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负载分配问题影响网络路由性能.为了解决网络负载平衡,文章提出一个负载平衡路由协议(RABLB).该文分析了路由耦合度、节点移动速度和分组队列长度等3种因素对多径路由性能的影响,根据分布式理论和信息熵概念,提出了基于负载平衡路由选择模型及负载加权分配模型,并调节路由结构,使之既提高路由的恢复能力又保持负载平衡.因此,基于负载平衡的多路径路由算法(RABLB)、能够降低传输时延,减少发生网络吞吐量饱和的概率,更有效提高了路由可靠性.文中对RABLB与动态源路由(DSR)和快速切换路由算法(RABA)进行了分析比较.由于RABLB考虑了多因素对路由的影响,因此RABLB的路由性能比DSR和RABA有所提高.  相似文献   

1INTRODUCTION Mobileadhocnetworks(MANET)[1]havebeenreceivedalotofattentionduringthepastfewyearsduetotherapidexpansionofmobiledevicesandthegainedpopularityinmobilecommunica tion.Amobileadhocnetworkisaspecialcaseofmobilenetworks,withoutanyfixedlinkstosup porteachnodeandtoprovideconnectivitytocom municatewitheachother.Eachnodeactsasbothhostandrouteratatimeandperformsalltherout ingsandstatemaintenanceoperations.Thenet worktopologyofamobileadhocnetworkchangesfrequentlyandunpredictablyduetoth…  相似文献   

To deeply exploit the mechanisms of ant colony optimization (ACO) applied to develop routing in mobile ad hoe networks (MANETS),some existing representative ant colony routing protocols were analyzed and compared.The analysis results show that every routing protocol has its own characteristics and competitive environment.No routing protocol is better than others in all aspects.Therefore,based on no free lunch theory,ant routing protocols were decomposed into three key components:route discovery,route maintenance (including route refreshing and route failure handling) and data forwarding.Moreover,component based ant routing protocol (CBAR) was proposed.For purpose of analysis,it only maintained basic ant routing process,and it was simple and efficient with a low overhead.Subsequently,different mechanisms used in every component and their effect on performance were analyzed and tested by simulations.Finally,future research strategies and trends were also summarized.  相似文献   

多媒体环境下,移动自组网路由的服务质量(QoS路由)存在两个问题:一个是路由维护问题.节点移动时常导致路由中断;另一个问题是随着客户的增加,网络中的通信量也增加,这一变化时常导致单径QoS路由发生拥塞.提出一个多径自适应动态资源预留路由协议(MDRSVP)解决这两个问题.它采用一种多径并、串行兼有的路由结构解决路由维护和动态通信量问题.首先,对于路由丢失,MDRSVP能够启用串行路由接替主路由,继续传输数据,弥补因路由失效带来的传输中断;其次,MDRSVP降低每条并行路由使用带宽,并使所有并行路由带宽总和等于应用要求的带宽,从而降低拥塞发生概率,提高其他路径的使用率.当路径带宽满足不了QoS要求时,MDRSVP通过计算路由节点的上游瓶颈带宽和下游节点带宽分配数据流,以此自适应路由通信量的变化.仿真试验表明,MDRSVP算法能够提高QoS路由容错性,降低拥塞,提高网络可升级性.  相似文献   

一种基于蚂蚁算法的移动自组网节能路由算法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
提出一种改进的蚂蚁算法用于移动自组网节能路由问题,以使网络的生存期尽量延长.算法中考虑了节点上电池剩余能量及剩余能量的方差,电池剩余能量方差反映了节点之间能量消耗的均衡程度.算法在蚂蚁选择路由时引入随机小概率变异策略,避免陷入局部最优解.同时算法在运行过程中设置了跳数限制,提供了一定的QoS保证.仿真计算表明,提出的节能路由算法节能效果明显,能进一步延长网络的生存期.  相似文献   

移动分布式无线网络中的自适应分群协议   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:4  
提出了一种新颖的移动分群算法和分群保持策略,它可以用很少的控制开销快速获得网络的控制结构并能适应拓扑结构的变化,从而很好地支持移动性以及保持网络通信结构的稳定。仿真结果表明了这些。  相似文献   

大规模无线移动ad hoc网络   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大规模无线移动ad hoc网络是未来军用和民用移动通信的重要形式之一.作者研究大规模无线移动ad hoc网络的关键技术,提出解决大规模网络路由的基本思路,阐明在ad hoc网络中应用智能天线的两种多址协议,给出了实现高达100 Mbit/s的自适应传输方案.  相似文献   

In the traditional Space Time Division Multiple Access (STDMA) protocol, the time slot is not allocated dynamically and the idle slots potentially exist. To address the issue, based on fuzzy logic control and Multiple Input Multiple Output (MIMO) technology, a novel STDMA protocol (MIMO-STDMA) is proposed. In MIMO-STDMA, the number of slots and the frame length allocated to a mobile node are determined dynamically through the judgment and calculation based on regulation of the fuzzy controller. Utilizing the reservation and stream control gain of MIMO, in the allocated slots, a node employs full antennas to transmit data. On the contrary, in the unallocated slots the node reserves the transmission by 4-way handshaking with the carrier sense. Finally, simulations are conducted to evaluate the performance of the proposed protocol. The results show that the MIMO-STDMA outperforms the STDMA in terms of throughput and slot utilization.  相似文献   

Considering the throughput reduction caused by the packet collision of the PRP MAC, a novel MAC based on five phase reservation (FPR-PRP MAC) is proposed. The FPR-PRP MAC adopts a synchronous time structure, and it allows the nodes in the network to acquire transmission slot numbers through five phase reservation. Then in information slots, some nodes can transmit RTS packets with higher priority according to the reservation results, and other nodes contend with each other to transmit RTS packets. A receiving node determines the maximum allowable number of data streams according to all the RTS packets it has received, and put this number in the CTS packet to reply to the transmitter. The mechanism of combining reservation with contention in FPR-PRP MAC reduces the collisions of RTS packets in the network. Moreover, the synchronous time structure in FPR-PRP MAC eliminates the collisions of the control packet with the data packet. Therefore, the proposed FPR-PRP MAC can improve the performance of the network effectively. Simulation results show that, in a heavy load situation, compared with the PRP MAC, the FPR-PRP MAC can transmit many more packets in a stream-controlled way, and increase the network throughput.  相似文献   

近年来,随着可用频谱资源的日益稀缺和无线业务量的剧增,认知无线自组网相关的研究得到广泛的关注,其中路由问题是应用中需要解决的重要问题之一.由于频谱机会具有动态性,认知无线网的路由问题要将功率控制、路径选择和信道分配联合起来,实现跨层优化设计.文中提出一种多尺度认知路由协议,根据用户的业务类型和服务质量需求进行尺度选择,并结合频谱机会为认知用户提供适用的解决方案.通过网络拓扑模型指出多径路由问题,并分别结合物理层、介质访问控制层和网络层的分析提出了多尺度优化模型.实验表明,该路由方法在端到端时延、吞吐量和数据投递率等参数上,都能够一定程度地改进服务质量.  相似文献   

为有效解决移动Ad Hoc网络簇结构的稳定性问题,提出了一种分簇算法.在流量均衡的基础上, 综合考虑节点所处的网络环境和本身状态,根据适应性权值选择簇首,实现对随机分布的移动节点自适应动态分簇,并通过可用度来优化簇内的节点数.仿真测试表明,该算法在不增加开销的情况下,能适应性均衡簇首负载,有效防止簇首成为瓶颈.  相似文献   

多跳分布式无线网络中不同路由协议的性能   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:3  
基于场景用仿真方法研究了3种适用于分布武无线网络的路由协议及其网络性能,仿真结果表明,当通信半径一定时,3种路由协议的网络性能均随着网络中节点运动速度的提高而变差;当节点运动速度一定时,3种路由协议的网络性能均随着节点通信半径的增加而变好;同等条件下。Ad-hoc按需距离矢量路由协议的端到端通过量高于动态源路由协议和目标序列距离矢量路由协议。分组丢失率低于动态源路由协议和目标序列距离矢量路由协议,而目标序列距离矢量路由协议的平均分组传输时廷保持最低。  相似文献   

针对单向链路以及盲目广播网关发现分组等原因所致的MANET与Internet互联性能恶化提出了一种改进型网关发现方案.通过交换携带有对称邻居节点列表和非对称邻居节点列表的AODVHELLO分组,全局路由计算中的单向链路被清除而广播风暴也同时得到抑制.结合网关通告分组的自适应覆盖和HELLO发送优化机制,使得网关发现所依赖的广播路由计算的可靠性得到保证而无益的广播则被禁止.基于NS2的仿真结果表明改进型方案能适应动态变化的网络条件和Internet访问需求,以其增强机制为MANET提供更好的Internet连接.  相似文献   

基于QoS的Ad Hoc网络路由协议研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
移动自组网(MobileAdHocNetworks)是建立军事和民用快速通信系统的理想技术.如何在其中提供不同的服务质量(QoS)是其面临的一个重要问题,而基于QoS的路由技术则是其中的核心技术和热点问题.文章对不同研究者提出的几种QoS路由算法进行了分析和研究,并从单向链路的支持、多播功能以及QoS参数选择几个方面进行了比较和分析,有助于进一步改进和完善移动自组网的QoS路由技术.  相似文献   

1 INTRODUCTION Multi-hop wireless network is an ideal technology to establish an instant communication infrastructure for civilian and military applications. Its applications include collaborative, distributed mobile computing, disaster recovery, law enforcement (crowd control, search and rescue), digital battlefield communications, and so on[1]. Such situations demand a network where all the nodes including the base stations are potentially mobile, and communication must be supported unwi…  相似文献   

为设计和改进适合MWMNs的路由协议,分析了MWMNs路由协议性能的主要影响因素,设计了MWMNs路由协议应首先考虑的链路可用性问题,在此基础上对DSR协议应用于MWMNs进行了可行性分析。研究结果显示,DSR协议由于动态机制还不够完善,没有考虑链路的可用性和可用时间等问题,并不能完全适用于MWMNs。  相似文献   

无人艇通常以编队协同的方式进行作业,并通过自组网进行数据交换.因海浪等因素影响,海上自组网的信道传输损耗通常处于动态变化中,现有MAC协议的退避算法在动态海上环境下无法区分分组碰撞和分组丢失,会出现可靠性和稳定性下降的问题.为此,本文提出一种基于信道监听的自适应最小竞争窗口退避算法,该算法通过感知邻近竞争节点数目来估计信道状态,降低信道冲突概率和重传次数,提升了网络整体的可靠性和稳定性.仿真结果表明,与经典BEB算法相比,改进算法的吞吐量和公平性分别最大提高28.67%和62.00%,端到端延时和丢包率分别最大降低2.84%和15.10%.  相似文献   

自组网中一种稳定的多层分级结构   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
针对多层分级结构(Multi-layer hierarchical structure,MHS)中存在的结构稳定性较差和结构维护开销大等问题,提出了一种稳定的多层分级结构(Stable multi-layer hierarchicalstructure,SMHS),该结构采用"结构依赖于一些相对稳定的群"的新策略。分别从基本思想、构建过程、角色分类、编址方案、优缺点5个方面对SMHS进行了详细设计;描述和分析了与关键角色相关的一些理论;通过仿真对MHS和SMHS的性能进行了比较分析,结果表明:SMHS在提高结构稳定性,降低结构维护开销方面优于MHS。  相似文献   

On-demand multicast routing protocol based on node classification in MANET   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An improved on-demand multicast routing protocol(ODMRP), node classification on-demand multicast routing protocol(NC- ODMRP), which is based on node classification in mobile ad hoc networks was proposed. NC- ODMRP classifies nodes into such three categories as ordinary node, forwarding group(FG) node, neighbor node of FG node according to their history forwarding information. The categories are distinguished with different weights by a weight table in the nodes. NC-ODMRP chooses the node with the highest weight as an FG node during the setup of forwarding group, which reduces a lot of redundant FG nodes by sharing more FG nodes between different sender and receiver pairs. The simulation results show that NC-ODMRP can reduce more than 20 % FG number of ODMRP, thus enhances nearly 14% data forwarding efficiency and 12% energy consumption efficiency when the number of multicast senders is more than 5.  相似文献   

In order to improve the data transmission reliability of mobile ad hoc network, a routing scheme called integrated forward error correction multipath routing protocol was proposed, which integrates the techniques of packet fragmenting and forward error correction encoding into multipath routing. The scheme works as follows: adding a certain redundancy into the original packets; fragmenting the resulting packets into exclusive blocks of the same size; encoding with the forward error correction technique, and then sending them to the destination node. When the receiving end receives a certain amount of information blocks, the original information will be recovered even with partial loss. The performance of the scheme was evaluated using OPNET modeler. The experimental results show that with the method the average transmission delay is decreased by 20% and the transmission reliability is increased by 30%.  相似文献   

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