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建立了2017年嘉兴市人为源大气污染物排放清单。结果发现,SO_2、NO_x、CO、挥发性有机物(VOCs)、NH_3、总悬浮颗粒物(TSP)、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)、黑碳(BC)和有机碳(OC)排放总量分别为15 224、60 663、102 600、93 256、26 266、118 923、70 367、19 024、941、1 622t。SO_2的最大排放源是化石燃料固定燃烧源中的电力供热;NO_x的最大排放源是移动源中的柴油车;CO的最大排放源是移动源中的汽油车;VOCs的最大排放源是工艺过程源中的石油化工;NH_3的最大排放源是农业源中的氮肥施用;TSP的最大排放源是扬尘源中的道路扬尘;PM_(10)和PM_(2.5)的最大排放源是工艺过程源中的水泥生产;BC的最大排放源是移动源中的柴油车;OC的最大排放源是餐饮油烟源中的餐饮油烟。对于大气污染中普遍关注的6种污染物,SO_2、NO_x、PM_(10)、PM_(2.5)和VOCs排放的重点源主要集中在各县(市、区)的工业园区或工业集聚区,而NH_3的排放空间分布相对比较分散。  相似文献   

机动车大气污染物排放清单构建的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着机动车保有量的增加,大气污染物排放已经成为空气污染的一个重要来源,总结出一套完整的机动车大气污染物排放清单建立方法,即从机动车车况调查着手,掌握研究区域机动车基本情况,然后通过实洲或排放模型方法确定机动车排放因子,配合道路状况的调查,建立宏观、中观或微观等不同尺度的机动车大气污染物排放清单.另外,在整个排放清单建立过程中设置数据来源质量保证,选择合适的不确定性定量分析方法.通过探讨每个步骤中目前所采用的方法和存在的问题,以拓宽刚涉足机动车大气污染物排放清单方面研究者的思路.  相似文献   

为了研究天津市民用散煤燃烧大气污染物的排放情况,采用排放因子法,结合散煤燃烧活动水平,建立了2019、2020年天津市民用散煤燃烧大气污染物排放清单,并根据排放清单对污染物空间分布特征进行了分析。结果表明:2020年民用散煤燃烧量相比2019年减少约61万t,细颗粒物(PM2.5)、CO、SO2、氮氧化物(NOx)分别减排1 010.33、38 070.69、904.16、824.68 t。其中,污染物排放贡献最大的区为蓟州区。各区显示出明显的污染物排放空间差异,未来应推进清洁能源的使用,加快清洁能源政策的推广,以减少民用散煤燃烧的污染物排放。  相似文献   

民用散煤燃烧是大气污染的重要来源,由于民用散煤活动水平获取难度较大,目前有关民用散煤燃烧大气污染物排放量的研究较少。计算了2016年长春6个城区内民用散煤燃烧产生的CO、SO2、NOx、PM2.5、PM10、挥发性有机化合物(VOCs)的排放量,编制了民用散煤燃烧大气污染物排放清单,并分析了大气污染物排放的时空分布特征。结果表明:长春城区燃煤棚户区共计287处,总面积26.64km2,棚户区户均燃煤量约为2.1t/户,住户燃煤比在0.6~0.8;2016年长春城区民用散煤CO、SO2、NOx、PM2.5、PM10、VOCs的排放量分别为12 462、329、142、961、1 201、356t,CO为长春地区民用散煤燃烧主要污染物,占民用散煤燃烧污染物总排放量的80.7%;长春各城区民用散煤燃烧总排放量为绿园区宽城区朝阳区双阳区二道区南关区;大气污染物排放日变化峰值在6:00—7:00、12:00、19:00;民用散煤燃烧污染物排放的周变化差异不大,周末排放量较工作日稍高;采暖期大气污染物排放的月变化与气温的变化同步,排放量呈现1月12月2月11月3月10月4月的变化规律。  相似文献   

建立了乌昌石区域非金属矿物制品业CO、NO_x、SO_2、PM_(2.5)和PM_(10) 5种大气污染物的排放清单,并进行了时空分布特征分析,初步探究了估算的不确定性。结果显示,乌昌石区域非金属矿物制品业CO、NO_x、SO_2、PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)总排放量分别为3.71×10~4、2.76×10~4、3.10×10~4、3.04×10~4、1.29×10~5 t。熟石膏行业是CO的主要排放源;水泥(干法)行业是NO_x、SO_2、PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)的主要排放源。乌鲁木齐市是CO、NO_x和SO_2排放量的最大贡献源;石河子市是PM_(2.5)和PM_(10)排放量的最大贡献源。乌昌石区域5月至9月是一年中污染物排放的高峰期,11:00至20:00是一天中污染物排放的高峰期。空间上,乌昌石区域的污染物排放主要分布在乌鲁木齐市中部、西南部以及石河子市。  相似文献   

通过现场勘测以及走访调研的形式,获得桂林地区2011至2013年工业生产情况统计,参照国内外相关文献资料确定排放因子,并通过数据处理得到桂林地区工业排放源清单。结果表明,近三年桂林地区工业污染源年均向大气排放细颗粒物(PM2.5)10 751.01 t,其中以兴安县贡献量最大,达到5 024.92 t;永福县次之,为2 924.31 t。在企业类型中,以火力发电企业、水泥及砖瓦厂对桂林地区大气排放细颗粒物的贡献量较大,分别为2 540.81、6 544.51和555.13 t。同时,桂林地区以煤炭作为主要燃料,其对大气排放细颗粒物的年均贡献量达到2 672.17 t。  相似文献   

六氯苯和多氯联苯是被列入<斯德哥尔摩公约>附件C中要求采取减排控制措施的非故意产生持久性有机污染物,目前尚没有关于它们在中国的排放清单方面的研究报道.参考日本环境省基于实测数据编制的排放因子,计算了以2008为基准年的中国主要排放源的非故意产生六氯苯和多氯联苯大气排放清单.结果表明,由主要行业产生的六氯苯年排放量为528 704 g,多氯联苯的年排放量为7 762 615 g.对于六氯苯,主要排放源依次为水泥行业(42.356%)、电炉炼钢(27.549%)、钢铁烧结过程(14.731%)和初级铜冶炼(7.774%);对于多氯联苯,水泥行业占了排放量的90%以上.上述排放源应当在制订其减排战略和行动计划时予以关注和优先考虑.  相似文献   

典型城市机动车非常规污染物排放清单   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
以2007年为目标年,利用IVE模型计算并建立北京市、上海市和深圳市3个典型城市的机动车1,3-丁二烯、甲醛、乙醛、NH3、苯、CO2、N2O和CH4等非常规污染物的排放清单.结果表明,在北京市,对8种非常规污染物的排放贡献率最大的均为轻型客车,排放贡献率均在50%以上;其次主要为中重型客车,排放贡献率为5%~26%....  相似文献   

在考虑我国移动源主要大气污染物排放标准变化的基础上,分别对我国2000-2012年道路移动源和非道路移动源主要大气污染物(CO、NOx、HC、PM2.5)的排放量进行了估算。研究表明:2000-2012年间,我国移动源主要大气污染物排放总量呈现先增后减的趋势,2005年达到最大值,为4 233万t,其中道路移动源的排放量占80%以上;各类大气污染物的排放量的差异性较大,CO和NOx的排放量较多,占排放总量的87%以上,从整体趋势上来看,CO的排放量逐年较少,NOx的排放量逐年增大,而HC和PM2.5变化不大;摩托车和重型柴油货车是道路移动源主要排放源,农业机械是非道路移动源的主要排放源;移动源排放的主要大气污染物在地区间的分布极不平衡,2012年排放量最高的5个省份依次是山东、河北、河南、广东和江苏;排放强度较大的地区主要集中在环渤海经济圈、长三角地区和珠三角地区,其中又以上海、北京、天津3个直辖市的排放强度最大。  相似文献   

Hourly concentrations of benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m,p-xylenes, and o-xylene (BTEX) plus CO, NOx, SO2 were monitored at roadsides simultaneously with the traffic volume during the dry season of 2004, in Hanoi, Vietnam. The selected three streets included Truong Chinh (TC) with high traffic volume, Dien Bien Phu (DBP) with low traffic volume, and Nguyen Trai (NT) with high traffic volume running through an industrial estate. BTEX were sampled by SKC charcoal tubes and analyzed by GC–FID. Geometric means of hourly benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, m,p-xylenes and o-xylene are, respectively, 65, 62, 15, 43, and 22 μg m−3 in TC street; 30, 38, 9, 26, and 13 μg m−3 in DBP street; and 123, 87, 24, 56, and 30 μg m−3 in NT street. Levels of other gaseous pollutants including CO, NOx, and SO2, measured by automatic instruments, were low and not exceeding the Vietnam national ambient air quality standards. BTEX levels were comparatively analyzed for different downwind distances (3–50 m) from the street, between peak hours and off-peak hours, as well as between weekdays and weekend. Results of principal component analysis suggest that the gaseous pollutants are associated with different vehicle types.  相似文献   

沸腾炉大气污染物初始排放因子的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以20台沸腾炉(≤60MW)的燃料特性分析数据和大气污染物的排放实测数据为基础,研究了颗粒物(PM)、SO2和NOX初始排放因子EFP0M、EF0SO2、EF0NOX的变化规律,并利用SPSS13.0统计分析软件,分析了EFP0M、EFS0O2、EF0NOX与影响因子间的相关性。结果表明,在沸腾炉运行负荷≥80%的条件下,EF0PM基本不受锅炉出力(W)、燃煤灰分质量分数(Aar)及过量空气系数(α)的影响,EFP0M与W、Aar、α不具有相关性;EF0SO2主要受燃煤硫质量分数(Sar)的影响,两者具有显著正相关关系;W、α、燃煤干燥基挥发分质量分数(Vdaf)对EF0NOX具有显著影响,EF0NOX与α具有显著正相关关系,而EF0NOX与W、Vdaf具有显著负相关关系;EFS0O2和EF0NOX影响因子由强到弱的顺序为:①EFS0O2:SarαW;②EF0NOX:VdafαW燃煤氮质量分数(Nar)。  相似文献   

The lichen Canomaculina pilosa was transplanted to 21 sampling sites, plus two controls sites in a north-western area of Córdoba City, Argentina. The transplantation sites were set according to traffic levels, industry condition and distances from the power plant. On the transplanted lichens chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b, phaeophytin a, soluble proteins, hydroperoxy-conjugated dienes, malondialdehyde concentration and sulphur accumulation were determined. A pollution index was calculated for each sampling site. The present study provides information about chemical parameters showing variations as the response of C. pilosa to different emission sources of air pollutants. The C. pilosa chemical response was mainly associated to industries. Significant higher values were observed in phaeophytin a/chlorophyll a ratio, sulphur content and pollution index values in lichen material transplanted at sites with industry. For the distance from the power plant category, only the hydroperoxy-conjugated dienes concentration showed significant differences. For the different traffic levels no significant variations were observed for any of the chemical parameters quantified.  相似文献   

An air pollutant emission inventory has been established for Greater London for the first time. Current data relate to SO2 emissions primarily, but can be extended to other pollutants such as smoke, NOx etc. The method of compilation of the inventory and the types of data sought, are described, and figures given for the cost and staff effort implicated in the study.  相似文献   

Kim KH  Hong YJ  Pal R  Jeon EC  Koo YS  Sunwoo Y 《Chemosphere》2008,70(5):807-820
The emission concentrations of carbonyl compounds in air were quantified from a total of 195 man-made source units within 77 individual companies at a large industrial complex in Korea. The measurement data were evaluated both by absolute magnitude of concentration and by their relative contribution to malodor formation such as malodor degree (MD) derived from empirical formula. It was found that formaldehyde exhibited the highest mean concentration of 323ppb with a median value of 28.2ppb, while butyraldehyde recorded the highest contribution to odor formation with an MD value of 3.5 (186 (mean) and 9.8ppb (median)). The relative intensity of carbonyl emission, when compared by the sum of MD, showed the highest source strength from the food and beverage (industry sector) and scrubber (source unit). A comprehensive evaluation of the carbonyl data from diverse industrial facilities thus allowed us to describe the fundamental patterns of their emission.  相似文献   

Environmental agencies are currently in the process of implementing a new air management program, which includes the improvement of fuel quality. In this work, exhaust emissions data and estimated relative risk for various fuels testing in-use vehicles, equipped with three different exhaust emission control technologies, are presented. Aromatics, sulfur, and olefins contents; type of oxygenated compound; and Reid vapor pressure were varied. The aim also includes calculating the ozone (O3) forming potential and a relative cancer risk of emissions from current and formulated gasoline blends in Mexico. The proposed gasoline decreases carbon monoxide, total hydrocarbons (THC), and nitrogen oxides emissions by 18 and 14%, respectively, when compared with gasoline sold in the rest of the country and within ozone nonattainment metropolitan areas in Mexico, respectively.  相似文献   

The European dioxin air emission inventory project--final results   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
Quass U  Fermann M  Bröker G 《Chemosphere》2004,54(9):1319-1327
Main results of the second stage of the so-called "European Dioxin Emission Inventory" are presented. They cover emission testing data gained from various facilities in the EU (among these the first emission measurements reported from Portugal and Greece) and some central European countries. Further, updated dioxin emission estimates for the most important emission sources in the 17 western European countries and an evaluation of the emission time trend from 1985 to 2005 are presented. The major conclusions are, that at present, iron ore sintering is likely to be the most important emission source type followed by the former "No. 1", municipal waste incineration; measurement data from a considerable number of installations are still missing, in particular from the metal industries in Spain and Italy; there still exist an unknown number of health care waste incinerators with flue gas PCDD/F concentrations above 100 ng I-TEQ/m3 which must be considered as important local sources; in general, considerable emission reduction has been achieved with respect to the industrial emission sources, whereas emissions from non-industrial sources hardly decreased; hence, in the near future the emissions from non-industrial sources are likely to exceed those from industrial installations; the goal of 90% emission reduction set in the 5th EU Action Programme will be achieved for some source types only.  相似文献   

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