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提出一种新的基于网络编码的负载均衡路由量度CRM-LB(coding-aware routing metric with load balancing),CRM-LB在CRM(coding-aware routing metric)的基础上增加了对路径p上所有节点通信密集程度与网络拥塞程度的考虑。进一步提出了基于CRM-LB的无线mesh网络多播路由CLR(coding and load-balancing routing)。该协议可以增加网络编码机会,同时考虑到网络中的负载均衡。通过性能分析和仿真实验表明,该协议在提高多播吞吐量的前提下,不仅能更好地支持网络编码,而且网络负载基本均衡。  相似文献   

无线mesh网中网络编码感知的按需无线路由协议的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
樊凯  李令雄  龙冬阳 《通信学报》2009,30(1):128-134
提出一个支持无线网络编码技术COPE的按需路由协议OCR,以提高无线mesh网中的网络吞吐量.在路由发现过程中,该协议主动地探测编码机会并灵活地寻求"增加编码机会"、"最短路径"以及"避免拥塞"之间的折衷.仿真结果表明OCR能够有效地发现编码机会,进而使得网络拥有更高的吞吐量.  相似文献   

提出了一种适合目的节点动态加入的、时延受限低代价多播路由的启发式算法DLHMA算法。该算法基于MPH算法的基本思想进行扩展,在满足时延限制条件和多播树代价增加最小的基础上,逐步将目的节点添加到多播树上。最后,证明了算法的正确性,分析了算法的动态性,并进行了仿真实验。结果表明,该算法可以实现新加目的节点的动态加入,并保证所获得多播树的低代价。  相似文献   

时延和时延抖动约束的低费用多播路由算法   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了有效支持交互式实时组播业务,不仅要考虑时延约束,而且要考虑时延抖动约束,同时还需高效管理网络资源,以降低多播费用。本文提出了一种新的时延和时延抖动约束的低费用我播路由启发式算法,仿真结果表明该算法复杂度较低,时延抖动较小,又降低了网络费用,是一种快速有效的多播路由算法。  相似文献   

无线mesh网中一种基于博弈论的公平性路由协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种基于博弈论的以树为拓扑结构的公平性路由协议.新的协议综合了先验式路由和按需路由,并且将路由计算和信道资源分配控制分布到树中的每个枝节点上,降低了根节点的负担,使其更适合于无线 mesh网的通信需求.仿真结果表明,新的路由协议改进了AODV、HWMP路由协议的端到端平均延迟和网络吞吐量,并且网络中各个无线节点占有的信道资源基本相近,满足公平性原则.  相似文献   

分布式多网关无线mesh网公平协作路由算法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
乔宏  张大方  谢鲲  何施茗  张继 《通信学报》2015,36(2):175-185
现有的协作路由协议不能公平地分配无线网络资源,无法满足网络最小流的吞吐量需求。将多并发流的协作路由问题形式化成一个最大化网络整体效用的凸优化问题,并基于对偶分解和子梯度,提出一种分布式的多网关无线mesh网公平协作路由算法FCRMG。实验结果表明,与基于期望传输时间的非协作路由和基于竞争感知的协作路由相比,FCRMG算法在保证网络吞吐量的前提下,能显著提高最小业务流的吞吐量。  相似文献   

无线网络编码增益感知的低时延路由协议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
降低无线网络数据包传递时延对实时应用有重要的意义.该文提出了一种编码增益的计算方法和编码图的简化方法,并基于此提出了编码增益感知的路由协议CGAR(Coding Gain Aware Routing).CGAR利用网络编码增益和无线链路的期望传输次数ETX(Expected Transmission Count)计算传递一个来自新流的数据包所需要的时间,并以此为选路度量,旨在降低数据传递时延.仿真试验表明,CGAR的时延优于COPE和DCAR协议.  相似文献   

乔宏  张大方  谢鲲  何施茗  张继 《电子学报》2016,44(6):1400-1405
现有的协作路由算法没有考虑多射频无线mesh网中的信道分配问题.为了给多并发业务流提供更优质的网络服务,本文结合多射频多信道技术和协作通信技术来降低同信道干扰并获得协作分集增益.基于协作通信模块虚拟化的方法,本文将联合协作路由和信道分配问题简化为联合直接路由和信道分配问题,将其建模为一个混合整数线性规划问题,并证明该问题为NP-hard问题.为了解决该问题,提出了一种宽松的联合协作路由选择和信道分配算法(Loose Joint Cooperative Routing and Channel Assignment algorithm,L-JCRCA).仿真实验结果表明,L-JCRCA可以有效提升网络整体吞吐量.  相似文献   

最小代价多播生成树的快速算法   总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9  
本文针对MPH(Minimum Path Cost Heuristic)等多播最小生成树算法存在的问题,通过改进最短路径节点的搜寻过程,以较小的存储空间为代价,获得了计算效率很高的快速最小代价多播生成树算法FMPH(Fast Minimum Path Cost Heuristic),且获得多播生成树与MPH算法完全相同,随机网络模型的仿真结果表明:FMPH算法快速、稳定,是一种值得推广使用的高效算法。  相似文献   

基于传输路径质量的无线mesh网络可靠多播   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出了一种可靠多播网(RM)模型,探讨了无线链路和节点可靠性对多播路径选择的影响。首先,建立了无线链路的相关性和多播路径的可靠性模型,并提出了多播传输的可靠性判据;同时,结合首树算法和多路径树算法提出了构造可靠多播网的算法。可靠多播网具有并行的多播路径,通过在多播源节点和目的节点之间选择多播链路和节点构成了可靠的多播路径,提供了多播路径的"负荷分担"和"热备份"功能,从而支持了多播业务可靠性。  相似文献   

We propose a class of novel energy‐efficient multi‐cost routing algorithms for wireless mesh networks, and evaluate their performance. In multi‐cost routing, a vector of cost parameters is assigned to each network link, from which the cost vectors of candidate paths are calculated using appropriate operators. In the end these parameters are combined in various optimization functions, corresponding to different routing algorithms, for selecting the optimal path. We evaluate the performance of the proposed energy‐aware multi‐cost routing algorithms under two models. In the network evacuation model, the network starts with a number of packets that have to be transmitted and an amount of energy per node, and the objective is to serve the packets in the smallest number of steps, or serve as many packets as possible before the energy is depleted. In the dynamic one‐to‐one communication model, new data packets are generated continuously and nodes are capable of recharging their energy periodically, over an infinite time horizon, and we are interested in the maximum achievable steady‐state throughput, the packet delay, and the energy consumption. Our results show that energy‐aware multi‐cost routing increases the lifetime of the network and achieves better overall network performance than other approaches. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Network coding (NC) can greatly improve the performance of wireless mesh networks (WMNs) in terms of throughput and reliability, and so on. However, NC generally performs a batch‐based transmission scheme, the main drawback of this scheme is the inevitable increase in average packet delay, that is, a large batch size may achieve higher throughput but also induce larger average packet delay. In this work, we put our focus on the tradeoff between the average throughput and packet delay; in particular, our ultimate goal is to maximize the throughput for real‐time traffic under the premise of diversified and time‐varying delay requirements. To tackle this problem, we propose DCNC, a delay controlled network coding protocol, which can improve the throughput for real‐time traffic by dynamically controlling the delay in WMNs. To define an appropriate control foundation, we first build up a delay prediction model to capture the relationship between the average packet delay and the encoding batch size. Then, we design a novel freedom‐based feedback scheme to efficiently reflect the reception of receivers in a reliable way. Based on the predicted delay and current reception status, DCNC utilizes the continuous encoding batch size adjustment to control delay and further improve the throughput. Extensive simulations show that, when faced with the diversified and time‐varying delay requirements, DCNC can constantly fulfill the delay requirements, for example, achieving over 95% efficient packet delivery ratio (EPDR) in all instances under good channel quality, and also obtains higher throughput than the state‐of‐art protocol. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High-throughput multicast routing metrics in wireless mesh networks   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The stationary nature of nodes in a mesh network has shifted the main design goal of routing protocols from maintaining connectivity between source and destination nodes to finding high-throughput paths between them. Numerous link-quality-based routing metrics have been proposed for choosing high-throughput routing paths in recent years. In this paper, we study routing metrics for high-throughput tree or mesh construction in multicast protocols. We show that there is a fundamental difference between unicast and multicast routing in how data packets are transmitted at the link layer, and accordingly how the routing metrics for unicast routing should be adapted for high-throughput multicast routing. We propose a low-overhead adaptive online algorithm to incorporate link-quality metrics to a representative multicast routing protocol. We then study the performance improvement achieved by using different link-quality-based routing metrics via extensive simulation and experiments on a mesh-network testbed, using ODMRP as a representative multicast protocol.Our extensive simulation studies show that: (1) ODMRP equipped with any of the link-quality-based routing metrics can achieve higher throughput than the original ODMRP. In particular, under a tree topology, on average, ODMRP enhanced with link-quality routing metrics achieve up to 34% higher throughput than the original ODMRP under low multicast sending rate; (2) the improvement reduces to 21% under high multicast sending rate due to higher interference experienced by the data packets from the probe packets; (3) heavily penalizing lossy links is an effective way in the link-quality metric design to avoid low-throughput paths; and (4) the path redundancy from a mesh data dissemination topology in mesh-based multicast protocols provides another degree of robustness to link characteristics and reduces the additional throughput gain achieved by using link-quality-based routing metrics. Finally, our experiments on an eight-node testbed show that on average, ODMRP using SPP and PP achieves 14% and 17% higher throughput over ODMRP, respectively, validating the simulation results.  相似文献   

有时延及时延差别约束的最小代价组播路由问题   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
郭伟  席裕庚 《通信学报》2001,22(6):13-20
本文把有时延、时延差别约束的组播路由问题提到优化的层次上,提出了有时延、时延差别约束的最小代价组播路由优化问题,并证明此问题是NP-complete问题。继而提出了一种基于动态罚函数法的启发式遗传算法以及解该问题,并分析了算法的复杂度。仿真表明,本文算法是有效的、稳定的。在满足两种约束的情况下,能够使网络代价优化。  相似文献   

In wireless mesh networks (WMNs), real time communications (e.g., Voice over IP (VoIP) and interactive video communications) may often be interrupted as packets are frequently lost or delayed excessively. This usually happens due to the unreliability of wireless links or buffer overflows along the routing paths. The mesh connectivity within the WMN enables the capability to enhance reliability and reduce delay for such applications by using multiple paths for routing their packets. The vital components in multi‐path routing for achieving this are the pre‐determined formation of paths and the technique that the paths are deployed for packet traversal. Therefore, we propose a novel multi‐path routing protocol by introducing a new multi‐path organization and a traffic assignment technique. The designed technique dubbed as FLASH (Fast and reLiAble meSH routing protocol) discovers one primary path between a pair of source and destination based on a new proposed metric, and thereafter selects mini‐paths, which connect pairs of intermediate nodes along the primary path. The primary path and mini‐paths are concurrently deployed, as multiple copies of packets are routed through. This technique compensates for possible outage at intermediate wireless nodes or their corresponding wireless links along the primary path. Routing along mini‐paths is performed in such a way that redundant copies do not cause an excessive congestion on the network. The effectiveness of the proposed scheme is evaluated analytically and through extensive simulations under various load conditions. The results demonstrate the superiority of the proposed multi‐path organization in terms of reliability and satisfactory achievements of the protocol in enhancing delay and throughput compared to the existing routing protocols, especially for long distances and in congested conditions. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Because of the broadcast and overhearing capability of wireless networks, network coding can greatly improve throughput in wireless networks. However, our investigation of existing inter‐session network coding protocols found that the short‐term unfairness that existed in 802.11‐based medium access control (MAC) protocols actually decreases the coding opportunity, which in turn compromises the throughput gain of network coding. To alleviate the negative impact of this unfairness, we propose a coding‐aware cross‐layer heuristic approach to optimize the coordination of network coding and MAC layer protocol, named FairCoding, which can significantly increase coding opportunities for inter‐session network coding through a fair short‐term traffic allocation for different coding flows. Experiment evaluation shows that the proposed mechanism can bring more coding opportunities and improve the total throughput of wireless mesh networks by up to 20%, compared with the coding mechanism, without considering the negative impact of the short‐term unfairness. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

王捷  李乐民 《通信学报》2000,21(2):49-54
本文提出一种组播选路算法,在组播连接路由树的代价函数中计入了移动成员的越区切换发生概率,使为移动成员服务的接入节点(AP)尽可能成为组播路由树的树叶节点。当移动成员发生越区切换以后,可减去原来为之服务的AP和相应的树枝通道链路,从而保证了网络资源得以有效地利用。数值模拟分析的结果表明,我们提出的算法达到了这一目的。  相似文献   

基于固定和移动IP混合网络,针对时延敏感的实时通信业务,建立了网络模型,提出了有时延约束的低代价组播路由问题,给出了一种分布启发式组播路由算法,证明了算法的正确性,分析了算法的复杂度。仿真结果表明,算法是有效的、稳定的。  相似文献   

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