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讨论了在Windows环境下用 Delphi3开发半导体应力自动测量系统控制软件的方法和关键细节。介绍硬件与软件调试中要注意的问题。对 Windows环境下开发控制硬件工作的软件进行了探讨。  相似文献   

This paper presents concepts and tools for simulation softwares specification. At an abstract level of specification, we define a simulation software as a couple (conceptual structure, abstract machine). The conceptual structure is a structured representation of the simulated system behaviour. The abstract machine is a set of abstract and general mechanisms able to carry out the management of a system defined through its conceptual schema. We focus in the paper on concepts for behaviour structuring and abstract machine tools.  相似文献   

The behaviour of nerve and muscle fibers can be simulated by computers using physiologically established equations. This paper discusses several local models and their applications. Spatial models are necessary for modelling propagating activities of fibers. Spatial models can be obtained by the combination of local models according to an electrical network. The resulting system of differential equations allows simulation of intracellular as well as extracellular stimulated fibers. The problems to be investigated are listed with numerous references.  相似文献   

In simulation software selection problems, packages are evaluated either on their own merits or in comparison with other packages. In either method, a comprehensive list of criteria for evaluation of simulation software is essential for proper selection. Although various simulation software evaluation checklists do exist, there are differences in the lists provided and the terminologies used. This paper presents a hierarchical framework for simulation software evaluation consisting of seven main groups and several subgroups. An explanation for each criterion is provided and an analysis of the usability of the proposed framework is further discussed.  相似文献   

A simulation model approach for the forecast of software and productivity is presented. The approach represents an industrial engineering solution to a software engineering problem. It is based on a statistical model that describes the software variable size and effort as a product of a signal plus random noise. A roadmap for its construction, validation and operation is developed. Its advantages and disadvantages with respect to other existing procedures are discussed. Finally, its implementation and use are illustrated with a real-life numerical example.  相似文献   

随着软件复杂度的增加和交付需求的变化,快速集成和自动部署成为高性能数值模拟软件推广应用的瓶颈。为满足软件构建和发布的差异化需求,简化从用户需求到软件发布的工作流程,基于Jenkins设计持续集成平台,实现软件静态审查、编译、测试和发布流程的自动化,全面记录软件构建日志和测试结果。利用Docker技术将构建环境容器化,实现环境的快速搭建和配置管理,满足多样化目标环境需求。该平台的实际应用效果显示,基于该平台的产品发布周期相比之前缩短约75%,可极大简化软件安装和部署难度。  相似文献   

We have developed a computer software package for Macintosh to simulate the metabolism and hemoglobin binding affinity of human red blood cell. The model is capable of simulating hemoglobin binding of ligands, metabolite concentrations, and metabolic fluxes at physiological steady state and in response to extracellular parameter variations, such as pH, osmolarity, glucose, and adenine concentrations. The kinetic parameters of enzymes, extracellular conditions, and initial intracellular metabolite concentrations can be specified by the user in order to model a particular situation. The software is use friendly, utilizing menu, window, and mouse to interact with the user. It also provides a pathway map of the red cell, which allows a direct access to enzyme kinetics by clicking the enzymes in the map.  相似文献   

A simulation system is described which supports programming of robot based manufacturing processes. A cad system is used for geometric modelling. The system allows modelling of different object classes like robots, end-effectors, sensors, workpieces as well as the robot's environment. Control functions on different control hierarchies in the manufacturing system can be emulated. The emulation of the virtual robots is displayed graphically. Analysis and evaluation methods are applied to detect errors and conflicts in the simulated manufacturing process with the purpose of optimizing the program.  相似文献   

Models to evaluate the impact of plant diseases on crop production under current and future climatic conditions are increasingly requested by different stakeholders. This paper presents four software components – InoculumPressure, DiseaseProgress, ImpactsOnPlants, AgromanagementDisease – which implement models to simulate the dynamics of generic polycyclic fungal epidemics and interactions with crop physiological processes. The software architecture adopted allows extending the components with alternate approaches to reproduce specific pathosystems or compare predictive capabilities. As proofs of concept, (i) the components are coupled with two crop simulators to reproduce wheat brown rust and rice blast epidemics and their impacts on leaf area and yield formation; (ii) spatially distributed sensitivity analyses are performed for rice in China and wheat in Europe to investigate model behaviour; (iii) a preliminary evaluation against observations of rice blast severity is performed in Northern Italy. The components are explicitly targeted to the modelling of crop–pathogen interactions to perform scenario analysis.  相似文献   

针对一种永磁多回路励磁装置,采用有限元分析工具对励磁装置2个主要尺寸变化时,棒状铁磁构件的内部和表面2 mm位置的磁场分布进行了数值计算,分析了励磁装置的磁化效果,对励磁装置结构进行了设计.实验中,采用高灵敏的巨磁阻传感器对尺寸变化时励磁装置的磁化效果进行了检测,有限元分析结果与实验结果定性符合,研究结果有助于励磁装置的进一步优化设计.  相似文献   

ContextMost research in software effort estimation has not considered chronology when selecting projects for training and testing sets. A chronological split represents the use of a projects starting and completion dates, such that any model that estimates effort for a new project p only uses as training data projects that were completed prior to p’s start. Four recent studies investigated the use of chronological splits, using moving windows wherein only the most recent projects completed prior to a projects starting date were used as training data. The first three studies (S1–S3) found some evidence in favor of using windows; they all defined window sizes as being fixed numbers of recent projects. In practice, we suggest that estimators think in terms of elapsed time rather than the size of the data set, when deciding which projects to include in a training set. In the fourth study (S4) we showed that the use of windows based on duration can also improve estimation accuracy.ObjectiveThis papers contribution is to extend S4 using an additional dataset, and to also investigate the effect on accuracy when using moving windows of various durations.MethodStepwise multivariate regression was used to build prediction models, using all available training data, and also using windows of various durations to select training data. Accuracy was compared based on absolute residuals and MREs; the Wilcoxon test was used to check statistical significances between results. Accuracy was also compared against estimates derived from windows containing fixed numbers of projects.ResultsNeither fixed size nor fixed duration windows provided superior estimation accuracy in the new data set.ConclusionsContrary to intuition, our results suggest that it is not always beneficial to exclude old data when estimating effort for new projects. When windows are helpful, windows based on duration are effective.  相似文献   

CAMBIO, a software package devoted to bioprocess modelling, which runs on Apollo computers, is described. This software enables bioengineers to easily and interactively design appropriate mathematical models directly from their perception of the process. CAMBIO provides the user with a set of design symbols and mnemonic icons in order to interactively design a functional diagram. This diagram has to exhibit the most relevant components with their related interactions through biological and physico-chemical reactions. Then, CAMBIO automatically generates the dynamical material balance equations of the process in the form of an algebraic-differential system by taking advantage of the knowledge involved in the functional diagram. The model may be used for control design purpose or completed by kinetics expressions with a view to simulation. CAMBIO offers facilities to generate a simulation model (for coding of kinetics, introducing auxiliary variables, etc.). This model is automatically interfaced with a specialized simulation software which allows an immediate visualization of the process dynamical behaviour under various operational conditions (possibly involving feedback control strategies). An example of an application dealing with yeast fermentation is given.  相似文献   

Software for interdisciplinary simulation and design of mechanical systems is emerging as a broadly applicable computer-aided engineering (CAE) tool. The emergence of powerful graphics based workstations, affordable minisuper computers, and network computing systems enhances the potential of this class of advanced CAE tools for use in a broad range of industrial applications. This paper analyzes the potential that exists for creating advanced CAE tools by (1) defining requirements for an advanced interdisciplinary simulation and design software system, including system executives, application program integration, support utilities, user interfaces, data base management systems, and computer environment; (2) giving an overview of interdisciplinary systems that are currently in use or in development; and (3) reviewing important features of existing interdisciplinary software systems, with respect to requirements for an advanced CAE system.  相似文献   

The here presented GLAciology NUmerical SImulation Toolbox (GLANUSIT) is a software application which provides a user friendly environment for the numerical simulation of large ice masses evolution. The graphical user interface has been developed in MATLAB while the core of GLANUSIT contains the original FORTRAN codes, which develop the specific numerical methods for the solution of the complex shallow ice model. This highly nonlinear model governs the coupled thermodynamical and hydrodynamical processes. The global algorithm mainly consists on a fixed point iteration between the different subproblems. The numerical solution of each subproblem requires specific techniques, which are not common in present software packages, as for example the part of moving boundaries solvers included in the code. Finally, a practical case study with real data is presented.  相似文献   

This article presents a software designed to help the occupational physician elaborate, print and automatically interrogate the job histories of workers. The need for the surveillance of professional risks throughout careers is the basic assumption on which this software is based and it runs on a PC.  相似文献   

Despite the importance given to the computational efficiency of multibody system (MBS) simulation tools, there is a lack of standard benchmarks to measure the performance of these kinds of software applications. Benchmarking is done on an individual basis: different sets of problems are used, and the procedures and conditions considered to measure computational efficiency are also different. In this scenario, it becomes almost impossible to compare the performance of the different available simulation methods in an objective and quantitative way.This work proposes a benchmarking system for MBS simulation tools. The structure of the benchmark problem collection is defined, and a group of five problems involving rigid bodies is proposed. For these problems, documentation and validated reference solutions in standard formats have been generated, and a procedure to measure the computational efficiency of a given simulation software is described.Finally, the benchmarking system has been applied to evaluate the performance of two different simulation tools: ADAMS/Solver, a popular general-purpose commercial MBS simulation tool, and a custom Fortran code implementation of an Index-3 augmented Lagrangian formulation with projections combined with the implicit single-step trapezoidal rule as integration scheme. Results show that the proposed problems are able to reach the limits of the tested simulation methods, and therefore they can be considered good benchmark problems.  相似文献   

气体膜分离数学模型建立及软件开发   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
气体膜分离是气体分离领域的新型分离技术,气体膜分离过程的设计数学模型建立及通用设计软件开发是工业应用的重要环节。考虑了原料气气质特点、丝内压降和浓差极化等影响建立气体中空纤维膜分离微分数学模型用于多组分分离的设计和较核计算,运用LabVIEW软件开发了气体膜分离计算软件。运行结果与文献中实验结果近似,可以方便准确地设计各种中空纤维式气体膜分离的校核,为气体膜分离的室内试验提供参考,为工业化应用奠定基础。  相似文献   

Traditional simulation software that supports management decisions is configured and run by experienced scientists. However, it is often criticised for its lack of interactivity, not only in the application of decisions but also in the display of results. This paper presents the simulation interface of software with management strategy evaluation capabilities and its capacity to enable resource managers to learn about water quality management as evaluated in a workshop setting. The software ‘MSE Tool’ is not intended to produce definitive real-world advice but provides a test-bed for managers to interactively design strategies and explore the complexities inherent to water quality management using a simple, yet effective, user interface. MSE Tool has been used in a pilot application that simulated the effects of management strategies applied in catchments and their effects on riverine, estuarine and marine water quality in South East Queensland, Australia. The approach and the software are suitable for reuse in other management strategy evaluation projects.  相似文献   

OPC (Ole for Process Control) is an Interoperability Standard that is being extensively used at industry because it facilitates integration and communication between heterogeneous subsystems. From the point of view of the simulation software, OPC support is a bonus that enhances the communication capability between simulation models. In this paper, we describe the development issues for incorporating OPC support into the EcosimPro© modelling and simulation software. The result of this project is a commercially available plug-in that transforms an EcosimPro© model into an OPC server ready to exchange data with other subsystems. Possibilities of the new functionality of the tool are also discussed.  相似文献   

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