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Petroleum geological framework and hydrocarbon potential in the Yellow Sea   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Sedimentary basins in the Yellow Sea can be grouped tectonically into the North Yellow Sea Basin (NYSB), the northern basin of the South Yellow Sea (SYSNB) and the southern basin of the South Yellow Sea (SYSSB). The NYSB is connected to Anju Basin to the east. The SYSSB extends to Subei Basin to the west. The acoustic basement of basins in the North Yellow Sea and South Yellow Sea is disparate, having different stratigraphic evolution and oil accumulation features, even though they have been under the same stress regime since the Late Triassic. The acoustic basement of the NYSB features China-Korea Platform crystalline rocks, whereas those in the SYSNB and SYSSB are of the Paleozoic Yangtze Platform sedimentary layers or metamorphic rocks. Since the Late Mesozoic terrestrial strata in the eastern of the NYSB (West Korea Bay Basin) were discovered having industrial hydrocarbon accumulation, the oil potential in the Mesozoic strata in the west depression of the basin could be promising, although the petroleum exploration in the South Yellow Sea has made no break-through yet. New deep reflection data and several drilling wells have indicated the source rock of the Mesozoic in the basins of South Yellow Sea, and the Paleozoic platform marine facies in the SYSSB and Central Rise could be the other hosts of oil or natural gas. The Mesozoic hydrocarbon could be found in the Mesozoic of the foredeep basin in the SYSNB that bears potential hydrocarbon in thick Cretaceous strata, and so does the SYSSB where the same petroleum system exists to that of oil-bearing Subei Basin.  相似文献   

There are eighty sedimentary basins in five different types in African continent, i. e. craton sag basin, foreland basin, intermountain basin, passive margin basin and rift basin, which underwent the stress environment of stable depression-compression-extension. The first three types of basins had been intensely influenced by Hercynian and Alpine tectonic movement, while the later two types of basins always exist in a stable extension environment. Different basin evolution caused the obviously hydrocarbon distribution difference. In North Africa, marginal craton sag and rift basins show great expedition potential of hydrocarbon, marginal craton sag basins had good formation and preservation of Lower Silurian hot shale, tectonic-strata traps and migration pathway formed by Hercynian unconformity, and rift basins had excellent Upper Cretaceous marine source rocks and good hydrocarbon preservation with little tectonic activity. Meanwhile, in the salt-containing passive margin basins and delta basins of West Africa, thick strata containing high quality source rocks and plastic strata were well developed. Source rocks of high maturity, good hydrocarbon preservation, growth faults and deformational structure traps were formed by abundant overlying sediments and sources supplied from Tertiary large water system.  相似文献   

There are eighty sedimentary basins in five different types in African continent,i.e.craton sag basin,foreland basin,intermountain basin,passive margin basin and rift basin,which underwent the stress environment of stable depression-compression-extension.The first three types of basins had been intensely influenced by Hercynian and Alpine tectonic movement,while the later two types of basins always exist in a stable extension environment.Different basin evolution caused the obviously hydrocarbon distributio...  相似文献   

The concentration and profile characters of nutrients in sediment pore water of the South Ocean, sampled during the cruise of CHINARE-18 of the austral summer 2001/02 were determined. The results show that the content of SiO3-Si and NH4-N were much higher than other nutrients. The profile of SiO3-Si was characterized with sharp gradients near the sediment-water interface, profile distribution of silicate show that during the diagenetic reaction of silicate, dissolution was the main part. The organic matter decomposition was occurred under the anaerobic condition. Benthic fluxes of SiO3-Si, NH4-N were from pore water to overlying water, and regeneration of silicate and ammonium were the main part of the nutrient regeneration from the pore water of the study area.  相似文献   

Using field hydrological data, the relationship between the mixing of salt water and fresh water and the tidal range/ high tidal level in the Changjiang (Yangtze) River estuary is discussed, and the transporting and concentrating of suspended sediment in the estuary were also analysed in respect to the circulation, flocculation and stratified interface resulting from mixing.The calculation results by two-dimentional box model have confirmed the effects of the circulation on the concentrating of suspended sediment in the estuary. The conclusions derived from this work have deepened the understanding on the mixing in the Changjiang River estuary and are of significance in bo'th theory and practice.  相似文献   

unomicrroNTherearereportedstudisoninorganicsulfurcomPoundsinrnarinesedtritS(Song,l99(),Stefan,l994),butfeWonorganicsulfurcomPounds.Itwasshownthatthroughoilspthe,mnoffandatmosphdriproasses,manyanthropogedcorganicsulfurcomP0undsrnaybethenspotalintothemarineenvirorstWheretheycanbeeventuallydePositalalongwithnatamlorganicstilfUrcomPoundsinseddritSraateSetal.,l979).ResearchesonorganicstilfurcomPoundsinrnarinesedirnentSareofpotentialenvirornnentalchdricalshoilicanceforhaherunderstandingofthege…  相似文献   

A field work has been carried out to identify the occurrence of oil and oil products pollution in mangrove sediment from Red Sea of Yemen. The concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons is from 700 ng/g at Kamaran Island station to 400 ng/g at Al-Hodiedah station, and the total organic carbon ( TOC) in samples ranges from 0.07% at Dhubab station to 0.03% at Kamaran Island station. This pollution is as a result of localized oil pollution and /or heavy ship traffic in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.  相似文献   

A field work has been carried out to identify the occurrence of oil and oil products pollution in mangrove sediment from Red Sea of Yemen. The concentration of total petroleum hydrocarbons is from 700ng/g at Kamaran Island station to 400 ng/g at Al-Hodiedah station, and the total organic carbon (TOC) in samples ranges from 0. 07% at Dhubab station to 0. 03% at Kamaran Island station. This pollution is as a result of localized oil pollution and/or heavy ship traffic in the Red Sea and Gulf of Aden.  相似文献   

I.INTRODUCTIONMostvolcanoesaredistributedinnortheastofChina.Thevolcaniceruptionscanchangethegeneralmorphologicconfigurationof...  相似文献   

Based on the data from gauging stations,the changes in water discharge and sediment load of the Huanghe (Yellow)River were analyzed by using the empirical mode decomposition(EMD)method.The results show that the periodic oscillation of water discharge and sediment load of the Huanghe River occurs at the interannual,decadal,and multi-decadal scales,caused by the periodic oscillations of precipitation,and El Nio/Southern Oscillation(ENSO)affects water discharge by influencing precipitation distribution and contributes to periodic varations in precipitation and water discharge at interannual timescale.The water discharge and sediment load of the Huanghe River have decreased since the 1960s under the influence of precipitation and huamn activities,and human activities attribute more than precipitation to the reduction in the water discharge and sediment load,furthermore,water abstraction and water-soil conservation practices are the main causes of the decrease in water discharge and sediment load,respectively.The reduction in sediment load has directly impacted on the lower reaches of the Huanghe River and the river delta, causing considerable erosion of the river channel in the lower reaches since the 1970s along with River Delta changing siltation into erosion around 2000.  相似文献   

Through petroleum exploration of 20 years, a new petroleum production area has been constructed in Hailar Basin. Their petroleum geological characteristics and hydrocarbon distribution has been known in detail. The Hailar Basin is a basin group consisted of many scattered sub-basins with similar structural developed history. Each sub-basin has unique hydrocarbon distributing rules, including (1) oil/gas reservoir distribution is controlled by the oil/gas sag, and the oil/gas bearing in big sag is rich; (2) underwater fan and turbidity fan are the most favorable reservoirs; structure zone controlled by main fault is favorable zone of forming composite oil/gas accumulation; (3) lower fault-block in higher rise and higher fault-block in lower rise are favorable to oil/gas accumulation; (4) deep fault and granite body are closely related to oil/gas reservoir, its distributing area is favorable area of oil and mantle source non-hydrocarbon gas formation;(5) higher geothermal area is favorable oil/gas bearing area.  相似文献   

Modern industry in northeast China started from light industry. From the end of 19th century to 1931 was the phase of initial development of light industry in northeast China. During this period, the development of light industry gave priority to grain processing industry. After occupying northeast China, Japanese vigorously developed heavy industry to meet the needs of munitions and paid more attention to raw materials and semi-finished articles industry for the purpose of the war. Light industry was impeded and developed slowly. After the founding of New China, large-scale economic construction took place in northeast and heavy industry received prior investment and equipment. Northeast region became the first heavy industry base through several five-year plans, the development of light industry made giant strides. The present features of light industry distribution are: difference of light industry distribution, similarity of light industry structure, and imbalance of light industry development. The  相似文献   

1IntroductionHailar Basin is located in the eastern part of In-ner Mongolia Autonomous Region, China, with the area of 44 210 km2 (Fig.1).Fig.1SketchmapshowingthelocationofHailarBasinThe Hailar Basin is neither different from the foreland basin of west pa…  相似文献   

The distribution of sediment chloroplastic pigments (Chl-a, i.e. chlorophyll a and Pha-a, i.e. phaeophorbide a) in the Southern Yellow Sea of China was studied. Samples were collected from four cruises in January and June 2003, and January and June 2004. The results show that the vertical distribution of Chl-a and Pha-a in the sediment layers 0-2cm, 2-5cm and 5-8cm, follows a stable ratio, 5:3:2. The average ratio of Pha-a to Chl-a in sediment is 2.83. Spearman 2-tailed rank correlation analysis shows that Chl-a and Pha-a contents in each sediment layer have a highly significant correlation. The average contents of Chl-a and Pha-a in the sediment of the 0-8cm layer in the investigated area are 0.31 -0.47μgg-1 and 1.28-1.40 μgg-1 sediment (dry weight), respectively. The average Chl-a and Pha-a contents in sediment are higher in summer than in winter. ANOVA analysis shows that there is a highly significant variation among the Chl-a contents (P = 0.002 <0.01) of the four cruies, but this is not true for the case of Pha-a content (P = 0.766>0.05). The average Chl-a and Pha-a contents in the 2 sediment layers (0-2cm and 2-5cm) have significant or highly significant correlations with organic matter (OM), median diameter (Mdφ), silt plus clay percentage in the January 2003 cruise. In the June 2003 cruise, the average Chl-a content in the 3 sediment layers (0-2cm, 2-5cm, and 5-8cm) has a significant correlation with meiofauna biomass, and Pha-a content has highly significant correlations with water depth, bottom water temperature, OM and Mdφ The contents of Chl-a and Pha-a are lower than those in estuaries and intertidal areas, but close to those in the same area studied previously.  相似文献   

考虑川东北地层水的水化学特征(包括地层水矿化度、地层水的变质程度、脱硫系数等),根据封盖层的发育分布及其内部结构,分析盖层对地层水的分隔性能;结合区域构造演化史,分析地质历史上地表水对地层水的改造程度,研究地层水演化特征.结果表明:通南巴地区地层水主要经历早期深埋形成封存变质水期—局部地层水渗滤改造期—深层水封闭,浅层水进入开启期—晚期重建封闭期等变化;中下三叠统存在一套良好的膏岩层且埋藏较深,没有经历地表水改造,使得保存条件明显优于上三叠统须家河组及中下侏罗统地层,具有较好的保存条件;砂泥互层具有较高渗透能力的须家河组受到地表水的淋滤作用,油气保存条件较差,油气勘探潜力有限.  相似文献   

Diatoms collected from the top 1 cm of the surface sediment layer at seven Bering Sea stations during the Fourth Chi- nese National Arctic Research Expedition (4th CH1NARE-Arctic) in 2010 were studied. In total, 101 taxa belonging to 38 genera were found. The species were divided into four groups: eurythermal species, boreal-temperate species, polar species, and sea-ice species. The diatom assemblages at the stations in the southwestern basin area were primarily composed of boreal-temperate species, such as Neodenticula seminae, Thalassiosira trifulta, Rhizosolenia hebetata f. hiemalis, and Actinocyclus curvatulus. The northeastern shelf stations were dominated by polar species, including Fragilariopsis oceanica, Thalassiosira antarctica spora, Thalassiosira nordensldoeldii, and Thalassiosira hyalina. The overall abundance was highest at the basin stations with 3.7 ×10^6 cells·g^-1 of wet sediment, whereas the eastern shelf stations had the lowest abundance of 0.7×10^6 cells·g^-1 of wet sediment (excluding the resting spores of Chaetoceros spp.). The relationship between the distribution of the surface sediment diatom assemblages and the environment is discussed.  相似文献   

The monthly mean suspended sediment concentration in the upper layer of the East China Seas was derived from theretrieval of the monthly binned SeaWiFS Level 3 data during 1998 to 2006.The seasonal variation and spatial distribution of thesuspended sediment concentration in the study area were investigated.It was found that the suspended sediment distribution presentsapparent spatial characteristics and seasonal variations,which are mainly affected by the resuspension and transportation of the sus-pended sediment in the study area.The concentration of suspended sediment is high inshore and low offshore,and river mouths aregenerally high concentration areas.The suspended sediment covers a much wider area in winter than in summer,and for the samesite the concentration is generally higher in winter.In the Yellow and East China Seas the suspended sediment spreads farther to theopen sea in winter than in summer,and May and October are the transitional periods of the extension.Winds,waves,currents,ther-mocline,halocline,pycnocline as well as bottom sediment feature and distribution in the study area are important influencing factorsfor the distribution pattern.If the 10mg L-1 contour line is taken as an indicator,it appears that the transportation of suspended sedi-ment can hardly reach 124°00'E in summer or 126°00'E in winter,which is due to the obstruction of the Taiwan Warm Current andthe Kuroshio Current in the southern Yellow Sea and the East China Sea.  相似文献   

In the purple hilly region, erosions and landslides are all serious, and it is of great scientific value and practical significance to study their formation mechanism and distribution features there.In this paper, soil micromorphological methods and techniques were used to study the erosion zonal distribution in the region. The results indicated: (1)According to erosion process, the spacial distribution zones of the erosions and landslides in the purple hilly region with different solums were divided into scouring erosion zone, transport-diffusion zone, rocks and soil turbulence zone and sediment-bury zone; (2) The soil micromorphologic taxonomic feature identifying different erosion-landslide zone were found by studying the soil micromorphology of erosive zone in purple hilly region; (3) As for the erosion-landslide formation in the region, besides the external factors, the internal factors were found more important and favorable for landslide formation through the studies on the micormorphologieal features of slide soil.  相似文献   

塔里木盆地东北部侏罗系烃源岩特征及初步评价   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
塔里木盆地是中国最大的含油气盆地,其东北部的侏罗系分布面积广、厚度大,主要发育一套煤系烃源岩.根据钻井及大量的实验测试等资料,研究了侏罗系煤系烃源岩的发育特征及其有机地球化学、有机岩石学特征,表明其有机质丰度较高,达到中等-好级别;有机质类型以Ⅲ型为主、Ⅱ型为辅;有机质热演化程度处于未成熟-低成熟阶段,部分地区可能达成熟阶段;烃源岩主要生烃显微组分为基质镜质体,少量孢子体、角质体和碎屑壳质体.综合分析表明,塔里木盆地侏罗系烃源岩具备一定的生烃条件和油气勘探前景.  相似文献   

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