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In this paper we analyze the average-case performance of the Modified Harmonic algorithm for on-line bin packing. We first analyze the average-case performance for arbitrary distribution of item sizes over (0,1]. This analysis is based on the following result. Letf 1 andf 2 be two linear combinations of random variables {N i } i=1 k where theN i 's have a joint multinomial distribution for eachn i=1 k ,N i . LetE(f 1) ≠ O andE(f 2)≠ 0. Then limn E(max(f 1,f 2 ))/n = lim n →∞ max(E(f 1),E(f 2))/n. We then consider the special case when the item sizes are uniformly distributed over (0,1]. For specific values of the parameters, the Modified Harmonic algorithm turns out to be better than the other two linear-time on-line algorithms—Next Fit and Harmonic—in both the worst case as well as the average case. We also obtain optimal values for the parameters of the algorithm from the average-case standpoint. For these values of the parameters, the average-case performance ratio is less than 1.19. This compares well with the performance ratios 1.333. and 1.2865. of the Next Fit algorithm and the Harmonic algorithm, respectively.  相似文献   

New approximation algorithms for packing rectangles into a semi-infinite strip are introduced in this paper. Within a standard probability model, an asymptotic average-case analysis is given for the wasted space in the packings produced by these algorithms.An off-line algorithm is presented along with a proof that it wastes (/n)space on the average, wheren is the number of rectangles packed. This result is known to apply to optimal packings as well. Several on-line shelf algorithms are also analyzed. Withn assumed known in advance, one such algorithm is described and shown to waste (n 2/3) space on the average. It is proved that this result also characterizes optimal on-line shelf packings. For a very general class of linear-time algorithms, it is shown that a constant (nonzero) fraction of the space must be wasted on the average for alln, and a lower bound on this fraction in terms of algorithm parameters is given. Finally, the paper discusses the implications of the above results for dynamic packing and two-dimensional bin-packing problems.  相似文献   

We analyze the worst-case ratio of natural variations of the so-called subset sum heuristic for the bin packing problem, which proceeds by filling one bin at a time, each as much as possible. Namely, we consider the variation in which the largest remaining item is packed in the current bin, and then the remaining capacity is filled as much as possible, as well as the variation in which all items larger than half the capacity are first packed in separate bins, and then the remaining capacity is filled as much as possible. For both variants, we show a nontrivial upper bound of 13/9 on the worst-case ratio, also discussing lower bounds on this ratio.  相似文献   

We consider three variants of the open-end bin packing problem. Such variants of bin packing allow the total size of items packed into a bin to exceed the capacity of a bin, provided that a removal of the last item assigned to a bin would bring the contents of the bin below the capacity. In the first variant, this last item is the minimum sized item in the bin, that is, each bin must satisfy the property that the removal of any item should bring the total size of items in the bin below 1. The next variant (which is also known as lazy bin covering is similar to the first one, but in addition to the first condition, all bins (expect for possibly one bin) must contain a total size of items of at least 1. We show that these two problems admit asymptotic fully polynomial time approximation schemes (AFPTAS). Moreover, they turn out to be equivalent. We briefly discuss a third variant, where the input items are totally ordered, and the removal of the maximum indexed item should bring the total size of items in the bin below 1, and show that this variant is strongly NP-hard.  相似文献   

The three-dimensional packing problem can be stated as follows. Given a list of boxes, each with a given length, width, and height, the problem is to pack these boxes into a rectangular box of fixed-size bottom and unbounded height, so that the height of this packing is minimized. The boxes have to be packed orthogonally and oriented in all three dimensions. We present an approximation algorithm for this problem and show that its asymptotic performance bound is between 2.5 and 2.67. This result answers a question raised by Li and Cheng [5] about the existence of an algorithm for this problem with an asymptotic performance bound less than 2.89. This research was partially supported by FAPESP (proc. 93/0603-1) and by CNPq/ProTeM-CC, project ProComb (proc. 680065/94-6).  相似文献   

We consider the problem of scheduling jobs with step-improving processing times around a common critical date on a single machine to minimize the makespan. For this problem, we present a simple linear time off-line approximation algorithm and prove its worst-case performance guarantee.  相似文献   

In 2005, Demange and Paschos proposed in [M. Demange, V.Th. Paschos, On-line vertex-covering, Theoret. Comput. Sci. 332 (2005) 83-108] an online algorithm (noted LR here) for the classical vertex cover problem. They shown that, for any graph of maximum degree Δ, LR constructs a vertex cover whose size is at most Δ times the optimal one (this bound is tight in the worst case).Very recently, two of the present authors have shown in [F. Delbot, C. Laforest, A better list heuristic for vertex cover, Inform. Process. Lett. 107 (2008) 125-127] that LR has interesting properties (it is a good “list algorithm” and it can easily be distributed). In addition, LR has good experimental behavior in spite of its Δ approximation (or competitive) ratio and the fact that it can be executed without the knowledge of the full instance at the beginning.In this paper we analyze it deeper and we show that LR has good “average” performances: we prove that its mean approximation ratio is strictly less than 2 for any graph and is equal to 1+e−2≈1.13 in paths. LR is then a very interesting algorithm for constructing small vertex covers, despite its bad worst case behavior.  相似文献   

The Vickrey-Clarke-Groves (VCG) mechanism offers a general technique for resource allocation with payments, ensuring allocative efficiency while eliciting truthful information about preferences. However, VCG relies on exact computation of an optimal allocation of resources, a problem which is often computationally intractable, and VCG that uses an approximate allocation algorithm no longer guarantees truthful revelation of preferences. We present a series of results for computing or approximating an upper bound on agent incentives to misreport their preferences. Our first key result is an incentive bound that uses information about average (not worst-case) performance of an algorithm, which we illustrate using combinatorial auction data. Our second result offers a simple sampling technique for amplifying the difficulty of computing a utility-improving lie. An important consequence of our analysis is an argument that using state-of-the-art algorithms for solving combinatorial allocation problems essentially eliminates agent incentives to lie.  相似文献   

We study the hierarchically structured bin packing problem. In this problem, the items to be packed into bins are at the leaves of a tree. The objective of the packing is to minimize the total number of bins into which the descendants of an internal node are packed, summed over all internal nodes. We investigate an existing algorithm and make a correction to the analysis of its approximation ratio. Further results regarding the structure of an optimal solution and a strengthened inapproximability result are given.  相似文献   

Dynamic bin packing with unit fraction items revisited   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In this paper, we will study the problem of dynamic bin packing with unit fraction items. We focus on analyzing the First Fit (FF) algorithm on this problem. There are two main results: i) we give the first bound for the FF algorithm on cases when the largest item is at most 1/k; ii) we generalize the previous framework for analyzing FF and get an improved upper bound.  相似文献   

In this paper we study a variant of the bin packing problem in which the items to be packed are structured as the leaves of a tree. The problem is motivated by document organization and retrieval. We show that the problem is NP-hard and we give approximation algorithms for the general case and for the particular case in which all the items have the same size.  相似文献   

Seiden  van Stee 《Algorithmica》2008,36(3):261-293
Abstract. New upper and lower bounds are presented for a multidimensional generalization of bin packing called box packing. Several variants of this problem, including bounded space box packing, square packing, variable-sized box packing and resource augmented box packing are also studied. The main results, stated for d=2 , are as follows: a new upper bound of 2.66013 for online box packing, a new 14/9 + ɛ polynomial time offline approximation algorithm for square packing, a new upper bound of 2.43828 for online square packing, a new lower bound of 1.62176 for online square packing, a new lower bound of 2.28229 for bounded space online square packing and a new upper bound of 2.32571 for online two-sized box packing.  相似文献   

We consider the routing open shop problem being a generalization of two classical discrete optimization problems: the open shop scheduling problem and the metric traveling salesman problem. The jobs are located at nodes of some transportation network, and the machines travel on the network to execute the jobs in the open shop environment. The machines are initially located at the same node (depot) and must return to the depot after completing all the jobs. It is required to find a non-preemptive schedule with the minimum makespan. The problem is NP-hard even on the two-node network with two machines. We present new polynomial-time approximation algorithms with worst-case performance guarantees.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of a distributed system hinges on the manner in which tasks and data are assigned to the underlying system resources. Moreover, today's large-scale distributed systems must accommodate heterogeneity in both the offered load and in the makeup of the available storage and compute capacity. The ideal resource assignment must balance the utilization of the underlying system against the loss of locality incurred when individual tasks or data objects are fragmented among several servers. In this paper we describe this locality-maximizing placement problem and show that an optimal solution is NP-hard. We then describe a polynomial-time algorithm that generates a placement within an additive constant of two from optimal.  相似文献   

We study the NP-hard problem of labeling points with maximum-radius circle pairs: given n point sites in the plane, find a placement for 2n interior-disjoint uniform circles, such that each site touches two circles and the circle radius is maximized. We present a new approximation algorithm for this problem that runs in time and O(n) space and achieves an approximation factor of (≈1.486+ε), which improves the previous best bound of 1.491+ε.  相似文献   

Several grammar-based genetic programming algorithms have been proposed in the literature to automatically generate heuristics for hard optimization problems. These approaches specify the algorithmic building blocks and the way in which they can be combined in a grammar; the best heuristic for the problem being tackled is found by an evolutionary algorithm that searches in the algorithm design space defined by the grammar.In this work, we propose a novel representation of the grammar by a sequence of categorical, integer, and real-valued parameters. We then use a tool for automatic algorithm configuration to search for the best algorithm for the problem at hand. Our experimental evaluation on the one-dimensional bin packing problem and the permutation flowshop problem with weighted tardiness objective shows that the proposed approach produces better algorithms than grammatical evolution, a well-established variant of grammar-based genetic programming. The reasons behind such improvement lie both in the representation proposed and in the method used to search the algorithm design space.  相似文献   

We study the problem of scheduling n jobs in a two-machine flow shop where the second machine is not available for processing during a given time interval. A resumable scenario is assumed, i.e., if a job cannot be finished before the down period it is continued after the machine becomes available again. The objective is to minimize the makespan. The best fast approximation algorithm for this problem guarantees a relative worst-case error bound of 4/3. We present an improved algorithm with a relative worst-case error bound of 5/4.  相似文献   

Analyzing the average-case complexity of algorithms is a very practical but very difficult problem in computer science.In the past few years,we have demonstrated that Kolmogorov complexity is an improtant tool for analyzing the average-case complexity of algorithms.We have developed the incompressibility method.In this paper,sereral simple examples are used to further demonstrate the power and simplicity of such method.We prove bounds on the average-case number of stacks(queues)required for sorting sequential or parallel Queuesort or Stacksort.  相似文献   

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