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水解聚合铝形态一直是分析、催化、土壤、地球化学、新材料、环境科学和生物毒理学等众多领域研究的前沿和热点。Keggin结构的Al30形态是迄今为止发现的电荷最高的水解铝聚合阳离子,具有独特的分子结构和纳米分子尺寸,它对催化化学、新型功能材料、高效絮凝剂的开发以及铝的水解聚合转化规律研究具有重要意义。本文主要论述了Al30形态的形成、形态分析方法、结构模型以及形成机理等方面的最新研究进展,并对水解聚合铝溶液的研究发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

水解聚合铝形态一直是分析、催化、土壤、地球化学、新材料、环境科学和生物毒理学等众多领域研究的前沿和热点。Keggin 结构的Al30 形态是迄今为止发现的电荷最高的水解铝聚合阳离子,具有独特的分子结构和纳米分子尺寸,它对催化化学、新型功能材料、高效絮凝剂的开发以及铝的水解聚合转化规律研究具有重要意义。本文主要论述了Al30形态的形成、形态分析方法、结构模型以及形成机理等方面的最新研究进展,并对水解聚合铝溶液的研究发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

水解聚合铝阳离子Al13和Al30的27Al核磁共振定量研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
采用不同磁场强度的NMR谱仪和不同测试温度,对水解聚合铝溶液中Keggin结构的聚合铝阳离子形态的定量分析方法进行了研究。检测结果表明,高场27A l NMR分析技术不仅能精确定量地检测出水解聚合铝溶液中具有Keggin结构的[A lO4A l12(OH)24(H2O)12]7 (简称A l13)聚合阳离子,而且还能定量地检测出[(A lO4)2A l28(OH)56(H2O)26]18 (简称A l30)聚合阳离子。提高测试温度,有利于降低A l30共振峰的线宽,增强其分辨率。在70℃测试温度下,采用高场27A lNMR分别对8种中、高浓度(0.1~2.0 mol/L)水解聚合铝溶液中的A l13和A l30形态分布进行了定量研究,证实了A l30形态是高浓度水解聚合铝溶液中的一种优势聚合形态。  相似文献   

王瑞芬  孙忠  张胤 《应用化学》2009,26(7):878-880
以相图理论为指导,采用铝粉、水合氯化铝和水为原料,创造氯化铝不断水解的条件,通过调整反应温度、原料配比及溶液碱化度,经蒸发、结晶制成了铝盐水解聚合产物中的两种中间产物:水合氯化五聚铝AlCl3•4Al(OH)3•7.5H2O和水合氯化九聚铝2AlCl3•7Al(OH)3•18H2O,分别采用粉末XRD物相分析、化学分析和IR对其进行了表征.以化学分析为主要监测手段,对AlCl3•4Al(OH)3•7.5H2O和2AlCl3•7Al(OH)3•18H2O形态过程进行了研究,结果表明,温度对于产物的行成及性能有很大的影响,并且反应随温度的变化基本上是一个可逆的过程,同时,实验表明 75℃为AlCl3•4Al(OH)3•7.5H2O和2AlCl3•7Al(OH)3•18H2O析出的最佳温度,该温度下产物的产率较高且结晶状态良好.  相似文献   

The polyaluminum chloride containing Ca was prepared by adding Ca before and after the aluminium polymerization, respectively. The effects of Ca on the hydrolysis and polymerization of aluminum, the characteristic of aluminum species, the ζ potential and viscosity of PAC were also studied. The experimental results show that the introduction of Ca retards the formation of Al precipitates during the hydrolysis and polymerization of aluminum and increases the contents of Alm and Al13 in PAC. Aluminum species can complex with Ca to form heteronuclear hydroxo complexes, which decreases the chemical shifts of Alm and Al13 in NMR. The ζ potential and the viscosity of PAC increase with the rise of Ca/Al molar ratio. Comparing with adding Ca after the aluminium polymerization, there are much more Al-Ca heteronuclear hydroxo complexes formed by adding Ca before the polymerization, which leads to a more obvious influence of Ca/Al molar ratio on the ζ potential and the viscosity of PAC.  相似文献   

研究了铝试剂光度法测定土壤溶液中铝的最佳条件,着重探讨了共存离子,特别是土壤溶液中的无机离子和有机阴离子对测定铝的影响。采用阳离子交换树脂分离,建立了测定土壤溶液及天然水中铝形态方法。用该法可测定总反应性铝、总单核铝和稳定性单核铝。由总反应性铝减去总单核铝求得酸溶性铝。由总单核铝减去稳定单核铝求得不稳定单核铝。与阳离子树脂交换分离-邻苯二酚紫光度法进行了比较。结果表明:邻苯二酚紫光度法灵敏度较高,但铁的干扰较大。铝试剂光度法灵敏度略低,但铁的干扰较少。阳离子树脂交换分离-铝试剂光度法更适合于测定含铁量比较高的土壤溶液中的铝形态。  相似文献   

以阳离子交换微柱分离与ICP-AES检测联用技术为分离/检测手段,系统地研究了不同配体配合物体系中铝的形态及其分布.当pH=6.0时,溶液中非稳定态单核铝被微柱所保留,而稳定态配合铝直接从微柱中流出.所选择的研究体系分别为:Al-氟化物(Al-Fluoride),Al-磷酸盐(Al-Phosphate),Al-柠檬酸盐(Al-Citrate),Al-草酸盐(Al-Oxalate)及Al-EDTA.在确定的pH值条件下,研究了不同的摩尔比[n(Al)/n(配合剂)]对铝的形态分布的影响,得到了一些对实际应用有指导意义的规律性结论.  相似文献   

环境水体中聚合铝形态的分析测试技术研究进展   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
酸性环境中,沉积物释放和土壤淋失的可溶态铝大量进入环境水体,并在水体中以及水和颗粒物界面上发生聚合、絮凝、沉降以及络舍、吸附和电中和等物理化学反应,严重影响着其它元素的生物地球化学循环和其它污染物的迁移和归趋,具有重要的生态和生物效应。而Al^3 及其羟基水解聚合物的形态分析是研究环境和生物体系中铝的毒性、生物有效性和传输机理以及天然水体的自净机理的关键。由于直接有效测定上的困难,对天然水体中是否存在铝水解聚合型体这一观点并未达成共识,其结论也存在一些争议甚至相悖的情况。本文综述了近二十年来环境水体中聚合铝形态测试技术研究的新进展。引用文献60篇。  相似文献   

结合国内外各课题组研究,从27Al NMR实验参数和铝形态研究两方面综合评述了液体27Al NMR的发展研究现况。首次明确提出27Al NMR测定中设置合适的预采集延迟时间的作用。将为进一步开展的27Al NMR测定研究提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

环境中羟基聚合铝型体的形成和形态转化规律   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文综述了近十年来可溶态铝在水体、土壤溶液及水和土壤矿物界面上的水解、聚合、絮凝和沉积行为及其形态转化过程和机理的研究进展,系统地总结并评价了目前已经报道过的各种羟基聚合铝型体及其形成条件、测试方法、热力学稳定常数以及可能结构等,分析了各种因素如粘土矿物的种类、OH^-/Al摩尔比、各种有机和无机配体离子以及实验条件等对羟基聚合铝形态变化的影响规律。引用文献50篇。  相似文献   

The coordination structure of aluminum in magnesium aluminum hydroxide was studied by ^27Al NMR.The result showed that tetrahedral aluminum (Al^IV) existed in magnesium aluminum hydroxide,and the contents of Al^TV increased with the increase of the ratio of Al/Mg and with the peptizing temperature.Al^IV originated from the so-called Al13 polymer with the structure of one Al tetrahedron surrounded by twelve Al octahedrons.  相似文献   

The ε‐Keggin [AlO4Al12(OH)24(H2O)12]7+ ion (AlAl127+) is a metastable precursor in the formation of aluminum oxyhydroxide solids. It also serves as a useful model for the chemistry of aluminous mineral surfaces. Herein we calculate the enthalpies of formation for this aqueous ion and its heterometal‐substituted forms, GaAl127+ and GeAl128+, using solution calorimetry. Rather than measuring the enthalpies of the MAl127/8+ ions directly from solution hydrolysis, we measured the metathesis reaction of the crystallized forms with barium chloride creating an aqueous aluminum solution monospecific in MAl127/8+. Then, the contributions to the heat of formation from the crystallized forms were subtracted using referenced states. When comparing the aqueous AlAl127+ ion to solid aluminum (oxy)‐hydroxide phases, we found that this ion lies closer in energy to solid phases than to aqueous aluminum monomers, thus explaining its role as a precursor to amorphous aluminum hydroxide phases.  相似文献   

ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 100 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a “Full Text” option. The original article is trackable via the “References” option.  相似文献   

ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 100 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract of an article which was published elsewhere, please select a “Full Text” option. The original article is trackable via the “References” option.  相似文献   

ChemInform is a weekly Abstracting Service, delivering concise information at a glance that was extracted from about 200 leading journals. To access a ChemInform Abstract, please click on HTML or PDF.  相似文献   

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