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宝钢法脱硫脱氰的生产   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
主要叙述了宝钢法脱硫脱氰工艺技术与原塔希法在生产原理、流程,工艺操作指标等方面的不同之处,宝钢法脱硫效率高、生产稳定、脱硫塔阻力小、环保好、经济效益好。  相似文献   

OPT法脱硫脱氰生产洁净煤气   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
曲雁秋  曹建元 《冶金能源》2000,19(4):22-24,62
介绍了OPT法焦炉煤气氨法脱硫脱氰工艺。经三年多生产实践,表明该工艺具有脱硫脱氰效率高、工艺流程短,操作成本低,能减少和综合利用好等特点。  相似文献   

焦炉煤气净化目前比较成熟的工艺有砷碱法和改良 A.D.A 法,但因剧毒和成本高而应用有限;宝钢引进的塔卡哈克斯——希罗哈克斯法,工艺较复杂,废液需高压处理,技术难度大、投资大,中小企业难办到;对苯二酚法因煤气中含 CO_2有干扰,效果不可能很理想;天津煤气二厂引进的 F.R.C 法(即苦味酸法)刚刚在调试。参照日本软件,国内自行设计的苦味酸法,放在化产回收之前,以氨作碱源,再配置磷铵洗氨工艺,这套工艺是比较合理的。  相似文献   

用单乙醇胺(MEA)法脱除焦炉煤气中的H2S,HCN能满足冶金工厂的要求,但蒸汽、MEA的消耗较大,对于老焦化厂新增设脱硫脱氰,采用单醇胺法--硫酸工艺较好,文章论述了MEA法脱硫脱氰的原理及生产流程,并提出了其存在的问题及解决的方法。  相似文献   

文章介绍了JX—300X DCS系统应用在重钢焦化厂脱硫脱氰。包括系统结构、硬件、软件组态、监控、性能等。  相似文献   

毛永丰 《山西冶金》2022,(9):154-155+174
焦化厂在生产过程会排放大量的H2S、HCN等有毒有害物质,未经处理排放会严重污染环境,对生产设备造成腐蚀。因此,焦炉煤气脱硫脱氰废液处理受到广泛关注。介绍了焦炉煤气脱硫脱氰的主要技术方法,并对工艺原理进行探究,通过工艺优化改造,不断提升焦炉煤气脱硫脱氰技术和工作效率,为后续废液处理提供参考。  相似文献   

重钢焦炉煤气脱硫脱氰及工艺方法选择初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了焦炉煤气脱硫脱氰工艺方法及其重要意义,同时对公司今后选用焦炉煤气脱硫脱氰工艺方法作了进一步的分析。  相似文献   

通过对焦炉煤气脱硫系统中HCN分解装置的运行状况和存在的问题进行归纳分析,找出了其堵塞原因,并在理论和实践分析的基础上对生产工艺进行了改造,同时对操作方法也进行了改进。结果表明:生产效率明显改善,脱硫工序开工率、硫磺产量明显提高,取得了较好的经济效益和环境效益。  相似文献   

通过对目前焦炉煤气脱硫脱氰工艺技术的分析,结合安钢实际情况,优选出几个比较先进合理、运行经济的脱硫脱氰工艺流程。  相似文献   

为提高搅拌釜在处理贵金属废水过程中的生产效率,本文通过数值模拟来研究反应釜内的流场情况.利用实验数据和模拟结果对比,论证模拟结果的可靠性;通过模拟来研究搅拌桨的转速、挡板、湍动能对搅拌釜内流场的影响,并提出相应的改进意见.研究表明,虽然加快搅拌釜的转速在一定程度上能改善流场流动环境,但仍有"死区"的存在,采用多桨可以弥补单纯提高桨速方法的不足.添加挡板不仅能在相同的转速下有效扩大高速流动区域,而且对自由液面的波动可以起到良好的稳定作用.研究还表明,在距桨叶片大约1~2mm处是整个流场湍动能最大的区域,脱氰药剂在此投入可以提高其在釜内的扩散速率.  相似文献   

卞小冬 《黄金》2020,41(6):72-74
某黄金精炼厂采用氰化法处理金精矿,产生的大量氰渣易造成环境污染。试验采用新型卧式压滤机对氰渣进行压滤洗涤,并考察了压滤洗涤过程是否短路、洗水比、压滤洗涤流程等影响因素,最终确定了最佳条件。压滤洗涤后的氰渣毒性浸出液中的总氰化合物及重金属质量浓度均符合GB 5085. 3—2007 《危险废物鉴别标准浸出毒性鉴别》要求,实现了氰渣的无害化处理。  相似文献   

针对攀钢集团西昌钢钒有限公司普碳钢生产过程中存在的脱硫成本较高的问题,在理论分析和计算的基础上,根据铁水硫含量制定出对应的铁水预脱硫以及LF精炼脱硫工艺路线;并对LF脱硫工艺的过程温度和成分控制、渣料加入量和加入方法、脱硫时间和过程吹氩控制等方面进行了系统优化和设计。工艺改进后,降低了过程铁水损耗,铁水入炉温度提高了28℃,浇钢过程温降减少13℃,合金锰的收得率提高了6.22%,LF渣态控制合理,脱硫效果稳定,成品w(S)控制在0.005%~0.021%,平均为0.015 5%,完全满足钢种要求。新的工艺实施后,可以有效减少脱硫扒渣铁损和温度损失,从而明显降低脱硫成本,采用钢水脱硫比铁水脱硫降低成本8.97元/t。  相似文献   

摘要:针对钢渣脱硫剂的脱硫性能,在球团工序湿法石灰石 石膏法脱硫系统开展了钢渣脱硫剂全部替代石灰石的大型工业试验研究。研究表明:从脱硫效果的角度分析,在烟气流量约34万m3/h,入口二氧化硫质量浓度约7000mg/m3的超高硫负荷条件下,钢渣脱硫剂的脱硫效果良好,脱硫效率大于97%,脱硫率和石灰石接近;从脱硫系统的稳定性角度分析,采用钢渣脱硫剂,脱硫废水表现出不同的性质特征,主要体现在pH值降低至4.0,Mg2+质量浓度循环富集至4536mg/L,不符合脱硫系统防腐蚀要求,通过采取在脱硫废水中配加固液比为37.5kg/m3的添加剂的技术措施,可提高脱硫废水pH值至8.33,Mg2+质量浓度降低至880mg/L,有利于实现脱硫废水的循环利用。因此,采用钢渣脱硫剂替代石灰石应用于湿法石灰石 石膏法脱硫系统是可行的,可以实现脱硫系统长期、稳定运行的目标。  相似文献   

For tensile stresses applied parallel to the elongated grain structure of the aluminum alloy, 8090, the creep and creep fracture properties are discussed in relation to the changes in precipitate dispersion and transgranular failure mode observed over stress ranges giving creep lives up to 6000 hours at 373 to 463 K. Specifically, a transition from growth of cracks nucleating on the short transverse boundaries to neck formation occurs when the deformation resistance is reduced progressively by precipitate coarsening as the test duration increases at 427 K and above. All features of the recorded behavior patterns are then explained in terms of the processes governing strain accumulation and damage development by using the ϑ methodology to quantify the systematic variations in creep curve shape with changing stress and temperature.  相似文献   

Over tensile stress ranges giving creep lives up to 2000 hours at 373 to 463 K, the creep and creep fracture properties of 7010 are compared with results recorded for 7075 and other precipitation-hardened aluminum alloys. Using the ϕ methodology to quantify the systematic variations in creep curve shape with changing test conditions, the behavior patterns displayed by the different alloys are shown to depend on the extent to which precipitate coarsening causes a progressive loss of creep strength with increasing test duration and temperature. The ϕ relationships also introduce new approaches for rationalization and interpretation of creep data sets, based on the activation energy for lattice diffusion in the alloy matrices and the yield stress or UTS at the creep temperatures.  相似文献   

韩新萍 《武钢技术》2010,48(1):10-12
通过对改良ADA湿法脱硫工艺进行分析,找出提高脱硫能力的关键因素并采取措施,从而提高脱硫效率,降低焦炉煤气的硫化氢含量。  相似文献   

Creep and creep fracture properties are presented for two commercial aluminum alloys, 2124 and 2419, tested at stresses giving creep lives up to about 1000 hours at 373 to 463 K. The results are analyzed using the ϑ methodology, which quantifies the shape of individual creep curves and the variations in curve shape with changing stress and temperature. The ϑ relationships are shown to allow reasonable prediction of 100,000-hour stress rupture values, while also explaining the complex creep behavior patterns widely observed with precipitation-hardened alloys.  相似文献   

Over tensile stress ranges giving creep lives up to 2000 hours at 373 to 463 K, the creep and creep fracture properties of 7010 are compared with results recorded for 7075 and other precipitation-hardened aluminum alloys. Using the ϕ methodology to quantify the systematic variations in creep curve shape with changing test conditions, the behavior patterns displayed by the different alloys are shown to depend on the extent to which precipitate coarsening causes a progressive loss of creep strength with increasing test duration and temperature. The ϕ relationships also introduce new approaches for rationalization and interpretation of creep data sets, based on the activation energy for lattice diffusion in the alloy matrices and the yield stress or UTS at the creep temperatures.  相似文献   

Over tensile stress ranges giving creep lives up to 2000 hours at 373 to 463 K, the creep and creep fracture properties of 7010 are compared with results recorded for 7075 and other precipitation-hardened aluminum alloys. Using the ϑ methodology to quantify the systematic variations in creep curve shape with changing test conditions, the behavior patterns displayed by the different alloys are shown to depend on the extent to which precipitate coarsening causes a progressive loss of creep strength with increasing test duration and temperature. The ϑ relationships also introduce new approaches for rationalization and interpretation of creep data sets, based on the activation energy for lattice diffusion in the alloy matrices and the yield stress or UTS at the creep temperatures.  相似文献   

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