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高亮  高永  王静  罗凤敏  吕新丰 《中国沙漠》2016,36(5):1357-1364
研究了科尔沁沙地南缘土地覆盖由流动沙地向人工林地、农田及固定沙地等转变后,0~60 cm土层有机碳储量的变化。结果表明:农田土壤有机碳含量增加最明显,为流动沙地的3.97倍且相同层间差异均显著;樟子松(Pinus sylvestris var. mongolica)林地、新疆杨(Populus alba var. pyramidalis)林地、小叶锦鸡儿(Caragana microphylla)群落土壤有机碳含量较流动沙地分别增加79.78%、138.20%、73.07%,差异主要在0~20 cm土层;围封草地和中度放牧草地分别增加116.85%和133.71%,差异主要在0~40 cm土层;固定沙地比流动沙地增加49.44%,差异主要在0~20 cm土层。土地覆盖类型转变后,由于受到土壤容重的影响,土壤有机碳密度在0~20 cm土层变化较明显。8种土地覆盖类型可分为4组:CL1(农田)、CL2(新疆杨林地、围封草地、中度放牧草地)、CL3(樟子松林地、小叶锦鸡儿群落、固定沙地)和CL4(流动沙地)。另外,土壤有机碳含量和密度在土壤剖面上的分布也随着土地覆盖类型的变化而不同。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地典型地区人工造林对沙漠化过程的影响   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:2  
在3S技术的支持下,以奈曼旗1975年、1985年、1995年和2005年的遥感影像为信息源,分析了研究区近30 a人工造林对沙漠化过程的影响。结果表明,在持续的人工造林过程影响下,沙地面积呈现出持续减少的趋势,其中固定沙丘面积减少幅度尤为显著,面积净减量为39 545.77 hm2;沙漠化程度指数呈现出线性减少的变化趋势,自1985年以来,减少幅度尤为明显,由1985年的0.21下降到2005年的0.03;土地沙漠化正、逆过程同时存在,但逆转趋势远大于发展趋势,土地沙漠化过程总体上正处于全面逆转期;斑块数和景观形状指数均呈现出先增后减的变化趋势,斑块形状经历简单—复杂—简单的变化过程。  相似文献   

长江中下游地区湿地开垦及土壤有机碳含量变化   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
李典友  潘根兴 《湿地科学》2009,7(2):187-190
概述了历史时期至今,尤其是20世纪下半叶50 a来长江中下游地区湿地的开垦状况;总结了研究区湿地土壤及其开垦为农田后土壤有机碳含量的变化特征.长江中下游地区湿地分布广, 存在着湿地开垦强度大、土壤碳密度较低和土壤有机碳损失严重等土壤碳库变化问题.与原湿地土壤相比,湿地被开垦为农田后,土壤有机碳含量总体上在降低,而且随着湿地开发利用年限的增加,其土壤有机碳含量减少的幅度也在增加.  相似文献   

凋落物矿化分解是维持生态系统养分循环的关键过程,也是陆地生态系统C向大气释放的主要动力,因此影响和控制生态系统凋落物矿化分解的主要因素一直备受关注。土地沙漠化是科尔沁沙地最严重的环境问题,并且导致土壤粗质化和贫瘠化,凋落物输入和矿化分解对于改善该地区土壤质地和养分状况至关重要。通过室内培养的方法,对科尔沁沙质草地27种主要植物叶凋落物矿化分解及其与凋落物C含量、N含量、木质素含量、C/N、木质素/N、极易分解有机物含量(LOMⅠ)、中易分解有机物含量(LOMⅡ)及难分解有机物含量(RP)等指标关系进行研究。结果表明:科尔沁沙地27种植物叶凋落物质量存在较大差异(P<0.001),相应的27种植物叶凋落物培养样品矿化有机碳总量和干物质损失量存在显著差异(P<0.001),分别在9.0mg C·g^(-1)干土至12.7mg C·g^(-1)干土和14.7%至40.4%之间变化。添加凋落物后培养样品的CO2释放总量显著大于对照(不添加凋落物),说明土壤中添加凋落物后,培养样品的有机碳矿化速率明显增大。27种植物叶凋落物矿化有机碳总量以及损失干物质总量与凋落物的N含量、C/N、木质素/N、LOMⅠ、LOMⅡ和RP等指标存在显著的相关性,叶凋落物的矿化分解主要受LOMⅠ和木质素/N的影响。  相似文献   

在全球气候变化背景下,不同尺度下植物对环境条件的响应机制是生态学研究的核心。为了更好理解不同沙地景观区域植被指数(NDVI)对气象水热环境因子的响应机制,以2000—2013年7—9月MODIS遥感影像为数据源,采用3S空间分析技术和通径分析方法,对科尔沁沙地围封保护区、人工造林固沙区和流动沙丘区等3种景观类型区NDVI的变化趋势和影响其变化的同期气象水热因子年降水、关键期降水、关键期最大一次性降水、重要期降水、年均温、关键期均温、关键期最高气温、关键期最低气温等8个因素进行了分析。结果表明:不同景观类型区NDVI整体上呈现增长的态势。降水的影响明显高于气温,且降水主要起正相关作用,气温主要起负相关作用。促进沙地围封保护景观区NDVI增长的气象因子是关键期降水,决策系数最大且为正(0.445);人工造林固沙景观区受到人工造林更新和农业开垦的影响,削弱了水热条件对NDVI的影响,相比较而言,重要期降水影响较大;流动沙丘景观类型区主要受到关键期气温极值的影响,其他因子影响不显著。  相似文献   

以2004~2006年间野外采样数据,采用土壤类型法对川中丘陵区(内江、资阳和遂宁三市)紫色土表层土壤有机碳密度及储量进行估算,分析了土壤有机碳密度的分布差异。据统计研究区紫色土面积为9070.19km^2,研究结果:表层土壤有机碳密度介于3.32kgC/m^2~1.71kgC/m^2间,具有高度的变异性,表层土壤有机碳储量为1.84Tg。并对影响紫色土有机碳分布的母质、地形和土地利用方式等因素进行了分析:不同成土母质上发育的表层土壤有机碳密度有差异,但均与母岩及其风化物有较强的相关性;主要土属从丘顶到丘脚土壤有机碳密度均逐渐增高;不同土地利用方式下土壤有机碳密度不同,但基本遵循疏林地〉荒草地〉坡耕地的规律。  相似文献   

安徽省土壤有机碳空间差异及影响因素   总被引:26,自引:2,他引:26  
许信旺  潘根兴  曹志红  汪艳 《地理研究》2007,26(6):1077-1086
区域土壤碳储量和碳固定潜力及影响因素分析是全球变化中碳循环研究的重要前沿问题。本文采用第二次土壤普查资料,研究了安徽省不同类型土壤的有机碳密度和碳库,分析了影响土壤有机碳分布的自然和人为因素。结果表明,安徽土壤有机碳库为0.71Pg,表层土壤有机碳库为0.28Pg;土壤平均有机碳密度达117.54 t/hm2,碳密度的空间分布为:皖南山区>皖西大别山区>沿长江平原>江淮丘陵区>淮北平原区;气候和植被控制着表层土壤有机碳的省域分布,降水与土壤有机碳含量呈正相关。地形和母质影响土壤亚类间有机碳的差异;土壤总氮与土壤有机碳呈极显著相关,平原区土壤粘粒含量与表层土壤有机碳固定有较大关系。  相似文献   

以1978年、1987年、1998年、2008年和2018年南四湖区的遥感影像为数据源,采用监督分类方法,对遥感影像进行人机交互目视解译,得到5个时期南四湖区各种土地利用类型的分布和面积数据;在沼泽、水产养殖区、水稻田和旱地中各设置了8个采样点,采集表层(0~15 cm深度)土样,测定土样中的溶解性有机碳、轻组有机碳和重组有机碳的含量,计算出各种土地利用类型表层土壤有机碳密度和碳储量。研究结果表明,受水文变化和人类活动干扰的影响,随着时间的推移,5个时期南四湖区天然湿地(湖泊、河流、沼泽)面积在不断减少,人工湿地面积(水产养殖区、水稻田、人工水渠)在不断增加;随着土地利用方式的改变,南四湖区土壤碳储量也发生了明显变化,沼泽表层土壤的溶解性有机碳密度和轻组有机碳密度都相对最大,水稻田表层土壤的重组有机碳密度相对最大。虽然水产养殖区和水稻田面积的增加,使其表层土壤重组有机碳储量增加了921.58×10~3t,但是,天然湿地的丧失,使得2018年南四湖区表层土壤碳储量比1978年减少了136.34×10~3t。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地荒漠化土地初析   总被引:32,自引:10,他引:22  
应用1996年TM卫星影像资料得出,科尔沁沙地中心地区荒漠化土地占总土地面积的34.02%,以风蚀荒漠化土地为主。各种荒漠化土地在14个旗(县)的分布不同,按严重程度划分为重度荒漠化地区、中度荒漠化地区和轻度荒漠化地区。对历史时期和近期的分析表明,科尔沁沙地荒漠化土地产生和扩展的根本原因是过度开垦。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地的土地利用与沙漠化   总被引:8,自引:12,他引:8  
曹军  吴绍洪  杨勤业 《中国沙漠》2004,24(5):548-552
根据1985年和2000年的土地利用数据和从相同时期的TM影象上提取的土地沙漠化数据, 运用ARC/INFO软件和Access统计软件, 分析科尔沁沙地近20a来土地利用和沙漠化土地的构成及变化特点、土地利用与土地沙漠化之间的关系得出: 草地和耕地是土地利用的主要类型, 未利用地面积较大, 其他利用类型面积较小; 15a来, 耕地和林地增加幅度最大, 草地减少幅度最大, 土地利用转移的主要方向是草地变为耕地和林地。科尔沁沙地沙漠化土地比例大, 占一半左右, 以中度类型为主; 变化趋势是沙漠化面积增加, 程度减轻。在持续强度利用条件下, 面积广大的草地和耕地发生退化, 由潜在沙漠化土地发展为轻度和中度为主的沙漠化土地; 而土地利用方式变化所形成的沙漠化土地面积较小, 在新增沙漠化土地中的比例亦很小。所以, 草地、耕地等土地利用强度的增大是沙漠化土地面积扩大的最主要原因, 而土地利用方式的改变则能加快土地沙漠化的进程。  相似文献   

This experiment was conducted in three sites along a desertification gradient in Horqin Sandy Land, Northern China. Soils una-mended and amended with five types of plant residue in a wide range of C:N ratios from 9.9 to 82.2 were incubated for 70 days, during which C and N mineralization were measured. Along the desertification gradient from fixed sand dune to semifixed, and mobile sand dune: cumulative CO2-C produced from the unamended soils was 231.6, 193.3 and 61.9 μg/g, respectively, while net inorganic N was 22.9, 17.6 and 0.9 mg/kg. Soils amended with residues produced more CO2-C than the unamended soils across all sites. During the first 10 days, C mineralization rate of residue-amended soils decreased with the increase of C:N ratio at each site. However, the mineralization rates were poorly correlated with the C:N ratio in subsequent stage of incubation. Soils of mobile sand dune amended with higher C:N ratio (more than 32) residues produced less CO2-C than that of fixed and semifixed sand dune. NO3--N was the predominant form of inorganic N during the mineralization process in sandy soils. Carbon-to-nitrogen ratio (C:N) can be regarded as a predictor of the speed of N mineralization in sandy soil. The more C. microphylla residue with the lowest C:N ratio (9.9) added in soils, the more net inorganic N released. Our results suggest that C. microphylla residue when added to soil would potentially provide short-term plant available N and improve the soil quality in sandy land. The desertification process postponed the release of inorganic N from plant residues.  相似文献   

Root distribution plays an important role in both vegetation establishment and restoration of degraded land through influencing soil property and vegetation growth. Root distribution at 0~60 cm depth of A. halodendron was investigated in Horqin Sandy Land. Soil organic carbon (SOC) and nitrogen (SN) concentration as well as carbon and nitrogen in root biomass and necromass were measured. Root length density (RLD) was estimated. Total root biomass, necromass and the RLD at 0~60 cm depth was 172 g/m2, 245 g/m2, and 368 m/m2, respectively. Both biomass and necromass of A. halodendron roots decreased with soil depth, live roots were mainly at 0~20 cm (76% of biomass and 63% of root length), while 73% of the necromass was within 0~30 cm depth. N concentration of roots (biomass and necromass) was about 1.0% and 1.5%, respectively. There were significant differences in SOC concentration between soil layers, but insignificant for SN. Soil C/N ratio decreased with depth (P<0.05). C and N storage for belowground system at 0~60 cm decreased markedly with depth; 41.4% of C and 31.7% of N were allocated to the 0~10 cm layer. Root bio- and necromass together contained similar amount of C to that of the soil itself in the top layer. N stock was dominated by soil nitrogen at all depths, but more so in deeper layers. It is clear that differentiating between soil layers will aid in interpreting A. halodendron efficiency in soil restoration in sandy land.  相似文献   

The Horqin Sandy Land of northeastern China was originally a grassland with plenty of water and lush vegetation dominated by palatable grass species along with sparsely scattered woody species. However, it has experienced severe desertification in recent decades due to its fragile ecology together with inappropriate human activities. Currently, the landscape of the Horqin Sandy Land is dominated by irrigated croplands and sand dunes with different degrees of vegetation cover, as the region has become the most important part of the semiarid agro-pastoral ecotone of northern China. In this study, we compared soil physical and chemical properties under different land-use and cover types (irrigated cropland, rainfed cropland, sandy grassland, fixed dunes, and mobile dunes). We found that soil particle size distribution; organic C, total N, and total mineral element, microelement, and available microelement and nutrient contents; pH; CEC; and bulk density differed significantly among the land-use and cover types. In general, soil quality was highest in the cropland, intermediate in the sandy grassland, and lowest in the dunes. The most important soil quality attribute, soil organic carbon (SOC) storage, decreased in the following order: irrigated cropland (5,699 g/m2) > sandy grassland (3,390 g/m2) > rainfed cropland (2,411 g/m2) > fixed dunes (821 g/m2) > mobile dunes (463 g/m2). SOC was significantly positively correlated with a large proportion of the other soil physico-chemical parameters. Our results suggest that the key issue in restoration of the degraded soils will be to increase SOC storage, which would also create a high potential for sequestering soil C in desertified areas of the Horqin Sandy Land.  相似文献   

不同强度放牧后自然恢复的沙质草地土壤性状特征   总被引:23,自引:11,他引:23  
通过对科尔沁沙质草地不同强度放牧后自然恢复过程中土壤的物理、化学和生物学性状特征的研究,结果表明,土壤有机碳、全氮、全磷、有效氮和速效磷含量以及基础土壤呼吸活性在各处理表层土壤的特征为:中牧后恢复草地>轻牧后恢复草地>无牧恢复草地>重牧后恢复草地;重牧后的恢复草地表层土壤较其它处理有较高的土壤容重和pH值以及较低的过氧化氢酶、脲酶和碱性磷酸酶活性;沙质草地的土壤养分和生物学活性在剖面中的分布为上高下低,主要富集于0~ 25cm表层,放牧对土壤系统的影响主要表现在0~ 75cm土层。重度放牧使沙质草地超出了其承载能力和承受干扰的阈限,土壤性状恶化,恢复力降低;而适度的放牧后恢复有利于土壤化学和生物学性状的保持和提高。  相似文献   

Desertification reversion is an interactive process involving climate, land use change, and water processes. In order to reveal the relationship between desertification reversion and these factors, we analyzed historical data on precipitation, air temperature, desertified land changes, underground water tables, and water body changes in Naiman County in the central part of Horqin Sandy Land. Our analysis showed that during 1961-2010 the annual precipitation fluctuated dramatically and has decreased fairly consistently in recent years. The air temperature increased by 0.50-1.25 °C, and the minimum temperature increased more obviously. The desertified land area increased from 42,300 km2 in 1959 to 62,000 km2 in 1985, and then declined to about 50,000 km2 in 2010. The underground water tables have been lowered by about 10 m in the past 30 years, and declined more rapidly in recent years. Desertified land is significantly related to the amount of total cropland, and underground water tables are significantly correlated with annual precipitation and the amount of irrigated cropland. Therefore, it is necessary to pursue sustainable desertification reversion without compromising the capacity for local development and restoration of degraded land, through application of appropriate management measures for improving water availability in this region.  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地不同尺度上沙丘景观格局动态变化分析   总被引:3,自引:8,他引:3  
研究了科尔沁沙地过去30 a不同尺度上沙丘景观格局及其动态变化。结果表明,大尺度研究区(892.74 km2)从1975—1995年流动沙丘面积、斑块数、景观面积百分比和最大斑块指数逐渐增加;1995—2005年流动和半流动沙丘面积减小,半固定沙丘和固定沙丘面积增加。中尺度(110.42 km2)和小尺度(14.14 km2和14.10 km2)研究区从1975—1985年流动沙丘面积、斑块数增加,1985年后流沙面积减小。通过沙漠化过程指数计算表明,大尺度上沙漠化经历了发展(1975—1995年)—逆转(1995—2005年)的过程,中尺度和小尺度上,沙漠化经历了发展(1975—1985年)—逆转(1985—2005年)的过程。科尔沁沙地不同尺度上景观结构变化具有差异性,显示出景观空间格局变化存在尺度效应;景观格局变化主要受流动沙丘斑块变化的影响,而这一变化的主要原因是人类生产活动引起的。  相似文献   

科尔沁沙地土地沙漠化的历史与现状   总被引:9,自引:6,他引:9  
科尔沁沙地是我国自然条件相对较好的一个沙地,有着广阔的治理前景。回顾科尔沁沙地的历史变化,认为科尔沁沙地是一个全球气候变化大趋势下由人类生产活动过度而形成的沙漠化区域,在金代至清代之间由于人为活动强度减弱,曾经发生明显的沙漠化逆转。根据全国沙漠化普查所获得的资料,研究分析了科尔沁沙地土地沙漠化现状及其特点,结合土地沙漠化发生的历史过程,讨论了这一地区沙漠化的治理策略。  相似文献   

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