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花罗(Flowerhom)是多个种类多重杂交后代的总称,生物分类学上隶属于脊索动物门硬骨鱼纲鲈形目慈鲷科慈鲷属,由马来西亚首先研发成功,经多年探索,形成了如今多姿多彩的花罗汉鱼一族。由于外貌奇特、色彩艳丽,花罗汉一经问世,即受到了广大观赏鱼爱好者的追捧,三四年内即风靡全亚洲,成为观赏鱼新宠。花罗汉鱼近年来在中国各地也受到越来越多人的喜爱,更被爱好者和投资者所青睐。  相似文献   

花罗汉鱼(Flowerhorn)是马来西亚水族业者利用南美洲丽鱼科(Cichlidae)多个种类经过不断的杂交选育,于1996年培育出的一类全新观赏鱼品种,因其头形凸起似罗汉而得名。花罗汉问世以来,因其外貌奇特、色彩艳丽、额头象征着多福高寿而受到广大观赏  相似文献   

马来西亚地处亚热带,气候温暖,终年无霜,动、植物天然资源丰富,尤其是发展热带观赏鱼的条件很好,在政府政策的扶持下,观赏鱼出口仅次于新加坡而居世界第二位。  相似文献   

我国观赏鱼种类概述与发展   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
<正>观赏渔业是水产养殖业的一个分支。据农业部渔业局统计,我国观赏鱼规模已发展至2013年的36.9亿尾[1],是我国发展潜力巨大的新兴产业之一[2]。世界上有数千种观赏鱼,淡水观赏鱼类约有750种[3],观赏鱼的种类繁多且发展较快,了解观赏鱼的种类及其特点对发展观赏渔业具有积极意义。2014年笔者在对广州花地湾越和市场、天津中环市场、鞍山三台子市场、北京十里河市场及观赏鱼养殖基地品种调研和查阅大量资料基础上,对  相似文献   

观赏鱼营养需求研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
综述了有关观赏鱼对蛋白质、脂肪、碳水化合物、矿物质、维生素和类胡萝卜素等营养物质需求的研究进展,以期对观赏鱼全价配合饲料的研制起一定的指导作用。  相似文献   

United States of America Trade in Ornamental Fish   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Ornamental fish production is among the leading cash crops of the United States of America aquaculture economy, and retail value of the fish trade is worth approximately US$l,000 million. However, few studies exist to document this trade. Using import and export documents we report trends in total values for the U.S. trade in ornamental fish. Also, we determined the number and value of the most commonly imported ornamental fish. In 1992, approximately 201 million fish valued at $44.7 million were imported into the U.S. The port of Los Angeles handled 39% of all trade activity, Miami 22%, New York 16%, Tampa 6%, and Honolulu 6%. Freshwater fish accounted for approximately 96% of the total volume and 80% of the value of the imports. Most freshwater ornamental fish were farm-raised and imported from Southeast Asia. Most U.S. exports of ornamental fish were cultured in the state of Florida. Although saltwater fish had a high market value (20% of the declared value of the imports), the volume of these fish was only 4%. Most imported and exported saltwater ornamental fish were collected from the wild. Of the 1,539 species declared as ornamental fish, 32 species dominated the trade. These were all of freshwater origin. The guppy Poecilia reticulala and neon tetra Paracheirodon innesi were the most popular ornamental fish kept in U.S. households. The average prices paid for imported ornamental freshwater fish were 45 cents for egg layers and 22 cents for live bearers. The results of this study document the importance of the ornamental fish industry and identifies the most valuable species in the trade for potential domestic culture and protection in the wild.  相似文献   

Ornamental fishes endemic to Hawaii's reefs are a valued resource and a staple of the marine aquarium trade, worldwide. At present, the market for Hawaiian ornamental reef fish is supplied entirely by the export of wild-captured animals, but the long-term sustainability of this practice is debatable. The success of breeders of ornamental fishes elsewhere, and concerns about overexploitation of wild fishes have stimulated interest in the development of an industry based on the captive propagation and rearing of Hawaiian ornamental fishes. Initial attempts to spawn and rear the larvae of various marine ornamental fishes in Hawaii were carried out in the early 1970s. The results of these culture efforts, conducted primarily at the Oceanic Institute and the University of Hawaii's Hawaii Institute of Marine Biology on Oahu, have varied in success. For the most part, these results have appeared previously only in dissertations or in reports distributed locally. Technological improvements in marine aquarium husbandry and in the culture of edible marine fishes have both benefited practitioners of ornamental reef fish culture, and promise to do so in the future. Our objective in this paper is to review the progress that has been made in the captive cultivation of ornamental marine fishes and to provide an overview of the status of the marine aquarium industry in Hawaii.  相似文献   

The aquarium fish industry in Sri Lanka has become a valuable foreign exchange earner during the past few years, earning Rs. 530 million in 1998. Sri Lankan ornamental fish exports for the international market include locally wild caught marine, brackish-water and freshwater species as well as captive bred freshwater fish. Presently, there are about 18 registered aquarium fish exporters and together they currently contribute approximately 1% of the world's demand for ornamental fish. Of the freshwater fish species exported from Sri Lanka, the guppy ranks the highest (67% by number), followed by swordtails, angels, platies and various species of tetras. This study aims to assess the present status and future trends in the ornamental fish industry in Sri Lanka; to overview the present fish production system which caters for the international market; and to identify present constraints within the industry. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

陈思行 《水产科技情报》2010,37(3):143-145, 149
5 观赏鱼的需求 5.1 进口市场情况 全球观赏鱼的进口态势与出口态势密切相关.据FAO有关数据显示,自1976年以来世界观赏鱼贸易已有较大的发展,进口额1976年为3303万美元,1977年为5000万美元,1985年后开始持续大幅度上升,至1991年增长到2.1633亿美元,1994年再增长至3.3762亿美元,尔后逐渐下滑至1999年的2.4409亿美元,2000年稍上扬至2.461 6亿美元,2001年又下滑至2.446 2亿美元,2002年为2.341 6亿美元.近些年来,随着城市需求的增加,观赏鱼需求直线上升.  相似文献   

采用总体分层抽样和层内简单随机抽样相结合的方法,系统分析了武汉市水族专卖店经营情况及观赏鱼市场规模、消费结构和特点.结果表明:(1)目前武汉市水族专卖店总体规模较小,46.09%的水族专卖店年销售额在30万元以下,而且经营的观赏鱼品种较单一、品质低.(2)88.12%的45岁以上人群偏好金鱼,而66.67%的小孩、58.21%的青年人群更偏好热带鱼;男性中70.57%偏好金鱼,而100%的女性更喜欢小型热带鱼,其中73.17%的女性有购买热带鱼的意愿.(3)观赏鱼单次消费额与消费者的收入呈正相关.单次消费额大多在40~100元,占41.19%;单次消费额超过300元以上的消费者所占比例很小,不足调查总数的10%.调查发现50%左右的消费者逛花鸟市场的首选时间在双休日;74%的观赏鱼购买者主要是为了自己欣赏,用来馈赠亲戚朋友的仅占16%.对引导消费和附加消费持接受和默认态度的比例分别为52.94%和22.10%,未婚女性自主消费比例高达74.47%.针对调查结果,笔者对发展武汉花鸟市场提出了相关对策和建议.  相似文献   

很多金鱼饲养爱好者发现自己养的金鱼有逐年退化的趋势 ,有的珍稀品种变成平常品种 ,甚至失去了观赏价值。这是没有重视亲鱼精选和合理配种造成的。防止金鱼观赏品质退化的措施有 :一、精选亲鱼对于一池或一缸同品种的亲鱼 ,不能不分优劣让其自由交配。因为在一池或一缸的金鱼群体中 ,总会有少数亲鱼品种特征不良 ,特别是雄鱼 ,参加交配后所形成的受精卵已布下了“退化”的遗传基因。品种不纯正的雄鱼又往往活力较强 ,它的精子与雌鱼卵子结合的机会就多。再者 ,杂种鱼苗在抗病力、活动力和摄食量等方面均强于纯正鱼苗 ,于是纯正鱼苗的生存便…  相似文献   

文章对水族箱的设置、海水观赏鱼品种的选择、水质指标的控制、饵料投喂及病害防治等进行了分析与探讨,为家用型水族箱饲养海水观赏鱼提供技术支持.  相似文献   

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