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German cystic fibrosis (CF) chromosomes were screened for molecular lesions in exon 20 of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) gene by chemical cleavage of mismatch. An 3884G-to-A transition was detected in two patients which leads to an exchange of a serine by an asparagine in the Walker motif A of the second nucleotide binding fold. The affected serine residue is evolutionarily strongly conserved among the pro- and eukaryotic members of the protein superfamily of traffic ATPases. The two S1251N alleles were linked to the benign missense mutation F508C which is located in another conserved region of CFTR, the center region of the first nucleotide binding fold. Both patients with the complex allele F508C-S1251N are carrying delta F508 on the other CF chromosome and are suffering from severe pulmonary and gastrointestinal CF disease. Although F508C has been classified as a neutral sequence variation because of its discovery in healthy delta F508 gene carriers, it may nevertheless influence CFTR dysfunction caused by the S1251N mutation.  相似文献   

Sequences in exons can play an important role in constitutive and regulated pre-mRNA splicing. Since exonic splicing regulatory sequences are generally poorly conserved and their mechanism of action is not well understood, the consequence of exonic mutations on splicing can only be determined empirically. In this study, we have investigated the consequence of two cystic fibrosis (CF) disease-causing mutations, E656X and 2108delA, on the function of a putative exonic splicing enhancer (ESE) in exon 13 of the CFTR gene. We have also determined whether five other CF mutations D648V, D651N, G654S, E664X and T665S located near this putative ESE could lead to aberrant splicing of exon 13. Using minigene constructs, we have demonstrated that the E656X and 2108delA mutations could indeed cause aberrant splicing in a predicted manner, supporting a role for the putative ESE sequence in pre-mRNA splicing. In addition, we have shown that D648V, E664X and T665S mutations could cause aberrant splicing of exon 13 by improving the polypyrimidine tracts of two cryptic 3' splice sites. We also provide evidence that the relative levels of two splicing factors, hTra2alpha and SF2/ASF, could alter the effect on splicing of some of the exon 13 disease mutations. Taken together, our results suggest that the severity of CF disease could be modulated by changes in the fidelity of CFTR pre-mRNA splicing.  相似文献   

We have been investigating the functional consequences of rare disease-associated amino acid substitutions in the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). Mutations of the arginine residue at codon 1070 have been associated with different disease consequences; R1070P and R1070Q with "severe" pancreatic insufficient cystic fibrosis (CF) and R1070W with "mild" pancreatic sufficient CF or congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens. Intriguingly, CFTR bearing each of these mutations is functional when expressed in nonpolarized cells. To determine whether R1070 mutations cause disease by affecting CFTR localization, we created polarized Madin Darby canine kidney (MDCK) cell lines that express either wild-type or mutant CFTR from the same genomic integration site. Confocal microscopy and biotinylation studies revealed that R1070P was not inserted into the apical membrane, R1070W was inserted at levels reduced from wild-type while R1070Q was present in the apical membrane at levels comparable to wild-type. The abnormal localization of CFTR bearing R1070P and R1070W was consistent with deleterious consequences in patients; however, the profile of CFTR R1070Q was inconsistent with a "severe" phenotype. Reanalysis of 16 patients with the R1070Q mutation revealed that 11 carried an in cis nonsense mutation, S466X. All 11 patients carrying the complex allele R1070Q-S466X had severe disease, while 4 out of 5 patients with R1070Q had "mild" disease, thereby reconciling the apparent discrepancy between the localization studies of R1070Q and the phenotype of patients bearing this mutation. Our results emphasize that localization studies in relevant model systems can greatly assist the interpretation of the disease-causing potential of rare missense mutations.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: As a cAMP-regulated Cl- channel, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) plays a critical role in the active secretion of electrolytes and fluid in epithelial cells. Women with CFTR gene mutations are less fertile, generally assumed to be due to cervical factors. However, there is little known about CFTR protein expression in human endometrium and its possible roles in reproduction. METHODS AND RESULTS: CFTR protein and mRNA levels in human endometrium were analysed using immunohistochemical and in situ hybridization methods, respectively. Significant expression of CFTR protein was only seen in the glandular cells from late proliferative to all secretory phases, consistent with western blot analysis. High levels of CFTR mRNA were present only around the ovulatory period. In cultured glandular cells, the production of CFTR protein and mRNA was stimulated by estradiol and inhibited by progesterone. A forskolin-activated Cl- current in endometrial epithelial cells with a linear I-V relationship was detected by the whole-cell patch-clamp technique. CONCLUSIONS: (i) CFTR mRNA and protein were localized in human endometrial epithelial cells and the amounts varied in a cyclic manner; (ii) CFTR expression in cultured glandular cells was up- and downregulated by estradiol and progesterone, respectively; and (iii) CFTR in human endometrium functions as a cAMP-activated Cl- channel.  相似文献   

Isolation of the gene for cystic fibrosis (CF), the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR), provided a basis for analyzing its molecular pathology and resulted in the identification of < 400 mutations associated with disease. Except for the ΔF508 mutation, no other single mutation accounts for > 5% of CF chromosomes in most populations, and most mutation frequencies are < 1%. A strategy based on multiplex PCR followed by multiplex allele-specific oligonucleotide probe ligation was used to detect 30 mutations, distributed throughout ten exons and seven introns of the CFTR gene, that together account for > 96% of CF mutant chromosomes worldwide. Mutations were detected by competitive oligonucleotide probe ligation to detect normal and/or mutant genotypes in one reaction. Three probes (one common and two allelic probes) were needed for analysis of each mutation. Probes hybridized to target DNA were joined by a thermostable ligase if there were no mismatches at their junctions; temperature cycling resulted in a linear increase in product. Common probes were labeled with fluorochromes, and allelic probes each had different lengths. Ligation products were analyzed electrophoretically on a fluorescent DNA sequencer. The results show that combined PCR and probe ligation amplification rapidly and reliably screen for CF homozygotes and carriers. © Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

The R domain of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) was originally defined as 241 amino acids, encoded by exon 13. Such exon/intron boundaries provide a convenient way to define the R domain, but do not necessarily reflect the corresponding functional domain within CFTR. A two-domain model was later proposed based on a comparison of the R-domain sequences from 10 species. While RD1, the N-terminal third of the R domain is highly conserved, RD2, the large central region of the R domain has less rigid structural requirements. Although this two-domain model was given strong support by recent functional analysis data, the simple observation that two of the four main phosphorylation sites are excluded from RD2 clearly indicates that RD2 still does not satisfy the requirements of a "functional R domain." Nevertheless, knowledge of the CFTR structure and function accumulated over the past decade and reevaluated in the context of a comprehensive sequence comparison of 15 CFTR homologues made it possible to define such a "functional R domain," i.e., amino acids C647 to D836. This definition is validated primarily because it contains all of the important potential consensus phosphorylation sequences. In addition, it includes the highly charged motif from E822 to D836. Finally, it includes all of the deletions/insertions in this region. This definition also aids in understanding the effects of missense mutations occurring within this domain.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is an epithelial Cl- channel expressed in luminal membranes of secretory and reabsorptive epithelia. CFTR plays a predominant role in both cAMP- and Ca2+-activated secretion of electrolytes. Although Ca2+-dependent Cl- channels exist independent of CFTR in the airway epithelium, their physiological significance remains to be determined. However, CFTR seems to be the only relevant Cl- conductance in the colonic epithelium. Apart from its secretory function, CFTR also has a task in regulating the reabsorption of electrolytes by controlling the activity of the epithelial Na+ channel, ENaC. Accordingly, defects in CFTR causing the disease cystic fibrosis (CF) lead to disturbances of both the secretion and absorption of electrolytes. Therefore, it is unclear what is pathophysiologically more important for the development of CF lung disease, the impaired secretion of Cl- or the enhanced reabsorption of Na+ and consecutive hyperabsorption of electrolytes. The mechanisms of how CFTR and ENaC interact are unknown. Previous work has given rise to several interesting working hypothesis, such as direct protein interaction or interaction via cytoskeletal proteins. Recent studies demonstrate the importance of the first nucleotide binding fold of CFTR, not only for the inhibition of ENaC but also for the interaction with other ion channels. Further studies are required to demonstrate whether regulation of other ion channels and membrane transport by CFTR occur by a common mechanism.  相似文献   

Cystic fibrosis (CF) is an autosomal recessive disorder caused by many types of genetic defects, including premature stop codons. Gentamicin can suppress stop mutations in CF transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in vitro and in vivo, leading to improvements in CFTR-dependent ion transport and protein localization to the apical surface of respiratory epithelial cells. The primary objective of this study was to test whether nasally administered gentamicin or tobramycin could suppress premature stop mutations in CFTR, resulting in full-length, functional protein. A secondary objective was to obtain data to aid in the design of multicenter trials using the nasal potential difference as a study endpoint. A multicenter study was conducted in two cohorts of patients with CF, those heterozygous for stop mutations in the CFTR gene and those without nonsense mutations, to investigate the effects of both gentamicin and tobramycin administered over a 28-d period on sequential nasal potential difference and airway cell immunofluorescence endpoints. Eleven patients with CF with stop mutations were enrolled in a randomized, double-blinded, crossover fashion to receive each drug, while 18 subjects with CF without stop mutations were randomized 1:1 in a parallel fashion to receive one drug. After demonstration of drug delivery, neither aminoglycoside produced detectable changes in nasal ion transport or CFTR localization in brushed cells from either study group. These results with first-generation suppressive agents suggest the need for improved drug delivery methods and/or more potent suppressors of nonsense mutations to confer CFTR correction in subjects with CF heterozygous for nonsense mutations. The study provides valuable information on parameters of the nasal potential difference measurements for use in future multicenter clinical trials.  相似文献   

The determination of the expression of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) in the lung is essential for a full understanding of the normal lung physiology and the pathogenesis of the lung disease in cystic fibrosis (CF). However, studies on the expression of CFTR in the distal adult human lung have yielded conflicting results despite functional evidence of expression of CFTR in bronchiolar and alveolar epithelial cells. We used 2 high-affinity monoclonal anti-CFTR antibodies, MAb24-1 and MAb13-1, to determine the expression of CFTR in samples of bronchiolar and alveolar tissues obtained from the same non-CF individuals. CFTR immunostaining was detected in the epithelium of bronchiolar and alveolar tissues. The staining pattern was similar with both antibodies. In bronchioles, CFTR labeling was present mostly in ciliated cells; in alveoli, CFTR labeling was detected in both type I and type II cells. We conclude that CFTR is expressed in human bronchiolar and alveolar epithelial cells. The potential importance of CFTR expression in alveoli should be further investigated, particularly with respect to the CF lung disease and the physiology of the alveolar region.  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) is an anion channel regulated by cAMP-dependent phosphorylation, which is expressed in epithelial cells of a wide variety of tissues including the reproductive tracts. Mutations in the gene encoding CFTR cause cystic fibrosis, a common genetic disease in Caucasian populations with a multitude of clinical manifestations including infertility/subfertility in both sexes. However, the physiological role of CFTR in reproduction and its involvement in the pathogenesis of reproductive diseases remain largely unknown. This review discusses the role of CFTR in regulating fluid volume and bicarbonate secretion in the reproductive tracts and their importance in various reproductive events. We also discuss the contribution of CFTR dysfunction to a number of pathological conditions. The evidence presented is consistent with an important role of CFTR in reproductive health and disease, suggesting that CFTR might be a potential target for the diagnosis and treatment of reproductive diseases including infertility.  相似文献   



Classic cystic fibrosis is now known part of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR)-related disorders. These include a wide spectrum, from multi-system disorders, such as cystic fibrosis, to mono-symptomatic conditions, such as chronic pancreatitis or congenital bilateral absence of the vas deferens. However, respiratory disease is considered typical for the multi system disorder, cystic fibrosis, and is the major cause of morbidity and mortality. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the potential effects of CFTR gene mutations in Korean children with asthma.

Materials and Methods

We selected 14 mutations identified in Korea and each of the 48 children with and without asthma were genotyped for the case-control study.


No significant differences were found in genotype and allele frequencies of the 9 polymorphisms observed between the non-asthma and asthma groups. In a haplotype determination based on a Bayesian algorithm, 8 haplotypes were assembled in the 98 individuals tested. However, we also did not find any significant differences in haplotype frequencies between the non-asthma and asthma groups.


We have concluded that this study did not show any evidence in support of providing that CFTR genetic variations significantly contribute to the susceptibility of asthma in Korean children.  相似文献   

Deletion of the amino acid residue Phe 508 of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) protein represents the most common mutation identified in cystic fibrosis (CF) patients. A monoclonal and a polyclonal antibody directed against different regions of CFTR were used to localize the CFTR protein in normal and CF airway epithelium derived from polyps of non-CF and CF subjects homozygous for the delta Phe 508 CFTR mutation. To identify the cellular and subcellular localization of CFTR, immunofluorescent light microscopy, confocal scanning microscopy, and immunogold transmission electron microscopy were performed on cryofixed tissue. A markedly different subcellular distribution was identified between normal and CF airway epithelial cells. In normal epithelium, labeling was restricted to the surface apical compartment of the ciliated cells. In contrast, in the epithelium from homozygous delta Phe 508 CF patients, CFTR markedly accumulated in the cytosol of all the epithelial cells. These findings are consistent with the concept that the CFTR delta Phe 508 mutation modifies the intracellular maturation and trafficking of the protein, leading to an altered subcellular distribution of the delta Phe 508 mutant CFTR.  相似文献   

The function of the R domain of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) has not yet been fully established. The cis-trans proline isomerase cyclophilin A stimulates channel activity, and stimulation depends on the presence of highly conserved prolines at positions 740, 750, and 759. When the prolines at these positions, which normally exist in the cis conformation, are locked into the trans conformation by mutation to alanine (the P3A mutant), the open probability of P3A is high and is not further increased by cyclophilin A. We speculated that one mechanism by which this could occur was by promoting CFTR dimerization, which has been shown to increase open probability, and that the P3A-CFTR might favor dimerization more strongly than the native sequence. To test the hypothesis that R-R interaction occurs and is stronger in the P3A-R mutants, we investigated R-R interactions. GST-R and StrepII-R proteins expressed in Escherichia coli could interact with R domain protein translated in vitro as well as with full-length CFTR. In similar assays, the P3A mutant of R domain also interacts with R domain and P3A-R. The P3A-R-P3A-R interaction is stronger than the R-R interaction, which corroborates our data from the channel study and supports our hypothesis. Studies of deletion constructs of the isolated R domain and of full-length CFTR localize the region of interaction to the C-terminal portion of R (after amino acid 708). Particularly, the last 22 a.a. residues (838-859) of R are essential for this binding. R-R interaction possibly plays a role in channel gating.  相似文献   

In most epithelia ion transport is tightly regulated. One major primary target of such regulation is the modulation of ion channels. The present brief review focuses on one specific example of ion channel regulation by the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR). CFTR functions as a cAMP-regulated Cl- channel. Its defect leads to the variable clinical pictures of cystic fibrosis (CF), which today is understood as a primary defect of epithelial Cl- channels in a variety of tissues such as the respiratory tract, intestine, pancreas, skin, epididymis, fallopian tube, and others. Most recent findings suggest that CFTR also acts as a channel regulator. Three examples are discussed by which CFTR regulates other Cl- channels, K+ channels, and epithelial Na+ channels. From this perspective it is evident that CFTR may play a major role in the integration of cellular function.Abbreviations CF Cystic fibrosis - CFTR Cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator - IBMX Isobutylmethylxanthine - ICOR Intermediate conductance outwardly rectifying - MDR Multidrug resistance protein Supported by DFG: Gr 480/11  相似文献   

The cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator (CFTR) functions as a Cl- channel important in transepithelial salt and water transport. While there is a paucity of direct structural information on CFTR, much has been learned about the molecular determinants of the CFTR Cl- channel pore region and the mechanism of Cl- permeation through the pore from indirect structure-function studies. The first and sixth transmembrane regions of the CFTR protein play major roles in forming the channel pore and determining its functional properties by interacting with permeating Cl- ions. Positively charged amino acid side-chains are involved in attracting negatively charged Cl- ions into the pore region, where they interact briefly with a number of discrete sites on the pore walls. The pore appears able to accommodate more than one Cl- ion at a time, and Cl- ions bound inside the pore are probably sensitive to one another's presence. Repulsive interactions between Cl- ions bound concurrently within the pore may be important in ensuring rapid movement of Cl- ions through the pore. Chloride ion binding sites also interact with larger anions that can occlude the pore and block Cl- permeation, thus inhibiting CFTR function. Other ions besides Cl- are capable of passing through the pore, and specific amino acid residues that may be important in allowing the channel to discriminate between different anions have been identified. This brief review summarizes these mechanistic insights and tries to incorporate them into a simple cartoon model depicting the interactions between the channel and Cl- ions that are important for ion translocation.  相似文献   

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