成为自然-人为复合灾害。人类活动通过改变大气成分(主要通过温室气体排放)引起全球或区域性水循环过程的变化,导致气象干旱时空特性变化,从而间接影响到水文干旱的形成发展;通过改变河流蓄存状态与水力联系(主要通过蓄、引、提、调水工程)以及用水特性变化,改变河流与地下水系统调蓄功能与产汇流过程,从而直接影响到气象干旱向水文干旱的传递过程以及水文干旱的发展过程。考虑自然和社会水循环之间复杂的相互作用过程,揭示人类活动对干旱形成与发展的影响是干旱研究的重要发展方向。 相似文献
在干旱事件不确定性和枯期径流变异性的双重影响下,水文干旱特征时序非一致性问题为其联合分布模拟带来困难。基于东江干流测站日径流过程数据,采用游程理论提取水文干旱事件,并结合干旱特征均值变化、时序一致性分析及边缘分布模拟,以确定干旱事件融合及剔除评判标准的合理取值。基于Rosenblatt变换Cramer-von Mises检验统计量拟合方法,构建水文干旱特征两变量联合分布Copula模型,并根据同频法设计两变量组合值。通过对比枯期径流变点分隔子序列干旱特征,分析变化环境下东江流域水文干旱特征及缺水响应。结果表明:水文干旱事件融合和剔除的评判标准值分别取0.1和0.3比较合理。干旱特征两变量之间具有较高的正相关性,但不同时间系列不同变量之间的联合分布及边缘分布最优模型并不一致。流域水库尤其是新丰江水库的径流调节作用,对于缓解东江中下游水文干旱效果明显,超阈联合重现期为2年的设计干旱持续时间、总缺水量和最大日缺水量分别减少了63%~71%、71%~84%和30%~47%,但如果要满足东江河道内最小管理流量目标,其依然分别达到了12~18 d、6 114万~9 030万m3和715.0万~929.0万m3。 相似文献
区域气象干旱评估分析模式 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
为应对全球范围内日益严重的干旱问题,对区域气象干旱相对完整的评估分析模式开展了探讨。提出了从区域气象干旱识别到干旱特征值计算,再到干旱特征多变量分析的3个分析评估步骤。并以渭河流域为例,对研究区域进行了矩形干旱评估单元划分,选取了RDI(Reconnaissance Drought Index)为评估指标对区域内各单元各时段的干旱状态进行了识别,结果与历史记载的干旱年份吻合较好。分别采用了分布拟合、相关系数和Copula函数等统计学方法对区域干旱的干旱特征值(干旱历时、干旱面积、干旱强度和干旱频率)进行了特征分析,得出了一系列的单变量、双变量及多变量特征分析对比结果。通过对各类分布函数的计算和绘图,得到了渭河流域干旱事件发生的条件概率和重现期,形成了一套相对完整的区域干旱评估分析模式。 相似文献
干旱指标的理论分析与研究展望 总被引:78,自引:3,他引:78
干旱作为最严重的气象灾害之一,已经对我国社会经济和人民生活造成严重影响。尽管关于干旱和干旱指标已有大量研究,但是由于干旱自身的复杂特性和对社会影响的广泛性,干旱指标都是建立在特定的地域和时间范围内,难以准确反映干旱发生的内在机理。为此有必要对干旱定义及国内外主要的干旱指标加以综述和评价,为干旱的监测和评估,特别是为全球变化中的气候-植被关系研究提供方法和依据。将干旱分为 4种类型:气象干旱、农业干旱、水文干旱和社会经济干旱,并对当前国内外主要的干旱指标进行介绍,指出了其适用范围,并在归纳现有干旱指标不足的基础上提出了干旱指标的研究方向和任务。 相似文献
以甘肃省陇西站月降水资料为例,应用9种3维Archimedean Copulas函数构造了干旱历时、干旱烈度和烈度峰值的联合概率分布,并进行了多变量的拟合优度评价,利用优选出的3维非对称型M12 Copula函数,计算联合分布的重现期以及不同组合下的条件概率与条件重现期。结果表明,M12Copula函数可以描述干旱历时、干旱烈度和烈度峰值间的联合分布。由于Copula函数能够用来构建不同边缘分布的联合分布,可以获得变量间不同组合下的重现期,因而能够更全面客观地反映干旱的特征,是描述干旱多变量分布的一种有效途径。 相似文献
Droughts occur when rainfalls diminish or cease for several days, months or years. In the last five years several meteorological droughts have occurred in Venezuela, impacting negatively water supply, hydro-power and agriculture sectors. In order to provide institutions with tools to manage the water resources, a probabilistic model has been developed and validated to predict in advance the occurrence of meteorological droughts in the country using monthly series of 632 rainfall stations. The standardized precipitation index (SPI) was used to identify dry events of each rainfall series. A principal component analysis associated to a geographic information system was used to define geographically continuous homogeneous sub-regions (HS) for the values of SPI. For each HS a representative station was selected (reference station, RS). A lagged correlation analysis was applied to the SPI series of the RS and the corresponding series of anomaly indices of 10 macroclimatic variables (MV). The four MV with higher correlation in each RS were organized into three levels (-1, 0 and +1), using the quartiles Q2 and Q4 as values of truncation. The SPI series are expressed in four ranges: non-dry, moderately dry, severely dry and extremely dry. The conditional probability of occurrence of the four ranges of SPI was determined in every combination that can occur in the four VM best correlated. The resulting model in each RS was validated using the SPI series from 20 meteorological stations operated by the Servicio de Meteorología de la Fuerza Aérea Venezolana (Meteorological Service of the Venezuelan Air Force) which were not used in the development of the models. Results indicate that models detected the occurrence of ES with an accuracy ranging from 85.19 to 100%; the success is directly proportional to the length of records used in the development of the model. This methodology could be applied in any country that has long, continuous and homogeneous rainfall series. 相似文献
Climatic and hydrologic variability during the past millennium in the eastern Rocky Mountains and northern Great Plains of western Canada 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Modelling of tree-ring δ13C and δ18O data from the Columbia Icefield area in the eastern Rocky Mountains of western Canada provides fuller understanding of climatic and hydrologic variability over the past 1000 yr in this region, based on reconstruction of changes in growth season atmospheric relative humidity (RHgrs), winter temperature (Twin) and the precipitation δ18O-Twin relation. The Little Ice Age (~ AD 1530s-1890s) is marked by low RHgrs and Twin and a δ18O-Twin relation offset from that of the present, reflecting enhanced meridional circulation and persistent influence of Arctic air masses. Independent proxy hydrologic evidence suggests that snowmelt sustained relatively abundant streamflow at this time in rivers draining the eastern Rockies. In contrast, the early millennium was marked by higher RHgrs and Twin and a δ18O-Twin relation like that of the 20th century, consistent with pervasive influence of Pacific air masses because of strong zonal circulation. Especially mild conditions prevailed during the “Medieval Climate Anomaly” ~ AD 1100-1250, corresponding with evidence for reduced discharge in rivers draining the eastern Rockies and extensive hydrological drought in neighbouring western USA. 相似文献
为准确评价水文干旱,客观合理地构建干旱指数。以汾河上游的月径流为研究对象,首先从逻辑斯特、正态、对数正态、威布尔分布中选择出最优分布,利用最优分布计算标准径流干旱指数(Standardized Streamflow Drought Index, SSDI);其次依据标准正态曲线特点对水文干旱事件进行等级划分;最后将标准径流干旱指数与径流Z指数和距平指数进行分析比较,并根据汾河上游实际干旱情况验证标准径流指数的适用性。结果表明:对数正态分布对汾河上游月径流的拟合程度最佳,根据该分布计算得到的指数以及干旱等级与汾河上游历史记载的旱涝情况基本相符;汾河上游不同干旱等级出现频率相对于时间尺度的变化具有稳定性。 相似文献
小波变换在河西地区水文和气候周期变化分析中的应用 总被引:35,自引:1,他引:35
小波时—频分析由于其局部优化性质而优于傅立叶分析。应用 Meyer小波 ,对甘肃河西地区近 50 a来年径流量、年降水量和年平均气温做周期分析 ,发现河西地区水文气象序列的变化周期基本在 35a、2 2 a、1 1 a、5~ 6a和 2~ 3a左右的时间尺度上浮动。而这些基本周期正是太阳黑子活动周期或海—气相互作用的周期 ,说明河西地区水文、气象序列的周期变化受天体运动变化的影响。天体运动直接影响降水和气温的周期变化 ,进而在一定的下垫面条件下 ,影响径流的周期变化。 相似文献
多年持续干旱历时的概率分布与重现期确定方法的研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
用直接方法(解析法)和间接方法(模拟法)对多年持续干旱历时的概率分布进行了分析,提出了一种确定多年持续干旱历时重现期的方法-全历时重现期法。该方法概念明确,便于实用。 相似文献
In this paper, a random Cellular Automaton model is developed to characterise heterogeneity of geological formations. The
CA-model is multilateral and can be easily applied in both two and three dimensions. We demonstrate that conditioning on well
data is possible and the method is numerically efficient. To construct the model, the subsurface is subdivided into N cells, with an initial lithology assigned to each cell. Rules to update the current cell states are chosen from a set of
rules, independently for each cell. The model converges typically in less than 50 iterations to a steady state or periodic
solution. Within one period the realisations exhibit similar statistical properties. The final fraction of the various lithologies
can be tuned by choosing the proper initial fractions. In this way, geological knowledge of those fractions can be satisfied. 相似文献
Landslide susceptibility mapping of vicinity of Yaka Landslide (Gelendost,Turkey) using conditional probability approach in GIS 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
Adnan Ozdemir 《Environmental Geology》2009,57(7):1675-1686
On 19 February 2007, a landslide occurred on the Alaard?ç Slope, located 1.6 km south of the town of Yaka (Gelendost, Turkey.) Subsequently, the displaced materials transformed into a mud flow in E?lence Creek and continued 750 m downstream towards the town of Yaka. The mass poised for motion in the Yaka Landslide source area and its vicinity, which would be triggered to a kinetic state by trigger factors such as heavy or sustained rainfall and/or snowmelt, poise a danger in the form of loss of life and property to Yaka with its population of 3,000. This study was undertaken to construct a susceptibility mapping of the vicinity of the Yaka Landslide’s source area and to relate it to movement of the landslide mass with the goal of prevention or mitigation of loss of life and property. The landslide susceptibility map was formulated by designating the relationship of the effecting factors that cause landslides such as lithology, gradient, slope aspect, elevation, topographical moisture index, and stream power index to the landslide map, as determined by analysis of the terrain, through the implementation of the conditional probability method. It was determined that the surface area of the Goksogut formation, which has attained lithological characteristics of clayey limestone with a broken and separated base and where area landslides occur, possesses an elevation of 1,100–1,300 m, a slope gradient of 15 °–35 ° and a slope aspect between 0 °–67.5 ° and 157 °–247 °. Loss of life and property may be avoided by the construction of structures to check the debris mass in E?lence Creek, the cleaning of the canal which passes through Yaka, the broadening of the canal’s base area, elevating the protective edges along the canal and the establishment of a protective zone at least 10-m wide on each side of the canal to deter against damage from probable landslide occurrence and mud flow. 相似文献