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The weak variation of the magnetic bulk susceptibility of Pd1–x Ag x with temperature T and silver mole fractionx within 0.5x1 has been investigated in the range 5KT400K. Experimental evidence can be given for an intersection point of the susceptibility isotherms (T=const,x) atx=0.55. The observed dependence of on T andx is interpreted by means of a semiphenomenological alloy susceptibility function (T,x).  相似文献   

We report on the formation of a heavy fermion state in Ce(Cu x Al1–x )5, with 0.60x1.00. This state evolves upon the exchange of Cu by Al in the hexagonal CeCu5. Furthermore, this exchange causes a suppression of a common type of long range magnetic order. Both phenomena are driven by Kondo interaction.  相似文献   

57Fe Mössbauer and magnetization studies on a new series Fe4–2xRuxSix (1.0x1.7) are reported. The system is seen to transform from a collinear ferromagnet for x1.2 to a cluster spin glass for x>=1.54 In the intermediate region the magnetic behaviour of the system, as probed by the Mössbauer effect, is dominated by the presence of clusters and their dynamics. The alloys have large ordering temperatures ( 750 K) throughout the series except for x>1.54 where they drop sharply. The moment values, in contrast, fall sharply from 4.8B at x=1 to 0.5B at x=1.6C. The average value of the HF at57Fe measured at 15 K does not change significantly throughout the series.  相似文献   

Results of the superconducting transition temperatureT c of amorphous and microcrystalline films of lead doped with manganese as magnetic impurity are reported in this work. The amorphous films show an Abrikosov-Gor'kov behaviour, whereas for the crystalline films there is a much smaller depression and a peak for higher Mn concentrations, which indicates a region of coexistence of superconductivity and magnetic ordering as a spinglass.Supported by the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft in the Sonderforschungsbereich 125, Fehlordnung in Metallen — Aachen, Jülich, Köln  相似文献   

The influence of reabsorption on emission spectra of NdxLa1–x P5O14 for the4F3 4I9/2 and4F3/2 4I11/2 transitions was studied. The comparison of theoretical curves calculated with the reabsorption taken into account with experimental curves enabled us to explain so far observed spectra and prove the validity of the present model of fluorescence in these materials.Dedicated to Professor Miroslav Trlifaj on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday.The authors are indebted to M. Trlifaj for the suggestion to study high concentration rare earth compounds and deep interest in this work. The samples were kindly prepared by K. Blaek from Monokrystaly, Turnov.  相似文献   

A study of the thermal expansion coefficient (TEC) of the ScxTi1−x Fe2 itinerant magnets has been made within the 5–1200 K range at the transition from the TiFe2 antiferromagnet (T N=270 K) to the ScFe2 ferromagnet (T C=540 K). A negative TEC magnetic contribution α m(T) has been found, which is associated with the formation of spin-fluctuation-induced local magnetic moments in both the magnetically ordered and the paramagnetic state. The specific features in the α m(T) dependence are shown to be due to the shape of the density-of-states function near the Fermi level. Fiz. Tverd. Tela (St. Petersburg) 41, 2174–2178 (December 1999)  相似文献   

Single crystals of iron manganese sulfides Fe x Mn1 ? x S (0.25 ≤ x ≤ 0.29) are experimentally investigated using Mössbauer spectroscopy and x-ray diffraction. The Mössbauer spectra measured at 300 K exhibit a single broadened line characteristic of paramagnets. The isomer shift of this line is equal to 0.92–0.94 mm/s, which is typical of Fe2+ ions in the octahedral position. The quadrupole splitting (0.18–0.21 mm/s) suggests a distortion of the coordination polyhedron of iron ions in the Fe x Mn1 ? x S compounds.  相似文献   

ZF, LF and TF SR experiments with antiferromagnetic (AF) ceramical samples La2–x Sr x CuO4–y have been performed in the temperature range 10–300 K. Zero field muon spin polarization functions obtained below the Neel temperature clearly show a nonzero initial precession phase-–0.35 rad. We propose an explanation based on existence of the dynamical magnetic fields on the muon.We thank Drs. A.G. Chistov and A.M. Brjazkalo from RSC Kurchatov Institute for the preparation the #2 La2CuO4–y sample.  相似文献   

New metallic glass alloys have been prepared by melt spinning of La–Si samples in a pumped system. The superconducting transition temperature,T c , increases linearly with the La concentration, from 3.00 K at 73 at. % La to 3.80 K at 85 at. %. Three new metastable phases: -, -, and -La3Si, were formed by annealing and crystallizing amorphous La3Si. Their crystal structures are orthorhombic (a=6.32 Å,b=8.06 Å,c=9.96 Å), hcp (a=10.55 Å,c=5.05 Å), and tetragonal (a=6.92 Å,c=5.05 Å) resp.T c increased to 3.75 K, 6.00 K and 6.80 K, resp. During low temperature anneals of an amorphous La3Si alloy,T c changed logarithmically with time.On leave from Institute of Physics, Academica Sinica, Beijing, China  相似文献   

Isothermic crystallization of a series of Fe84–xVxB16 (x = 0 to 8 at. % V) amorphous alloys was studied by the electrical resistivity, coercivity and57Fe Mössbauer spectroscopy methods. Two stages of the process were observed corresponding to the primary -Fe(-V) formation by the growth-of-nuclei mechanism and the eutectic mixed borides — metal crystallization. Concentration dependences of kinetics parameters (Avrami exponent, activation energy) and the changes of electrical and magnetic properties were found and the influence of vanadium on the crystallization process is discussed.Dedicated to Dr. Svatopluk Krupika on the occasion of his 65th birthday.Thanks are due to Prof. L. Potocký, afárik University, Koice, for his kind providing the amorphous ribbons, and to Dr. J. Krejí from the author's Institute for the EDAX analyses.  相似文献   

The transverse and longitudinal magnetoresistance are measured on a quaternary semimagnetic semiconductor, n-type Hg1−xyCdxMnyTe with 0.01 < x < 0.23 and y ≈ 0.14, at different temperatures. The peaks of the Landau-spin states are assigned using the selection rules already developed for HgCdTe. The Landau-spin states are modified by an exchange interaction between the Mn2+ ions localized spin and the band electrons, thus it becomes possible to compare directly the extent of the spin modification between the negative gap side and the open gap side of the new alloys.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the results of investigations of the thermal properties and thermal conductivity of single crystals of homogeneous solid solutions Fe x Mn1 ? x S with a cubic NaCl structure, which have been prepared by the cation substitution for divalent manganese ions in manganese monosulfide. It has been revealed that the heat capacity and thermal conductivity exhibit anomalies in the range of the magnetic transition. The cation substitution is accompanied by an increase in the phase transition temperature.  相似文献   

Solid solutions in the (Mn1 ? x Fe x )1.68Sn system (x ≤ 0.5) with a Ni2In-type structure are synthesized by the solid-phase reaction method in a stepwise temperature regime. The unit cell parameters a and c decrease with an increase in the iron concentration in the alloys and become equal to a = 0.430 nm and c = 0.538 nm for the (Mn0.5Fe0.5)1.68Sn alloy. A superstructure with the unit cell parameters a ss = 3a and c ss = c is revealed in alloys of the system under investigation. The specific magnetization of the alloys increases nonlinearly from 53 G cm3 g?1 in the Mn1.68Sn alloy to 72 G cm3 g?1 in the (Mn0.5Fe0.5)1.68Sn solid solution. The Curie temperature changes from 270 K in the initial alloy of the composition Mn1.68Sn to 365 K in the alloy of the composition (Mn0.5Fe0.5)1.68Sn. All solid solutions in the (Mn1 ? x Fe x )1.68Sn (x ≤ 0.5) system exhibit metallic conductivity in the temperature range from 77 to 450 K.  相似文献   

The magnetism of the colossal magnetoresistance material FeCr2S4 was studied through substitution by nonmagnetic element Cd. With the increase of Cd content, the high-field magnetization measured at 5 K increases, demonstrating a ferromagnetic Cr–Cr interaction in CdCr2S4. As comparing with the anti-ferromagnetic material ZnCr2S4, it is deduced that the ferromagnetic interaction in CdCr2S4 is favored by its larger Cr–Cr distance. On the other hand, due to Cd substitution, the low-field magnetization irreversibility between zero-field-cooling and field-cooling magnetization weakens with the increase of Cd content and disappears at last when x = 1 in the Fe1?x Cd x Cr2S4 (0 ≤ x ≤ 1.0) system. By taking account of the single-ion anisotropy of the ferrous ion on the tetrahedral site, the picture of irreversible magnetic behavior induced by magnetic anisotropy is examined.  相似文献   

The results of magnetic measurements and ferromagnetic resonance studies performed on U(Fe x Al1–x )2 and U(Fe y Ni1–y )2 compounds over a large temperature range are reported. The saturation magnetization decreases nearly linearly when substituting Fe by Al or Ni. In the composition range x<0.84 and y<0.81, the compounds are Pauli paramagnets, except in the region with y0.10. For UNi2 two types of magnetic behaviours are shown. This compound can be both a ferromagnet withT c =23.5 K and a Pauli paramagnet, depending on the crystal structure. Above the Curie temperatures, the reciprocal susceptibility for the compounds with x>0.84 and y>0.81 obeys a temperature dependence of the formX=X o+C(T-) –1. The effective iron moments decrease when substituting iron by nickel or aluminium. The ferromagnetic resonance measurements show that theg values are not composition-dependent. A linear variation of the mean iron magnetization with the exchange field is observed. Finally, the magnetic behaviour of iron in these compounds is analysed.  相似文献   

The structural, electrical, and magnetic properties, as well as the magnetoresistance of polycrystalline MexMn1?x S (Me=Fe and Cr) sulfides were investigated in longitudinal magnetic fields of up to 50 kOe over the temperature range 4.2–300 K. The ferromagnetic compound FexMn1?x S (x=0.29) exhibits the giant magnetoresistance (GMR) effect with magnitude δH=?450% in a field of 30 kOe at 50 K. Antiferromagnetic CrxMn1?x S (x=0.5) sulfide undergoes a transition to the GMR state δH~?25% in a field of 30 kOe at 4.2 K) in the region of antiferromagnet-ferromagnet transition (T c ~66 K). A mechanism of the GMR in these compounds is discussed.  相似文献   

The magnetic properties of Fe1 ? x Co x B and (Fe1 ? x Co x )2B disordered compounds were investigated using first-principles calculations of the electronic structure in the framework of the density functional theory with the Korringa-Kohn-Rostoker method. The concentration dependences of the magnetic moments and the electron density were calculated for the Fe1 ? x Co x B solid solutions. The results obtained were used to analyze in detail and to interpret the transition from a magnetic phase to a nonmagnetic phase, which was previously revealed from the experiments in the compounds under investigation. The performed analysis of the calculated hyperfine fields induced by the electronic shells at the iron and cobalt atoms in the (Fe1 ? x Co x )2B borides made it possible to explain the experimentally observed magnetic anisotropy.  相似文献   

A diluted antiferromagnet Fe x Mg1–x TiO3 has been shown to behave as a spin glass (x=0.2) and a reentrant spin glass (x=0.3) near the Fe percolation concentrationx 0.25. In order to obtain microscopic information on these samples, we performed Mössbauer measurements. At considerably higher temperatures than the transition temperatures, magnetically broadened spectra appear superimposed upon the paramagnetic doublets. A remarkable feature is that the intensity of the magnetic spectra increases accompanying the decrease of their linewidth. This behavior can be ascribed to the gradual slow-down of fluctuations of the antiferromagnetic clusters formed at high temperatures. To investigate the temperature variations of the relaxation time of the clusters, we analyzed the Mössbauer spectra using the method formulated by Blume. It has been shown that becomes long with decreasing temperature and the rate of the slow-down of is hastened aroundT SG andT N.  相似文献   

We present results of electronic structure calculations for UC x N1–x obtained with the relativistic Korringa-Kohn-Rostocker Greens function (RKKR-GF) method. While on the anion sites the disorder is treated within the Coherent Potential Approximation (CPA) the small change in the cation potential upon alloying is accounted for in the averaget-matrix approximation (ATA). The presence of strong local spin fluctuations forx0.6 restricts our treatment to the carbon rich phase, and even there we find that the observed linear specific heat coefficient is much enhanced over the bandstructure value. The computed X-ray photoemission spectra vary smoothly with composition the main change consisting in the melting away of the side peak at –3 eV binding energy seen in pure UC with the adjunction of nitrogen.  相似文献   

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